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JoJo's Bizarre OC Tournament #5: Round 2 Match 8 - Arpeggi and Agnes Versus Glitch and William

The results are in for Match 6. The winner is…
Player Team, with a score of 83 to Ernie Ford’s 62!
Category Winner Point Totals Comments
Popularity Players 25-5
Quality TIE 24-24 Reasoning
JoJolity Players 24-23 Reasoning
Conduct TEAM 10-10
...“You know what I'm here for!” Effie’s words rang out as Ernie watched on at the unexpected turn of events.
“The funny thing is I really don’t know.” Ernie stood there and took in the scene. Was this the first time he had seen this type of outburst in the District? Ernie tried to recall, but now wasn’t really the time to reminisce on bad memories.
Something was afoot. Something about Ugo threatening them that was for sure. But if Ugo wanted somebody to fight him this would never be his plan of attack. “Would you care to enlighten me then, I wouldn’t mind this either way!” Ernie shouted back, his tone was neutral, the tension of the situation only increased, but he didn’t see a need to fight back even now.
“They sent us here, because they wanted us to steal your notebook!” Ernie heard the voice of Jenny behind a tree.
Things started to make sense to Ernie, the hiding, why it wasn’t Odin’s people doing this, and that outburst. “And what do you two intend to do?” Ernie moved his backpack from his back to carrying it on one arm.
“Well if you help us, you could send them a fake notebook! It’s not like we like those fuckers anyways!” Jenny replied beyond the trees.
Well that wasn’t so difficult was it, it only took one or maybe both of their ire to get to this arrangement. Ernie weighed this against the prospect that they were lying to him, but if it came down to it it would just be either a fight now or a fight later. “Alright I’ll help you! I’ll be in my cabin manuscripting! You two wait outside, this will take less than an hour!” Ernie shouted back over as he started to walk back to his cabin.
“Your funeral..wait what?!” Effie flipped as Jenny clapped an arm on her, “We did it, we can get out of this shitty situation.”
Effie looked around, The Murder receded back into herself. “Did that really just happen?” She held out the hope that it really would be that easy, she wanted to believe it but she felt a slight pang of confusion, guilt maybe?
Jenny continued on, “We just have to make sure that he does his end of the deal and we’ll be out of here in no time.” Jenny looked at Effie’s face as she noticed the change in expression, “You okay there? You let out a bunch just now and if you wanted to talk about it.”
“No I’m ok, come on we have to still keep an eye on him.” Effie brushed Jenny’s arm off and made her way closer into the clearing with Jenny following.
Well, that was somewhat anticlimactic. If you were hoping for a match with some more carnage in it, how about checking out a race out of a monster-filled urn and voting on it?
Sound’s Garden Eastern Strip - Heartache Casino VIP Room
“So kind of you all to come again,” a man dressed garishly in gold spoke to a roomful of wealthy highrollers, a lounge area with a wall taken up by a screen large enough to make the place double as something of a particularly cozy home theater, a setup which had typically been reserved for two things: watching games organized by Heartache Casino’s owner on the closed-circuits of buildings he owned, and being rented out for private parties and banquets.
“This is pretty unconventional,” a dark-haired sniper remarked between drinks, staring at the screen as it showed, largely, several shots of a building in Downtown Los Fortuna, which seemed to have rapidly grown occupied by a small group of Stand Users, some of whom familiar to the district’s regulars after some close shaves in the subways both occupied, “but it’s brilliant… Just needed to get your tech guy to get cameras in there, now you have a huge show for free.”
“Should you be drinking, Seido?” The gold-clad owner asked, raising an eyebrow, “I mean, if something comes up…”
“If something comes up, I’m off-duty, I’m just a guest right now, and I can shoot well enough sloshed to get myself out of a bind. If you wanted me as security, you should’ve hired me for that… Though really, I’d have rather been down there raising some hell if I was gonna shoot things.”
Tigran sighed, finding that fair enough, he supposed… He wasn’t going to hire this man when he was buzzed, and he wouldn’t do guard detail for free either. Apparently, the man literally came to the city walking out of a bar into the flag unveiling, so he shouldn’t have been surprised.
Still, though, even with moods high here, nobody seeming to mind the way anonymous characters like Oh No and Conqueror Worm mingled among them. Sure, they were kind of a low-priority target right now, with protests in the Business district, the hell-on-earth about to be unleashed Downtown keeping their worst nightmares busy, and the usual BS in places like the Waterfront and Industrial, but the man once noted for his supremely smarmy overconfidence had been feeling more anxious lately, probably because the Entertainment District’s criminal underground had taken some losses recently.
Things were riding high with several successful games, and the arrival of Conqueror Worm, revitalizing everything that they had thought they’d known and opening up whole new possibilities of what games might be possible to organize from a place of safety, all while not asking for a penny of payment. He was a weird guy, but a valuable asset, and all that was understood to be asked in return was that they pretend not to know exactly who it was underneath that big fleshy suit.
And then, the next time they had an in-person event, a bunch of them died in a fire, and on the way to… Well, who knew why he was there, but something happened that got a formerly active manager and ‘game’ organizer murdered blocks away from the site of the flames. Was it a sign, then, that the old ways really were dying, that they needed to change with the times or lose this subculture of theirs entirely?
Maybe, and maybe some would leave it like that, but Tigran “Golden” Sins knew another source of common ground with every one of their games to go wrong, to go awry, to risk the future and safety of all that they were, all that they had. Everything (besides that time he got punched in the face) that had gone wrong, from Thutmose leaving them, to events that were supposed to be disastrous bloodbaths going well for the ‘players’ and ruining bets, could trace back somewhere.
And she was sitting there looking very disinterested, nursing a sparkling juice in a very expensive evening dress and earrings, recently bought by the only man in the world he believed to be above himself.
“Having a good time, Metra?” Fox asked the star known to much of the city as TD/MD, smiling smoothly and paying her more attention than the event itself, where he was significantly more public than before. He’d spent how many thousands on her in a few days?
“Sure, yeah,” she answered, with a clear disinterest and foul mood.
“I understand if you’re not… we’re all sorry to have lost Thutmose. Most likely by where he was, whoever killed him would have done the same to us had he not interfered. So he would want you to have a good time, right?”
“Alright, everyone, last calls!” Conqueror Worm called out, many eyes looking all over. After getting back from camera work, he’d volunteered to handle bets, on account of his utter disinterest in profiting from his work there. Damn shame, honestly; Tigran loved that weird golden Stand-hurting sword he’d always been swinging around, and something belonging to a regional founder would be a hell of a get to wear around. “We know all the key players in that little downtown scuffle, so let’s hear it! Who’s biting it? Who’s comin’ out? Who’s gonna have the highest bodycount? Is anyone even gonna get IN?”
That Oh No guy, from the Institute, spoke up through that voice changer he almost always had on in his coverings. “I think that… Three people will manage to find their way inside. Nobody on this betting board.”
“Ooh, bold words from our boldest regular!” Worm leaned in close, asking, “how much’re you puttin’ on that?”
“Nothing,” No responded, “I just want to see what comes of it… I’m almost disappointed you needed to ask.”
Peas in a pod, those two. Tigran sighed, figuring he might need to drink through these proceedings, only to glance at Metra, suddenly, seeming to smirk, ears twitching as if that special pitch of hers had picked something up. “What? What’s so fun now, that-”
The heavily reinforced, hidden doorway to the VIP room burst open, bisecting the hollow yet burly door guard as sand and rocks spilled out of its hollow crevasse, the only herald within seconds of a quintet of Stand Users barreling in, led by a trio on two motorbikes as two others, curious but energetic, followed.
“All that you’ve done ends here, Fox!”
Around the same time, Heartache Casino Public Floors
“Uh… Glitch? I think… it might be good if we… go?” William Eyelash was not liking it here very much. His hyperactive coworker and teammate had practically dragged him here after what was otherwise a simple delivery performed in place of Zebra, who had been busy enough delivering food to the other side of the city. William was the one supposed to carry it out, but Glitch had practically jumped at the opportunity to do so.
Glitch herself, meanwhile, seemed to be very content eating some fries which she (very regrettably) had to actually buy instead of simply snatching it away from a poor, unaware bystander, and had already ordered another plate because they were just that good. Security was too tight, somewhat on edge - the moment she got close to someone or something, they immediately turned their attention to her. Still, she didn’t want to deprive herself of one of the many pleasures of life like that, so she didn’t mind paying too much. “Mmrgh..? Why sho?”
“W- well… you know… uh...” William wasn’t sure how to say it - he was scared enough of Glitch’s erratic mannerisms most days, and that was while he tried to steer clear of her. Were he to directly oppose her, he’d have no way of knowing what she’d do! On top of that, he couldn’t help but notice that she seemed slightly… on edge. She was usually hyperactive, but she seemed to be even more eager to jump from one thing to another recently, and to ignore anything that even slightly stressed her out. Considering everything that happened to the staff at the Elephant Bones recently, it made sense for her to be stressed, even if she didn’t really show it usually. “... um, you know the rumors about this place… right? ”
Glitch turned to look at William, tilting her head “Hm? What rumors?”. “Uh... well… about the ED… and the fighting rings… I saw an article about it on the Hermod, and… i- it could be dangerous to be here for too long...” hearing William say that, Glitch seemed to recede for a bit, thinking to herself. “Mmm... well, it hasn’t been a problem yet! Right? Besides, the other chips haven’t arrived yet!” Glitch didn’t want to think much about it - so long as these fighting rings were away from her, she could just ignore them and go on with her life, but if it really was here, then maybe it would be good to avoid this place… but the fries were so good... Glitch took another look at the table she was sitting at and at the plate of fries she’d ordered. She grabbed a handful and ate them. “Mmm… after the second order of chips comes! Then we leave! But only after then!”
“Alright...” William didn’t like this very much, and he couldn’t help but shoot nervous glances around as Glitch finished up. Just about every staff member here was on edge and uncomfortable - he knew how to notice these things, and it would make sense if this place really was connected to the underground. Ugh… Why did he come along with Glitch? He’d just have to hope that the second order would come soon, and then they’d be able leave just as quickly as they came in.
Naturally, as if fate itself had conspired to screw him over, he couldn’t help but pick up on ‘something’. Guards around the floor peered nervously into their phones, and most of them began rushing towards the stairwell. Glitch had noticed as well, her ears picking up on the nervous murmurings of the guards and their hasty footsteps.
“Uhh… G- Glitch, something’s happening, we should-” “Pleh! Can’t you wait just a second! The chips aren’t here yet! This isn’t-”
Before Glitch could finish her sentence, something flew into the room - the body of a security officer, clearly tossed away by some stand, flew from the entrance to the second floor, and landed right in the middle of a group of more security officers.
“Oh god oh god it’s happening oh no oh no oh no oh-” William was, as expected, positively freaking out by now. Meanwhile, Glitch was keeping her ears peeled out, having picked up on something… interesting. The voice of two people she vaguely recognized from “Taste of Fortuna” a month or so back.
“Hey! That’s Agnes! And that other chef whose food is good! Even better than the chips!! What are they doing here, fighting?!”
Soon enough, Agnes and Arpeggi really did pop into the room, their stands summoned as they staved off some guards with them. Much to William’s chagrin, Glitch grabbed onto his hand and summoned [Vida Loca], before hopping onto it, the massive feline hoisting him onto it as well, before running right towards the source of the commotion…
And right into the footpath of a terrifying giant who seemed to suddenly fall from the ceiling, several eyes along its body looking to them as its head rotated 180 degrees. “Well, wouldn’t you like to know?”
Several minutes earlier, A Few Stories Lower - Sound’s Garden Abandoned Subway
“Are you sure this is the place? Seems pretty fucking trashy to me, honestly…”
“That’s what makes it a secret passage, Agnes… They’re not exactly rolling out the red carpet to tell you how to get there.”
“Ugh, Astronomia wasn’t built for this shit. You’re paying if something gets stuck somewhere.”
“You’ve crashed it how many times this month alone?”
Arpeggi Osso Buco sat in the sidecar of a motorbike driven by one Ananas “Agnes” Bayley, through the abandoned subways of the Eastern strip. He’d meant to take this trip alone, like he had before, but of course, this fucking guy had to be the first on the team to learn that he was a Stand User, an active vigilante, and not only in part responsible for a certain cult’s influence plummeting to nothing in Los Fortuna, but had dedicated himself to making an enemy of the blight of the Entertainment District.
“Fuck it, I’m down.”
“You’re… What?”
“I’m down. Fuck those guys. I don’t even need to ask any more questions, they’re an absolute disgrace to be shown up by a real villain, and if you’re hunting their boss down, I’m with you.”
“You are the last person I would want watching my back in a-”
“Or I can tell Gabanna what you’re doing so soon after getting SHOT last time you tried your luck with these guys.”
“…bastard. Okay, just don’t get in the way.”
Minus a near-scare with RCR’s nightmarish train nearly running them down without noticing, and Arpeggi having to explain at some point that it was both private information from a set of informants and news now publicly printed in multiple sources about the higher-ups of this organization, it had mostly gone smoothly since then.
As they drove closer to the underside of Heartache, Arpeggi signaled for Agnes to stop, noting a destroyed set of hollowed-out mannequins of sorts, smoking and smelling like gunpowder.
“Hell is that?” Agnes asked, looking down, but Arpeggi, in turn, didn’t quite seem surprised. Before he could explain, however, another, distorted voice cut through.
“You’re late.”
The revving of a second motorcycle, a sport bike, had quietly synced with Astronomia, and the pair looked up to see a figure clad in orange and black, winglike scarf drooping upside-down, its rider atop the ceiling of the tunnel.
“You.” Agnes spoke with contempt, despite having never seen the Black Angel in person before, only for them and their bike to drop down right in front of them, flipping in midair to land gracefully.
“You didn’t tell me you were bringing a friend, let alone… Him.” The Angel sounded dubious about Agnes’ presence, adding, “since you took time picking him up, I’ve had to start picking off these weird… hollow doll-guards myself. They almost noticed me in time to signal the boss. I really don’t have the time for this today.”
“Sorry about that, he insisted,” Arpeggi wrote off, not wanting to explain the somewhat unsurprising (“ran into one another while doing their vigilante rounds, got to talking about the ED mainly”) story how he and the Angel met, “and he’s here right now… Say what you like about him, you saw that Being So Normal, I assume. He’ll be an asset.”
“I’ll kick your ass-et,” Agnes grumbled, “fighting them alone my ass. Ugh, teaming up with masked hero types like this… Pisses me off. We should be kicking each other’s asses, Angel.”
“Deal with it,” the Angel wrote off, before adding, “our contacts in there… They said basically everyone we might have any reason to get is on that floor with them, watching Downtown.”
“Right, some madman is acting out there,” Arpeggi noted, folding his arms and looking Westward, “I take it that’s why you’re in a hurry? You want to deal with them quickly and head out there next?”
“You got it,” they answered, “and admittedly, there’s a reason I had to come here first… Something I’m going to prioritize the highest, and if we take too long, I’ll have to leave having only done that.”
“You’ve got a grudge, is that it?” Agnes asked, “you wanna punt some fucker before moving on?”
“That’s… not why I’m targeting him,” The Angel noted, before adding, “that sword the Conqueror Worm always has on him… The ‘Sword of Sir Aurel…’ The future of the city might depend on me getting that Downtown. The contacts say he still has it with him, just like on that stream.”
“You’re pissing me off, pretending you don’t care about just one-upping that bastard,” Agnes chided, adding, “act like you’re ‘heroes of justice’ all you want… I’m doing this because these guys piss me the hell off, and seeing them fall will make me laugh. Do all of us a favor, cut the bullshit, and admit you’re gonna enjoy this, yeah?”
The others didn’t say too much more of note, then, beyond the Angel briefly examining Astronomia, putting something all over it that they claimed would ‘make it maneuver better,’ which Arpeggi had to calm Agnes into accepting, especially considering it meant they could ride up stairs with relative ease.
“Alright, from this secret passage, it’s a straight shot up a few flights of stairs to the VIP room… We should be able to burst it down without ever disrupting all the public patrons and fortifications up on 1F. Hold on tight, you got that?”
The motorbikes revved, then, and the Angel’s led Agnes in seeming to leap into the air, driving up and along the walls of the stairwell, before a long-haired figure emerged from the Angel, aiming something at a metal reinforced door, firing into it a few times, and it shifted in place as Pork Soda rushed towards it, placing a tab on the material before ripping it away, liquid metal blasting in the opposite direction the door would fly and swing at rapid speed, swinging like a deadly projectile and cutting more powerful puppet guards away as the three burst in.
Arpeggi called out, “All that you’ve done ends here, Fox!”
Not long after Arpeggi called that out, Fox himself, of course, was quick to stand, as were a few bold-looking members of the crowd, hurrying towards the fighters with his own accompanying doll-guard, small enough to hold in two hands and, with his large frame, swing like a hammer-thrower, lobbing up towards them and bursting open into a mess of pointed rocks as he drew closer, repelling Arpeggi’s immediate attempts to approach.
The swinging door, embedded with odd screws and still gushing metal soda, began to fly towards him, only for the sound of a rifle to fill the room, a single warping bullet putting out every one of the odd screws and careening it to strike Arpeggi back, sending him flying down the stairwell before either the Angel or Agnes could react.
Seido, sitting at his edge of the bar, finished downing his drink, holding his weapon in one hand and grinning a bit, slurring slightly, “thas’ goin’ on your tab, boss…”
Fox smirked, then, rocks and sand swirling around him and beating back the remaining attackers’ efforts to burst forward. “Let’s not fight up here, gentlemen… I’ve set this place up nice for a very special guest. Take it downstairs. Seido, consider yourself on the clock now.”
Worm, then, seemed to realize the Angel was staring at his movements, diving down into the floor below to the terror of the 1F patrons, and the rider hurriedly cut away from the clash, leaving Agnes to fend for himself against the rocky onslaught of Fox, all while Oh No watched and Seido, quickly, lined up another shot. Even on this upgraded bike, he knew the only response to make there. “Fffuck this!”
Pork Soda reached for Astronomia, a tab appearing on its wheel which, as the Stand weathered rocky blows, it pulled, blasting Agnes back into the stairwell, where he hit the wall with an, “oof!” before hopping off of his ride, which crashed and plummeted down as he abandoned it to slide down the railing, doing a cool combat roll to cover Arpeggi and the Angel as they rolled into the first floor, clearly concerned about what Conqueror Worm being there would mean for the patrons. Fox and others were shortly behind, with a certain exception.
Though nobody could hear it, by Metra Doria’s choice, as soon as Seido had spoken that aloud, she’d kicked up the chair she’d been sulking in all ‘party’ long, a pair of headphones appearing along her neck as a blast of sonic energy kicked it directly into the head of the hitman. Her heart skipped a beat, then, and she muttered under her breath, “shit, that actually worked… I got lucky, huh?”
“Entirely,” Oh No agreed, stepping forth himself and stretching, producing a very large, intimidating revolver from his cloak and beginning, idly, to load it, “but don’t treat that as a failing, TD/MD… You saw a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and you had the instincts to take it.” No closed the chamber, starting leisurely towards the stairs after the rest. “This is getting tiresome, isn’t it? You see it too, how dull this has gotten… What potential they’re wasting here. What do you say we speed along what’s been a long, long time coming?”
“Well, wouldn’t you like to know?”
A golden, shining sword appeared out of the giant’s gross hand, and his presence alone made Glitch want to wretch, the smell of the Conqueror Worm fell, and vibes even more rancid.
“We got two more troublemakers here, eh?” Worm asked her and William with an amused tone, “Hell just broke loose here, and you’re tryin’ to run headlong into it! I like that! I like that drive! So what do ya say? Attacka them!”
Glitch didn’t know this guy, but something about his gleeful nature, the way that William murmured to himself in alarm when he spoke those distorted words, made her hairs stand on end, made her want to hiss and immediately turn her attention to him, and it seemed, then, that Worm could sense this.
“Another one who ain’t a fan, huh?” He shook his head. “Disappointing, but typical.”
At that, he ducked into the floor, before attempting to burst out from underneath and drive his blade up into Vida Loca, barely being scraped before hopping away from the rising attack and meeting it with a sharp, harsh claw, beating back his raw strength with her Stand’s own.
“I don’t know who you are, but you’re really not the kind of bad news that’s any fun!” Glitch called out from atop her mount, pulling off in time to avoid the ambush of a hollowed-out guard and note two others bothering William.
“That guy looks underage… He ain’t allowed to be on a casino floor without ID!” Worm declared with amusement, fully expecting what came next as several of the doll-guards attempted to strong-arm him.
“G-get away… Get away from me!” William was freaking out, then, and fairly fearing for his life, allowed Ocean Eyes to manifest, swinging and spraying acid all around, which bounced uselessly off of Worm’s hide, didn’t so much as drop near Glitch or Vida Loca, and melted away the threats in an instant.
The casino floor was pandemonium then, several high rollers, some random patrons, and of course, every named member fighting, Stands flying. Arpeggi expertly caught rocks tossed by Fox, only for him to still control them even as they were made to burn by NEXT LEVEL 2, though this eroded away much of the sands of his barrier, backed up by Agnes as he very competently kept a rocky barrier up regardless, Metra standing close by, shifting her eyes. The Black Angel tried to drive headlong into Worm, continuing his mess of a situation, while Glitch, mostly, managed to sneak off on her own, trying to find a way to support William and calm him out of whatever this was.
“Don’t move,” a modulated voice behind her said, and she heard something click behind her.
“Mrr?” She turned, then, facing the barrel of Oh No’s revolver head-on.
“This might be a bit loud… But it’s about time this ended.”
Before Glitch could react, No had pulled the trigger twice. Neither shot so much as grazed her, but seemed to hit tables, cameras, walls, ricocheting about in apparent chaos, before finally…
“I… What did…” Blood ran down the organizational ringleader’s outfit, bleeding both from a massive wound to the back of his knee and opening a massive hole in his shoulder, as the rocks he had been flinging around dropped like… Rocks.
Tigran’s voice was the next thing to ring out through the casino, now mostly abandoned bar the combatants.
Fox hadn’t even heard the shots fired, thanks to Metra, let alone noticed their angles; after all, the only one he knew of who could make a shot like that was knocked out and drunk upstairs, not to mention loyal to Tigran’s paychecks.
No twirled his gun around, holstering it and patting the bewildered Glitch on the shoulder. “Thanks for holding still… Didn’t want to hit you and ruin it all, after all. Hmmhmmhmahaha!"
“You… You motherfuckers!” Tigran wanted to cry then, especially as the others drew closer, seeing everyone who had fought against an ally of his here as little more than an enemy. Still, though, facing them off, he had to calm himself.
“Stand down,” Arpeggi demanded, “you’re outnumbered, completely.”
Tigran, rather than giving up, began to speak again. “You know, as the owner of this casino, I know the power of ‘games’. You see, if you call it a ‘gamble’, that sounds so… negative, no? So you call it nothing more than a simple ‘game’. That’s what draws people in. Getting people to play ‘roulette’ is harder, but if you call it a ‘roulette game’ and mask it correctly, it’s so, so, easy… However, the moment the ball is launched, it doesn’t matter, does it? No difference between a ‘gamble’ and a ‘game’... the ‘contract’ is the same - you abandon your money for ‘entertainment’ and for a slim ‘hope’ that you’ll succeed this time and make bank… It’s all thanks to these ‘games’... All of you lot, don’t you think so? Aren’t ‘games’ great? Hell, I’ve got an idea for one we can play right now…”
“Wh- what the hell are you talking about!” Arpeggi shouted out in anger. “I’m not putting up with this shit! You want a ‘game’?! Sure, fine! Here, how about this one - I go up to you, and have fun beating the shit out of you!” rushing towards Tigran, Arpeggi readied a punch and swung towards him - only for his fist to stop in midair, hitting against some kind of invisible barrier. He reeled back from the impact, stumbling backwards, feeling… weak. A look behind him revealed that Agnes, Glitch, William, and even Metra, the Angel, and No seemed to be feeling the same, struggling to remain upright.
“Y- you ‘agreed’... heh…” Tigran’s previously panicked expression quickly faded, replaced by a wide grin. “You agreed to it! You agreed to the ‘game’!” By now, Tigran broke out into uproarious laughter. “Always! They always fall for it, tempted by ‘games’! You… you idiot! I put the answer right in front of you, and you still missed it! ‘Games’, by their very nature, are tricks! Illusions! And my [The Grid] has the power to facilitate that! By agreeing to the game, my [The Grid] forces you to participate! There’s no escape now - you’re trapped in this ‘game’ of mine!”
As he realized he had screwed them all right at the last moment, Arpeggi’s vision began fading, and he fell onto the ground with a thud, blacking out.
???, an hour later, Heartache Casino VIP room
“Alright! Seems like our contestants for the first impromptu match of the day are waking up!”
“Plrrr..?” Out of nowhere, Glitch found herself standing straight, awake, somewhere unfamiliar. She tried to listen to see what was going on, only hearing the groans of William, Agnes, and Arpeggi, indicating that they were in a similar position to her. Of course, there was also that voice - she was… a ‘contestant’. It wasn’t hard to roughly figure out what exactly she was a ‘contestant’ of. She, and...
“...William!” Behind her was a whimpering noise, evidently William, and the sound of droplets of some kind of liquid splashing onto the ground, clearly [Ocean Eyes]’s acid. Ahead of her were Agnes and Arpeggi, talking between themselves about what the hell happened. Arpeggi sounded mad. Agnes… she wasn’t sure how he sounded. But she gathered enough from their conversation to understand that somehow, they were currently inside of a roulette wheel. Or rather, she, and everyone else, was shrunk, and placed into a roulette wheel.
“Now, this match is simple - a deathmatch to see who manages to survive! However, since we’re at the heartache casino… there’s an appropriate twist involved! See, our combatants for today are fighting on a roulette table, and meanwhile, our spectators for today are placing ‘bets’ to see which colors win out! Representing ‘red’, we’ve got our very own ‘Fox’! On black, meanwhile, we’ve got ‘Tigran Sins’, who set this match up!”
She summoned [Vida Loca] besides her, taking a look through the stand’s eyes and seeing the environment for herself. She was dwarfed by the room, trapped inside of this small roulette wheel. There was nowhere to run. William’s whimpers had escalated into sobbing, as [Ocean Eyes] hugged him from behind. Arpeggi and Agnes were arguing by now, shouting at each other. She took a deep breath.
“Now… I won’t keep you waiting any longer, since I just know everyone here’s excited to see what happens! So...”
First, Glitch got tossed into Los Fortuna and found a new home there, with the rest of the staff at the Elephant Bones. Then, they started getting into fights with other stand users - Shelldrake, Effie, Byte, William. She hadn’t been in one yet, but she knew very well the effects of them. Her friends had gotten hurt, some such as Father Blue even dying. Then the situation in the slums got worse, her home becoming less and less safe by the minute, her friends getting extorted and forced to work for ODIN, and now she and William were trapped here.
“Three… Two… One...”
She needed to get out. She needed to fight. She needed to win. She could overhear Agnes and Arpeggi bickering on the other side of the wheel, but knew that they were going to try and fight her and William as well. They had to. They’d been trapped by that man’s stand, and none of them knew what could be done against it, if anything.
[Vida Loca] stood behind her, a constant vibration coming out of it and creating a loud hissing noise that was soon mimicked by [Ocean Eyes], drowning out William’s sobs. She knew full well that, even if he was her friend, William was also a dangerous killer, meek though he might have acted. As hard as that whole situation was to grasp, she understood something else - that the more she stayed near [Ocean Eyes], working alongside it, the safer she was. She and William had to get out of this. And if they wanted to get out of this...
They would have to fight for their lives.
(credit to magistelles for the image, both the censored and uncensored version!(CW: trypophobia))
Location: A roulette wheel in Heartache Casino, upon which players have been forcibly placed.
The map here is roughly similar to the image of the roulette wheel above. The outer brown layer represents the rim, the yellow layer being the wooden slopes down towards the center, the black layer being the numbers, the red layer being the pockets, the next layer being sloped wood up towards the center, and the center being a metal tower.
The map is 30 by 30 meters relative to the players, with the dotted tile being 5 by 5 meters.
The diamonds are the metal bumpers, about half a meter tall, and the blue circle is a weighted metal roulette ball which is a meter tall, both heights relative to the players.
The metal tower in the center is 8 meters tall relative to the players and the outside walls are 5 meters relative to the players. Players can not go past the rim of the roulette wheel.
Goal: RETIRE your opponents!
Additional Information:
There is an invisible barrier keeping the players and their Stands inside the roulette wheel. Everything else will pass through as normal, but the players and their attacks will be blocked by this barrier. The barrier is cylindrical around the entire roulette wheel.
The roulette system is currently automatic, 5 seconds after the ball falls into a pocket or stops moving entirely, it will start rolling again at top speed clockwise. The max speed of the ball is equivalent to B SPD and the ball is A DUR. You can expect it to make around 8 revolutions around the wheel before losing most of its speed if it is unimpeded by the players.
If the ball is destroyed or unable to roll, a new one will be thrown in from outside.
Team Combatant JoJolity
The Graveyard Shift William Eyelash “W-Well, I'll be going now...” You’re being forced to fight, and you don’t want anything to do with this! During the match, try to stay on the backlines as much as possible, assisting from there!
The Graveyard Shift Tiger “Glitch” Ricky "Nowadays, 30,000 yen is gone after you make one or two trips... So all that's left is to make more money, or go flat broke." You are being forced to fight here, and you hate it, so you might as well do something to cause the casino to lose money! Do whatever you can to constantly rig the roulette in favor of odds!
BADD GUYS Arpeggi Osso Buco "Does that alien not know what 'holding back' means?" You were tricked by that asshole, and now you’ve got to fight these two bystanders?! Fuck, this makes you irritated. Destroy as much of the area as possible over the course of your strategy!
BADD GUYS Ananas “Agnes” Bayley "I did say this seemed fun, but I wasn't talking about Cee-lo. I meant that it'd be fun taking your 30,000 yen from you." That girl over there is trying to rig the game, so play the agent of chaos and rig it towards the other end! Do whatever you can to constantly rig the roulette in favor of evens!
Link to the Official Player Spreadsheet
Link to Match Schedule
As always, if you would like to interact with the tournament community and be among the first to get updates for the tournament, please feel free to PM a member of our Judge staff for an invite to our Official Discord Server!
submitted by Dungeon_Dice to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

Storm Over Rivayle Bloodcraft Set Review- I'm probably late Edition

Hello and welcome to my usual review for the Bloodcraft cards in the new set, as always , these reviews are focused on Rotation but I'll mention Unlimited if the card has the potential to be played there.
This time, we see the rotation of Rebirth of Glory, a set that started stupidly strong for Blood but ended up being nerfed and most of the cards pretty much stopped seeing play in any truly competitive deck, except Azazel and Yurius, with the former being a staple for slower non-Wrath decks, allowing Blood to protect itself from any OTKs that rely on single big instances of damage and making some Vengeance cards like Yurius and Burning Constriction to proc their Vengeance effects with a bit more safety. Also, even though I do understand Azazel's rotation will hit hard for the class in some parts, I think Archangel of Evocation can somewhat replace him, not fully but I don't think there's a huge lot of OTKs that Archangel can't help against.
So, with Storm Over Rivayle Blood gets a new archetype: Highlander, the last time we saw a push for Highlander decks, it was with Mjerrabaine, but that was for every class, this time is exclusive for Bloodcraft and with a clear focus, cheat out things from your deck and make them bigger with the amulets. It's weird that Blood out of all classes gets the Highlander treatment but, personally, I'm a huge fan and even if this archetype ends up being a meme, I'll definitely enjoy it. We also get some small but meaningful support for Baal Aggro Blood, a deck that took off the last few weeks, being able to go under some decks with its aggression.
One thing I'll say before we start, I like the fact that a lot of the cards are self-sufficient, they aren't exclusively tied to the archetypes they're supposed to be in nor they have huge requirements to make them good. I will try to talk about the cards in general but when I get to Volteo, I'll mention how they become better with him.
But that's enough, let's check the cards out.
Bronze Rarity
-Scrappy Werewolf: One thing I'll do is talk first about the cards that are not meant to be the focus of the set, like this one. This card is really strong, a 2/2 Rush for 2pp is already decent but adding the ping and the Wrath effect makes her power roof much higher, after all, who doesn't want a 3/3 Storm for that cheap of a cost?
She'll definitely see play in Unlimited even if Aggro Wrath isn't too hot right now, in Rotation, she will replace either Antelope Pelt Warrior or Whiplash Imp, she will not make Wrath a competitive deck on her own but I've tested a more aggressive/tempo oriented versionn of Wrath and she fits extremely well in it.
-Fulminating Berserker: If you've seen my posts going aroud,d you'll know that LastFawful and me always complain about Blood getting nothing but Conditional Storm for ages, pretty much since Purson got printed, so I like the card because they broke the trend. Now, talking about the card seriously, it's definitely not bad and the best thing it has is flexibility, his Accelerate is decent to great depending on wether you can meet the amulet condition or not, which it's easy with this set's theme, the card as a 9/6/6 Storm is ok, I wish he would cost 1pp less to make him a bit more reliable as midrange finisher but it's a little cost for how flexible he is, I have yet to find a really good play to make after getting his PP refund effect outside of using Illya or some more burn spells but even then, they do increase the amount of damage you can do in the turn you play Berserker.
It's been a while since Blood has used a 2pp Deal 3 to a follower spell, if Control Blood makes a return or the meta allows it, I can see this card being played quite a bit in Midraneg/Control decks.
-Roulette Vampire: With this we start to see the theme for the class, with an emphasis on the APCs, giving Ward and a lot of health to our followers. Now, the card itself I like quite a bit and I think it's strong because if you play him for his Accelerate not only are you setting up a good Turn 6 where you might save an evo because you can simply trade with him, with a chance he survives due to his high health, but your turn after playing him for his accelerate will have a big follower thanks to the APC he summons, probably being a stronger turn if you can follow it up with a Rush follower, a very valuable pick in Take 2.
Overall, he's fairly strong, unfortunately I don't see him being played a lot due to him not fitting the Blood decks the class is used to play but he's good value.
-Spiderweb Array: This card is really strong, specially with how easy it is to get its condition. At its worst it's a 3/1/4 Ward that stops a follower from attacking next turn, it isn't too bad as the "Can't attack for a turn" debuff gets better the longer the game goes with bigger creatures, with the condition met, then it's a 3/4, which is pretty good for 3pp. The best thing is that with the new amulets, she'll end up being either a 4/5, 4/7 or 5/4 with Rush, with the first case being possible on curve if you played the new Bronze neutral follower that summons a Dutiful Steed. I would really keep an eye out for this card.
Also, it's interesting to see Blood also getting the "Can't attack" effects from Forest, thematically, it makes sense that Spiders would apply that effect and I want to see more of it.
Silver Rarity
-Bloodfall: This card can be difficult to assess, it's completely useless against 4+pp followers after all but it's very efficient for any follower that costs 2 or 3pp and gets big. It's good in those situations where your opponent evolves a low cost follower in the midgame, though that can turn this card into something like 1pp "Deal 2-3 damage to an enemy follower that costs 3pp or less" depending on the evolved follower being damaged.
The best scenario out of all, and probably the reason I might have to use this as a tech card, is getting rid of an evolved Kagemitsu for really cheap in the lategame.
-Redcap: A simple but very effective card, it's clearly meant to be played with the APCs or the Bullet Bikes to get a 3/4/4 but the best thing is that you don't entirely need them to get his increased stats because you get an Executioner's Axe, so you can play this as a 4/4/4 or 7/6/6 Rush, or just save the Axe for later turns.
A really good card, I want to see it being played, I have the idea of it finding a spot in Baal Blood, play it on 3 and then use the axe on 4 for a 6/6 or playing another card and then using the axe to turn him into a 4/4, futhermore, the Axe can be used as fodder for Showdown Demon, the new gold.
-Craps Devil: We're not stranger to 1/2 Bane followers, they're good to have in theory but very few times they're actually ran in decks, I believe Scorpio being one due to it having the recurrent ping for Lust decks back in OotT and Legendary Skeleton is a similar one but with his own effects. Now, I see this card usually having Rush or Ward with bigger stats, making it way stronger, all while you get some random healing from it, if it gets to survive a turn you can benefit from the healing again. In the end, this requires a bit more work than the past followers but when you can use his effects, he's great.
Gold Rarity
-Hazan, Demonblade Knight: Even though Hazan only evolves with Wrath active, he's very similar to Righteous Devil but now you clear 2 followers. In Wrath decks it can be a bit harder to fit but if the deck needs more healing/removal, I'm sure this can be run, in other decks, it's just a very good evolve target, 8 defense on turn 4 is a lot which allows him to clear 2 things and probably live. Otherwise, he pairs really well with any buff, maybe you kept an Executioner's Axe and Hazan lives, play the Axe for its enhance and goe face for 8 damage!
-Showdown Demon: Out of all the followers with the Casino and APC theme, Showdown Demon is the one with the least synergy with them, outside of evolving her for a Bullet Bike or APC, it's completely random between the two though, so don't evolve her unless you really need to as you might want to use the bike in that moment but you get the APC instead, both options can still be used by Craps Devil or Redcap though. Realistically, you'll be playing this card solely for the Fanfare, you could use it very early as a "2nd Mulligan" as you dig for your important cards, she'll definitely see play in Baal decks, helping you to find Baal/Corruption and with a cool and interesting play: Play her and discard 2 cards, then Fusion some cards to Baal and play Baal, drawing until you have 6, next turn you'll draw 3 cards, netting you a full hand to use however you want.
Legendary Tier
-Vuella, Unblemished Wings: Though it's good to see Vuella back in rotation and her card is not bad, her design is just plain and boring, one could mistake this card for a gold nowadays, her having reduced evolve stats also seems weird considering that we have cards that also evolve for free (be it on their own or with the 0EP clause) and get their full stats with it. Still, all that doesn't mean that she won't be played,she'll be going inmediately to Baal Blood due to it having the easiest time to evolve her, I also like to think she'll find a place in more decks in the future as a Maisha-like card, a full statted 3 drop that cantrips, with the added benefit of having Storm later into the game, oh and you can actually attack the leader without being evolved, unlike Maisha.
With a set full of buffs, I find it a bit hard to buff Vuella to make her a bit more impactful when she evolves.
-Volteo, Hedonistic Dealer: I was a huge fan of Jerry and I'm very happy to see Highlander decks be supported again. Now, talking about the card itself, yes, I can totally see why people don't like Volteo, having to run an inconsistent list with single copies usually needs a big payoff, is cheating out creatures from your deck big enough nowadays? Maybe, maybe not, it's very difficult to judge until the actual set releases and the deck gets refined, after all, we need to see how the meta develops and how to build the most effective list that can abuse Volteo's effect, I've seen ideas like cutting most low cost followers to increase the chances of pulling Luzen, Spider or Lucifer, others run it as a more traditional Midrange list that closes the game with the value from the effect.
Now, what cards are just great targets to pull from the deck? The clear ones are Luzen, Ruinweb Spider and Lucifer, they are big and have really good effects, with Lucifer being the best one to get early to start attacking the enemy leader, Spider being great if you get it the turn after Volteo is played and Luzen just being good against decks with burn like Rune spamming Runies. Now, if you get just big followers like Behemoth or Vampire of Calamity you'll get 9+ defense wards that might just be too big for your opponent.
In the mid cost pool there isn't a lot outside of some well statted followers like Shiva or Roulette Vampire. Low cost followers that are good to pull can be a fair amount of the new Neutral ones alongside Blood ones like Redcap and Craps Devil.
Possible decks in the new Set
-Baal Blood: The most obvious one, even if it only gets 2 new toys to try out, the deck has proven to be strong and the new cards are strong inclusions, probably the deck that leads the Bloodcraft flag for a while and one of the few Aggro decks in Rotation.
-Highlander Blood: Hard to judge but you'll find me playing this a lot, trying to find the best list.
-Amulet Buffs Blood (?): The idea behind this is using the new cards without Volteo, looking to buff your followers and trigger their effects, probably finishing the game with Fulminating BerserkeVuella. Unfortunately, it might just end up being a weak Midrange Sword, though it's not fair to compare it.
And that's it, I would love to hear your opinion on the cards, specially after trying out the prerelease these past few days, I unfortunately didn't get a single of the gold/legendary for Blood but I've seen Volteo decks just pop off.
submitted by Lethiur1 to Shadowverse [link] [comments]


You can now start an online casino and get money from your friends an family!!
I found some SVGs that made it easy to make 3 versions: "american, european and french"
You can edit the decks to get more tokens and edit the labels of card piles to define the values.The hand is an extra hand so you can stack tokens in piles. I did my best to make the spinner and the numbers allign but it's seems not perfect. Go by the number in the spinner.

American roulette

European roulette

French roulette + tokens being used
PCIO: American European French
Demo Room
submitted by RaphaelAlvez to PlayingCardsIO [link] [comments]

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OC Tournament #5 - Round 1, Match 2: Peter VS Markus

Well, the last match was a deathmatch, but this second one is what is known as an objective match. This, for the uninitiated, means that the match’s main point isn’t, necessarily, who would win in a fight, but to complete a certain specific mission better than the opponent.
At the time of this match going up, though, after the strats for this one are posted, though, you can still vote in match 1 for over a full day. Check out (and influence) the brawl between a man and a bird in an airport hangar!
Waterfront District - One of Many Fish Markets
“What do you mean you don’t have anything?”
*Markus was having his patience tested, certainly, by this particular supplier. It was hard to find someone in this region who could provide high-quality fresh fish at a reasonable price (especially considering that some of the fish the people of Los Fortuna considered "high quality" seemed to be overpriced, constantly out of stock, and of incredibly dubious quality from the rare few glimpses he had gotten of them), but this wasn’t the first time now that the boat he had chosen to be BADD GUYS’ regular ‘guys’ had turned up with absolutely nothing one morning.
“I dunno what to tell you, Mark,” a young man in a bandana and sleeveless striped shirt said, hanging by an empty stall he was never told not to man, “sometimes, when the captain heads off to celebrate a great haul, she just disappears for days on end, and then without her, we just don’t always have what it takes to actually catch enough to turn a day’s profit.”
“That damned Captain Moonshatter…” Markus didn’t get it. The crew of the Marquise was supposedly able to accomplish such things, yet still the captain wasted her time gambling instead of leading them to their potential? Leading them towards all these amazing fish? “Where is she, man? I’ll give her a piece of my mind.”
“A casino, probably, but… Ya know how many casinos are out here? And she never tells us where she frequents! If she did, the boys and I woulda dragged her out a long time ago!”
“I know where you can find her.”
A man in a dark rain poncho, pretty typical attire for this district, spoke, eyes obscured but some of his dark hair cascading out from underneath the thing. The hapless sailor and Markus turned to him, looking quizzical but expecting, before Markus broke the silence.
“There is nothing that isn’t shady about you, sir, but.” Markus smirked. “I think shady is what I need right now. What have you got?”
Before Markus knew it, the stranger had flicked his hands, and a stylish business card was in between Markus’ fingers. He looked at it, then, and read the name embroidered upon it. “Heartache Casino… Interesting.”
“She likes to go around in disguise on her gambling trips, sometimes as elaborate as a fat suit and a fake beard so nobody recognizes her. Only surefire way you’ll have to get her out of there is to get everyone out of there. If she’s there, she’ll get pissed off and blow her cover, for sure.”
Markus wasn’t an idiot, even if what he caught onto being suggested didn’t bother him. “…someone wants me to mess with this casino, huh? Well, none of my business, as long as she’s actually there. If not, I’m kicking your ass, got it?”
“You have my word.” The man nodded his head, and then disappeared into the bustling fish market.
That afternoon…
Sound’s Garden Eastern Strip - Heartache Casino
Arriving at the casino, Markus took a look around, taking in the bright lights, expressive designs, and loud sounds. There were so many people strewn around the casino, and just about any one of them could be the captain… Clearing them out was going to take time.
He needed a drink.
One irish coffee later, Markus was ready. He sat at a table in the lounge area, viewing the various (mostly drunk) casinogoers, trying to suss out which ones could end up being the captain. He was mostly unsuccessful. It seemed as if he would have to get his hands dirty and start actively kicking people out if he wanted to get anywhere.
More importantly, over the course of his stay, Markus had noticed something - one of the waiters at the bar had begun eyeing him, always keeping watch of him for some reason. He was planning something, souring Markus’ mood. With a dissatisfied grunt, Markus got up and started making his way towards the slot machines to get a start on kicking people out, and the waiter seemed to follow in his steps.
No matter the pace at which he went or where he went, the waiter seemed to be right there, a couple of steps behind him. Markus’ brow furrowed in anger. He’ll see just how far that waiter was willing to go to follow him. Even near the ATMs, far away from the bar area, the waiter seemed to be constantly following him. He even tried going to the restroom for a few minutes, and the waiter was still there when he-
For all of his thinking about the waiter following him, something, or someone had crashed into him, and found himself knocked down onto the floor from the impact, covered in… water? Beer? Something. He looked up and saw another waiter, a worried expression on their face as they profusely apologized.
A glance to the right, back at the original waiter, revealed that he was… smirking? Markus couldn’t quite make the waiter’s expression out, but one thing was for certain - he was taking joy in watching Markus stumble into the other waiter, and he had likely planned this.
That asshole.
Markus quickly got up, ignoring the apologetic waiter and began quickly making his way towards the other waiter, ready to give him a piece of his mind. He didn’t know why he did what he did or what he was planning, but he sure as hell was going to grill him until he told him that.
Upon getting close enough to the waiter and coming up from behind him, Markus firmly grabbed his arm to keep him from running away again. “Hey, you. What do you want from me? Why were you following me, and what exactly do you stand to gain from doing this, huh?!”
The waiter turned around, only to seem… entirely confused? “Sir, what are you talking about? I didn’t do anything - I don’t even know who you are, or why you’re here! I- I don’t want to make a scene, if you have any complaints you can bring them to my supervisors, just- I need to go back to the bar and bring food to the customers, you know? I-”
“Bullshit. I noticed you! You were constantly keeping watch of me, following me- hell, I went to the fucking restroom and you were still there when I came out! Don’t give me these crocodile tears, I know you want something from me!”
Just as the argument between Markus and the waiter began, someone else found their way into the casino - Peter Bequasimodo.
Earlier that afternoon…
Downtown Los Fortuna - Hotel Delmano
Peter had stopped a fair few crimes in his day, not to mention done some less than legal things in others where the rule of law was the real crime. It was certainly strange, though, that someone had thought to send him a handwritten letter at some point… It seemed someone had realized before he could stop a crime, he had to find his way there. He read and reread the text again.
The Heartache Casino will see a tragic failure today… Nobody can do a thing to prevent it, so kiss everyone who sets foot in it goodbye! Think you can get everyone to leave by X:XX o’clock?!
Great, Peter thought to himself. Someone wants to play some stupid game with me… Just perfect. Just what I need when things are starting to heat up more. Despite his immediate thought of annoyance, though, he couldn’t help but have a bad feeling about this… Who sent letters in 202X? Who would send them to him? Peter was usually pretty careful to cover his tracks, and his usual mode of transportation made it so that not even the snoopiest detectives could track him down.
Usually, he was able to use his more than capable skills to hack into the odd police database or private server, or simply use his stand to cut through so much crap, but with a letter, he couldn’t do any of that easy stuff. It would take some footwork to track down the source of this, let alone the location of this ‘Heartache Casino…’
Or, as an ally pointed out, he could just search up the letter’s return address online.
“…urgh, what am I thinking? Of course they wouldn’t actually give where they were sending this from if they wanted to stay this mysterious! This damn place they wrote down is just…” He blinked, looking at his screen. “The Heartache Casino. That settles it, alright. I’m being baited.”
Even if the threat was fake, just designed to get him to the casino, he would have to look into whoever had this much information on him… Seriously, who could have this level of knowledge when he’d barely done a thing in this city?
Beyond that, in the off chance it wasn’t an empty threat, there was a serious danger to other people there. He needed to minimize the chances of that if he could. That time was less than an hour away. He walked over to his bed and grabbed his gauntlet and pack. In a flash [Running in the 90s] appeared on Peter’s face and he disappeared into the information superhighway. It was time for Treagon to take care of business.
“You know,” Peter said, the mood he’d tried to psyche himself up for blending into the chill attitudes of the casino evaporating quickly, “it might not be much my business, buddy, but when I see people being shitty to service staff… That kinda thing really isn’t cool, yeah? Let the man do his job.”
“Stay out of this,” Markus answered tersely, shoving the waiter away as the man backed off, returning to ordinary business, “you think I don’t know that sort of thing? I’m here as a favor to people like that.”
There was a certain impatient entitlement to this guy that really bothered Peter, especially as he spoke like that. All the more, he was finding himself with reasons to kinda want to leave this guy crying and begging for mercy. “You’re really annoying, you know that?” He said, bluntly and with a sort of lax tone, grinning with malice as he stuck his hand in his pocket and leaned back. “I got business of my own to take care of, but don’t lemme catch you acting up like that again, yeah? It’s hard enough just scaring people off so I can look this place over… Shit! Barely half an hour left!”
“Wait, you mean to say you’re also trying to-”
The waiter happened to slink by, and after that moment, Peter was gone. Markus gave a confused look, but then, felt his own phone vibrating. Curious, he moved to open it up. “SCREEEEEEEEEEEECH!”
“Ffuck-!” He couldn’t help but fumble his device in alarm at the strange face on the screen, which vanished soon after, and as he looked up, Peter was standing around again, and so Markus grit his teeth. “You..!”
Peter, on his end, found the antagonism hilarious, and it was easy enough to accomplish that he felt good about the efforts therein. Now, anyway, it was time for him to get to work on finding a way to force everyone out of here…
He’d been spending these few minutes searching, but couldn’t find any sign of any sort of electronic tampering, or security footage of someone stealthily dropping any bombs anywhere, or whatever else might make him able to solve this problem in any better a way than this…
It was now exactly thirty minutes to the mystery time. He’d just have to get as many people to leave this place as possible, even as more constantly poured in.
Markus had also heard Peter mention a half an hour, and though he didn’t know of any sort of vague threat, he had a feeling that that created a sort of ‘deadline’ for this. Well, he didn’t know what to look for, so may as well go for quantity over quality, right? He’d force these people out of here.
Though both had the same end goal, the immediate shared contempt they held for one another, both immediately understood, had made this a contest. Never mind that they were far from the only two people who would see it as such, their prides were at stake here, and they resolved to completely show the other up as priority number one.
Open the game!
Location: The First Floor of The Heartache Casino, one of the many which dot the Eastern Strip of the Entertainment District.
The area is 50 meters long and 105 meters wide with each tile being 5 by 5 meters and the ceiling being 5 meters high as well. The green square represents the exit and the gray square is the way to the second floor, currently it is being sectioned off by bouncers who are only letting VIPs enter and exit. The players are represented by the circles of their respective team colors with Markus near the top center and Peter near the bottom center.
The grey circles around the center are ATM machines, and the white circle is a reception and transactions desk where you can buy or redeem chips. The two sets of blue tiles are restrooms, men’s restroom on the left and women’s restroom on the right.
The left side is the lounge area with a bar, denoted by the brown shape, tables represented by green circles, pool tables represented by the purple rectangles, poker tables represented by the red circles and roulette tables represented by the light blue circles. In the top left is a netted off area represented by the hollow blue rectangle where people can play darts and to its right are two rows of vending machines with water in the blue squares and sodas in the purple.
The blue rectangles, red triangles, and yellow hexagons are all rows and sets of slot machines. The blue ones are traditional slot machines, and the yellow and red ones are virtual slot machines. The blue slot machines pay out in chips and the yellow and red ones pay out in receipts that are redeemable at the reception desk, but all of them only take in money.
There are chairs around the slot machines, tables, and bar where appropriate and the place at the moment is mostly full with gamblers, loungers, and a number of roaming security guards and employees. In general if you are looking for a free spot at a table or machine you can probably find one with a bit of looking.
Someone has already disabled the floor’s sprinkler systems, and literally nothing will make them function. Curious.
Goal: Over the course of thirty minutes, cause more people to leave the casino than your opponent! It can be taken for granted, for balance’s sake, that there will always be people present to disrupt so long as a location isn’t completely rendered unable to function.
Make sure to have some subtlety with it, though, as the guards are as watchful as one would expect casino guards to be. Being too blatant or repetitive would run the risk of getting you in trouble.
Additional Information:
Patrons have 2 in strength and agility, 5 in endurance, 2 in gambling (in general they know how the games here work, but that doesn’t make them any more likely to succeed at them), and 2 in tenacity; in short, a mere mild inconvenience won’t be enough to completely send a person away, but they probably won’t tolerate repeated annoyances too long before at least moving somewhere else in the casino or outright leaving once they get fed up. They carry cell phones, wallets, and assorted amounts of casino chips. Ones on the West side of the floor can be assumed to be carrying food or beverages with them, according to the kinds of things one could expect to find at a casino.
If your actions cause significant risk of harm or death to patrons, rather than simply getting them to leave through various means, police will be contacted to provide further support to the guards, quickly becoming wise to your tactics and arresting you; the owner is rich, so the cops will arrive extremely quickly. If you are arrested for assault, manslaughter, murder, public indecency, and/or accidental homicide, you will no longer be able to gain points.
As wanton slaughter on casino grounds isn’t what your contact had in mind, murdered or otherwise slain patrons do not count towards total score, even if, yes, their souls have exeunt; paramedics will be under specific orders not to remove the bodies until after the time limit has passed, specifically to spite the attempt. And also you’re still arrested.
Team Combatant JoJolity
Baker Street Rat Pack Peter "Treagon" Bequasimodo “I’ve heard that in Kansai, if the Yakuza who run Cee-lo Games catch you cheating, they shove two of the dice in your eyes and dump you in the river.” You really don’t like this guy much at all. If this man intends to undermine your protections, then you’ll teach him a lesson. Identify and find ways to interfere with your opponent’s strategies in favor of your own!
BADD GUYS Markus Ness Mathison “Nobody makes a fool out of Kishibe Rohan! I know you’re laughing at me in your head right now and I can’t stand it!” You really don’t like this guy much at all. If he thinks he can be so self-important all the damn time, he has another thing coming! Identify and find ways to interfere with your opponent’s strategies in favor of your own!
T5 Teams and Character Spreadsheet
T5 Match Schedule
Interested spectators, feel free to ask judges via PM to a link to our tourney’s official Discord server!
submitted by Dungeon_Dice to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

I made a compilation of (almost all) GBF.wiki's April Fools Art Swap references.

Credits to Lumos96 for the some of the screencaps here.
(Please do note that the Expected column are just solely my opinions. If you have any other expectations for the April Fools Art swap of these characters, you might want to share with us here.)
Name April Fool "Base Art" Expected
GBF Wiki's Vyrn Ball Vyrn Ball, but it's Red Sphere.
Main Character (untouched, really?)
Albert Albert in his Dragalia Lost rendition.
Aletheia Gandalf (Sir Ian McKellen), Lord of the Rings series
Alexiel Drawn Haruhi Suzumiya in Alexiel outfit (VA Joke: Aya Hirano)
Altair Altair (Assassin's Creed)
Andira Generic cartoon monkey
Anila Generic cartoon sheep Shawn the Sheep? Hibiki Tachibana? Okita Souji (F/GO)? Any freaking Aoi Yuuki role?
Anre A stock image of a potato replaced his body aside from her mustache, and his spear. Pringles
Anzu Futaba A stillshot of Anzu from the idolm@ster anime, with a screenshot of a tumblr post.
Aoidos Crow (Show By Rock!!) (VA Joke: Kishow Taniyama)
Arthur (Event)) Arthur Read Arthur Pendragon) (Fate/Prototype)?
Athena Athena (Saint Seiya) Athena Asamiya (KoF)?
Ayer A stillshot from Fight Club?
Azazel Azazel being runned over by Bacchus' carriage in Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis anime. Fun fact: It's actually his low HP animation in-game.
Baal Demonic Baal (any depictions or illustrations from history, books, or other media)
Bakura (Yami) Bakura (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Beatrix Beatrix (Platinum Sky) on an end subtitle from the last episode of Cowboy Bebop. Umineko Beatrice? Divine Comedy Beatrice?
Black Knight A black knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Fire Emblem Path of Radiance Black Knight/Zelgius?
Blazing Teacher Elmott Eikichi Onizuka (Great Teacher Onizuka)
Cagliostro 2019: Alessandro Cagliostro, 2020: Cagliostro (Symphogear)
Cagliostro (Dark)) Cagliostro (Transformed) (Symphogear)
Cagliostro (Summer)) More Symphogear Cagliostro
Caim Caim (Drakengard (PS2))
Cain (Grand)) CnC: Red Alert Kane (Joseph Kucan) Kain Highwind? Biblical Cain?
Cassius (Event)) Image manipulated (Society event spoilers!) Cassius with his head opened up in the fashion of a bottle cap.
Cassius (Summer)) Twitter post screencap.
Catherine (SR)) 2019: Katherine from Catherine. This too was removed from the wiki.
Cerberus Her render from Dragalia Lost, like Lily and Albert?
Ceylan and Clarisse
Charlotta Stock image of potatoes on a box Saber from Fate/stay night?
Charlotta (Light)) Stock image of a lightbulb on a potato. Specifically, a potato battery. Saber from Fate/stay night doing her Noble Phantasm?
Chat Noir 2019: Cat Noir (Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug & Cat Noir,) although they removed it. Joker, but not in his GBF rendition? Lupin III? Any gentleman thief?
Chloe Kuro/Chloe von Einzbern
Chloe (Summer) Kuro/Chloe von Einzbern in a swimsuit.
Christina 2019: The poker game. 2020: Chris Yukine (Transformed) (Symphogear XV)
Clarisse Drawn rendition of Clarisse with Djeeta and Cagliostro on an explosion in the fashion of "Disaster Girl" meme.
Clarisse (Holiday)) Drawn rendition of Clarisse with Djeeta and Cagliostro on an exploded Christmas tree in the fashion of "Disaster Girl" meme.
Clarisse (Light)) Drawn rendition of Clarisse with Djeeta and Cagliostro on an explosion with flare effects in the fashion of "Disaster Girl" meme.
Clarisse (Valentine)) Drawn rendition of Clarisse with Djeeta and Cagliostro on an explosion with Valentine Chocolates as debris in the fashion of "Disaster Girl" meme.
Colossus Colossus (Marvel Comics) The Colossal Titan? The Colossi from Shadow of the Colossus game?
Cucouroux (SSR) "kokoro" (JP: heart) jokes
Cure Black and Cure White Their character design from their home series.
Dante Dante (Devil May Cry 1 render)
Dante (SR)) Dante (Devil Mary Cry 4 render)
Dante and Freiheit 2019: Some man carrying with a guitar case, featuring Freiheit from granbleu fantasy series. 2020: Dante (Unlockable Super Dante outfit) (Devil May Cry 4) with Freiheit. "Boomer Dante" as his uncap art.
Deliford Delibird (Pokémon)
Deliford (SR)) Delibird (Pokémon) in HD
Dorothy Aqua (Seiyuu Joke)
Drang (Grand)) "What are you gonna do, stab me?" image. Trivia: It was deleted last year, but it came back this year. Gintoki Sakata (VA joke: Tomokazu Sugita)
Drusilla A screenshot of emptied rupies (A reference to her Rupie-spending skillset.)
Eahta Kyoshiro Senyro (Samurai Shodown series)
Ejaeli Kirby with Mike ability (Kirby series)
Elmott "Elmo Rise" meme
Estarriola Kirby with Sleep ability (Kirby series)
Eugen Prinz Eugen (the real ship or its shipfu (Kancolle, Azur Lane) equivalent.)
Eugen (Grand)) Edited brown-hued Mr. Krabs (Spongebob Squarepants) with a eyepatch, and a shotgun. Prinz Eugen (the real ship or its shipfu (Kancolle, Azur Lane) equivalent.)
Europa Europa (moon)/Jupiter II, one of the moons of planet Jupiter. Europa (Fate/Grand Order)?
Eustace Eustace (Courage the Cowardly Dog)
Farrah (Summer)) Farrah Fawcett
Feather All kinds of "feather" in the game as a pun. From top to center, clockwise: Falcon Feather, Mystical Feather, Gleaming Feather, Zephyr Feather, Fortuitous Feather, Satin Feather, and Azure Feather. Missing are the Primarch Pinions, which they're also feathers.
Feather (SR)) Rock Howard (Fatal Fury and King of Fighters series)
Feather (Halloween)) An illustration of a black feather.
Feower Anpanman
Ferry A ferry boat, or her pits.
Ferry (Grand) A ferry boat, or her pits.
Ferry (Halloween) A ferry boat, or her pits.
Ferry (SSR) A ferry boat, or her pits.
Ferry and Tyre
Fif Kirby with Mirror ability (Kirby series) Doraemon (VA joke)
Forte Forte (Megaman series)
Fraux Yukiho Hagiwara (Punishing Fallen Angel) (idolm@ster Starlight Stage: Cinderella Girls) (VA joke: Azumi Asakura)
Freezie Frieza (Dragon Ball Z series) (a "freezing" pun) A freezer.
Friday (Summer)) A stillshot from Rebecca Black's "Friday" music video (probably a thumbnail on Youtube.)
Gachapin The Holiday/New YeaAnniversary Roulette
Galadar The illustration of Pokemon Sword and Shield's Galar region.
Garma His original art with "Level 1 Crook" on top of it, referencing the infamous Mafia City ads (see Yuisis.)
Gawain Char Aznable with MS-06S Char's Zaku II (Mobile Suit Gundam), but somehow the wiki removed it. F/GO Gawain? F/GO Riyo Gawain?
Geisenborger An image of a hamburger (YUM.)
Ghandagoza Akuma (Street Fighter series, but on his Tekken 7 incarnation) after using the Raging Demon Rage Art (referencing Ghandagoza's FLB uncap art.)
Goblin Mage Goblin Mage (Final Fantasy IX)
Grimnir PriConne art of Kokkoro
Grimnir (Valentine)) PriConne art of Kokkoro (New Year)
Haaselia Kaguya (Dynamis Series summon) (moon puns.) The Moon from Soul Eater? The (damaged) Moon from Assassination Classroom? The (shattered) Moon from RWBY? Or that moon from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time?
Haohmaru Hyakkimaru from Dororo
Helel ben Shalem Maggie Simpson (The Simpsons) Koenma (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Io Eeyore (Winnie the Pooh) (pronunciation joke)
Io (Grand)) Nanoha Takamachi (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha) (VA joke: Yukari Tamura)
Ippatsu This image with Ippatsu's face edited over the man's face.
Izmir Elsa (Frozen)
Jeanne d'Arc Jeanne d'Arc/Ruler from Fate/Apocrypha (Fate/Grand Order, initial art)
Jeanne d'Arc (Dark)) Jeanne d'Arc (Alter) (Fate/Grand Order)
Jeanne d'Arc (Grand)) Jeanne d'Arc/Ruler from Fate/Apocrypha (Fate/Grand Order, 4th Ascension art)
Jeanne d'Arc (SR)) Jeanne d'Arc (Santa Lily Alter) (Fate/Grand Order)
Jeanne d'Arc (Themed)) A screencap of Granblue Fantasy's maintenance page (only works when there's really a maintenance going on.) (referencing her banner started with the servers crashing.) Fate/Grand Order's version of Summer Jeanne).
Johann An image of Johann Strauss, himself or his son.
Joker 2019: Joker (Batman the Animated Series) 2020: still Joker (Batman: the Animated Series, but he's holding a card with his face on it.)
Karteira Tressa Colzione (Octopath Traveler) Francesca (Dragalia Lost)
Katalina (Grand)) Murgleis (her recuitment weapon) Herself rubbing Vyrn??
Kokkoro Rage of Bahamut art of Grimnir (Grimnir Returns)
Kolulu A photo of Yuuki Ono, Gran and Lancelot's voice actor, the Gislalord.
Korwa A Polish "kurwa" joke i.e. Stachu Jones?
Krugne Ryuji Otogi (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Kumbhira Generic clip art of a boar on a bamboo.
La Coiffe Edward Scissorhands (Johnny Depp)
Lady Katapillar and Vira Vaporeon, Caterpie (Pokémon)
Laguna Laguna Loire (FFVIII), or the Laguna de Bay or the eponymous province in the Philippines.
Lamretta Any liquors? Johnny Walker? Absolut?
Lamretta (R) Any liquors? Johnny Walker? Absolut?
Lamretta (Water) Any liquors? Johnny Walker? Absolut?
Lancelot Lancelot (Saber) (Fate/Grand Order, 4th Ascension art) Lancelot (Berserker) (Fate/Grand Order?) Lancelot from Mike, Lu & Og?
Lecia Lecia's expression with 3 stars on her background (probably a joke as she's the only main story SR character (not counting Rein) without an FLB uncap.)
Leonora Kunoichi (Samurai Warriors)
Levi Leviathan (the Bible,) or the Leviathan/Leviathan Omega in-game?
Levin Sisters Top to bottom: Madoka Kaname (Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica,) Shuten-douji (Fate/Grand Order,) Hibiki Tachibana (Symphogear series.) (VA joke: Aoi Yuuki)
Lilele Ranka Lee (Macross Frontier)
Lily Lily in her Dragalia Lost rendition.
Lily (Event)) Clay Golem with an SR crystal above it.
Lobelia Cioccolata w/ his Stand, Green Day (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo)
Lucio Lucifer (Shin Megami Tensei series) with 3 image stock katanas and a pair of small wings edited behind him.
Lucius Dio Brando (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood, episode 1) (VA joke: Takehito Koyasu)
Lucius (Fire)) Dio Brando (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood, episode 3) (VA joke: Takehito Koyasu)
Lucius (SSR)) DIO w/ ZA WARUDO (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders) (VA joke: Takehito Koyasu)
Ludmila A mushroom poster named "Poisonous & Psychotropic Mushrooms", originally created by David Arora, a renowned mycologist.
Luna Kaguya Luna (a virtual Youtuber)
Lunalu (SSR)) Lunalu's event portait with a bunch of skill icons on her paper. Said skill icon is "Ground Zero," Sarasa/Threo's notable skill, in which it is notoriously used with Lunalu's Facsimile skill.
Mahira Generic clip art of a chicken with Mahira's string edited on it.
Maria Theresa Maria Theresa Amalia Walburga von Österreich, the ruler of Habsburg dominions, the Duchess of Lorraine, Grand Duchess of Tuscany and Holy Roman Empress.
Mariah Mariah Carey
Marquiares Megumin (KonoSuba) with an pair of angled shades edited in.
Medusa An edited image of a jellyfish with Medusa's eyes, and blushes. F/SN RideMedusa
Medusa (Promo)) Original art of Medusa with LogicLinks logo over it (refers to her required method of recruiting her.)
Melissabelle An MSPaint rendition of a corn.
Melissabelle (Valentine)) An MSPaint rendition of a corn, with a pink heart.
Mirin Kikkoman Aji-Mirin.
Monika FE Three Houses' Bernadetta (VA joke: Ayumi Tsuji), or Doki Doki Literature Club Monika.
Monika (Grand) FE Three Houses' Bernadetta (VA joke: Ayumi Tsuji), or Doki Doki Literature Club Monika.
Mugen A screenshot of a M.U.G.E.N. gameplay. Characters are "Oira GF" by yugusic, and the stage is the "The Grancypher" from Panda Hoodie Grl & friends.
Narmaya Original art with Mao Ichimichi (M・A・O)'s head edited over Narmaya's head.
Narmaya (Holiday)) Original art with Mao Ichimichi (M・A・O)'s head edited over Narmaya's head.
Narmaya (Summer)) Original art with Mao Ichimichi (M・A・O)'s head edited over Narmaya's head.
Narmaya (Valentine)) Original art with Mao Ichimichi (M・A・O)'s head edited over Narmaya's head.
Nemone Original art, repeated all over the place (probably a reference to her catchphrase.)
Nezahualpilli A clip art of a "birdman" holding a spear.
Nicholas Genji (Overwatch)
Nier NieR (Gestalt) US PS3 box art Sakura Matou, or NieR Automata-related crap
Nina Drango "Blush Value" of characters in the wiki superimposed over each other.
Niyon Hiding in a cardbox in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Probably a reference to her appearance in Grand Blues. Notte (Dragalia Lost)
Orchid 2019: A stock image of an orchid flower. 2020: Carl Clover and Deus Machina: Nirvana (Blazblue)
Owen Owen's character design in Shingeki no Bahamut: Manaria Friends.
Paris (Event)) The Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.
Pavidus A screencap of Willie McNabb's tweet.
Pecorine Original art with Mao Ichimichi (M・A・O)'s head edited over Pecorine's head.
Pengy Pingu
Percival Percy the Small Engine (Thomas and Friends)
Petra (SSR) JoJo Stand jokes.
Philosophia Anything regarding Philosophy.
Philosophia (SR) Anything regarding Philosophy.
Predator The Predator) from Alien vs. Predator
Rackam Various panels from Grand Blues of Rackam doing stupid things, and exploding.
Rackam (Grand) Laguna Loire (FFVIII)/Balthier (FFXII) (VA joke: Hiroaki Hirata)
Randall (SR) Sanji from One Piece, Hwoarang from Tekken series?
Rei Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion) (name joke) Anyone with bizarre things in their eyes (i.e. Ciel Phantomhive, Lelouch, Sharingan users, FREAKING SHIKI RYOUGI?)
Reinhardtzar (Grand) (don't bother, it's empty.)
Richard The Jewel Resort Casino Poker game
Richard (SR) The Jewel Resort Casino Poker game
Romeo (Event) Ramza Beoulve (Final Fantasy Tactics), or any similar designs from Akihiko Yoshida.
Rosamia Any of Yui Ishikawa's roles (2B, Enterprise, Mikasa, Violet Evergarden?)
Rosamia (SR) Any of Yui Ishikawa's roles (2B, Enterprise, Mikasa, Violet Evergarden?)
Rosamia (SSR) (She was once had a April Fool quirk, the Colony Laser from Mobile Suit Gundam, but somehow they removed it.) Any of Yui Ishikawa's roles (2B, Enterprise, Mikasa, Violet Evergarden?)
Rosetta (Grand) Kiara Sesshouin? (VA joke)
Sakura Shinguji The commercial with her VA, and Segata Sanshiro.
Sandalphon (Event)) An iPhone 5, with a phone case that looks like a Japanese slipper. It's a visual pun.
Sarunan (Dark)) Sarunan (Dark) in a jar of honey.
Scathacha Scathach (Fate/Grand Order) alternative: Scathach (Shin Megami Tensei)
Scathacha (Valentine) Scathach-Skadi (Fate/Grand Order)
Seofon His Eternal's Summer Vacation outfit, but focused on his abs and crotch.
Seox A Scooby-Doo parody of unmasking Seox, with Gran as Fred and him as a villain in a ghost costume.
Shao The Medicine Seller from Mononoke (no, not the Ghibli one.) (VA joke: Takahiro Sakurai)
Shiva 2019: A title screen of a game based on an Indian Nickolodeon show. 2020: Shiva (Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward)
Siegfried Saber of Black (Siegfried) from Fate/Apocrypha (Fate/Grand Order, 4th Ascension art)
Siegfried (Fire) Sieg from Fate/Apocrypha
Societte (Fire) A stock image of an helicopter.
Sophia Sophia, the Goddess (Warring Triad)) (Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward)
Spinnah 2019: A stock image of a fidget spinner, but somehow they deleted it.
Stan An album cover of "#" by the K-pop girlgroup LOONA. The term "stan" is used within the general pop fandom that means "stalker fan." It is mostly used within the K-Pop fandom.
Sturm (Grand)) Strum (Advance Wars (GBA))
Suzaku Kururugi I can't find them, there's only soup. I mean I'm at soup! I'M AT THE SOUP STORE!!!
Tanya Tanya Degurechaff (Saga of Tanya the Evil) (name joke)
Therese (Event)) Yugi Muto "dueling" (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Threo 2019: Soul Balm > A stock image of a two-layered cake.
Tiamat Tiamat (Dungeons and Dragons) Beast II (Fate/Grand Order)
Tien Tien Shinhan (Dragon Ball) Something TH-related.
Tsubasa Tsubasa Kazanari (Symphogear XD Unlimited)
Tweyen A kitchen twine (probably a pronunciation pun)
Tyre There's no other reference like Gaston! (Beauty and the Beast, 1991 animated movie)
Uzuki Shimamura Z35 (Azur Lane) (Design and VA joke)
Vajra Generic clip art of a dog with a red scarf, while there's a similar looking fish down there.
Vane A wind vane.
Vania A red apple core (Vampy is core + (potential) The Twilight Saga) reference?)
Viceroy An Iron Cluster. (why?)
Vikala A cartoon illustration of a rat with balloons.
Vira Eevee (Pokémon)
Vira (Grand)) Sylveon (Pokémon) with Luminiera/Chevalier Bits
Vira (Promo)) Flareon (Pokémon)
Vira (SSR)) Umbreon (Pokémon)
Vira (Summer)) Leafeon (Pokémon)
Vira (Wind)) Jolteon (Pokémon)
Volenna (Event)) Lightning (Knight of Etro outfit) (Final Fantasy XIII-2)
Walder (Holiday)) Generic clip art of a man's head with a Christmas tree and Santa's hat at the top.
Wulf and Renie 2019: A stock clip-art of Red Riding Hood and a wolf. 2020: Akazukin (Otogi Jushi Akazukin)
Yggdrasil Suzuho Ueda (idolm@ster Cinderella Girls: Starlight Stage, Smiling Tree+ art)
Yngwie Blastoise (Pokémon) Yngwie Malmsteen
Yodarha (SSR)) An illustration of Yoda (Star Wars) (nickname joke)
Yuisis Her original art with the phrase "Level 100 Boss" over it. Probably a reference to the infamous Mafia City ads (see Garma.)
Yuisis (Fire) 2B (Nier Automata)
Yurius Marluxia (Kingdom Hearts)
Zahlhamelina A stock image of a potato replaced her body aside from her hands, her staff, and the flames.
Zeta A photo of Kana Hanazawa.
Zooey Original art with a screenshot of a tumblr post over it.
Zooey (Promo)) Original art of Zooey with GBF-themed SMBC Visa credit cards on both hands (refers to her required method of recruiting her.)
If something's missing here (especially when they add more April Fools crap on the wiki while I make this,) or any mistakes here, leave a comment.
submitted by Kalafino to Granblue_en [link] [comments]

#No$4Bugs It's Time To Unite As Community

#No$4Bugs It's Time To Unite As Community
Have you ever felt unhappy about the situation of this game? Annoyed by the bugs that affect your playtime? Angry about how you're treated?
Worry not, you're not alone.
That's why you're reading this post.
Top players and casuals, spenders and F2P gamers, are uniting, right now, because they love this game. We want the game to be better. To be treated better. To see ourselves valued. To know the time and the resources we are investing will be worth it.
We want to be heard.
For the first time in the history of this game, most of the top players and leagues are putting their differences and rivalries aside to step up and finally achieve what the playerbase deserves.

How will the community try to achieve their goals?

From February 11th to March 11th every spender that will take part in the protest will NOT spend any money in the game and its offers. During this time frame, every Top League that has or will join the protest will feature "#No$4bugs" in their League names (eg. #No$4Bugs - Excelsior)
Anyone that believes that this protest is a worthy cause is encouraged to decrease their playtime.

Who's participating?

Members from most of the Top Leagues joined and many will join in the near future. You'll find a list of the major names that are contributing in the comment section.
Here instead are (in aphabetical order) the names of the main Leagues that volunteered so far (to be added in the list, just contact me):
  • 692 [Network]
  • AC 8
  • Angry Russians
  • Armenia United
  • Bad Company
  • Belarus Div.1
  • Black Pearl
  • Boot Camp
  • CAPOS F.C.
  • Champs league
  • Chennai FC
  • Coalition of Nations
  • DU+ [Network]
  • Deltron 3030
  • Dirty Dozen!
  • Dream Team 19
  • Dynamic Dragons
  • FC Skylarks
  • FUT 1453
  • Falcon Justice
  • Fearless
  • Fifa LatAm Synergy
  • Fifa United
  • Fifanesia
  • ForFun
  • GOLD
  • Golden Conant [Network]
  • Grumpy Old Devils
  • Hellas
  • Imperio Latino
  • Indo Real Fighters
  • Invictos raiz
  • J
  • JFL
  • KocuryPI PRO
  • LatAm Synergy
  • Legends
  • Liga888
  • LoN
  • Los Rieleros FC
  • Made in Ukraine
  • MalaysiaTigersChampion
  • Minnesota Divided FC
  • Musketeers
  • No Mercy
  • Nudesiarnia (PL)
  • Polish Fighters ®
  • Proud of Poland
  • ROST
  • Revoltados Brasil
  • Romania
  • Russian Heroes
  • Sounders Japan Superlig
  • Stars of Answers HQ
  • Super liga Latina
  • TS最己阵
  • TURKISH Brothers
  • Team Deutschland
  • The Damned Royals
  • The Fawkes
  • The Guardians
  • The Jokers
  • The Velvet FIFA
  • Tiberias+LTU
  • Top Latino
  • TopoIM
  • USSR. Evil Empire
  • Ukraine
  • Ukraine League
  • Ukraine Raiders
  • Ukraine Ultras
  • Ukraine top
  • UkraineTop
  • Ukrainian warriors
  • VietnamPro
  • Whitewalkers
  • XLeg
  • Zlatan Dance Academy
  • [vVv]
  • Бригада (Brigada)
  • КрамБамБуля (KramBamBulya)
  • МАГНИТ2019 (MAGNIT2019)
  • СНГ United (SNG United)
  • Славяне Возраждение
  • Украiна 1 (Ukraina 1)

How can I contribute?

Here are a few ways to contribute yourself:
  • Spread the word and share this message to as many players as possible, even by using #NoBucks4Bugs;
  • Talk with your League admins and discuss on adding "#No$4bugs" to your League name (eg. #No$4Bugs - Excelsior);
  • Decrease your playtime: developers in general check how often players interact with their game(s). A significant game playtime decrease will help the cause.
  • If you are an occasional / light / heavy spender, refrain from spending yourself: while you might think it won't matter, every purchase counts.
  • Leave a Comment down here with your In-Game Name!
  • Let's use #NoBucks4Bugs in your tweets and posts to show Twitter and the other Social Networks how united we are!
Use this image as your profile picture on your Social Media!

What's our purpose?

  • We are hoping for a more open dialogue with game developers to discuss issues in a candid and transparent manner on all platforms. A single community manager active regularly on TwitteDiscord for a game downloaded over 100 million times on the App Stores is a poor ratio, there is only so much he can do.
  • Lack of QA staff to catch bugs earlier and address player issues.
  • The quality of “EA HELP” is currently very low and the system needs a revamp.
  • Lack of efficient in-game communication tools for users not on social media to report bugs.
  • Asking people who spend real money on this game to purchase packs before the full event is revealed is not ethical, as there is potential for betteworse packs in the future. The focus on withholding full information and supplying packs must stop. Eg. Hidden freeze snowflakes; multiple FP packs during the course of TOTY: each with a varying degree of value for money; POTM Pogba cost decrease; Lunar “presale pack”-a new low.
  • Apart from events, there is a general sense of a lack of transparency in this game from the developers, leaving several users alienated.
Game Design
  • The most prominent issue with this season is the evident lack of quality game design as showcased by the numerous hotfixes by the game developers (Training Discount %, Chemistry update, Auction-able players, Flash Sale points, Domination Manolas etc., “buff" to the rainbow skill move which followed the release of TOTY starters with roulette sends mixed message);
  • It is becoming increasingly clear that each event is geared at increasing potential financial outlay and not towards building a sustainable game mode. Events after Football Freeze have been bereft of tools for overall progression, instead becoming mind-numbing repetition of the same skill games to grind towards arbitrary rewards, which will eventually be made redundant by the event following it. All this makes you think - WHERE’S THE FOOTBALL I SIGNED UP FOR?
  • The focus has been on churning out wave after wave of cards; plummeting in value each event; with a notable lack of skill boost progression (The pack distribution, rarity types etc. have led to many players finding their progress halted). VSA season end rewards have also been very disappointing and cater disproportionately more to the paying customers;
  • The market is in a state of turmoil due to the overload of cards and lack of coin input;
  • 80-88 rated players have become useless as the cost to train is disproportionately high if compared to the relatively low cost of 90+ rated players; which makes you wonder what the goal behind setting these values of TXP could be? (Again - Communication and Transparency);
  • Where’s the fun in grinding out 10 different currencies to consolidate into a single main chain with zero branches and no potential for choice of reward? The concept of Strategy has been pushed out of the game and is leading to a severe lack of user engagement;
  • Hiring of a high quality game designer who understands the different currencies and tools for overall progression well is a must to address the above issues. The whole season has been poorly designed and desperately needs a fix;
Summary of some of the identified issues that need fixing:
  1. Cards get cheaper and cheaper every event, market crash;
  2. Lack of Boost progression over the last few months;
  3. Lack of clarity on plans for Rank ups/Training players;
  4. Events don't significantly help progression without luck;
  5. Overcomplicated event currencies.
  • Despite having a beta program, the game is still riddled with bugs. The developers are aware of these, and the time frame for such fixes is always unclear and players take advantages of bugs/glitches. Several members of the top 250 in VSA have reached there using the VSA glitch but there has been no action taken or communication regarding such instances;
  • As the season has progressed we are seeing the same 4-5 types of skill games in all events, making it monotonous and we feel like we're playing the same event with a different skin pasted on it;
  • Each bug fix seems to create more bugs, and there seems to be a lack of motivation behind fixing them. Even if there is the lack of communication makes it look like there isn’t any. A “State of Development” and official acknowledgement of existing bugs would be appreciated;
  • LVL has gone 3 seasons with less and less content coming out each season, for many of us it is the most fun part of the game and with no Weekend Tournament, it remains one of the only entertaining competitive modes, and yet there is evidence of cheating even in this game mode;
  • One might wonder if this is a football game or a casino game. Each step taken by the devs seem to indicate the latter. There even was a “spin the wheel” in store. This game is dominated more by luck than by skill/intelligence and this must change. Manipulating the market shouldn’t be the best way to progress as a F2P, proper game management should;
  • The fact that users cannot even pick which players/rewards/resources they want to go for during an event (among other things) is wrong and promotes a dangerous luck based reward system (eg. Messi TOTY @9 Mln vs Ronaldo @18 Mln);
  • There is no confirmation message while making purchases with FIFA Points, which is extremely unethical considering the placement of packs are designed to make users more likely to click on them. It isn't hard to ask for confirmation before buying a pack; and this must be implemented for purchase security sake, as users may unintentionally spend their FP;
In conclusion, each and every game mode currently has some significant problems that EA should address:
  1. H2H: disconnects and back-passing;
  2. VSA: Glitch and heavy RNG/luck influence;
  3. LVL: outdated rewards and mode, although fun;
  4. Events: Monotonous skill games, no creativity or planning involved;
  5. Campaign: Majority finished it in the first month, pales in comparison to last season’s expansive engaging campaign mode;
  6. Market: Coin sellers;
  7. Domination: Boring, poor time/value ratio.
We truly believe the developer team will listen to our feedback.We only want the best for the game.Now it' EA's turn to prove they want the same.


Discord: @White_00#6773, @Din#5724, @katzler#5933, @dhe522#0995.
Reddit: u/White_00, u/Din-027, u/Katzler23.
Twitter: @FUTMobileWhite, @Din027, @katzler23, @dhe522FIFA.
Special Thanks to u/Maelstrom779 , u/AristotleNova and everyone else that contributed into building this movement.
submitted by White_00 to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

Casino Heist Textures

Follow up on the roulette table characters from last DLC here.
A new painting that has symbols from the Aztec calendar first seen in RDR 2.
Here's the number conversion.
Here are the numbers: 15513 43421.
Bigfoot in Race and Chase
UFO in the same arcade game poster
Also there's a new serial killer mystery with collectibles, some quad rotor drones and a mini tank. Also wizards are apparently homophobic. That's all for now.
Update: There are 50 jammers scattered across Los Santos. When you destroy them all you get Avi Schwartzman as a hacker in your crew for the Casino Heist. Here are all of the locations.
You can also get Patrick McReary as a gunman for the heist via random encounter where you have to save him from an armored police van.
Update #2: Tattoos and other textures.
submitted by SnGhostX to chiliadmystery [link] [comments]

Doki Doki Island

The Eyes Of Love
It’s that time of year again where the love and passion on Doki Doki Island runs wild! People from all over the seas come to this island to find their one true pleasure in life. Some people come for the world renowned love hotel called “Apaixonante”, known for their very professional workers of “love” that will fulfill your every needs while others travel to Red Rose Blvd., a huge shopping district filled with tons of different shops and cafes for you and you’re beloved to spend time in while eyeing the beautiful rows of bouquets lined down the streets. There even is a beautiful natural hot spring that is infused with “love energy”, making it appear pink! This place is a wonderland...Right?
“Where is Pan!!! He’s been gone for days!!!” Aphrodite angrily yells towards Freyja as she cowers in fear.
“People have been paying for his work but he’s not here to fulfill the role! He’s the only person that can do it too!!! If we lose him...we lose about 80% of our okama fanbase!!! This is bad!!!” Aphrodite shouts as she tugs her hair, pulling out large chunks of it.
“M-maybe y-yy-you can do it!” Freyja says covering up her face in fear of Aphrodite’s anger.
“Also, I cannot find Qetesh at all!!! She’s not even at the casino so where is she?!?!” Aphrodite slaps Freyja’s hands from her face, grabbing onto the collar of her shirt.
“If you’re gonna be a big useless freak...get out of my sight!!!” Aphrodite screams as her terrifying eyes stare into Freyja’s soul. Tears run down her eyes as Aphrodite drops her, giving her the chance to run away. Flopping herself onto her office chair, she rips open one of her drawers, revealing a stash of lollipops. Quickly grabbing her favorite flavor , cherry , she unwraps it and plops it into her mouth.
“Damn...This job gets too stressful...brother please...” Aphrodite mumbles, staring up into the ceiling as she kicks back upon her chair.

Special Landmarks:

The largest hotel on the Island, Apaixonante is a wonder straight out of a fairy tale. The Castle like Hotel is made from pink sandstone that is a trademark of Doki Doki Island. The luxurious hotel has over 500 guest rooms and 5 large halls for different events/gatherings. The main floor also includes many bars and restaurants for guests that are in the mood for socializing. One of the most popular features of the Hotel is the many theme rooms available for couples to enjoy. Some of the popular ones include themes such as Polynesian, Roman, Safari and Igloo rooms. However there are many more that are less publicly advertised like the Jail or Dungeon themed rooms. Each room is complete with a King sized bed, Jacuzzi tub and lovers package unique to each room’s theme.
This tourist hot spot for rest and relaxation is a delight for all the senses. From it’s immaculate parlor rooms to it’s awe inspiring private baths this hot spring resort has every comfort or treatment a couple could desire. Enjoy a variety of romantic packages that include Massages, Aromatherapy, Facials and more. Take a dip in a private or public bath fed from the Island’s natural hot springs, the naturally occurring minerals have dissolved to make the water naturally pink and is said to be infused with strong “Love Energy”.
Elegant boutiques line the covered galleries of the Red Rose Boulevard. These shops sell all manner of romantic gifts from the Luxury perfume shop Mon Amour to upscale jewelry boutique the Palace Royale. Chic nooks can be found in every corner of this place where even the cheapest miser or the richest playboy can find a suitable gift for their special someone. The roads are paved with rose coloured stones giving the Boulevard is flowery name.
The Golden Pair is the premier gambling house on Doki Doki Island, it offers hundreds of table games in separate gaming areas. Gaming options include blackjack, baccarat, roulette, craps, and various others. The most popular game on the Island is Doki Doki Poker, the game is played in pairs with the couples having to combine their cards to make the strongest set. For guests who prefer slot machines, there are more than 500 slot machines to choose from all themed to a romantic atmosphere. Even when the casino is busy, it's large enough that you never feel crowded. The chips are shaped in hearts with the colours denoting the value (Green is 100 Beli, Blue is 1,000 Beli, Pink is 10,000 Beli, Red is 100,000 Beli and Gold is 1 Million Beli.) There's also a romantic lounge with a wide range of performers that will never fail to set the mood. Couples can participate in the weekly Karaoke contest to win prizes. The owner of the Golden Pair Qetesh maintains order and keeps the peace at this establishment. She has trained the staff to fuel romantic endeavors while keeping a sharp eye out for trouble makers.
This Manor is the personal residence of Adonis, the owner of this island and one of the most mysterious individuals on the Island. The building is made of limestone with pink sandstone sculptures decorating the exterior. The entire estate is surrounded by a tall stone wall with elegant iron barbs hanging over the edge, making the only point of entrance the crystal gate located on it’s southern edge. The inside of the mansion is rumored to be even more extravagant than it’s exterior but, only those personally selected by Adonis can enter his personal paradise.
This uniquely heart shaped body of water is located near the Love Hotel “Apaixonante”. It is surrounded by ever-bloom sakura trees, which are a local variety that blooms year round. This gives the lake an atmosphere that is sure to warm the coldest of hearts. The dock nearby provides two person Swan boats available for rent at a very affordable price, which will assure a romantic voyage. Also unique to this lake is a species known as the Doki Doki Carp. This pink carp is attracted to the “love energy” from couples traveling in the boats, they say the truer and purer the love of the individuals the more carp will follow the boat. The current record for a newly wed couple is approximately 100 Carp however most romantic couples can only attract 10-20 of this sensitive animals.
Surrounding the Lover’s Lake is the Love Love Forest. This forest is full of ever-bloom sakura and is the ideal place for couples to get in touch with nature. The forest creatures have evolved over time to blend in with their surrounding and have all turned a pinkish color to better blend in with the sakura blossoms. A nightly event is held called the “Lovers Trial of Courage” where couples are paired off and have to navigate a spooky path by lantern. The spooky atmosphere allows the couple to get closer as they follow the markers to a cabin at the end of the trail. After the trial they can spend the night warm in the cozy cabins. The Okama Love nurse Pan is often found on in the Love Love Forest and has a habit of kidnapping any particularly attractive younger men off to his love den.
(OOC: Please enjoy yourself on this love filled island! You can enjoy all the beautiful landmarks on Doki Doki Island or maybe even tangle yourself in the love nurses’ fiascoes! Don't forget to tag TempNPC!!!)


Map of Doki Doki Island

submitted by TempNPC to StrawHatRPG [link] [comments]

PSA: Very-New Players Guide, Part 2: Characters, Weapons, Summons, and what to do with them

Welcome to part 2 of my guide for very-new players! If you missed part 1, it's here:
PSA: Very-New Players Guide, Part 1: Stories, Events, and Weapons (pre-Omega/Magna)
Now that we've had more than a week of roulette, you probably have a lot of characters, weapons, and summons, and you might not be sure what to do with them or which ones to use. In this part 2, I'll be talking about all of this -- but first, I need to explain something about elements, particularly Light and Dark.
(Edit: I added section 2g: Do you have any advice for party-building?)

Section 1: Elements
Intuitively, you would think your characters will always deal more damage to one element and receive more damage from one element. However, this is not quite true:
Counter-intuitively, your Light characters will take reduced damage from Dark enemies and your Dark characters will take reduced damage from Light enemies! This also means Light and Dark characters are not weak to any element.
The superior element has +50% elemental ATK against the weak element and the weak element has -25% elemental ATK against the superior element. Elemental superiority and weakness also affects the success rate of debuffs like ATK Down or Blind. (Surprisingly, the worst debuff success rate is against the same element!)

Section 2: Characters
2a: Quick tip: changing party icons
Before you start making parties, here's a quick tip: you can change the party icons that show up when you select Switch Parties. E.g. you can make each one a different element icon to help you organize your parties. The Change Party Icon button is just below your party's characters.
2b: What should be my first parties/teams?
Simple answer: Make 6 parties, one for each element. If you don't have enough characters for an element, fill-in the gaps with your favourite or strongest characters from other elements.
Focusing on one element/party vs using all six: To be honest, I don't know how difficult the early game is with a single element party, especially an element that isn't Light or Dark and is weak to another element. If you want to play only one party with your favourite characters (hopefully of the same element...), you should be able to make it work at least for a while, since the early story content is very easy. But as you progress, I think the benefits of being the superior element will make fights a lot easier.
Many players will eventually choose to focus on one element. However, there is no need to do so before you reach the point where you are farming Omega (Magna) raids to build an Omega (Magna) weapons grid.
When you reach this point, you'll end up using weapons with skills to upgrade the skill levels of specific grid weapons. Since your supply of these "skill fodder" weapons will be limited at that point, focusing on only one element's weapons can help you progress faster. Similarly, you'll receive Renown Pendants for defeating raid bosses, and these can be traded for specific weapons in lieu of waiting for them to drop randomly from an Omega raid boss. Focusing on one element means you can spend all of your pendants on the weapon(s for that element's grid.
That said, having a party for every element can make fighting and farming (particularly MVP-ing) the Omega raid bosses much easier. They dish out a lot of damage for that point in the game, so you will definitely want to take advantage of superior element damage reduction.
2c: Which characters are the best?
There is a tier list you can check to get an idea of which of your characters are the strongest. Some notes about this tier list:
If you are short on (useful) characters for an element, remember that there are a lot of characters you can get for free from the side stories, including 4 SSRs (so far)! I listed the more useful ones at the end of my previous guide.
2d: Are R or SR characters useful?
Yes! ... Sometimes.
When you don't have 5 SSR characters in an element, you'll always want SR and R characters of the correct element to fill out your party. But there are some situations, especially when you have a small number of SSRs, where an SR character fills a role you need for a difficult fight, such as healing, debuffing, Katalina's Veil (Dispel Mount skill), etc.
As for R characters, some notable ones include:
In addition, there are a number of reasons to use R and SR characters even when they don't serve any special purpose in battle:
Lastly, you may opt to use SR or R characters to add more variety to the game or to make repetitive fights more challenging.
2e: My favourite character isn't among my 5 strongest characters for their element. Can I still use them?
Yes! Early game, it doesn't really matter. Eventually, it will make some fights more difficult, but nothing you can't overcome one way or another.
As for late game viability, you may be interested in the replies to this topic: To anyone who has favorite characters that aren't viable in endgame, what do you do?
2f: Does the order of the characters in my party matter?
Yes! Whenever a character does a Charge Attack (CA), all other characters that haven't done a CA yet on that turn will gain 10% to their charge bar. For example, if your main character (MC) has 100% charge bar, your 2nd character has 90%, your 3rd character 80%, and your 4th character 70%, then all 4 characters will use their CAs in that turn. MC's CA will raise everyone else's charge bars by 10%, and so on.
Therefore, you'll usually put characters that can gain more charge bar, such has having Double Attack / Triple Attack up (DA/TA up) or skills that boost their charge bar, into the 2nd and 3rd positions. Meanwhile, characters that consume charge bar for skills will usually be in the 4th position.
2g: Do you have any advice for party-building?
Lots! But I'll just give some simple advice here. You can further optimize your party as you play and learn more about combat. You can also ask for more detailed help in the latest Q&A thread.
First, consider your characters' and your class's buff and debuff skills. If two skills apply the same buff/debuff, and neither one says "Stackable", then they might not stack. Look up Status Effects and Attack Rate Boosts on the Wiki to see if your skills will stack, or test them in a Trial Battle.
ATK Down / DEF Down: Look at your ATK Down and DEF Down debuffs. These debuffs cap at 50% each on an enemy. One common goal of party building is to reach this cap.
Start with Dark Fencer's Miserable Mist skill, which inflicts 25% ATK Down and 25% DEF Down and stacks with most other debuff skills. You will almost always have this class skill -- in fact, you will almost always be using Dark Fencer for difficult fights.
Now try to build a party that can provide the remaining 25% for both ATK Down and DEF Down. If you can't achieve this with your characters alone, then you can use Sidewinder's Rain of Arrows III (25% ATK Down) or Warrior's Defense Breach (20% DEF Down) as your subskill.
Multiattack Rate Up: Another common goal is to pick characters with Attack Rate Boosts, aka "DATA Up" (Double Attack / Triple Attack rate up). E.g. if you get the side story characters Aqours Second-Years and Sig (Event)), even though their DA Up skills won't stack, you can alternate between them to have a DA Up buff on your party at all times.
Build around a boss/fight: Lastly, when you encounter a very difficult fight, you should build a party around it. E.g. Sorcerer's Blind skill reduces an enemy's accuracy by about 50%. Attacks that hit your whole party are not affected by Blind, which is one reason why Rain of Arrows III is used more often. But for some fights, Blind can cut the damage you take by half!
(By the way, after Dark Fencer, I strongly recommend unlocking both Sorcerer and Sidewinder for these subskills. Moreover, Sorcerer is a pre-requisite for Bishop, which has the Dispel skill you'll eventually need to fight Luminiera Omega#Omega%20Showdown).)

Section 3: Weapons
3a: What do I do with all my weapons?
There is a fantastic comment by u/kscw that summarizes what you'll end up doing with each weapon (and summon) as you progress in the game. Everyone should check it out. In addition to all of the useful info, it mentions some very important things you should not do.
To supplement that comment, I'll just note some things specifically for very new players and talk about which weapons you'll find useful when you start.
3b: How do I distinguish between Premium Draw weapons and farmable weapons?
Farmable weapons have much lower stats than Premium Draw weapons. If you sort by PWR (Lowest), most or all of your farmable weapons will appear before the rest.
If you sort by Skill Level or click on the button in the top-left to show weapon skills, you will see some with an Omega (Ω) or an EX in the corner of the skill icon. These weapons are always farmable.
Some farmable weapons have Normal weapon skills, not Omega or EX. The only way to distinguish these from Premium Draw weapons is to click Reduce to see how much it will reduce for. Farmable SRs reduce for 1 weapon stone, while Premium Draw SRs reduce for 15.
Weapons purchased in the Casino, while technically farmable, are actually considered Premium Draw weapons: they have Premium Draw stats and they reduce for 15 weapon stones.
3c: I have a lot of skilled R weapons and no farmed SR weapons to upgrade. What should I do with them?
I recommend spending 500 crystals in the Shop to buy a Weapon Stash (you'll end up buying at least one eventually) and storing them in there.
Alternatively, you can use these R weapons to upgrade SSR weapons in your grid to weapon skill level 2 (SL2), but only if the weapon skill boosts ATK. Make sure you use exactly 8 skilled R weapons to do this to guarantee a 100% skill-up success rate. Beyond SL2, you get diminishing returns: you'd need an additional 16 R weapons to reach SL3, and if you check the weapon skills table, you'll see that upgrading a weapon from SL1 to SL2 provides the same benefit as going from SL2 to SL3, despite the latter costing twice as much.
If you're going to do this, I suggest you start by upgrading the skill levels of side story weapons that you get at lv100, particularly any with an EX weapon skill. These lv100 side story weapons will remain in your grid longer than your Premium Draw SSRs or SRs. Event SSRs are also usually(?) worth upgrading to SL2, sometimes higher. (Some weapons with EX skills will even be used in your first Omega (Magna) grid!)
You can always upgrade farmable (side story, event, etc.) SSR weapons to SL2 without wasting skill fodder. If these SSR weapons end up as fodder, they'll need to be upgraded to SL2 anyway, and sometimes even higher.
Obsolete Premium Draw SSRs, on the other hand, may ultimately be reduced, in which case the R weapons spent upgrading their skill levels will be "wasted" -- but not really, since the increase in damage output probably helped you farm the Omega weapons and fodder that you used to eventually replace them. Moreover, this isn't a lot of skill fodder compared to what you need to raise a single SSR weapon all the way to SL10 and beyond, so don't worry too much about spending some right now.
3d: Which weapons are useful for my grid?
To keep it simple:
Feel free to upgrade all of these weapons' levels to improve their stats: you'll soon find yourself with an abundance of Angel weapons ("EXP BOOST") used to upgrade weapon levels.
Auto-Select for ATK will build you a decent first grid, but it doesn't take weapon skills into account (see ATK vs Estimated DMG below). As you level up Premium Draw SSSR weapons with "Medium/Big boost to ATK", you may need to manually put them into your grid, especially if you already have a lot of max level SSR weapons from the main story and side stories. You can tell you did the right thing if you see the Estimated DMG increase, even if the ATK stat decreases.
Despite its flaws, Auto-Select is useful early on because it's fast, easy, and it may include lv100 weapons you obtained recently and forgot to add manually.
The game's Damage Formula is complicated -- and the Detailed Damage Formula even moreso! It is so complicated that I rely on an external website, motocal, to tell me which weapons to put in my grid. Weapon grid building is a topic for an entire guide in itself. For now, using Auto-Select and then manually replacing off-element weapons will suffice, using the game's Estimated DMG to tell you whether or not your replacement improved your damage.
By the way, use an SSR weapon as your mainhand whenever possible: it provides a 3-turn cut to the cooldown of summons that match its element, whereas an SR weapon provides only a 2-turn cut. In addition, SSR weapons also deal more damage with their Charge Attacks.
3e: What are HP / ATK / PWR? How are they different from Estimated DMG?
As mentioned earlier, when you Auto-Select for HP or ATK, it optimizes for the HP or ATK stats. It never optimizes for Estimated DMG, so it ignores weapons with "Medium/Big boost to ATK" when they have lower ATK stats, even if they'll give you higher damage.

Section 4: Summons
4a: What do I do with all my summons?
Again, please read the fantastic comment by u/kscw that summarizes what you'll end up doing with each weapon and summon as you progress in the game. I'll supplement it with some very-new player notes and talk about useful summons.
By the way, don't forget to upgrade your summons as well as your weapons. Otherwise, you'll find yourself dying to single hits from the Omega raid bosses, among other things.
4b: Which main summon should I use?
Whichever summon's (main) aura provides the biggest boost to ATK for your party's element. Check the side story summons, which usually provide a 50% boost to ATK or a 25% boost to both ATK and HP.
I also strongly recommend Anat from the Casino (Poker guide here): like Casino weapons, Anat has the stats of a Premium Draw summon, except you can easily farm 4 copies to uncap her to 3-stars and take full advantage of her high stats. Not to mention her 80% boost to Wind elemental ATK.
4c: Which other 4 (sub) summons should I use?
Sub summons are the other 4 summons in your grid. Unlike your main summon:
When picking sub summons, I suggest:
4d: Is it safe to use duplicates to uncap my SSSR summons?
It depends.
For SSR summons, the safest choice is to ask in the latest Q&A thread. There are some SSR summons where having multiple copies that you can call is extremely valuable. E.g. Shiva) and other summons that have a one-time-only call.
In general, like with SSR weapons, remember to ask in the latest Q&A thread first before consuming any SSR summons for anything. (And definitely ask before you spend a very rare Sunlight Stone to uncap an SSR summon!)
You can always uncap SR summons with duplicates, with one exception: keep 2 or 3 copies of each SR Carbuncle: do not use them to uncap unless you have more copies. Having 2 (or 3) Carbuncles in your grid allows you to have a 25% or 50% DMG cut active for 6/8 turns (or for all turns) of a fight after turn 8. This can be incredibly useful for some fights!
Instead of using duplicates to uncap Carbuncles, use Moonlight Stones from the Casino (Poker guide here, again!).
The Wind Peridot Carbuncle is an exception. You cannot obtain them from Premium Draws. You can get 4 very early on, and you can buy additional copies from the Shop for 10 Bronze Moons each. Since a Moonlight Stone costs 30 Bronze Moons, I recommend uncapping your Peridot Carbuncles with copies from the shop instead, or use a combination of the two if you run out of Bronze Moons.
4e: What is a support (friend) summon and which ones should I pick?
A support summon, aka friend summon, is what you pick before any quest or raid. The support summon does 2 things:
  1. Its main aura affects your party, just like your main summon's main aura.
  2. You can call it. Support summons can always be called on turn 1.
The uncap level (number of stars) of the support summon is important when it is 3 or above. A support summon with orange text is a 3-star summon, and one with purple text is a 4-star summon. These have better auras and/or calls.
The support summon does not contribute to your raw HP or ATK stats. Picking a level 100 Shiva vs a level 1 Shiva for support isn't going to affect your stats. The only thing affected by the summon's actual level is the damage dealt by its call.
At this point in the game, you will be looking for one of the following support summons:
Avoid picking the following right now, if possible, because your weapons' skill levels are probably not high enough to make use of them:
Even a mere 50% boost to your element's ATK is probably more beneficial than a 120% boost to weapon skills at this point in the game.
4f: I can't find a good support summon. How do I get different ones?
Join any quest or raid that uses a support summon, e.g. enter a Trial Battle. If you have friends with support summons you don't need, pick one of theirs when you enter the battle so that friend's summons stop appearing for a while (2 hours?).
On a side note, Trial Battles are fantastic for testing things in this game. Test Machine Alpha doesn't attack and heals every turn, so you have infinite turns to test anything you want! You also have infinite "Trial Elixirs" to heal or use Charge Attacks. One notable use is to figure out which buffs and debuffs stack with each other (it's complicated: a lot of effects replace each other or do nothing) and to get an idea of just how strong your characters' buffs and debuffs are if the info isn't in the Wiki.
4g: I don't have any useful summons. Should I just avoid setting any support summons in my profile?
No: please set your support summons anyway! If you don't, the game will take the main summon of whichever party you last used, and it will make that your support summon for every element and Misc. Your name and your main summon will still show up in your friends' lists and in other random players' lists.
submitted by BillsHere1 to Granblue_en [link] [comments]

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