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MAME 0.219

MAME 0.219

MAME 0.219 arrives today, just in time for the end of February! This month we’ve got another piece of Nintendo Game & Watch history – Pinball – as well as a quite a few TV games, including Dream Life Superstar, Designer’s World, Jenna Jameson’s Strip Poker, and Champiyon Pinball. The previously-added Care Bears and Piglet’s Special Day TV games are now working, as well as the big-endian version of the MIPS Magnum R4000. As always, the TV games vary enormously in quality, from enjoyable titles, to low-effort games based on licensed intellectual properties, to horrible bootlegs using blatantly copied assets. If music/rhythm misery is your thing, there’s even a particularly bad dance mat game in there.
On the arcade side, there are fixes for a minor but long-standing graphical issue in Capcom’s genre-defining 1942, and also a fairly significant graphical regression in Seibu Kaihatsu’s Raiden Fighters. Speaking of Seibu Kaihatsu, our very own Angelo Salese significantly improved the experience in Good E-Jan, and speaking of graphics fixes, cam900 fixed some corner cases in Data East’s innovative, but little-known, shoot-’em-up Boogie Wings. Software list additions include the Commodore 64 INPUT 64 collection (courtesy of FakeShemp) and the Spanish ZX Spectrum Load’N’Run collection (added by ICEknight). New preliminary CPU cores and disassemblers include IBM ROMP, the NEC 78K family, Samsung KS0164 and SSD Corp’s Xavix 2.
As always, you can get the source and 64-bit Windows binary packages from the download page.

MAME Testers Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

Clones promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

Software list items promoted to working

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

Source Changes

submitted by cuavas to emulation [link] [comments]

Our Hero (A poker dream, a poker nightmare)

It’s the World Series of Poker. The Rio is bustling. Tournaments in every meeting hall, cages whirring, vendors hustling. There’s a certain energy. The known pros carry themselves confidently. They stick out to those in the know, but blend in to anyone else. The Home Game Heroes can’t help but look a little nervous. On the inside, they feel like they can win. They don’t fear most of the recognizable pros. They’ve seen them make mistakes and the game has evolved long past their glory days on TV. There’s a beautiful dynamic that can only exist in a game that relies heavily on chance from hand to hand. Everyone thinks they can win.
Our Hero enters the room for Day 3 of a $1500 event. Only 3 tables remain. There’s a chance they crown a winner and award a bracelet, but most likely the Final Table will play a Day 4. He’s one of the aforementioned Home Game Heroes. He’s in Vegas for fun but he’s all business at the poker table. He has some minor cashes and his Hendon gives away that he’s been playing for years. No rookie, but not experienced enough to feel comfortable playing for a bracelet. The pressure feels heavy. Like his backpack is full of more than a few essentials, like someone put a 5 lbs weight in his hood.
He’s confused. The room is spinning. He takes a deep breath and startles in to focus.
“Sir, you can’t stand here!” A woman in a pantsuit scolds him. She's probably already scolded 15 lost souls today and it's not yet noon.
“Sorry. Where’s the fifteen-hundred?”
“It’s been moved to the Coco Room. Across from the Amazon.”
Our Hero makes his way to the Coco Room. One of the value-priced events is starting today and it is a madhouse. It has forced other tournaments into smaller rooms as the larger rooms were needed. Extra tables are being set up in the lobby near the gift shop. This was going to be chaos. But chaos the World Series staff always find a way to accommodate.
“Glad I’m not in that mess…” Our Hero thinks the way you might about passing a traffic jam in the opposite lane.
He walks in the Coco Room. It’s freezing. It might be 50 degrees.
“What the hell?” he thinks to himself as he finds his seat, glad he has his hoodie. The rest of the remaining field is already seated. Eagerly awaiting their bags and the command from the TD to “shuffle up and deal!” They’re in the money. Min cash territory but there isn’t the pressure of the bubble. Just the pressure of chasing a bracelet and a nice chunk of change up top.
A lady wearing a teal vest walks in with a push cart. The cart has trays with what, at first, look like the previous day’s bagged chips. Each tray coordinates with a table. She makes her way around the room giving everyone their bags.
She places a wet plastic bag in front of Our Hero. Covered in condensation.
“What the...!? What is this!?”
The bag is filled with colored ice cubes.
“No way…” Once again the room is spinning. His breath is quickened. He’s again startled back to focus by an authoritative voice. That of an Assistant TD.
“That’s your stack.” He says firmly.
“What do you mean ‘that’s my stack?’ Where are my chips!?”
“Look man, with all the other tournaments going on, we needed the chips in the other rooms. This is what we have to work with.”
Our Hero is stunned. In disbelief. “This is the fucking World Series!” he thinks to himself. He looks to the rest of the table for support but they’re all stacking ice cubes, smiling and joking around, ready to play, as if nothing were out of place. Our Hero’s ears begin to fill with a cloudy muffled noise that gets louder and louder. He can feel himself protesting to the ATD but can’t hear his own words or those of the ATD. He starts to sway and has to quickly sit down to avoid passing out.
“All done with the tantrum? Ready to play?” the ATD says condescendingly. Our Hero just nods.
Once the initial shock of playing with wet melting ice wears off, the typical patterns of a poker tournament manifest. One eye on the clock, another on the action. The Remaining Players count starts to tick down, 27… 26… 25. All the money is up top. Our Hero is here to win. He has a healthy stack and a solid strategy.
After about an hour Our Hero is in the Big Blind. The UTG player limps and it folds to the Button. The Button raises to roughly 5 times the Big Blind. Our Hero looks down. Finally, his luck is changing. A couple of black Kings. “I raise” Our Hero announces as he reaches for chips. But once again he’s interrupted, this time by the Dealer.
“The Big Blind is All-in.”
“What?” Our Hero looks down. Panic. Somehow, he only has 9 BB. Where did the chips go? He tries to look under the rail, at the player’s stacks adjacent to him. “What the fuck is going on!?” He sees a slightly blue colored puddle under his remaining stack. They’ve melted.
And just like that, Our Hero is All-In. Both the UTG player and the Button call and when all the cards are dealt Our Hero has tripled-up. He tries to compose himself. Deep breaths. Coming to the realization that he has about a 30 BB stack, deep in the tournament, it’s okay. It’s going to be okay. But also realizing for the first time that, while it is freezing in here, the chips are melting, he's going to have to get it in more often or the stacks will literally melt away. This is a new wrinkle. A new determination rushes through him.
A couple more hours pass. Our Hero is being aggressive and it's working. 12 players remain and since the tournament is moving so quickly, melting chips and all, it looks like they’ll be crowning a Champion today. Our Hero lets himself feel the pressure and the possibilities all at once. He may never get this close again. The two 6-handed tables are hand-for-hand as we work our way to a final table and the big money.
Suddenly a massive pot develops on the other table. 3 players are All-In and a 4th has called. The Dealer raps the table and the River is dealt pairing the board. Our Hero’s eyes dart from player to player in no particular order, the first had a combo draw and turned a small flush, the second quickly mucks and Our Hero didn’t get a good look, the third player a bigger flush… “Ouch” And then the 4th player, a flopped set made boat on the River. A Full House to bust 3 players!
Our Hero can’t help but smile ear to ear! He just made the Final Table of a WSOP event! The TD announces that there will be a 20 minute break while the table is set for the Final Table. Everyone is told to leave the room and return in no less than 15 minutes.
Our Hero complies. Still shaking from the adrenaline of a hand he wasn’t even in.
About 17 minutes later all 9 remaining players are in their seats. Eagerly awaiting their shot at glory. The mood is noticeably lighter.
Another 30 minutes go by. Still nothing. There is a sense of confusion but there’s no choice but to be patient. Our Hero starts to wonder if maybe they’ll bring the final 9 back tomorrow for a final table. Maybe they want to use the feature table and film it for television! He doubts it, as he doesn’t recognize any of the other players and they all appear to be, shall we say, typical.
An hour later the TD comes in with 3 others. All in their vests and slacks. The TD proceeds to pass out slips of paper to each of the remaining 9 players. Our Hero looks at his in disbelief. Printed on the slip along with the requisite tournament information is an amount. $440.
“What is this?” he protest, pointing to the amount.
“That’s your pay slip. Just take it to the ca-”
“I know it’s a pay slip. How the hell did you come up with $440? I haven’t busted! There are no chops here! What the fuck is going on!?” Our Hero is incensed. No cash position was less than the $1500 buy-in. Let alone finishing 9th or better should have netted significantly more.
“We won’t be finishing the tournament. We calculated the payouts based on the chips everyone had left an-”
“The chips were fucking melting! Why the hell aren’t we finishing!?” Once again Our Hero looks to the other players for support of his protest. Again, they carry on like nothing is awry. They shake hands and congratulate each other. Our Hero’s heart is beating out of his chest. He can’t fathom what is happening.
Then, I woke up. Still somewhat panicked. I had to resist the desire to text my poker group chat at 5am. I don't know what sort of therapy I desperately need but that was a wild ride so I thought I'd share.
submitted by texjosh07 to poker [link] [comments]

How does my ~$1300, non-gaming workstation look to you??
I spent the last seven or so hours since I finished work on researching different computer specifications and I spent two hours talking to my friend online about a potential build that works for me this is what we came up with. I'm curious to hear your thoughts. So you understand the thought process we went through to arrive at each decision I'll break it down individually and you can make any comments or changes you feel necessary.
For background, I'm coming from a 2013 MacBook Air so everything listed in the computer is going to feel like a massive upgrade for me. The main program on looking for it to run is called piosolver or GTO plus, I have the websites below. Piosolver is a poker software that uses computational power to calculate mathematically optimal Solutions. For very advanced and big trees in piosolver you would need to do it on a server, but since I have budgetary limitations I will do the best to build a computer that can run it well.
The one thing I’m unclear about is whether they solve the simulations using memory or the chip. The tech specs on both sites differ:
We spend a lot of time discussing which chip and what would make the most sense for the build and price I have in mind. We narrowed it down to the ryzen 7 3700 X and the ryzen 5 3600 X. He figured probably for running software like piosolver the better chip would be the 3700 x given that it's both newer and a bit better than the ryzen 5 for intensive processes. It cost a little bit more but I think it's better to spend the money here given that it's basically the brain of the computer. We didn't really look at any intel chips but I'm okay with that I'm kind of leaning towards a AMD chip, but I'm not opposed to an Intel chip if you think there is one that would fit better into this build on that has a better price point. On Amazon the ryzen 7 comes with the Wraith Prism cooler. I'm not sure if you think it would be an issue if I'm running sims that will take a long time, but I think the stock cooler will probably be okay for me.
I know that on the site there are some compatibility errors I think that has to do with the BIOS update of the motherboard. I spoke to my friend about this when we were picking the motherboard and he said that he thinks that specific motherboard is probably already going to have received the update when it ships so that shouldn't be an issue. I know there's some other compatibility errors, and I’d appreciate it if you could take a look at those and tell me if there is anything significant that I need to take into consideration. In choosing this motherboard, he said it was a standard solidly rated motherboard on His technical understanding is much deeper than mine so he had other reasons for suggesting this motherboard, which went over my head. I don't think I will have any overly excessive motherboard needs so I thought it worked for me and the price was acceptable.
Both he and you agreed that probably 32 gigs of RAM is more than enough for what I'm looking to do with a poker solver. Given that you're both in agreement I think you're probably right so I decided I'd go with 32 gigs of RAM and if in the future it becomes a bottleneck I will upgrade to 64, but that's said I don't see it being likely. The ram was just chosen as it seems to be of solid value for 32GB ddr4 memory.
So as far as the graphics card, given that I've survived the past seven years on almost no graphical ability on my MacBook Air, I obviously don't need a high-end graphics card. Me and my friend both agreed that it probably makes sense for me to get a basic entry level gaming card so that I can play simple games if I decide to game a little bit. Let me know if you think there is a better graphics card around this price point.
The power supply was effectively just chosen because he said 650 watts would probably be more than enough, and this is a decently priced well-reviewed power supply and it's the one he put in his build. I can't remember exactly but I think he has a ryzen 5 build with 16 gigabytes of RAM.
The case was just quickly chosen, he's going to look into more cases for me, I don't really have a strong preference for any case but I would prefer something that's cheap, has good airflow and is quiet. Ideally, the case would also be small and light but I realize that's a bit of a contradiction from what I just said in a previous sentence, and I would prefer air flow and sound over size and weight. I don't have strong preferences on the case either way so if you know any good cases that everything would fit well into please feel free to suggest one.
I've had my MacBook Air for 7 years and I have never filled up 120 gig hard drive, I also have an external 250GB hard drive. so I figured I would just kind of save money on that and get the 256 gig NVME Drive. He recommended that I could also use the following drive the Samsung Evo,
But I don't really think it's necessary for me to spend the extra money because it's such a small increase in performance that I don't think I will notice.
I would appreciate your thoughts on this build and any modifications necessary. This is just our first draft so I'm by no means settled on this build.
The prices here are pretty much bang on what I'm looking to spend, but if you think there are certain things that can be upgraded or downgraded based on my needs I'm not opposed to spending three or four hundred more or less.
Mice, Keyboard, Monitor coming later. I have ergo issues and will buy certain stuff.
submitted by theflamesweregolfin to buildapc [link] [comments]

MAME 0.219

MAME 0.219

MAME 0.219 arrives today, just in time for the end of February! This month we’ve got another piece of Nintendo Game & Watch history – Pinball – as well as a quite a few TV games, including Dream Life Superstar, Designer’s World, Jenna Jameson’s Strip Poker, and Champiyon Pinball. The previously-added Care Bears and Piglet’s Special Day TV games are now working, as well as the big-endian version of the MIPS Magnum R4000. As always, the TV games vary enormously in quality, from enjoyable titles, to low-effort games based on licensed intellectual properties, to horrible bootlegs using blatantly copied assets. If music/rhythm misery is your thing, there’s even a particularly bad dance mat game in there.
On the arcade side, there are fixes for a minor but long-standing graphical issue in Capcom’s genre-defining 1942, and also a fairly significant graphical regression in Seibu Kaihatsu’s Raiden Fighters. Speaking of Seibu Kaihatsu, our very own Angelo Salese significantly improved the experience in Good E-Jan, and speaking of graphics fixes, cam900 fixed some corner cases in Data East’s innovative, but little-known, shoot-’em-up Boogie Wings. Software list additions include the Commodore 64 INPUT 64 collection (courtesy of FakeShemp) and the Spanish ZX Spectrum Load’N’Run collection (added by ICEknight). New preliminary CPU cores and disassemblers include IBM ROMP, the NEC 78K family, Samsung KS0164 and SSD Corp’s Xavix 2.
As always, you can get the source and 64-bit Windows binary packages from the download page.

MAME Testers Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

Clones promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

Software list items promoted to working

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

Source Changes

submitted by cuavas to MAME [link] [comments]

MAME 0.219

MAME 0.219

MAME 0.219 arrives today, just in time for the end of February! This month we’ve got another piece of Nintendo Game & Watch history – Pinball – as well as a quite a few TV games, including Dream Life Superstar, Designer’s World, Jenna Jameson’s Strip Poker, and Champiyon Pinball. The previously-added Care Bears and Piglet’s Special Day TV games are now working, as well as the big-endian version of the MIPS Magnum R4000. As always, the TV games vary enormously in quality, from enjoyable titles, to low-effort games based on licensed intellectual properties, to horrible bootlegs using blatantly copied assets. If music/rhythm misery is your thing, there’s even a particularly bad dance mat game in there.
On the arcade side, there are fixes for a minor but long-standing graphical issue in Capcom’s genre-defining 1942, and also a fairly significant graphical regression in Seibu Kaihatsu’s Raiden Fighters. Speaking of Seibu Kaihatsu, our very own Angelo Salese significantly improved the experience in Good E-Jan, and speaking of graphics fixes, cam900 fixed some corner cases in Data East’s innovative, but little-known, shoot-’em-up Boogie Wings. Software list additions include the Commodore 64 INPUT 64 collection (courtesy of FakeShemp) and the Spanish ZX Spectrum Load’N’Run collection (added by ICEknight). New preliminary CPU cores and disassemblers include IBM ROMP, the NEC 78K family, Samsung KS0164 and SSD Corp’s Xavix 2.
As always, you can get the source and 64-bit Windows binary packages from the download page.

MAME Testers Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

Clones promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

Software list items promoted to working

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

Source Changes

submitted by cuavas to cade [link] [comments]

MAME 0.206

MAME 0.206

Welcome to 2019 – we’re starting the year with a bang! MAME 0.206 is an absolutely huge update when it comes to new dumps and newly working software, especially when it comes to TV games. As far as we know, MAME is the first V.Smile emulator with working controls and the most compatible, with almost all dumped titles fully playable for one player (the second joystick isn’t working yet). A number of JAKKS Pacific games based on similar technology are also working in this release. And from Japan, you can now play the Popira and Dance Dance Revolution Family Mat rhythm games, as well as Super Dash Ball. The Namco Nostalgia and Taito Nostalgia games are now playable, too. Game & Watch coverage is steadily expanding, with Black Jack, Lifeboat, Manhole (new wide screen), and Rain Shower added in this release. Black Jack is particularly notable as it hasn’t seen re-issue or emulation before now.
On the arcade side, San Francisco Rush 2049 and its Special Edition have been promoted to working, and we’ve added alternate versions and bootlegs of several supported games. Heihachi_73 has tested the Aristocrat Mk V slot machines, and dozens have been promoted to working. If you enjoy spinning the wheels, why not give some a try?
If you’re aware of the effort to preserve original Apple II software in the new low-level WOZ disk image format, it should come as no surprise that MAME is on board. We’ve started documenting these dumps in a software list, and we’ll continue to add dumps as they become available. If you’re a fan of Acorn computers, you might want to try some of the newly supported BBC Micro ROM slot expansions, including banked ROM devices, RAM expansions, and real-time clocks. A few additional Electron expansion devices have been added, too.
Of course, these are just selected highlights, and there are plenty more bug fixes and emulation improvements in this release. There are also some incremental improvements to MAME’s system and software selection menus. You can get the source and Windows binary packages from the download page.

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

Clones promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

Software list items promoted to working

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

Source Changes

submitted by cuavas to emulation [link] [comments]

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