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Tartar - this video - Thoughts Please
This essay accompanies Marcia Ramalh’s video for Age of Disclosure’s YouTube channel
Video by Arjan Hartman
The video presents 400 images with the High Technology of Great Tartary, stolen by the Invaders and still in operation worldwide.
Full text from "Tartary Empire - Aether" video
“Aether is the material supposed to fill the region of the universe above the terrestrial sphere. In mythology, it was thought to be the pure essence that the gods breathed, filling the space where they lived, analogous to the air breathed by mortals”. (From Wikipedia)
“Aether”, the “5th element”, means the water that connects everything electromagnetically.
The pseudoscience calls Aether as “dark energy” and “dark matter”.
I Intro
All cities located at strategic points on Earth along rivers, seas, lakes and oceans were Star Fortress and had electromagnetic energy extracted from the ether.
The energy was captured through towers and obelisks and stored in the red and white striped power stations of the High Civilization called Tartary. They always had a fountain with water near them.
This civilization was destroyed in the 19-20 century through floods, energy weapons (DEW) and scheduled mass exterminations and the Earth was suddenly deserted by billions of people. All the architecture and technology of this superior civilization was stolen and passed into the hands of Parasites who created the current ignorant civilization.
This is the story of how a visit to the Berlin Zoo led to the discovery that its magical atmosphere is inherited from the star fortress that housed the city and how all world architecture to this date is designed to extract electromagnetic energy from the ether.
II Berlin Zoo
On the cloudy afternoon of May 27, 2018, Janey Benson visited the Berlin Zoological Garden and realized that there was something different in the air.
"The animals in this zoo are the happiest I have ever seen. I thought it was because they got more oxygen because Berlin is covered by trees, plants and flowers and all the trees are numbered and counted. But then I saw the spires were like those we see in mosques and like pre mudflood photos and I imagined that this was what you were talking about. Is it atmospheric energy? It is in that building that giraffes currently live. If it generated energy I do not know, but I am a witness of the extraordinary happiness that was there”.
"There is something in Berlin that is wonderful and I want to go back there. I want to breathe that air again”.
This is the testimony of the American Janey Benson, who may be associated with the recent past of the Tartar Arian (Tartary) civilization, inherited from the legendary Atlanteans (Titans).
In this civilization, architecture had the function of extracting properties of waves and resonances from the electromagnetic field, to harmonize, heal, prolong life and increase the stature of men, plants and animals.
When the Earth's energy grid was destroyed by the barbarians who came from the "Terra Incognita" (the self called "gods" of Olympus), the density crushed the Titans and threw them into the hell of Tartarus - the name given by “scholars” to the burning Tartary.
And the knowledge and history of the Tartar Aryan civilization was burned out and erased of the memory of many.
III Victory Column
The Berlin zoo visited by Janey gathers the most expressive collection of animal and vegetable species from around the world. There are 1,380 species, 20,200 animals and an Aquarium, surrounded by 35 hectares of vegetation.
The Zoo is within the Tiergarten park, situated opposite the Reichstag dome and has in its center the Victory Column, in granite studded with bronze ornaments. Large domes, towers and columns are always associated with ether energy production.
This is the top of the coil inside the Reichstag dome, protected by mirrors. The tip of the coil seems to have been made with the purest copper and is in the hall below the mirrored part. Its shape copy the top of the old power plants of the East. But this is little to explain the happiness that reigns in the park and throughout the city.
There is a more powerful reason. Berlin was one of the gigantic Star Fortress of the ancient and highly technological civilization of Tartary. This 1688 engraving shows that Berlin was a huge and mighty Star Fortress.
This kind of fortress was not built by normal men. It would require thousands of highly skilled men. And there were such strongholds all over the earth. In addition, the fortress "communicated" with each other to create the worldwide energy grid.
When the invaders who came from Terra Incognita destroyed the perfect electromagnetic grid and created cataclysms, the civilization of Tartary was annihilated and its defensive structures wrecked or were melted and petrified.
Star Fortress provided security, health and harmony for its inhabitants.
It is possible that some of the old magic is still present in the atmosphere of Berlin as in these postcards of 1896 and 1899 ?
At the Berlin zoo, visitors and animals are also given the benefit of the magic sound of the bells.
In the park there is a rare carillon installed at 42 meters high which houses 68 bells of 48 tons and is the fourth in the world in number of bells. Concerts in the park with the historic carillon take place every Sunday at 3 p.m., from May to September. The vibration of bronze, associated with the ethereal electromagnetic current, has a high harmonizing and healing power.
IV Hohenzollern
The carillon history dates back to the first kings of Prussia, Frederick I and II, of the Hohenzollern dynasty.
Wikipedia claims that the German zoo was "opened" in 1844 but on this date Germany did not exist and much less had central government. There was only one confederation with 22 small monarchies and 17 other states that spoke German.
The Tiergarten park and its palace belonged to the Tartary civilization. With the defeat of Tartary and the creation of Germany, the palace was demolished and the Reichstag was erected by the will of the character "Bismarck".
It is likely that Tartaria has designated Berlin Tiergarten to save almost extinct species, in a world that slowly came out of total chaos and sudden climate change. Janey Benson's observation of the numbered trees in Berlin Tiergarten park fits into this hypothesis.
Tiergarten may have been a magnificent Noah's Ark endowed with atmospheric energy, where all species were classified to be saved.
The building surrounded by eight minarets which Janey photographed in the Tiergarten and to which she ascribes the secret of such happiness, continues to secretly store atmospheric energy produced by Victory Column, associated with the Reichstag dome.
And what happens today in the central park of Berlin for the benefit of humans and animals, was carried out in the past throughout the world from the beginning of our Real History.
V Iron and Copper
The high civilization Tartar Aryan extracted electromagnetic energy from the ether through star fortress complexes with power stations, domes, towers, minarets, bridges and obelisks and used the very high thermal and electrical conductivity of copper.
From 7,000 years ago to the 1900s, Tartarian people mined Keweenaw copper at Michigan, US, to provide raw material for domes and coils throughout the world. Its fusion with tin created the bronze that allowed primitive Europe to enter into the modernity that had existed for a long time in territories of Tartary.
From the half of the 1900s, the ”Gray Men" would sent their agents to exterminate Tartarians in "New India" (North America), take their land and minerals and slaughter them and their livestock to feed the newly created industries of Chicago and transport the meat on the roads which would pave the way for the takeover of new territories and create distances that would encourage the oil industry, the use of the automobile and the need for currency expansion and creation of a financial system. But this is another story.
Copper has been mined since the beginning of human history. Venetians ("Phoenicians") mined copper in New World (America) and Cornwall. Copper ingots used in the Middle East and Europe complex were mined and molted in facilities in the Americas.
According to American Indian oral tradition, copper was mined by “red haired white-skinned ‘marine men’ who came from across the sea”. And mines of Almaden in Spain, Huancavelica in Peru and New Almaden in California, provided the mercury.
Wikipedia: “The earliest substantiated and dated evidence of metalworking in the Americas was the processing of copper in Wisconsin, near Lake Michigan. Copper was hammered until brittle then heated so it could be worked some more. This technology is dated to about 4000-5000 BCE. Ancient civilisations knew of seven metals: Iron, Tin, Lead, Copper, Mercury, Silver and Gold.
In the past, “alchemists developed sophisticated, powerful techniques to separate and purify metals” (Wikipedia)
Copper and tin was used extensively, even in helmets, to power plasma (DEW) weapons and to obtain wireless communication.
And iron foundries were the backbone of the world industry until they disappeared in the Great Catastrophe.
VI Coils
The electromagnetic energy was extracted and stored in toroid coils at the power plant summits, covered with copper, positioned below the towers.
When rotating inside coils, magnetic fields create electrical charges in a mercury vortex. Hindu energetic complexes exhibit this function at the top of their structures. “In a coil of multiple turns of wire, the magnetic field of the turns adds in the center of the coil, creating a strong field”, says Wikipedia.
"Coils" can still be seen at the top of the power supply centers in India. Manufactured History and the Invented Religions call these energy factories as ”temples."
Prambanan complex in Indonesia had originally 240 estações de energia in a concentric mandala layout
Power plants have metal hoops where the "toroidal coil" works. Perhaps the "mass dumper" of the Taipei Tower accumulates this function. Modern towers are already built with the domes themselves and they are positioned below the pole that stands up to contact with the ether. A lookout can distract visitors' attention on the tower's true architectural significance.
This metal sphere represents the favorite geometric object of the fictional character “Tesla”, reports Wikipedia. And so it is displayed in a museum in Belgrade with the ashes of the pseudo-inventor. The dark eminences that created the Tesla myth as well as a long list of many other, see themselves as very intelligent and with a great sense of humor. And they appreciate leaving some clues of their frauds in the most unforeseen places.
The star fortress in Haiti, Taj Mahal, Hagia Sofia, Pantheon or Tower of Jewels were production plants and distribution of atmospheric energy, as well as thousands of “cathedrals”, “temples” and palaces around the world.
The original pyramids of Egypt and other places may have played an even more important role in electromagnetic energy production and for this they were the first to be neutralized.
Ancient pyramids and star fortress were so strong and powerful that many needed to be submerged like the Buhen fortress in Egypt, currently at the bottom of Nassar Lake, in one of the largest floods ever made in the world (1958). Next to it was an old copper factory and a city with 100 thousand inhabitants.
Pyramid-shaped power stations were called "tombs of pharaohs" and covered by sand, water, ice or vegetation such as the pyramids of the Faroe Islands, Antarctica, Bosnia, Russia and China.
VII Skyscrapers
But this is the past. Today the atmospheric energy is extracted by skyscrapers like the Petronas, Taipei, Burj Khalifa, by towers on top of hills, roofs of buildings or through ”Radio and TV broadcast towers" such as Ostankino Tower, Oriental Pearl, Jin Mao, Shanghai or Tianjin. And this energy is no longer free or clean, besides being expensive.
Skyscrapers are modern power plants and work in conjunction with metal structures of bridges whose iron is in contact with water and has spheres that may contain minicoils and mercury in the upper part.
The Empire State and the Manhattan Bridge were built by the Tartarians long before 1900. Just like the Tour Eiffel. By 1953, at least, the Invading Parasites had built nothing in cities around the world. Just destroyed. All buildings erected until the 1950’s belong to the Tartary civilization. It was only from the 1960’s that poor and ugly buildings-crates of the new civilization would begin to be erected.
Photographs that purport to show the construction of the Empire State Building are false and are nothing more than photomontages overlapping high quality glass negatives with photos of some wood boards and false workers in the foreground.
Skyscrapers are modern powerhouses. When Tartarian plans to erect the Empire State Building began to be drawn, the goal was to capture enough energy to illuminate Lake Ontario, Vermont, Buffalo, Albany, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. This objective is registered on the aluminum plate in the hall of the building built by the Tartary civilization.
In the Chrysler building, Wikipedia expressly points out to 16 points on the 24th floor, which it calls "pineapples", where the mercury would be stored.
Buildings built by Tartary around the world continue to draw atmospheric energy to the invaders until today.
Invaders copied old technology, such as this recent Las Vegas building whose dome produces power to 4,000 apartments and to a fountain with dancing waters, synchronized with lights and music.
Tartary's power plants and buildings were built in granite and geopolymer concrete because they become more resistant with the passage of time and has the superconducting quartz crystal in its composition.
Here are some power station domes working associated with obelisks, minarets and pinnacles in granite and geopolymeric concrete, with columns and ornaments in iron, for extraction of electromagnetic energy.
Electromagnetism produces gigantic invisible "waves" of energy. Transmitting towers receive and emit the electric field to considerable distances.
To transmit wireless electricity as in the past, to more and more extensive regions and with more users, the towers are getting higher.
Towers like these can extract atmospheric energy to feed entire countries.
It is possible that one of the reasons for the WTC's demolition in 9/11 was the need to expand energy extraction technology.
Everyone remembers the huge antenna needle on top of one of the towers being sprayed into the air. WTC towers were obsolete and so they fell to the ground. The demolition dust caused 70,000 cases of cancer. Insurers paid $ 4.55 billion for the old towers' pulverization. The new antenna looks much more powerful.
“An electromagnetic coil is an electrical conductor such as a wire in the shape of a coil, spiral or helix. Either an electric current is passed through the wire of the coil to generate a magnetic field, or conversely an external time-varying magnetic field through the interior of the coil generates an EMF (voltage) in the conductor”. (Wikipedia)
VIII Energy worldwide
All over the world the technology of energy extraction through the atmosphere still works perfectly in castles, buildings, palaces, greenhouses, lighthouses, kiosks, fountains, “mosques”, fortresses, towers, bridges and “cathedrals” that kept the old technological apparatus intact.
This apparatus includes elaborate roof grids and small window-like openings, metal ornaments in the corners of buildings, pointed antennae with ornaments or balls with mercury, metals embedded in masonry and geopolymer concrete, jars containing mercury, cornices, spires, roofs with copper ornaments and structural foundations in iron, among others.
This apparatus is also present in the current skyscrapers.
IX The Architecture to extract energy
The world architecture for electromagnetic energy extraction derives entirely from the High Civilization Tartar Arian. It is characterized by the use of arch openings, columns, domes and towers. In addition to details such as rose windows and muqarnas, symbols of the vibration of electromagnetic energy, which acts on molecules and changes the behavior of cells.
Formerly these waves could act in healing, levitation and transport, besides provoking feelings like harmony and euphoria. This energy can now being used in another way.
The architecture of the Tartary undergoes slight modifications and influences according to the local characteristics of climate, culture and material resources but maintains the basic principles throughout the world.
The Fake History called the Tartary architecture as ”Moorish revival” or “Mauresque” and “Islamic”. And also “Colonial”, “Medieval”, “Neoclassical”, “Baroque”, “Romanesque”, “Gothic”, “Beaux Arts”, “Eclectic”, “Tudor”, “Renaissance”, “Palladian”, “Richardsonian Romanesque”, “Chicago School” or “Victorian”. And labeled them as fashionable styles, to hide the old and true function of its columns, arched openings, pinnacles, rose windows, naves ornamented with iron columns, towers, and domes.
In addition to having cut the ends of the pinnacles in the photographs or add crosses that did not exist before.
X War
After the defeat of the Tartary, all the ancient buildings "destroyed by wars" were miraculously "rebuilt" from the years "1870s" by nonexistent architects whose portraits are a pastiche.
Fantasies like "was destroyed by fire in 1895 and rebuilt in 1901" are written to hide the advanced and superior technology present in the constructions of Tartary long before the 9th century.
Some wars, bombings, or great fires of the past may be historical falsehoods, repeated in 3 different layers like 1776, 1812 and 1870s. In Dresden, for example, there would have been a battle in 1813, revolts that damaged the city in 1848 and 1863, and severe bombing in February 1945. According to Official History, 90% of the city center was destroyed. But this is not entirely true. The main buildings of the old citadel were spared.
There was a selective bombing that targeted residential dwellings as well as factories and military facilities. Dresden was a huge Star Fortress and capital of the Free State of Saxony, which did not obey to the “Pope” and to the new emperors.
The region had been entirely colonized by Slavs and housed over 600,000 war refugees whom the Invaders had an interest in exterminating. Dresden was an important economic center, with 127 factories and military facilities that could house 20,000 people.
The city's skyline continues exactly as it was in the 1800s and probably still draws energy from the ether. But the ancient inhabitants were gone to give place to the invaders.
This building in Dresden, for example, is a huge Tartarian power station, transformed into a mosque by Gray Men acting on behalf of Invading Parasites. Even so, it still retains the red and white colors of Tartary that designated the main function of these structures.
Tartary knew that his enemy was ruthless and terrible and for this they protected their cities throughout the world with immense Star Fortress and great walls. But it was defeated by energy weapons (DEW) and waves of 300 meters of glacial waters that swept the continents and submerged the fortresses.
The enemy was stronger and could have simply destroyed the entire Earth. But he only wanted to exterminate billions of humans to take ownership of his lands, technology, fortunes, and palaces.
The architecture of Tartary used the red color of bricks and clear stripes, to designate power stations and associated structures. Like the station of St Pancras in London, which belonged to the civilization of Tartary and by it was built.
In some regions they could also be striped in black, green or brown. And have a bronze griffin on the roof, the animal symbol of Tartary.
In Cairo, this power station was built in 876, according to Wikipedia. It is the largest and oldest in Egypt, in its original form.
All Tartary power stations, small and large, had pipe organs to harmonize and heal the population through sound waves, what is now known as "cymatics". For this reason, they immediately passed into the hands of the Invaders Parasites after the defeat of Tartary. And so the Presbyterian, Catholic, Anglican, synagogue, mosque temples and churches were born.
"Gods" of Olympus who invaded Earth and falsified History, transformed the powerful energy stations of Tartary into mausoleums, "tombs", monasteries, cloisters, abbeys, synagogues and churches of religions invented in the 20th century. And royal palaces in mosques. Or destroyed them.
The enemy also interrupted the astronomical clocks of Tartary because they used the geocentric model to represent the solar system. In the Tartarian astronomical clocks, the earth was at the center of the solar system. These clocks were complex calculating machines. They used terms like "computus" and to operate them sophisticated mathematical knowledge was required.The invaders invented the heliocentric model and the Copernicus character, among many others, to be able to recreate the history of humanity and erase traces of their recent crimes and destruction of the great civilization of Tartary.
Throughout the world, invading forces that defeated Tartaria appropriated their palaces and red power stations and turned it into universities, museums, theaters, banks, prefectures, chambers of commerce, stock exchange, churches, high school, courts, banks, post offices, libraries, opera theaters, biomedical research institutes, casinos and tourist attraction, as well as cathedrals, synagogues and churches.
And they continue to paint the structures that extract energy from the ether with the same colors as Tartary.
This was the main power station in the whole Europe, located in Budapest, Hungary.
And this is the main power station of Antwerp, Belgium. They were transformed into synagoges by the forces that destroyed Tartary.
And keep destroying.
XII Tartary was the whole world
Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania and the Americas were part of a single High Civilization and had the architecture focused on the extraction of electromagnetic energy.
Ottoman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Ross Empire or Great Tartary. Many names for the civilization present both in the throne room of the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow and in the Library of Congress in Washington.
Tartary was the whole world. And continues to be. And the technology of electromagnetic energy extraction is the same to 7000 years.
This is attested by the Gothic towers, Hindu and Chinese “pagodas” of the 11th century, the African clay “mosque”, the "Presbyterian Church" in Buffalo (NY), the pinnacle studded with metal staples of the 11th century complex of Zamora, the Kantojiu nine spires or the Lingxiao roofs design whose drawings are perfectly reproduced in the contemporary Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai.
However, this energy is not always as beneficial as the Tiergarten park in Berlin.
submitted by iharmonious to Retconned [link] [comments]

Today Ends My Week of Degenerate Gambling At Sea

Hey folks!
Today I returned to the US after a week aboard the Oasis of the Seas gambling at the single zero roulette table. If you're interested, you can read the original story here where I kept day by day notes in the comments about my winnings and observations. Finished ~$2500 ahead Martingaling for a week.
Cruise Background
I wanted to vacation in Vegas this fall, my wife wanted to cruise again, so I spent a few months searching cruise lines, looking for a single zero roulette table with at least an 8-bet min/max spread. As it turns out, there are thirteen cruise ships in the world that fit that profile (that I discovered), and after checking all of them against NovembeDecember departure dates from CONUS, I downselected to the Oasis of the Seas from Royal Caribbean for a 7-Day Caribbean cruise, booked it, and thus it was so!
The Game
For the duration of this cruise, I played single zero roulette and nothing else. The casino on board the Oasis of the Seas has four roulette tables; two American roulette tables on the smoking side, and one each American/European on the non-smoking side. I use the word "European" loosely because while it was single-zero, it had no European rules on it. All four tables were $5 - $100 on the inside, and $5 - $1000 on the outside. I attempted to make arrangements before the cruise as well as with the casino manager during the cruise to raise the limits for my gambling to no avail since I didn't have an established play history with Club Royale. I also requested La Partage be put into effect during my session play without luck - but that was a long shot anyway; the only single zero table I know of in the US with a minimum bet lower than $25 is the $10 - $3000 La Partage table at the Soaring Eagle in Michigan (sorry guys, terminal games don't count!)
Single zero roulette tables have a 2.7% house edge; down from the scandalous 5.4% house edge of American roulette (let alone the scammy triple zero crap that Carnival Cruise lines and the Venetian in Vegas are doing); La Partage lowers it to a magnificent 1.35%, but alas - I was destined to go without.
My Bets
Most of you are probably familiar with a martingale) series bet. For anyone else; on a $5 - $1000 table, $2,000 can bankroll a 8-bet sequence where I double my bet each time I lose, restarting my bet sequence each win. Due to chip denominations, my martingale progression is $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000, which I find more reasonable than 5/10/20/40/80/160/320/640 due to the typical chip denominations 1/5/25/100/500/1000. In a tip of my hat to superstition, my increases from $10 to $25, $100 to $250, and $1000 to $2500 where applicable are my way of "punishing" the casino for making me leave the comfort zone of the outside minimum bet. Mock me if you must; its my personal flair - if my bets grow that high I "deserve" to win more than my base bet for the stress of having to bankroll the roll.
The chances of heads or tails on a coin flip are 50% for either outcome. On a single-zero table without La Partage, the equivalent bets - black/red, even/odd, 1-18/19-36 is ~48.6%, with the other 2.7% representing the green zero, or house edge - creating a theoretical loss probability of 2.7% of your bet per bet over time.
While the probability of an individual spin being black or red in my case is ~48.6%, the martingale betting progression ties your bets into a session, such that on the table I'm playing on, as long as I don't guess wrong 8 times in a row, I always win. On the off-chance that any newbs are reading this, this is NOT a "strategy" or "guaranteed way to make money." Martingale betting is a low risk, low reward means of using a large sum of money to win a little sum of money - pretty much the opposite of what people go into casinos to do. In statistical terms, the chances of me guessing wrong 8 times in a row in an 8 spin series is three tenths of one percent...but no one sits down for 8 spins and leaves - so my gambling is that when the house spins my losing sequence...I'm not there. =D Such is gambling.
I've learned over the years that if I don't sit at a table with a fixed goal of when to leave, I will get bored and start making side bets (other even money bets or thirds) - more ways to win also mean more ways to lose, and when I am gambling, I am heavily socializing and drinking; I can't keep track of all of it at the same time. My goal is thus to always leave with 120% of my bankroll.
This trip was a bit confusing for me because I couldn't reconcile what my bankroll was. Not knowing whether the table limit would be fixed to $1000, or be able to be raised to $10,000 I brought $5,000 in cash with another $35,000 available as credit - I'd wrongly assumed the casino would at least double the table min/max to $10-$2000, and had been hoping they would leave the minimum and double the maximum, adding a one-bet buffer to my 8-spin series. With a $1,000 bet maximum, I stopped bringing more than $2,000 to the casino. If my bankroll is $2,000, I aim to leave with $2400. If my bankroll is $5,000, I aim to leave with $6,000. With $10,000, I aim to leave with $12,000.
I initially hoped to turn $2,000 into $2,400, but after doing that the first night gambling and the prospect of the rest of the cruise being bereft of gambling, I decided that since I'd brought $5,000 to gamble with, even if I could only play with $2,000 of it, my 120% goal meant I wanted $1,000 in winnings or bust.
On day two when I realized how stingy Club Royale was, and that I'd be buying my own drinks, I shelled out $360 for the liquor package, and adjusted my winning threshold to also cover the liquor package. Then there was a $300 spa treatment. Then an $1800 studio photography session since my wife wanted some nice pictures - something we've not done in a decade.
With these confusing inputs leaving me unsure of how to decide if I was up or down, it came down to the fact that while the casino was generally open 8-12 hours a day, the lone roulette table with the single zero didn't open until 8:00 PM - about when the cruise shows started. I did some begging and pleading to have it opened earlier every day to mixed success - a bit on the first day and on the last day, with nothing in the middle. They really wanted people on the American tables - which I had to resist, since for much of the cruise, it was American roulette or nothing. I contented myself during those periods with drinking, socializing with other gamblers, watching, drinking, and trying to find people who didn't have the booze package so I could buy them drinks.
Fun Facts
Anyway; it was a blast - but I'll probably go to Vegas for my next vacation instead of cruising. I want to gamble during the day, and go to shows in the evening, not wander around during the day, then have to decide whether I want to gamble or watch shows in the evening.
edit And here's a picture of me at my remote office aboard the cruise ship in case anyone was wondering what your mean old /gambling moderator ShelixAnakasian looks like.
submitted by ShelixAnakasian to gambling [link] [comments]

A week of degenerate gambling on the Oasis of the Seas comes to a close!

Hey folks!
Today I returned to the US after a week aboard the Oasis of the Seas gambling at the single zero roulette table. If you're interested, you can read the original story here where I kept day by day notes in the comments about my winnings and observations. Finished ~$2500 ahead Martingaling for a week.
I called out 14 crew members that I thought were exceptional; 11 of them in the casino - the crew were amazing everywhere. The ship itself is probably due a refit. Elevator buttons broken, chairs broken, everything looking a little run down and scuffed. I won't dig into the ports because everyone in here probably knows their way around the Caribbean by now. =D
Cruise Background
I wanted to vacation in Vegas this fall, my wife wanted to cruise again, so I spent a few months searching cruise lines, looking for a single zero roulette table with at least an 8-bet min/max spread. As it turns out, there are thirteen cruise ships in the world that fit that profile (that I discovered), and after checking all of them against NovembeDecember departure dates from CONUS, I downselected to the Oasis of the Seas from Royal Caribbean for a 7-Day Caribbean cruise, booked it, and thus it was so!
The Game
For the duration of this cruise, I played single zero roulette and nothing else. The casino on board the Oasis of the Seas has four roulette tables; two American roulette tables on the smoking side, and one each American/European on the non-smoking side. I use the word "European" loosely because while it was single-zero, it had no European rules on it. All four tables were $5 - $100 on the inside, and $5 - $1000 on the outside. I attempted to make arrangements before the cruise as well as with the casino manager during the cruise to raise the limits for my gambling to no avail since I didn't have an established play history with Club Royale. I also requested La Partage be put into effect during my session play without luck - but that was a long shot anyway; the only single zero table I know of in the US with a minimum bet lower than $25 is the $10 - $3000 La Partage table at the Soaring Eagle in Michigan (sorry guys, terminal games don't count!)
Single zero roulette tables have a 2.7% house edge; down from the scandalous 5.4% house edge of American roulette (let alone the scammy triple zero crap that Carnival Cruise lines and the Venetian in Vegas are doing); La Partage lowers it to a magnificent 1.35%, but alas - I was destined to go without.
My Bets
Most of you are probably familiar with a martingale) series bet. For anyone else; on a $5 - $1000 table, $2,000 can bankroll a 8-bet sequence where I double my bet each time I lose, restarting my bet sequence each win. Due to chip denominations, my martingale progression is $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000, which I find more reasonable than 5/10/20/40/80/160/320/640 due to the typical chip denominations 1/5/25/100/500/1000. In a tip of my hat to superstition, my increases from $10 to $25, $100 to $250, and $1000 to $2500 where applicable are my way of "punishing" the casino for making me leave the comfort zone of the outside minimum bet. Mock me if you must; its my personal flair - if my bets grow that high I "deserve" to win more than my base bet for the stress of having to bankroll the roll.
The chances of heads or tails on a coin flip are 50% for either outcome. On a single-zero table without La Partage, the equivalent bets - black/red, even/odd, 1-18/19-36 is ~48.6%, with the other 2.7% representing the green zero, or house edge - creating a theoretical loss probability of 2.7% of your bet per bet over time.
While the probability of an individual spin being black or red in my case is ~48.6%, the martingale betting progression ties your bets into a session, such that on the table I'm playing on, as long as I don't guess wrong 8 times in a row, I always win. On the off-chance that any newbs are reading this, this is NOT a "strategy" or "guaranteed way to make money." Martingale betting is a low risk, low reward means of using a large sum of money to win a little sum of money - pretty much the opposite of what people go into casinos to do. In statistical terms, the chances of me guessing wrong 8 times in a row in an 8 spin series is three tenths of one percent...but no one sits down for 8 spins and leaves - so my gambling is that when the house spins my losing sequence...I'm not there. =D Such is gambling.
I've learned over the years that if I don't sit at a table with a fixed goal of when to leave, I will get bored and start making side bets (other even money bets or thirds) - more ways to win also mean more ways to lose, and when I am gambling, I am heavily socializing and drinking; I can't keep track of all of it at the same time. My goal is thus to always leave with 120% of my bankroll.
This trip was a bit confusing for me because I couldn't reconcile what my bankroll was. Not knowing whether the table limit would be fixed to $1000, or be able to be raised to $10,000 I brought $5,000 in cash with another $35,000 available as credit - I'd wrongly assumed the casino would at least double the table min/max to $10-$2000, and had been hoping they would leave the minimum and double the maximum, adding a one-bet buffer to my 8-spin series. With a $1,000 bet maximum, I stopped bringing more than $2,000 to the casino. If my bankroll is $2,000, I aim to leave with $2400. If my bankroll is $5,000, I aim to leave with $6,000. With $10,000, I aim to leave with $12,000.
I initially hoped to turn $2,000 into $2,400, but after doing that the first night gambling and the prospect of the rest of the cruise being bereft of gambling, I decided that since I'd brought $5,000 to gamble with, even if I could only play with $2,000 of it, my 120% goal meant I wanted $1,000 in winnings or bust.
On day two when I realized how stingy Club Royale was, and that I'd be buying my own drinks, I shelled out $360 for the liquor package, and adjusted my winning threshold to also cover the liquor package. Then there was a $300 spa treatment. Then an $1800 studio photography session since my wife wanted some nice pictures - something we've not done in a decade.
With these confusing inputs leaving me unsure of how to decide if I was up or down, it came down to the fact that while the casino was generally open 8-12 hours a day, the lone roulette table with the single zero didn't open until 8:00 PM - about when the cruise shows started. I did some begging and pleading to have it opened earlier every day to mixed success - a bit on the first day and on the last day, with nothing in the middle. They really wanted people on the American tables - which I had to resist, since for much of the cruise, it was American roulette or nothing. I contented myself during those periods with drinking, socializing with other gamblers, watching, drinking, and trying to find people who didn't have the booze package so I could buy them drinks.
Fun Facts
Anyway; it was a blast - but I'll probably go to Vegas for my next vacation instead of cruising. I want to gamble during the day, and go to shows in the evening, not wander around during the day, then have to decide whether I want to gamble or watch shows in the evening.
And here's a picture of me at my remote office aboard the cruise ship in case anyone was wondering what your mean old /gambling moderator ShelixAnakasian looks like.
submitted by ShelixAnakasian to Cruise [link] [comments]

If I were investigating Trump, I would have started with his largest contributors and it isn't a long list.

Sheldon Adelson
Is an American business magnate, investor, and philanthropist. He is the founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Las Vegas Sands Corporation, which owns the Marina Bay Sands in Singapore, and is the parent company of Venetian Macao Limited, which operates The Venetian Resort Hotel Casino and the Sands Expo and Convention Center. He also owns the Israeli daily newspaper Israel Hayom and the American daily newspaper Las Vegas Review-Journal. Adelson, a donor and philanthropist to a variety of causes, also founded the Adelson Foundation in 2007, at the initiative of his wife, Miriam. He is a member of the Republican Party, and made the largest single donation to any U.S. presidential inauguration when he gave the Trump inaugural committee US$5 million
As of October 2018, Adelson was listed by Forbes as having a fortune of US$33.3 billion, making him the 15th-richest person in the world. He is a major contributor to Republican Party candidates. He has been the largest donor, of any party, in both the 2012 and 2016 presidential campaigns. He had sat out the Republican primary season for the 2016 presidential election and on September 23, he announced a $25 million donation to Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, making him the largest donor to the Trump campaign and the largest donor in the presidential election
Open Secrets Make American Number 1 PAC - Trump's main campaign PAC
The list is so short until you start to see contributions of just a few hundred dollars.
How utterly incompetent is Robert Mueller not to follow these ties? Less than a dozen individuals/families and most of the names are well known. Simple pay for play.
Bernard Marcus, co-founder of Home Depot and founder of the 'Job Creators Network' that is attacking AOC.
Peter Thiel co founder of e-bay and way to close to big data anlayitics, wall street, and the military industrial complex. Facebook, data analytics, government information warfare and data with his Plantir Technologies. What else was about this election with Facebook and Data Analytics and information warfare?....Cambridge Analytica perhaps?
During questioning in front of the digital, culture, media and sport select committee, Christopher Wylie, the former research director of Cambridge Analytica, said that several meetings had taken place between Palantir and Cambridge Analytica, and that Alexander Nix, the chief executive of SCL, had facilitated their use of Aleksandr Kogan's data which had been obtained from his app "thisismydigitallife" by mining personal surveys. Kogan later established Global Science Research to share the data with Cambridge Analytica and others. Wylie confirmed that both employees from Cambridge Analytica and Palantir used Kogan's Global Science Research data together in the same offices
Palantir hosts Palantir Night Live at Palantir’s McLean and Palo Alto offices. The event brings speakers from the intelligence community and technology space to discuss topics of common interest. Past speakers include Garry Kasparov; Nart Villeneuve from Information Warfare Monitor; Andrew McAfee, author of Enterprise 2.0; Nelson Dellis, memory athlete; and Michael Chertoff.
Cherna Moskowitz
Survivng wife of Irving Moskowitz (January 11, 1928 – June 16, 2016) was an American physician, businessman, and philanthropist. His philanthropy, in part, sought to create a Jewish majority in Arab neighborhoods of East Jerusalem by purchasing land.
John W Childs
John W. Childs (born 1941/1942) is an American billionaire businessman, the CEO and founder of J.W. Childs Associates, a private equity firm.
Childs is a major Republican donor, giving $1 million to Mitt Romney's campaign and $1.1 million to the Club for Growth, as well as donating to the campaigns of Congressmen Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan
In February 2019, Childs was charged with solicitation of prostitution in connection with a police investigation into Florida massage parlors. Childs said "The accusation of solicitation of prostitution is totally false. I have retained a lawyer."
Net Worth $1.2 Billion
Eric Prince
Blackwater, war criminal, private mercenary, Religious fundamentalist
Elsa Prince(Erik's mother) Religious fundamentalist
Thomas Saunders III
In April 2009, Saunders was elected Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the conservative think tank Heritage Foundation. During his tenure, the sister organization Heritage Action was founded and Jim DeMint was hired as President.
American investment banker and philanthropist. He is the co-founder of the private equity firm Saunders Karp & Megrue and the chairman of the Heritage Foundation.
Jerrold M. Jung
Mr. Jerrold M. Jung, Jerry serves as Chief Executive Officer of Michigan Tractor and Machinery Co. and has been its President since July 18, 1988. Mr. Jung has experience in the areas of economic development and transportation. He served as the Chairman at Washington State Transportation Commission.
Carl Lindner III
American businessman. He has served as the co-chief executive officer of American Financial Group since January 2005. He has also acted as chief executive officer and majority owner of FC Cincinnati since the club's founding in 2015. He is the son of Carl Lindner Jr. and a prominent member of the Lindner family.
Sandra E. Gale
Coolidge Foundation.
A long-time executive at Del Monte, Sandra went into business on her own. She and her late husband founded the Gourmet Center and several other businesses. Their business provided menu items to airlines, and also introduced the Belgian cookie Biscoff to the United States retail market.
Sandra’s husband passed away in 2007 but Sandra continued to run the businesses until 2014, entering new markets such as Canada and Brazil.
Gale and Fred Alger
Investment Management Fund with interesting history.
David Alger died in the 9/11 North tower collapse
Mutual Fund Ex-Executive Is Sentenced To Prison
Jorie Kent
Abmercrombie and Kent, Luxury Travel. Wife of Geoffrey Kent
submitted by EvilPhd666 to WayOfTheBern [link] [comments]

10 things to do in Las Vegas

10 things to do in Las Vegas

10 things to do in Las Vegas

Are you looking forward to visiting Las Vegas? Then it is important for you to plan your journey well ahead of time. When you have a clear understanding about the places that you should visit and the places where you can stay, you will be able to get themost out of time that you spend.
Below mentioned are 10such impressive things that you will be able to do while you are spending your time in Las Vegas.

1. Reserve Las Vegas hostel for your stay

During the time you spend in Las Vegas, you can select the Las Vegas hostel to get your accommodation needs catered. It is not just another place in Las Vegas to sleep. You will be provided with luxurious amenities, including air conditioned rooms, hot tub and swimming pool at an affordable price tag. In addition, a large number of activities are also available for the guests who check-into the hostel to take part in and enjoy during the stay.

2. Spring for a show

Las Vegas is being called as the Entertainment Capital of the World. That’s because a large number of shows are being organized in here throughout the entire year. There is something for everyone to take part and experience in these events. For example, if you are a music lover, you can go ahead and visit the production shows that take place in the city, such as The Holiday Show, Vegas! The Show and Tournament of Kings Dinner & Show.

3. Visit Paris Las Vegas
You don’t need to visit Paris to witness the Eiffel Tower. You can do it while you are in Las Vegas as well. This is half a scale replica of the famous Eiffel Tower. You will be able to get to the top and experience stunning views. It has become a landmark in Las Vegas as well. When you get to the observation deck, you will be able to experience a 360-degree view of the city. It is better if you can get to the top on a bright sunny day. Then you will be able to experience the best sights from the top.

4. Visit the casinos in the Strip

It is possible for you to discover casinos throughout Las Vegas. However, the best casinos in the town are located in the Strip. The strip is a stretch of the city, which is located in Boulevard South. You will also be able to find mega casino hotels in the strip as well. All these hotels are being decorated exotically. Moreover, a fantasy like atmosphere is created by paying attention to detail.n to detail.

5. Stay a night in Stratosphere Hotel

Most of the hotels in Las Vegas are centred around the special gimmicks or themes, which attract visitors. It is applicable for the Stratosphere hotel as well. This hotel can be considered as the home to the popular Stratosphere Tower. In fact, Stratosphere Tower is being called the tallest freestanding tower that you will be able to find in the country. It is 350m high. During your stay in Stratosphere Hotel, you will be able to get to the top of the Stratosphere Tower and experience fascinating views of the city.

6. Get the Fremont Street Experience

The Fremont Street Experience can be considered as a unique attraction, which you should not miss while spending your time in Las Vegas. In order to get the experience, you must visit Fremont Street. The Fremont Street Experience is one of the best light and sound shows that you will be able to experience in your life. It would definitely fascinate your senses. You will also get attracted to the loud music and colourful displays. More than 12 million lights have been used for the construction of Fremont Street Experience.

7. Become a Venetian

You will also be able to become a Venetian while you are in Las Vegas. As you already know, Venice in Italy is popular for the singing gondoliers and canals. You can get that experience at Las Vegas and all you have to do is to visit the Venetian Casino Resort. It is also the largest resort that you can find in Las Vegas. During the time you spend in Venetian Casino Resort, you can shop from the premier shopping mall as well.

8. Visit the Mob Museum

Mob Museum can be considered as another great attraction available for you to visit while spending your time in Las Vegas. During the time you spend in here, you will be able to learn a lot about the mob. This can be considered as a non-profit museum. A large number of interactive activities are also available for the people who visit Mob Museum to take part in.

9. Spend a night in NewYork-New York Hotel

You can also think about spending a night in the New York-New York Hotel. This hotel is more recommended for the thrill seekers. It attracts more than one million visitors per year as well. The fascinating roller coaster ride that you can experience in New York-New York Hotel has contributed a lot towards its popularity. In fact, the New York-New York Hotel offers the first ever roller coaster ride with a 180-degree twist to the guests. Therefore, you will be riding upside down for a considerable part of your journey.

10. Enjoy a delicious meal at 17° South Booze & Bites

If you are looking forward to enjoying a delicious mail, you can visit 17° South Booze & Bites. The menu offered here at 17° South Booze & Bites is filled with a variety of exciting drink and food options. You will be able to find a large number of draft beer options in here as well. In addition, you will be able to enjoy the greatest games in the widescreen televisions available in the restaurant.

submitted by hostelthink to u/hostelthink [link] [comments]

Re-Branding of Las Vegas Jacks to Las Vegas Bulls

Press is gathered around in the Venetian Casino and Resort Conference Hall A.
Cameras are turned on and are lights are dimmed with a projector being turned on we see the following video:
Projected Video
Lights come back in the room and Bizzare10 makes to the press table. He looks around the room, smiles and points fingers at local press reporters. He continues: "We are pleased to announce that Las Vegas Jacks are being renamed to the
Las Vegas Bulls starting next season. We are looking to build on the momentum from the previous season to create a more appealing brand and a new name and logo are long overdue. logo
We are pleased to welcome you to a bold new age of Las Vegas Basketball.
Wealthy_Walrus can you please update the logo and name in the sim to LVB from LVJ.
submitted by Bizzare10 to ISBL [link] [comments]

[Table] IamA marketing executive at a casino AMA!

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Date: 2014-05-07
Link to submission (Has self-text)
Questions Answers
So if he was making more than 500k it would be okay in your book? That's pretty messed up. Seems like I'd be even more of a piece of shit if I was that successful.
Are you involved much with the general goings on of the casino? If so, what goes through your head when you see huge amounts of money being gambled away by someone who doesnt know when to walk away? Yes, I'm an executive so I'm in touch with most everything that goes on. Most of the time when I see something like that, I just say "good for us" and try not to think about whether or not the person can afford it or not.
How much do you make a year? Unless you are making like $500,000+, then you are a piece of shit. you are destroying thousands of people's lives so that you can make a living and afford your bmw and other status symbols. I don't make $500K a year so I guess that makes me a piece of shit.
What is the worst most tasteless thing you or the casino in general did to make money? I, obviously, like to think I'm uber classy. But in general I think paycheck cashing promotions are pretty tasteless. E.g., Cash your paycheck and get 5% of the total value in free slot play.
Can you ELi5? Sorry, to me that just sounds like you hand over your $1000 you earned, and get back $50? Which seems wrong...? Or do you get an extra $50? Hmmm... Thoroughly confused myself. Let's say your check is $1,000. The casino will cash your check and then also give you $50 in promotional credits to be used on the slot machines. The idea is that since we've given you some "free" money to begin playing the machines you will also dip into the $1,000 cash that we also handed you.
Are there any clauses that prevent you from just spending the $50 in free bets and cashing out the $1k without actually playing with it? No, you get the $1K in cash and the $50 can only be used in the slot machine. I've done this once when I started my new job and my direct deposit wasn't set up yet so they issued me a live check.
How many people just walk directly out of the casino after cashing the check with their 5% bonus? I don't know, I've never run this promotion but generally speaking when we give away promotional credits, the "walk rate" is in the 25% range.
How often do you go to the strip clubs in vegas? If you go how much do you spend? Do you get treated better if they know what your job is? I really don't like them so not often unless someone is in town that wants to go. I don't have a moral objection, just think it's a waste. "Hey do you like to eat steak? Give me $20 to smell this delicious steak! No, you can't try it!!!".
So that having been said, I might spend $20 to give to the girls on the stage and maybe a lap dance.
No, I don't get treated better because of my title really. They usually just care about how much money you spend and that's it.
What are some sneaky strategies that you use to get people to spend more money? I don't mean obvious things like having ATMs...but things related specifically to gambling.. Ummm... Off the top of my head I think the sneakiest thing is probably side bets on table games (e.g., play an extra $5 and if your two cards are a pair then you win $25) because the odds are terrible or things like advertising low table game limits but modifying the rules (e.g., blackjack pays 6:5 vs 3:2) to increase the house advantage.
Some casino customers are super cheap and only play $1 Blackjack. Others are whales and the casino spends a lot of money to attract them, but they are rare. Somewhere in between, I imagine, there are customers who spend a significant amount and exist in numbers to make most of the casino's profits. First, we quantify most everything by "theoretical worth". That is, how much we can expect to win from you based on the house advantage of the game you play and how long you play. The general formula is decisions per hour X house advantage X hours played X average bet. So, $25/hand at blackjack X 1.5% house advantage X 2 hours played X 60 decisions per hour = $45 in theoretical worth.
Is that true? How much does a "bread and butter" customer gamble in a day? Second, It really depends on the particular property. The number is a lot higher for Wynn then it would be at Joker's Wild (a really, really dumpy casino on the outskirts of Vegas). That having been said, most places will be very happy to have you if you are in the $150-300 a day in theoretical worth range.
That sounds pretty affordable. Assuming a 30% comp return I guess that comes out to $50-90 in comps a day. 30% includes the stuff we send you in the mail generally too so at the $300 range you could expect a room and a meal a day.
What kind of awful rules are you using to have a 1.5% house advantage, or is that number based on the average player being really terrible? How much in comps would I actually generate for two hours of $25 a hand Blackjack? I just threw the 1.5 number out there. We also factor in skill into house advantage so as to be more favorable to the player, comp wise. comp wise we'd probably give you 15% of the $45, or $6.75. That's just in what we call discretionary comps that the pit supervisor or host can give you. Then you could expect another 30% in the mail via free bets, hotel, food, etc.
I guess you need to register with the casino loyalty club so you know what we are spending. Correct.
I currently reside in Arizona, where you can't swing a dead cat without hitting an Indian reservation and - as a result - a casino. Well I've worked all over the country and, yes, of course we always keep an eye out on new competition that would impact our existing customer base, especially as the business has seen much more legalization in new jurisdictions in the past 20 years.
The casino/resorts are getting increasingly sophisticated. Better facilities, better entertainment, and better marketing. For Vegas, I think most strip properties have dealt with this by investing in properties in regional markets so as to send their customers to their Vegas properties so it is pretty accretive. Someone from Harrah's Ak-Chin in the Phoenix area gets offers from Harrah's Las Vegas quite often.
Is this something the Vegas casinos consider a rising threat, welcome competition, or something else? How do you - as a marketing guy - react to the fact that a trip to a casino no longer necessarily means a trip to Nevada or New Jersey? The bigger problem really is for the markets where they were a monopoly for some time and really rested on their laurels. Reno and Atlantic City come to mind. Those markets are dying fast and there really isn't much upside. In Atlantic City, for example, you have casinos buying competitors just to close them so as to reduce the inventory.
What really happens when somebody wins on a slot machine? Like, what is the behind the scenes stuff that we don't see? Are they checking out the cameras to make sure it was that specific person before they payout? What if you switch seats? What if an underage gambler wins?... What if they switch seats with an of-age gambler?? Honestly, I've never done that, but I've always wondered the underage stuff because I've never ever got carded on slots! I've won hand-pays before (nothing really exciting) and they always hit me with the tax form. What do you guys do with the tax form? Does it get sent out from you guys or does it remain my responsibility from thereon? I worked as a slot analyst (analyzing machine performance) years ago and never on the floor so I don't know/remember the exact steps. Essentially, though, it's verifying that the machine is functioning properly and recording the details of the jackpot for audit/regulators. If it is a taxable jackpot ( >= $1,200) then we are required to fill out the IRS W2G form to report it to them for tax purposes so at that point we have to get your ID, etc. to facilitate that. Then of course, there is the matter of actually paying you the money, verifying that it is the correct amount, etc. The tax form does get sent to the IRS. You can request the taxes not be taken out of your jackpot as you are only taxed on the net win at the end of the year.
How did you get involved in the casino bussiness? 1/2.) Just needed a job and applied to a very entry level job and worked my way up.
Did you set out to work at one or did it come about another way? 3.) It can be fun and exciting.
What do you enjoy most about your job? Least? 4.) There's a lot of pressure to make money/meet your budget so all of the bullshit that goes along with that. Dealing with politics, having to adjust staffing, etc. And I don't like that at my level the usual tenure is 2-3 years so you move around a lot. I'd like to be more settled, especially in a place I'd really want to live for a long time and I don't feel like I have much control of that in this business.
1) When you talk about being moved around a lot, is that relating to being moved around in what you do at a particular casino? or more like which casino your working at? 2) Do you feel that your skills at this current job gives you fallback options should your tenure run out? ( Such as in other service based industries?) 1.) I mean there is only one of me at every casino so if something happens whether I don't like where I work or what something different (e.g., more money) or they don't like me (shocking, it happens!) then the likelihood that I have to move is high, especially if I'm in a city that only has a handful of casinos. 2.) I obviously feel like my skills could take me anywhere! But in reality, it has been tough to change industries when I've tried. Usually places like hotels don't pay as much as casinos and look for more sales-related skills and restaurants don't really have marketing people except at the corporate office whereas my skills are more analytics-oriented. And both usually pay less than casinos.
time I went to Vegas (around 30 years ago) it still had that "mob" vibe. When I got married there in the 90s (I joke now that I gambled on marriage in Vegas and lost half my stuff) it was much more "corporate" and "family friendly." The "What Happens in Vegas" campaign seemed to try and change that perception. Do you think there's value in returning Vegas to a more "wise guy" kind of feel...playing up the classic vibe, or is it just a big collection of theme parks with gambling? The problem with returning to that type of vibe is that it's difficult/impossible given how big the casinos are. Sure it was easy for Benny Binion to control everything and not be "corporate" when the old Horseshoe was literally 1/10th the size of MGM Grand.
What was UNLV like? Did you live in the dorms? It seems like a strange school where everyone commutes and there's no college life around the campus. What are the pros and cons of going there? I went there for grad school so was older and had a wife and a house. It is definitely a commuter school so there's not a lot of school spirit. I went to undergrad a school with a huge, huge, huge, football program so it was a bit of a change for me. I also didn't find the students to be terribly bright (with exceptions, of course). On the upside, a lot of people like living in Vegas and the Hotel Administration College (where I went) has very, very good brand recognition.
Do you find people have lots of misconceptions about the casino industry? That the games are rigged and that we love giving away a lot for nothing/little in return are probably the two biggest.
So what's up with prostitutes and the casinos? I understand that prostitution is illegal in Vegas, but that they're still there. Is it like the movies, where they're just hanging out in the casino bars waiting to be picked up? Yes, they hang out at the bars and then there are services you can call and have them sent to your room. If it's overt, casino security will clear them out of the bar area but the vice cops generally focus on human trafficking kind of stuff.
As an insider, what do you think the job prospects are in the industry for someone with a similar education background, but no casino experience? 1.) The industry relies heavily on industry experience so job prospects are good if you're willing to start in a low position and work you're way up. If you go to UNLV and get the degree I got and expect for some casino to make you a Director of VP with no experience then you're going to be very disappointed.
Is that just bizarre luck? 2.) Bizarre luck.
What does the industry think about states with Indian reservations that prohibit casinos like Texas? 3.) Definitely potential opportunity. I've read about that small tribe in Texas. It'll happen eventually in Texas. The people in Louisiana will not be happy, though.
Is it viewed as a potential opportunity for growth with a small tribe, more competition, or a wedge to open the state to gambling? 4.) No problem!
For every average person out there, would you suggest not playing? I mean, in the sense that, it's just not a viable option? Viable for what? Making consistent money? Then definitely not. If you are entertained by thrill of gambling and have the discretionary funds to do it, then by all means.
Aw okay! cool. Any idea why people do it? Is it just a thrill? Would being a "whale", make more of a difference? For the people that do it for entertainment, it's the thrill of anticipation.
Was it hard getting a job with such a detailed degree? My undergrad degree is pretty bland, political science, so it wasn't hard at first. I did my grad degree in casino management because I was living in Vegas, wanted to get an MBA, didn't want to take 2 years off from work to get a full-time degree, didn't have the support of my job to get an executive MBA, and didn't like UNLV's MBA program.
EDIT: Thanks for answering my first AMA question! Really good answer too! NP! Keep asking away!
What's your favorite aspect of your job? And do you like to gamble yourself? 1.) It can be exciting. Picking new acts to play in your showroom seems more exciting to me than selling propane. 2.) Yes...
What is the best way for tourist to get the best bang for buck in your casino for entertainment, food, gambling etc to have a good time and not go broke? I'm currently working at a Vegas strip property.
If you can answer in terms of Vegas, that would be great also. Unless you have something more specific in mind, the first place I'd direct you to is the Las Vegas Advisor Top 10 Deals List.
With legal online poker gaining momentum which might mean eventual legal online gambling for other house games online; are the casinos doing what they can to kill this before it starts or your thoughts on this? Las Vegas Sands / Venetian is actively trying to kill it (which I don't really understand) but everyone just sees it as a means to make more money so are ready to pounce when it's legal.
I don't know if you're still answering questions, but what are the qualifications for being, say, a Texas Hold'em Dealer in Vegas, specifically your casino, and are the dealers specific to just one game? I.e. omaha, hold 'em, pai gow, stud... Also, without being too specific, what is the average annual income for said occupation? Are the dealers payed solely by tips/do they get to keep all tips? 1.) Generally there are poker dealers and table games (e.g., blackjack) dealers. Few do both. Among the table games dealers, most know multiple games as the more you know the more hirable you are. In terms of the qualifications it's just that you've gone to some sort of dealer school (there are commercial ones and some casinos do it in-house), experience, and a live audition. 2.) Really depends on the market and the casino. At the high end like Wynn or Venetian they will do close to $100K/year but at an entry-level place it could be more like $25K/year. It's base salary plus pooled tips (aka tokes).
3.) You've never thought of dealing the WSOP? They need as many dealers as they can find.
Do Casino's design their decor for different target groups? Of course. Hard Rock and Cosmo are designed for younger demographics and Wynn and Venetian for older affluent ones.
I find all Casino's to be outright horrible to my senses due to the noise/flashing lights. Encore and the new Barrymore are definitely designed for the Asian gambler. And you'd, obviously, have to assume the casinos in Macau are, too, although I've never been.
Could you describe your typical work day? also I've had some great times a Joker's Wild! Ha! I honed my dice skills at JW!
Typical work day is get to work and look at the previous day's financial results and react accordingly. I.e., ask the analysts to pull numbers, talk to the head of a certain department about their opinion on something, etc.
Emails emails emails.
Then it's usually a lot of meetings about upcoming things whether it be planning an event, approving new advertising, doing the strategic planning for the property for 2015, meeting with vendors, etc.
Emails emails emails.
By this time the numbers or reports I've asked to be run are ready so I sit down and look at them and act accordingly (e.g., hey, looks like we're spending too much on postage to mail to customers too far away, let's change the way we do this for next time), etc.
Emails emails emails.
Then it's usually time to go home but 2-3 times a week I'll have a dinner or event to go to with a vendor or colleague or someone from the press.
Emails emails emails.
Probably 2-3 Saturdays a month I'll go in and work for a few hours just to catch up on stuff or if there's an event to meet and greet players, make sure everything is going well, etc.
Emails emails emails.
Has the rise of 6:5 blackjack been hurting the game's popularity, or are there enough people who don't "get" the odds change (or don't care) that it all works out in the end? Is the odds change enough to swing the game back in the casino's favor in the long run even if players count cards? And what about continuous shuffling machines: have any of the casinos you've been with used them, and how did the players react? The masses don't care about either especially if you're able to offer low limits. The limit and the number of decks is what attracts people to a bj game. Still never going to allow counting.
Is is harder to get jobs in the background or management functions of the casino? Well certainly there are more what we call "front of house" positions (dealers, porters, servers, bartenders, etc.) than "back of house" positions (accountants, IT, warehouse, etc.) so in terms of pure numbers, yes it's easier to get -any- FOH than -any- BOH position.
I'm an IT grad looking to move back to Vegas and wondered if there were more "non-floor" jobs than actually functional jobs. That having been said, if you're wanting an IT position shouldn't be too hard if you're willing to work anywhere and have a little experience. If you're wanting to just jump into the CIO job at Bellagio, more difficult.
Great! thank you. I've got about 8 years under my belt, but dear CIO for me. This really eased my worry about options. thanks. You should be OK as long as you're not too picky.
Just how rigged are the automatic roulette machines? They aren't. The games have to go through pretty rigorous testing by the state or an agency of the state to be allowed to be sold. Gaming Labs International is one such company.
I would think that SEO campaigns and similar web based marketing would be ineffective techniques for a casino in a place like Las Vegas. Is this the case? I know I'm quite late but I would love to know if you have time. We definitely do SEO/SEM campaigns but primarily for hotel related keywords for people looking for hotel rooms. I worked at a place a little outside of the main city in the south one time and we'd buy broader search terms for people looking for "entertainment in main city" in case they didn't know there was a casino nearby.
Thanks for the response. I was just curious about engaging people in person in public? Do you operate campaigns on the street such as call to action flyers or similar? Are there laws specific to this type of promotion in Las Vegas? Not a typical marketing channel most casinos explore, but it's not entirely unheard of. Sorry I'm not entirely sure of the laws.
Who owns the casino you work at? Is it one guy or a publicly traded company? I'd rather not say as I don't want to be outted but I have worked for large publicly traded companies, privately held companies (e.g., owned by hedge funds), and publicly traded companies where one individual owns the majority of the shares. I've never worked at a privately owned casino owned by one individual, though.
How do I get over 65 year olds excited about my product? Without knowing what said product is, the best thing I can say is to figure out how to make it relevant to them.
What does a marketing exec. at a casino make a year? Depends on the size of the property. 75 at a small riverboat casino to 250 at a large place like Bellagio.
To succeed in marketing, what is the first step to landing a successful job? and what should be the over arching goal in mind to maintain a competitive advantage over fellow competition as well as new shifts in market trends? 1.) be tenacious. take any job you can get. be a sponge and learn everything you can.
2a.) don't be afraid to fail, but be smart (and profitable) about it.
2b.) don't rest on your laurels. stay in touch with your customers.
Go on ... What does a casino do in that regard? From a gambling standpoint, people in that age range like penny slots so we offer a lot of penny slots. We put on shows that would appeal to them. We would make the decor more classic vs hip. Etc.
I've always wanted to work in the gaming industry. I have a strong sales background and a B.S. degree... which department would you recommend to get my feet wet? Probably player development which is the department that deals with VIP guests or maybe special events/promotions.
What's the best movie you've seen this year? You did say we could talk about life in general... Absolutely! 12 Years a Slave.
Edit: Also, Dallas Buyer's Club.
Dang, haven't seen it yet...will have to wait for it on DVD or streaming. Edit: Haven't seen that one either. I'm starting look like a Philistine. It's pretty heavy but sometimes that's good.
Do you prefer to market for families or adults? Casinos are adult fun, but I've noticed a shift in the past decade. Definitely adults.
Your AMA was one of the best, you answered almost every question, so if you're still answering here's one: If a young person comes in and wins more than 100k and then just leaves, would you suspect him/her of anything? It really depends more on the manner in which you win and how you behave. We're required by law to fill out a Currency Transaction Report for transactions over $10,000. So if you got to that point you would have already given us your ID, etc. We'd obviously make sure that surveillance is watching you to make sure you're not cheating but if you're on a random hot streak and betting $10K/hand then it wouldn't be a huge deal at most strip properties.
How about a free load just this once? lol. But hypothetically what would 10 grand get you :( At my place, (which is not an uber classy place like Wynn or Venetian), you'd get pretty much whatever you'd want. Suite, dinners, limo from the airport, show tickets, etc. We'd generally reinvest in you 30% of your loss so just figure out what $3,000 in comps would get you.
What advice can you give to new grads who want to get into marketing, but can get work due to lack of experience? As I mentioned in a previous post, I believe you really just need to be tenacious and take anything to get your foot in the door. It's a very crowded field, especially on the what I call "pretty picture" side of marketing. I wish I had a more specific answer to give you.
What does being a marketing executive involve? I usually say I'm in charge of driving profitable revenue. The departments that report up to me are charge of advertising, promotions, entertainment, public relations, direct mail/database marketing, and VIP marketing.
I'm coming to Vegas in December from Australia, can you PM me your email address? Just PM me. Happy to see if I can help
Do casinos hire interns? I'm currently a student at a public university. Absolutely. I think most of the major companies have management training/internship programs. Go to their careers websites. Caesars Entertainment, MGM International, Pinnacle Entertainment, Penn National Gaming, etc.
Would you recommend a job in marketing? what skill sets would be helpful for marketing? i'm interested in it but not entirely sure what it's about. I think the best combination in today's world is to be more right brained with a creative bent as more and more the question asked of marketing folks is "quantify how your idea makes me money?" and less and less "what's the most most creative idea you have?"
It's a crowded field especially on the left brained side (e.g., advertising and public relations) because people think it's "cool". So if that's you're interest, I'd say being tenacious and creative is what is going to get you far in that world because it's tough to get your foot in the door and you have to have thick skin and then when you do get your foot in the door you are going to have a very short leash to prove yourself.
Any specific company you recommend? If you're at the intern stage, apply liberally.
Do you have the sides backwards, or do I? Um, well I think of left brained as creative and right brain analytical?
How selective is the casino management program at UNLV? The hotel management program in general is not selective but the casino management program is difficult because it's pretty quantitatively-focused so there's a lot of attrition.
What do you do for family entertainment in Vegas? I'm single so that having been said, there's all your typical family stuff to do here: parks, camping, hiking, movies, bowling, etc.
You don't have any family in Vegas? What's something that you go do with your friends, then? I'm not from here and my ex-wife hated living here thus why she's my ex. My friends and I go and see concerts, go to bars, we like guns so go shooting sometimes, and most Sundays cook for each other.
Sounds like a nice life! It's OK. City is kind of soulless and superficial.
One of my favorite aspects of Vegas is that if you want your experience to improve, it's usually a strategic $20 tip away... whether that be a tip to upgrade your room when you check in, to skip the long line at a club, to get a table with a great view at dinner... What potential 'Experience' improvements would you recommend in Vegas? Link to
Vegas or Macau. Which is better? Better for what?
Have you read The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester? I haven't.
So basically I should just buy from the half off kiosks? Yes.
How do you feel about those who are addicted to gambling and those who have lost everything because of it? Bad, obviously.
Late to this ama, are you still taking questions? Sure!
Sure buddy. Do you mean to say that you don't believe me?
I just got started in hospitality marketing, any advice? Doing what, exactly? Just be willing to make not a lot of money for awhile and be willing to relocate frequently if you want to move up the ladder. I guess those are the first things that come to mind.
Have you had any good marketing ideas that you couldn't do due to marketing regulation. Not necessarily due to regulation but a lot of times you're gun-shy to do a promotion because well, what happens if no one shows up?
Bastard. Danka.
Last updated: 2014-05-11 03:39 UTC
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TAO arrived in Las Vegas with a bang, opening with a weekend long celebrity event in September 2005. Immediately, the design-driven dining and entertainment complex in The Venetian proved itself to be a hot spot like its sister venue in New York City. The Venetian Macao is a luxury hotel and casino resort in Macau owned by the American Las Vegas Sands company. The Venetian is a 39-story, casino hotel on the Cotai Strip in Macau. The 10,500,000-square-foot (980,000 m 2) Venetian Macao is modeled on its sister casino resort The Venetian Casino, Las Vegas: Date: 25 April 2009, 11:27: Source: The Venetian Casino, Las Vegas: Author: Alex Proimos from Sydney, Australia: Licensing . This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. You are free: to share – to copy, distribute and transmit the work; Our standard suite is nearly double the size of the average Las Vegas hotel room. Book direct on our site enjoy free cancellations, Wi-Fi & parking. Casino Credit Application TOLL-FREE NUMBER: 877.379.6777 Casino Credit at The Venetian and The Palazzo grants you the opportunity to establish a line of credit prior to your arrival and access to funds that can be used for Slot Play or Table Games. Learn More Español: Las Vegas es la ciudad más grande en el estado de Nevada, una ciudad importante en los Estados Unidos. A partir de 2008, la ciudad tiene una población de 603.093 y el área metropolitana tiene una población de aproximadamente 1,9 millones de personas.

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