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Status Bosses Part 4/5: Plasma

Status Bosses Part 4/5: Plasma
Ngl, this is probably the part I had the most fun with. There's less lore stuff here and more gameplay mechanics, so no spoilers and a little more complex fights. Enjoy!
In case you missed the previous parts, the idea is that there would be more elite villain sectors that are longer than the current ones (about the same lenght as the last mission of Taking AIM), and each of these sectors would be focused on one status type. In this post, I'll be sharing ideas for Plasma related bosses: if you played one of their villain sectors, your reward would be guaranteed to have Plasma related perks in it (Plasma damage on a certain attack, a Plasma potentiator, protection against Plasma damage).
Living Laser: Another user named u/Divi1221 thought of including Living Laser in the game before, and that’s what gave me the idea to include him here. So go check out his idea too if possible. He’s a cool guy.
Arthur Parks is a scientist obsessed with becoming more powerful, which drove him to become the Iron Man villain Living Laser: at first, a normal man with laser weapons; later, a being made of pure energy and capable of travelling at the speed of light, increasing his own size and shooting... well... lasers.
As far as Silver Age designs go, this one isn't bad imo. His initial appearance in the game could be based on this
My idea is that Parks would have been one of the inventors of the lasers in Iron Man’s suits, and resented Stark for years for believing he never got the credit he deserved for it. He would’ve been one of the hundreds of Stark Industries personnel that migrated to AIM when it absorbed Tony’s company, and there his ego and anguish would grow. The news about the return of the Avengers (especially Iron Man, still using the lasers he helped to create) would poke the wound even deeper. He would finally decide to challenge Stark, demanding to prove once and for all who is the most brilliant laser scientist, and lures the Avengers to a remote region near his lab (possibly the desert or another mountainous area).
The Avengers track the lab’s signal and go after it like a SHIELD vault, but Parks shows up many times along the way to try to snipe them with laser guns from high points, teleporting away every time he needs a new advantage point like peacekeepers. He eventually sees that his sniping is ineffective and returns to his lab before the Avengers to prepare for their arrival. When they do arrive, they see strong flashes of light and hear screams coming from inside.
They reach what seems to be a storage room full of large crystals. Parks had been collecting them in that region with AIM’s help to build lenses for his laser weapons, because these crystals are rare and special: they amplify the power of lasers reflected and shot through them (ISO-8 crystals, maybe?). Parks reintroduces himself, now in the pure laser form that he turned himself into while the Avengers arrived, and the fight begins.
The pure laser form for the actual fight
Gameplay: The Living Laser fight is heavily focused on ranged combat. Players are still able to come up close to melee attack him if they want, but let’s just say that a guy who’s capable of running to the opposite side of the room at the speed of light can be hard to catch, even more so than Blizzard. As you can imagine, he relies mostly on laser projectiles and beams, more or less like a more powerful version of elite synthoids.
In close quarters, Laser turns his forearms into long energy swords to slash heroes. He also has a parry, crossing his forearms in an X in front of himself, and if anyone melee attacks him in this stance, he will slash them back with an X shaped shockwave (like Kate’s ultimate heroic when she has that energy sword specialization).
As for the crystals scattered around the room: he can shoot himself into one of them, and then into other crystals. Every time he’s be about to do so, he first takes a few seconds to charge himself up (making the crystal he’s in glow brighter) and there’s an indication of the next crystal he will shoot himself into and the path he will make. He becomes a huge beam of light every time he goes from one crystal do the next, damaging anyone in his way. On the bright side (no pun intended), if any of the players is able to hit the crystal he’s in before he can charge himself to go to another one, Laser will be blown out of it and take damage. The crystals themselves can’t be damaged or broken, though.
Later in the fight, instead of charging himself to go from one crystal to another at a time, he becomes multiple beams between various crystals at once, covering almost the entire room and pretty much turning it into a huge mandala of dangerous laser beams. Players can make him stop once again by shooting the crystals he uses.
There’s also a larger crystal attached to the ceiling in the middle of the room. Laser will occasionally stand below it and fire at it to cause multiple laser shots to be reflected to the rest of the room. Hitting Laser a few times will interrupt this attack.
Laser also has the ability to grow bigger like Kamala, giving his attacks more range.
Special interactions:
· The Living Laser is immune to Plasma damage.
· Kate Bishop is the only one capable of countering Laser’s parry: if she slashes him with her sword imbued by quantum energy (through a teleport attack, during her intrinsic overcharge or ultimate heroic) while he’s in the X stance, she and Parks will lock their swords in a button mashing QTE. Failing it causes him to repel her with his shockwave, which causes even more damage and knocks her even further than usual, since Kate will be taking the attack with full force. Succeeding in the QTE causes her to slice both of his forearm blades, which dissipates them, then teleport behind him to deliver a roundhouse kick to the back of his head. His forearms will reform after a few seconds, but until then he’s incapable of using any of his blade attacks.
· If Iron Man decides to shoot his Unibeam at him or to keep him under fire from his pulse lasers for too long, Parks will see this as a challenge and shoot his own laser back. The two beams clash and there will be another button mashing QTE to make Iron Man’s attack stronger than Laser’s. Succeeding it will blast Laser and make him lose a chunk of health. Losing it will cause the same to happen to Iron Man while Laser brags about how he’s proven that he’s better.
· Captain America can also trigger a similar QTE by using his shield to deflect Laser’s beam back at him, and will also get blasted in case of failure.
· While Laser is on his large form, filling him with Pym particles will shrink him back to normal size.
· If Iron Man or Cap start the beam QTE against Laser in his large form and succeed, the blast will also shrink him back to his normal size.
Some possible Iron Man quotes when beating Laser at the QTE:
“Are you sure you don’t need batteries?”
“Better send this one back to the manufacturer. Oh, yeah… Sorry!”
“Maybe Living Loser is more like it.”
Red Hulk: General “Thunderbolt” Ross is one of the most classic and famous Hulk antagonists. He spent decades hating the Hulk for being dangerous and trying to hunt him down and defeat him. Long story short, one day Ross was convinced by MODOK and the Leader to cooperate in one of their plans, and was given the ability to turn himself into a red version of the Hulk. Red Hulk has all of the original Hulk’s powers, but also keeps Ross’ consciousness and his military expertise in many forms of combat and strategy. He also has the ability to transform himself at will (both from human to Red Hulk and vice-versa) and the power to manifest his gamma powers as fire from his skin, becoming hotter and producing more flames the angrier he gets.
I was actually surprised to hear a few days ago that Red Hulk is already in the game’s files as a boss, because I didn’t see what he could do that Abomination doesn’t do already. I know you will all tell me they’re different because one is gamma and the other is fire, but just paint Abomination’s gamma clouds red and see if you can get what I’m talking about. So I had to think of something else to focus on Red Hulk, and decided to go for his military experience.
Gameplay: Red Hulk has a rocket launcher, but not a normal one: a prototype missile battery weapon capable of firing three rockets in fast firing fashion, of the kind that you’d only see mounted on top of military bases or tanks. However, because it’s Red Hulk we’re talking about, he carries it on his back tied to his chest with a metal strap, and pulls it off to shoot it at will with about the same ease as a soldier handling a shotgun. I also considered a minigun or other kind of heavy turret with rapid fire to go with the missile launcher, which he would only use to shred heroes getting too far from him and show them that range combat is not the best plan against him, because unlike Living Laser’s fight, this one would be melee focused.
The Agents of SMASH design is probably closer to what I have in mind, especially with this awesome gun
The fight occurs at a power station, with the arena surrounded by six transmission towers. Red Hulk’s melee combat is way more technical than Hulk’s and Abomination’s due to the focus on his military training: he doesn’t do as many wild ground pounds and thunderclaps (though there’s definitely some of that, with him using fire to make some of his attacks even stronger and blast heroes away), but instead uses more precise punches and even grappling maneuvers. At this first stage of the fight, his rocket barrage weapon would shoot missiles that track players, like the ones used by elite peacekeepers.
Occasionally, Red Hulk will leap to one of the transmission towers, getting way above players and shooting his three missiles at a time (which are straight missiles with no tracking as long as he’s up there). After firing his barrage of three missiles, he leaps to another tower and repeats the process. The goal here is to knock him down from the towers: besides being able to use ranged attacks to force him down (though Ross takes a lot of shots before that happens), players using super strong characters are also able to make each tower vibrate by slamming their bases with power attacks (the same characters that are able to break special doors with these attacks). Both options will cause Red Hulk to lose balance and fall off, taking slight damage from the crash but needing a few seconds to recover and get back up, allowing players to hit him some more.
Here’s the thing about this power attack gimmick: I thought of it so that characters like Kamala and Hulk could have an alternative to shooting Red Hulk until he falls, because they would definitely struggle with it. Initially I was thinking of making three towers with bases that can be power slammed to vibrate and the other three with hackable consoles that would cause the respective tower to be electrocuted, which would also cause Red Hulk to fall off of it. But when I stopped to think about it, the hacker characters (Iron Man, Black Widow and Kate Bishop) are the best ones at ranged combat, so it would probably be more practical for them to just shoot Red Hulk off the towers anyway, and make all towers “power slammable” for players using melee characters who would rather not be forced to use ranged combat.
A few more things about this “tower leaping” section. If players take too long to knock down Red Hulk (allowing him to leap between three or four towers), he will leap off by himself and come crashing down on the middle of the arena to make a huge AoE flaming shockwave. Flying characters are able to fly up to him and melee attack him, but this is ill advised as he’s able to knock anyone back down with a single back hand slap.
In the last stage of the fight, Hill or Hank are finally be able to gain access to the controls of the power station and electrify towers to help the Avengers in the fight (not all towers at once though, just two or three at a time). Red Hulk occasionally becomes engulfed in flames like assault adaptoids, which harms players who get too close to him even to attack. His minigun gets destroyed the first time he does this and he throws it away, making ranged combat more viable now that he can’t be directly touched. But to compensate for this, he also gains a new charge attack that leaves behind a trail of fire hazards, and uses it especially to go after heroes attacking him with ranged attacks. If the players can lure him against an electrified tower while he’s charging, the shock will put out his fire aura.
His missiles are back to homing mode and are now powered by his fire powers to become incendiary, creating more fire hazards wherever they explode.
Special interactions:
· Red Hulk is completely immune to Gamma and Plasma damage.
· Making Red Hulk take Cryo or Shock damage will also put out his flame aura.
· Thor is also be able to electrify the towers by hitting them with lightning attacks (just like in my suggestion for the lightning rod in Zzzax’s fight), which will also knock down Red Hulk if he's hanging on the targeted tower and put out his fire aura if he's close to it.
· The shockwave from Hulk’s Thunderclap can put out the fire hazards created by Red Hulk’s charge and missiles, making the whole battlefield safe again.
· By colliding against Red Hulk with Stranglehold (the assault heroic), Hulk can trigger a clash QTE with him, much like Iron Man in the Living Laser fight. The two will start pushing each other and Red Hulk will be vulnerable to attacks from the rest of the team during it. If Hulk wins, he lifts Red Hulk in the air and slams him against the floor multiple times, which also puts out his fire aura if it’s on. If Hulk fails, Ross counters it by twisting one of Hulk’s arms and kicking his leg to make him fall on his knees, and then shooting him in the back with the rocket launcher.
· While using the Hulkbuster, Iron Man can trigger a similar QTE by colliding with Red Hulk using his heavy attack (the one in which he grabs small enemies by dashing at them and then slams them down). Failing the QTE causes Ross to counter the Hulkbuster like he would counter Hulk. Succeeding it makes the Hulkbuster force Red Hulk against the ground with a bunch of piston punches to the face, then spray him with a fire extinguisher foam especially designed to put out Red Hulk’s gamma flames.
Some possible Iron Man quotes when beating Red Hulk at the QTE:
“On the bright side, you needed a shower!”
“Still not as hot as me.”
“I prefer my steaks rare.”
The Melter: Bruno Horgan is... another Iron man villain seeking vengeance against Stark by making himself a powerful mechanical suit (yep, there’s a lot of those). This one’s power is to melt materials, especially iron. At first I thought this was done with fire blasts, which would make him a perfect plasma boss, but it turns out that he actually uses a microwave emitter in his suit that he has to adjust to the specific vibration of the material he wants to melt.
I’m making him sound worse every second, aren’t I? Well, stay with me on this one, cause I feel like this guy has some untapped potential hidden somewhere. Probably starting with the fact that he was a founding member of the Masters of Evil and has also worked with Justin Hammer to sabotage Stark Industries before. And besides having the option to melt the metal of Iron Man’s suit in his microwave device, he can also use it against human flesh and even to liquefy rocks. Yikes.
If I were a Silver Age scientist with a super powerful microwave emitter, I'd DEFINITELY want to keep it near my crotch too. Nowadays we have cell phones for that...
So if we do ever get a Masters of Evil DLC… well, first of all, I’d like it to introduce a playable Wonder Man. But also, I thought of a special Melter boss fight: the Avengers would pursue him into an abandoned mine with explosive minerals. He would be running from them in his comic accurate costume, which is honestly ridiculous (what the hell does green have to do with melting stuff?) and making everyone think he’s just a wimp trying to save himself from them. But as you’d expect, the tables turn as soon as everyone enters the mine, with Horgan melting the top of the entrance to seal it and then running away into the darkness.
As the Avengers head deeper into the mine, it soon becomes clear that Horgan was using it as a base/laboratory/shop, as lots of mechanical equipment are found scattered throughout the tunnels. They eventually reach a dead end, but the stone wall ahead of them starts to melt and… well, you know what’s on the other side melting it: a huge golden Melter mech suit slightly bigger than the Hulkbuster, complete with a flaming carcass that makes him invulnerable, a big microwave emitter on its chest (like Iron Man’s arc reactor) and a flamethrower on each wrist. Obviously.
Gameplay: The Melter chases the Avengers throughout the tunnels using his mech, and now they’re the ones having to run from him. His microwave beam is so lethal that it melts health bars as if they were made of butter. At this point, the players better have gotten familiar with the layout of the tunnels from exploring them before Melter showed up, because the mine is a maze and the only efficient way to outrun him is knowing which ways to pick.
Hill informs the team that the explosive mineral found inside the mine is the only thing capable of damaging Horgan’s mech while it’s in this flaming mode, and the points of the mine containing this mineral get highlighted as objectives in the HUD. These points can be, for example: mine carts loaded with the mineral that the super strong characters can send flying against the Melter (if he’s standing on the cart’s tracks) with a power attack; a mechanical claw holding a chunk of the mineral above a pathway, which players can strike with a ranged attack to make it drop the chunk on Melter when he passes underneath it (hacker characters also have access to a console that operates the claw, being able to set it up as a trap that will release the mineral on the Melter automatically when he passes under it, with no need for precise timing); or even just a vein of the mineral within one of the mine’s walls.
Regardless of how the mineral comes into contact with the Melter, it explodes as soon as it touches his overheated armor or gets struck by his microwave beam as he walks near it. Three explosions are enough to make him run back to his main lab, and the Avengers must follow him into it (his mech leaves large smoking footprints on the floor to make it easier for everyone to find the way). With all heroes in there, he removes one of his mech’s power cores and places it in a circuit inside the room. Doing this takes away his ability to engulf the mech in flames (leaving him vulnerable to attacks), but also activates flamethrowers blocking every way out of the chamber. The fight begins.
The Melter’s mech can’t move around as fast as Abomination or jump, but hits just as hard and has way better range in all of its attacks. His microwave beam, for example, no longer causes DoT than can kill players before they can say “He’s giant now?!”, but becomes a single concentrated blast that can hit players from across the room. It doesn’t turn heroes into liquid, but still causes significant damage and applies a debuff that reduces their damage for some time. It has a short charge time that gives players the chance to get out of its way, which they should do at all costs.
His flamethrowers don’t reach nearly as far, but still have deceptive range. Their fire streams are very long (about 6 meters/20 ft each), and by using them not only to hit heroes in front of him but also around him, the Melter becomes a dangerous foe from close to mid-range.
The melting beam can also be directed at the ground to melt parts of it. You know when cryo synthoids create an ice puddle on the floor, and every time someone stands on it they take damage and eventually get frozen? The molten floor is the fire version of that.
Besides all of this, the Melter has nothing against the traditional punches that hit you like a truck and a massive ground pound with both fists. One of his dirtiest moves involves grabbing heroes with both of his hands and holding them in front of his microwave emitter until he can charge it for a nasty direct shot. He can even grab heroes out of the air with this, including flying ones. However, the grabbed character will still have their arms free, meaning he/she can shoot the mech with ranged attacks until it releases them for being stunned by the damage (except the Hulk, who just punches the mech’s arms until it releases him). Teammates can help by attacking the mech as well.
After taking enough damage (about half of his health bar), the Melter will take the power core from the room’s circuit and put it back in the mech, deactivating the flamethrowers blocking the chamber’s exits and reactivating the “flaming armor” mode that makes the mech invulnerable. Once again, the Avengers must run away from him and damage the mech with the explosive mineral. Doing so will cause the Melter to retreat for the second time and continue the fight.
Special interactions:
· The shockwave from Hulk’s Thunderclap is able to put out the flames caused by the Melter’s “molten floor” attacks, making the whole battlefield safe again.
· Hulk, Kamala and Thor have the option to parry the mech’s ground pound to start a QTE: before the mech’s fists reach the ground to strike it, the hero will grab each of them with their own hands. If he/she fails, the mech will force the hero to let go of one of its fists and crush him/her against the ground with it, causing a lot of damage. If the hero wins, he/she will pull the mech’s hands so bluntly that it will lose balance and start falling in their direction, and then uppercut its jaw to make it fall back. Thor will use Mjolnir to do so.
· By using the Hulkbuster’s heavy attack, Iron Man can grab the mech to start a clash QTE like he does with Red Hulk. In case of failure, the mech will lift the Hulkbuster by the arms and shoot a direct microwave beam at it, which can take away a third of its health bar. But when succeeding, the Hulkbuster will twist one of the mech’s wrists with one hand and shoot its microwave emitter with the other one’s repulsor. This completely disables the microwave beam for around 15s.
Some possible Iron Man quotes when beating the Melter at the QTE (you guys are either loving or hating these, aren’t you?):
“Thanks, but I’ll be the only one melting hearts here.”
“Didn’t your mother teach you that iron and microwaves don’t mix?”
“Feel flattered for this, Horgan. You’re not even a Hulk!”
New Plasma perk suggestions:
Exothermic Reaction: Causing a Plasma afflicted enemy to take a negative type of status damage (Cryo, Shock or Gamma) creates an explosion that causes no damage but has high impact. Small and medium enemies would get thrown in the air by it, while large enemies would just stumble. But note that just attacking a burning enemy with a negative status type once wouldn’t be enough: the explosion would only happen once both the enemy’s Plasma bar and Cryo/Shock/Gamma bar are filled up completely.
submitted by Uglyguy25 to NoSodiumAvengers [link] [comments]

How Navigators navigate, or why the Astronomicon isn’t just a lighthouse

One of the relatively common questions I see on here is how the Astronomicon allows Navigators to navigate, since it is only a single point. This misunderstands how the Astronomicon works, and how Navigators navigate. I’ve put together a short summary, and then a bunch of excerpts, that hopefully support what I’m saying. This might go over one post, and if so, I’ll keep going with excerpts in the comments!
I’ve bolded the most relevant sentences. I’ve tried to take excerpts from as many different games set in the 41st millennium as possible. I’d also love to collect up more excerpts!
  1. The Astronomicon
Most people think of this like a lighthouse, or the North Star, giving a single point in space. But it actually contains two pieces of information - positions and distance, i.e. a Navigator knows where Terra is, and how far away it is. The ‘strength’ of the Astronomicon determines how accurate these two pieces of information are.
  1. Their own position
Since the Navigators know where they start off, they can place themselves at an exact position in a sphere around the Astronomicon. This gives them two positions in space (their own and Terra) and the distance between them (from the Astronomicon).
  1. Warp Charts
Assuming the Navigator knows where they wish to go, they can then use warp charts. Presumably, these contain information about the Astronomicon’s direction and distance at known positions (e.g. certain systems).
Now they know where they are, where they wish to go, and what the position and distance of the Astronomicon are at these two positions. However, given the vagaries of the warp, they also make use of several other things.
  1. Dropping back into real space
This is the simplest method - dropping back into real space, getting their new position, and seeing if it matches where they expected to be, and recalculating their route. They can do this again and again, each time getting their new position distance and direction from the Astronomicon. One of the things that differentiates skilled from unskilled Navigators is how often they have to do this.
5.Astropathic beacons / guidance markers / relays
There are Astropathic beacons for high traffic shipping lanes. We don’t know much about these, but they are mentioned in several sources. These are much weaker than the Astronomicon but give local positions in space.
I hypothesise that these are synonymous with Astropathic relays (i.e. that the Navigators can detect the high volume of warp communication ‘traffic’), but I don’t have much to support this.
  1. Warp ‘landmarks’
There are certain landmarks in the warp, such as particularly large warp storms. These are supported by the fact that ‘warp charts’ exist, implying that a (relatively) fixed map can be made, at least temporarily. We also know that these charts show ‘calm’ or ‘rough’ tides in the warp, and that Navigators can sense these. It also seems that that Navigators can sense the presence of stars, and this may also help (e.g. I need to pass three star systems before dropping out of the warp).
  1. Warp gates
Ancient, and possibly xenos technology, these are linked positions in the warp that allow much easier travel between them.
A skilled Navigator can steer a ship anywhere through the warp, in theory at least. However, this task can be made much easier, and even allow vessels without a Navigator to make longer warp jumps, along certain shipping routes. These routes have a relay of Astropathic beacons along them, giving ships’ captains and Navigators guidance along a pre-set path. Some shipping routes are part of a system of warp gates which link areas of the Gothic Sector together through stabilised warp tunnels. During the Gothic War, as the warp storms made travel through any area of space around the region extremely difficult, the control of the shipping routes became vital. Important meeting points of the trade routes, such as Port Maw and the Lysades sub-sector, were the site of several major fleet battles, as whoever dominated these areas could move their ships around the sector much more quickly and with greater accuracy.
Battlefleet Gothic core rulebook, page 155
It is possible for a ship to make short warp jumps of about four to five light years with a certain degree of accuracy. However, over longer distances it is necessary to steer through warp space itself. The warp is like an ocean, with currents, storms and tides that must be used or avoided. For the Imperium, only the mutated Navigators are able to see the shifting eddies of the warp and direct a ship between them, thus steering the ship towards its ultimate destination.
Even the Navigators need a point of reference, and this is provided by the immensely powerful psychic beacon known as the Astronomican. Guided by the minds of ten thousand specially ­trained human psykers on Terra, the Astronomican pulses outwards 70,000 light years to the furthest reaches of the galaxy. A Navigator can sense the beam of the Astronomican and use it to plot his course. Weaker, shorter-ranged astropathic ducts and beacons are also used to mark out shipping lanes and to aid navigation through treacherous areas of the warp.
Battlefleet Gothic core rulebook, page 85
Able to perceive the warp’s shifting contours and impossible currents, he can guide a vessel by dint of his skill and the immeasurable aid of the light of the Astronomican, the Emperor-forged and soul-burning beacon that shines across the galaxy from ancient Terra.

Each Navigator perceives the warp in an entirely subjective manner as a reflection of his own unique nature, for even such as they may not stare into the abyss and face its true form without suffering the utter destruction of mind and soul. Some perceive the dimension in terms of a journey through a storm-wracked forest, knowing that to stray from the path is to surrender to the horrors that lurk within. For others, the warp appears as a raging sea, or a desert engulfed in a sandstorm, or a shifting city of night, or a million other potential forms. As Navigators gain in experience and power, the abstraction fades, and they are capable of observing the true warp through a polarised state—their third eye filtering the horror.
Rogue Trader, Core rulebook, page 60
By providing a single fixed point, the Astronomican forms a vital part of warp travel, allowing Navigators to effectively triangulate their position.
Rogue Trader, Core rulebook, page 156
Whilst the rest of the ship’s crew and the ship’s captain maintain the systems of the ship, keeping the vessel’s plasma and warp drives functioning and its Gellar Field strong, the Navigator carefully studies the currents and fluctuations of the warp as well as the distance and strength of the Astronomican. Using this information, he tells the captain to make course corrections and when it is wise to leave or enter the warp.
Rogue Trader, Core rulebook, page 183
When a vessel Translates into the warp, a Navigator must gauge the strength of the Astronomican, to judge just how far and in what direction he is from Terra so that he may then plot a course.
In some rare cases, the Astronomican cannot be found—especially turbulent warp storms and other unnatural phenomena may obscure its signal, or the Navigator’s vessel may simply have travelled beyond the Astronomican’s reach.

Without the Astronomican, the Navigator must rely upon his own experience, skill,
and ancient charts of real- and warpspace
Rogue Trader, Core rulebook, page 184
Journeys are undertaken in short jumps of up to four or five light years. Longer jumps are unpredictable and dangerous. The tides of warpspace move in complex and inconsistent patterns, and ships attempting longer hops often end up widely off course.
Were this limitation to apply to all warp travel, then Humanity would not have spread throughout the galaxy as it has. It is possible to make long jumps of many light years by steering a ship in the warp itself—sensing, responding to, and exploiting its currents and thereby directing the craft towards a corresponding point in the material universe. Only the strain of human mutants known as Navigators can pilot a craft through the warp in this way.
Rogue Trader, Core rulebook, page 310
The Astronomican is a psychic homing signal centred upon Terra. It is powered by the continuous mental concentration of a thousand psykers. The Astronomican cannot be detected in the real universe—only in the warp. It is by means of this signal that the Navigators can steer their spaceships over long distances.
The Astronomican’s signal is strongest close to Terra and gets increasingly weaker further away. It extends over a spherical area with a diameter of about 50,000 light years. The Astronomican does not extend to the extreme fringes of the galaxy, and because Terra is situated in the galactic west, its signal does not reach a massive swathe of the eastern part of the galaxy at all. Nor is the extent or strength of the signal constant—it can at times be blocked by localised activity within the warp itself. Such activity may be compared to the hurricanes or storms of a terrestrial weather system and is known as a warpstorm. Warpstorms may be so bad, and so long-lasting, that entire star systems are isolated for hundreds of years at a time.

Once within warp space a ship may move by means of its main drives, following powerful eddies and currents in the warp, eventually reaching a point in the warp corresponding to a destination in real space. The most difficult aspect of warp travel is that it is impossible to detect the spatial movement of warp space once a ship is in the warp. The ship can only blindly carry on, its crew trusting that it is going in the right direction. The longer a ship remains in warp space, the greater the chances of encountering some unexpected current that can turn it unknowingly off-course.
Navigation of warp space can be achieved in two ways: the calculated jump and the piloted jump. All warp-drives incorporate navigational mechanisms. When the ship is in real space, these monitor the ever-shifting movements of that part of the warp corresponding to the ship’s current position. It is a ‘window’ into warp space. By means of observing these movements in the warp it is possible to calculate a course, corrective manoeuvres, and approximate journey time to a proposed destination. Calculation relies on the assumption that the warp-currents observed from real space don’t change significantly during flight. This method is known as a ‘calculated jump’. It is not safe to make a calculated jump of more than four light years at one go. The longer the jump, the greater the chances of a significant change in warp current movement.
The second, and more efficient, form of warp-navigation is the piloted jump. This method relies upon two factors: the Navigators and the psychic beacon of the Astronomican. The Astronomican is centred on Earth and is not only controlled by, but is directed by, the psychic power of the Emperor. The Astronomican is a psychic beacon that penetrates into warp space. A Navigator onboard a ship in the warp is able to pick up these signals and can steer a spacecraft through warp space, compensating for current changes as he does so. A piloted jump can cover a far longer distance than a calculated jump. Most piloted jumps are no more than 5,000 light years at a time, but longer jumps have been made.
Rogue Trader, Core rulebook, page 311
In theory it is possible to travel anywhere through warp space. However, the shifting tides of the warp make it easier to travel from some systems to others, and short warp jumps are always more accurate than longer ones. This is particularly true when moving a large fleet, which may become spread out across several light years of space over an extended journey. Long established and well-charted warp space channels connect star systems and entire regions, providing relatively predictable conduits through which the majority of shipping passes.
Rogue Trader, Core rulebook, page 312
The Stations of Passage are locations within real space at which ships can safely drop from the warp while navigating the Maw.
Rogue Trader, Core rulebook, page 342
It is extremely difficult to navigate a course into the Foundling Worlds, even if one is following a charted route. The warp trashes and twists as if trying to throw a ship onto another course, and furious tempests suddenly appear and claw at a ship’s Gellar Field. At other times the cluster gives rise to strange pockets of stillness that hold ships becalmed. Even established routes are unreliable, sometimes appearing to vanish altogether or suddenly lead to different locations. Many ships have been lost trying to make passage into the Foundling Worlds, and with every craft lost, the evil reputation of the Foundling Worlds grows. The strange localised nature of the storms, and anomalies that enfold the Foundling Worlds, have led some amongst the Navigator houses to privately speculate that the region is hidden and protected by something that does not wish its worlds violated by human presence.
Rogue Trader, Core rulebook, page 345
Astrographer: Used to create two- and three-dimensional representations of stellar locations and warp routes.
Rogue Trader, Core rulebook, page 88
Warp navigation is likewise deceptively difficult across the Abyss. There are few guidance markers, the light of the Astronomicon grows pale, and there are few established warp-routes.
Dark Heresy: Disciples of the Dark Gods, page 71
Navigator’s power allows him to guide a ship through the warp and reach its destination far faster than any ship could travel without him. Navigators use the great psychic beacon of the Astronomican as a fixed point to aid their route-finding. In this way they are able to complete a journey with far fewer drops into realspace to plot position
Dark Heresy: Core rulebook, page 55
As their souls burn within the spirit-cauldron of the Astronomican, they fuel the fire that shines out across two thirds of the entire galaxy. By that brightest of beacons, the Navigators of the Navis Nobilite are able to assay their positions and guide their vessels through the churning Sea of Souls.
Dark Heresy, 2nd edition, Core rulebook, page 307
The void station known as The Emperor’s Song has been a firm relay beacon of
the Astronomican for long millennia, its shining brightness in the Warp engaging in a never-ending battle against the darkness of the Pandaemonium’s rage.
Dark Heresy, 2nd edition, Enemies Beyond, page 76
Shining in the darkness of Askellon is the Astronomican Relay Station The Emperor’s Song. This mighty fortress has been a fixture of the Cyclopia Sub-Sector for over four thousand years, established in a past age to enhance the Emperor’s Light in this troubled area of space. While Askellon is within the range of the Astronomican, the presence of the Pandaemonium and other unstable Warp fields hampers the strength of the ætheric beacon. The Emperor’s Song aids in overcoming these hazards to allow for fewer dangers in Askellian Warp travel.
Construction on the station began when the Navis Nobilite realised that seemingly malevolent pulses from the Pandaemonium caused a number of vessels to end up wildly off course (with
some vanishing altogether). Growing the wealth and importance of Askellon required stable travel, and the only way to ensure this was to establish a relay station that could amplify the strength of the Emperor’s Holy Light. The Navigator Houses in Askellon approached the Adeptus Astra Telepathica and began negotiations to create the relay station.

The purpose of The Emperor’s Song is for its hosted Astropathic Choir to strengthen the Astronomican's beacon throughout the darkness of Askellon. By combining their talents, these initiates boost the signal emanating from Holy Terra and ensure that it reaches as much of the sector as possible.
The many psykers stationed on the Song are members of the Choir, learning how to use their powers and discovering what a great gift their abilities are for the Imperium. A triumvirate
of Chosen, members of the full Astronomican, aid and amplify the abilities of the psykers and oversee their day-to-day care. These specially selected individuals view this service as another
step on their eventual path to serving on Terra in the Chamber of the Astronomican.
Over five thousand psykers serve on the station, with roughly a thousand at any given time devoting all their energy to boosting the signal of the Astronomican. The remainder of the psykers see to the everyday operation of the station and spend their time in prayer and contemplation, preparing for their turn among the chorus. While not nearly as intensive as serving in the true Chamber of the Astronomican on Terra, the mental fortitude required to boost the signal in Askellon is still quite significant. Many psykers perish every month due to the psychic strain, and the Adeptus Astra Telepathica regularly supplies the station with fresh recruits.
Dark Heresy, 2nd edition, Enemies Beyond, page 95
The ship stopped once, for their Navigator to realign himself with the Astronomicon
Deathwatch, The Achilus Assault, page 52
Navigators fare worst of all. The Hadex Anomaly’s infectious brilliance overwhelms the light of the Astronomican, rendering all but the most keen-eyed Navigators unable to plot accurate courses along the Acheros Salient.
Deathwatch, The Achilus Assault, page 81
Astronomica Relay Substation 77-Epsilon is a tiny outpost defended by a small Imperial Guard garrison force. Its size and position belie the importance of the installation. A dozen worlds require it to safely communicate with the main Imperial forces.
Deathwatch, The Achilus Assault, page 124
Located in the halo margins of the Calixis Sector, the ancient and alien Warp Gate was first chanced upon by the Imperial frigate Spear of Tarsus when its Navigator sensed an unusual area of calm within the warp. In the years after the discovery, numerous Imperial vessels, explorators and agents travelled to the xenos gate to discern its purpose and assess its importance. What they discovered was a stable link to another system on the opposite side of the galaxy; the Jericho Reach. Long lost to the Imperium (the Jericho Reach had been cut off from Imperial control by terrible Warp storms for almost four millennia), scribes and adepts set to gathering what information was known about this area of space from deep data vaults and ancient cogitators. Scouts made the journey through the gate to bring back valuable maps and intelligence from the other side, painting a picture of a sector rich in worlds but wracked with strife.
Deathwatch, The Achilus Assault, page 14
Mortis Thule is quite simply one of the largest artificial objects found in Jericho space, easily outmassing even Bastion-class space stations. Like all space hulks it appears out of the Warp at seemingly random times, ejecting into real space with a roaring thunder of psychic energies such that Navigators across the region are alerted. Its violent appearance disgorges a trail of debris, as megatonnes of metal and rock crack away from the harsh arrival. This loss is more than made up for by new additions of void debris and those unfortunate vessels that find themselves melded into the Mortis Thule’s conglomerate mass by powerful Warp tidal forces or worse.
Deathwatch, The Achilus Assault, page 63
The gate in the great warp storms on the periphery of the Calixis Sector is discovered by the Imperial Navy Frigate Spear of Tarsus. Sensing something causing a localised area of calm in the great warp storm, the ship’s navigator drops the Spear of Tarsus out of the Warp. At the centre of this sea of ethereal calm is a vast Warp Gate of xenos design.
Deathwatch, Know No Fear, page 9
The third factor which makes warp travel possible is the immeasurably powerful psychic beacon called the Astronomican. Broadcast by a choir of psykers from Terra, the Astronomican reaches out through warp space, guiding spacecraft to their destination. Only a Navigator can sense the guiding light of the Astronomican, and only he can follow its psychic signal. It is the astronomican which allows a Navigator to use his powers to the fullest; without it, not even the most powerful Navigator could pilot his ship over the immense distances which separate the worlds of the Imperium.
Deathwatch, Core rulebook, page 291
The Reef’s reflection in the warp is an impassable mass of positive and negative energies constantly colliding and annihilating one another, in a dance of destruction that no Navigator would conscience sailing towards.
Deathwatch, Core rulebook, page 353
One of the keys to their success was the discovery of “Altaire’s Arrow.” Their Navigator, Altaire Vor’cle, discerned a narrow shaft of relatively calm space in the turbulence around the Hadex Anomaly. Not only does Altaire’s Arrow allow safe passage, but it also helps mask the presence of a ship travelling through it.
Deathwatch, The Emperor Protects, page 103
If the characters have the map Allewis provided, it appears more like a warp navigation chart than any land map. It is marked not with distances and fixed objects, but with currents, vectors, shifting landmarks, and tenuous equations. It suggests a region where space and possibly even time are malleable.
Deathwatch, The Emperor Protects, page 123
Shortly thereafter, Navigators began experiencing difficulties locating the Astronomicon and other, closer navigation beacons, while astropaths and other sanctioned psykers across the length of the Orpheus Salient began suffering from horrific nightmares, driving many mad with visions of an endless, hungry darkness and other portents of doom.
Deathwatch, The Jerico Reach, page 113
The rare phenomena that surround the system within the warp made it ideal for long range observation...
Deathwatch, The Jerico Reach, page 72
The Arkhas system is located deep into the frontier territories claimed by the Orpheus Salient, within a region dubbed the “Tuam Transitional Nexus,” a point where three distinct stable routes within the warp intersect, named for the Navigator who discovered it.
Deathwatch, The Jerico Reach, page 131
Located very close to the same warp route, the two systems have the same number of planets that orbit identical stars and the exact same frequency. In fact, they are so similar that the Imperium has established a vox beacon in each system, perpetually broadcasting the system’s designation to avoid confusion for ships just dropping out of the warp.
Deathwatch, The Jerico Reach, page 13
The Navigator character must gather the Explorers around an astrographics orrery, which the Navigator uses to plot the vessel’s course through the warp. Have the player then describe to the others just how his character perceives the warp. Each Navigator perceives the Empyrean in an entirely subjective manner, some imagining themselves as small fish darting through a predator-filled ocean, the sun above the sea representing the light of the Astronomican. Others see themselves as travellers passing along a narrow jungle path late at night, cruel eyes watching from the verges and the Astronomican taking the form of the illumination cast by a small sanctuary-shrine in a clearing up ahead. The Navigator should invite the other Explorers to join him in just such a journey, describing them setting out together, determining a heading, travelling, avoiding predators and finally arriving at their destination.
Rogue Trader, Lure of the Expanse, page 31
This encounter takes place during one of the periodic drops into real space that all vessels must make when undertaking long or arduous journeys. Translating back into the material universe, the ship’s Navigator takes readings of nearby constellations, and more importantly, calibrates his position in the temporal sphere. Having completed this, the Explorers’ vessel is ready to resume its voyage once more, when the augurs detect a faint signal.
Rogue Trader, Lure of the Expanse, page 34
The majority of the warp routes by which the Navies of the Imperium travel the voids are relatively well known, their dangers mapped so that void-farers might have some chance of traversing the perilous depths of interstellar space. Despite this, space is riven with stellar anomalies, many the remnants of the warp storms that engulfed the galaxy for thousands of years at a stretch in Mankind’s distant past. Others are entirely inexplicable, owing to phenomena for which the Cult Mechanicus and the great Navigator Houses can offer no explanation. Still more may be the result of the actions of long-since-destroyed alien civilisations, marking the sites of destruction on a scale so terrible that reality itself is scarred. The Koronus Expanse is host to a great many such dangers for those who would penetrate its depths, and the Explorers have just encountered one of the very worst.

Thankfully, he sees that this is the warp shadow of the death of a star in real space, and not a peril born of the powers that lurk within the Empyrean. The Navigator will also know that the only way to save the vessel is to drop out of the warp immediately.
Rogue Trader, Lure of the Expanse, page 36
However, every 17 minutes the installation still broadcasts its astropathic beacon-signal, detectable up to several light-years away.
Rogue Trader, Edge of the Abyss, page 27
The Stations of Passage are a number of locations along the Koronus Passage, better known as the Maw. Each was discovered through trial and error as bold and foolhardy Rogue Traders traversed the Maw to reach the Koronus Expanse. Some are extremely familiar to the Rogue Traders who navigate this precarious passage, while others are known only to a few. Thus, nobody knows for certain how many Stations exist. Each Station is different from the others—they are united only in that they are each a safe haven against the predications of the powerful warp storms that surround the Maw.
Those who journey through the Maw consider the secrets of the location of the Stations extremely valuable. Of those known, some are shunned as more dangerous than the storms they supposedly provide protection from. However, there are four main stations that are widely regarded as “safe,” and many renowned Rogue Traders claim these places have saved their vessels on more than one occasion.

As the Maw swelled and sealed with the strengthening and weakening of nearby storms, ships noticed certain locations of calm that remained untouched. What began as a few locations became an ever-changing network as Navigators and captains made discoveries. As time went on, many of the Stations fell out of use, with some being used as clandestine meeting points for Rogue Traders to broker deals away from the prying eyes of Imperial authorities. Other stations were cordoned off as they led to nowhere, or even put ships into mortal jeopardy.
Rogue Trader, Edge of the Abyss, page 25
The Temple has nothing of worth within it—its worth is its value as a Station of Passage. It provides an area of calm amongst the warp storms of the Halo Margins. More importantly, it is close enough to those same warp storms that Navigators can plot unusually accurate jumps when passing through the Maw.
Rogue Trader, Edge of the Abyss, page 26
Navis Prima
These are perhaps some of the most valuable items an Explorer can possess, as they outline safe routes through the warp, or at least as safe as warp travel can get. Some cover jump locations and travel times known to many, but others can reveal translation timetable plots known only to a few who guard their secrets with their lives. Even rarer are those maps presumed lost, describing jump passages thought forgotten or only known as hearsay or legend. These are all items that can spur decades-long quests, either establishing new fortunes and houses or wrecking them utterly. These items are exceptionally rare and can be the goals of lifelong pursuits to chase down even the faintest rumour of such a map.
Rogue Trader, Core rulebook, page 146
Given the risks inherent in venturing into the Koronus Expanse, a skilled Navigator is a necessity. Further, such an individual can create detailed Warp charts that his less gifted counterparts can use to safely navigate the passage.
Rogue Trader, Faith and Coin, page 56
Aleynikov’s Star Chart is an ancient set of diagrams, notes, and maps that a ship’s Navigator can use to locate a number of planets
Rogue Trader, Faith and Coin, page 106
The Chaos Reavers who make this place their home (and their far-flung compatriots who come for recreation and resupply) are inured to the system’s strange ways, and their navigators are aided by a blasphemous mockery of the Astronomican called the Beacon of the Damned. A constant sacrifice of slaves and prisoners to the Dark Gods by the Daemonettes known as the Sisters of the Sybaritic Host fuels the beacon, which is housed in Vall’s stronghold, the imposing Citadel of Skulls.
Although the Beacon has a much shorter range than the holy Astronomican, its tortured howl can only be divined within the Dioskouri System. Due to the pained shrieking and the malefic nature of the Beacon, it is dangerous for any Navigator to use it.
Rogue Trader, Citadel of Skulls, page 7
By looking upon the Warp and reading the ebb and flow of its shifting, unknowable tides, Navigators can guide starships across impossible gulfs of space.
Rogue Trader, The Navis Primer, page 6
In reality, this is the source of the Navigator Houses’ unimaginable wealth—in serving aboard a Rogue Trader vessel, a Navigator is amassing vast amounts of data in regards to new routes, which in turn makes him and his House able to command still greater shares of future endeavours. Over the millennia, each Navigator House has amassed a vast library of astrographic data, but to remain competitive, this must ever be expanded upon.
Rogue Trader, The Navis Primer, page 9
The Eye of Terror is perhaps the greatest example of a stellar phenomenon that owes nothing to laws of reason or nature, for it is a place where the beyond and all its slavering denizens shape and reshape reality according to their own insane whims. Numerous other features are to be found across the entire galaxy, some taking the form of transient but incredibly destructive Warp storms, others apparently stable but nonetheless capable of swallowing whole entire star systems and condemning the souls of the lost to an eternity of infernal torment. Of all Mankind, Navigators and Astropaths are uniquely aware of such phenomenon. Without them, exploration beyond the Imperium’s core sectors would never have been possible. No region of space is immune to the incursion of the Immaterium, even the smallest of Warp storms making black holes, hypernovas, dark nebulas, and vacuum instability fronts appear pathetically insignificant.
Rogue Trader, The Navis Primer, page 10
Thus, as Rogue Traders employ Navigators to forge new Warp routes, the Navis Nobilite profits doubly, for even while establishing those routes, they can improve their charts, to their own benefit and that of the Imperium.
Rogue Trader, The Navis Primer, page 11
It is impossible to plot the many Warp routes that connect the planets of the Koronus Expanse, as these passages through the Immaterium do not exist in reality and the normal concepts of linearity, time, and location have no bearing on them. Only a Navigator could visualise these routes, and in terms that he could not describe to a human who does not share his unique and supernatural abilities. The approximate position of these routes has been rendered on the map on previous pages in a manner that the human mind can comprehend, though this crude two-dimensional attempt bears no true resemblance to how they exist in unreality.
Rogue Trader, The Navis Primer, page 38
Caledon took hold of himself. His hands reached for the controls. His warped vision opened. Again there was a lurching in the stomach, like dropping in a high-speed elevator. The ship phased back into the warp.
Every navigator saw the warp in a different way. To one, it might resemble an endless green landscape, marked out in meadows and woods, dotted with lakes, and here in there towering palaces. Another might see a jumble of steel girders, like an endless three dimensional city. Still others saw hierarchies of heavens and hells, bursting with twisted inhabitants. For many, though, the warp appeared as a nightmare of mad colors and abstract shapes, not always in three dimensions - sometimes in only two sometimes in four, five or six. But always there were two constant features. One was that everything was continually moving, surging, swirling, in response to the passage of the warp currents. And the second was the Astronomican, in a pure white light that shone from a distant beacon and penetrated everything.
For Pelor Calliden the warp was a lush tropical jungle. It had no bottom, no top, and no boundary. As he guided it, the ship was pushing aside lush foliage, easing itself between enormous boles and tangling creepers. This jungle had inhabitants too. Leering faces, animal, human, and what might have been demonic, poked between the fleshy petals of luscious orchids, flitting by as the Wandering Star made its majestic progress.
None of this occluded the Astronomican. It was like a universal luminescence that filtered through everything, revealing its source, the god-like light that was the source of every Navigators deep-rooted faith.

This time Caledon obeyed, though tears were streaming down his face. He was looking for a patch of darkness. In the warp, that always meant proximity to a star.
Time went by. It was rarely possible to predict how long a warp journey would take. That depended on how swift were the warp currents available, and the skill and experience of the Navigator who utilized them.
‘Where are we, by the way?’
‘By the nearest star I could find.’ Caledon glanced at the instruments behind him. We're closer to the Eye than before. Right on the edge of it, in fact. This system has fifteen planets, one inhabited, though with only a small population. Nominally in the Imperium. Though not appointed planetary commander. It's called Caligula.
Eye of Terror, Chapter 3, by Barrington J. Bayley
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The three revolutions that weren’t

Maybe it started when Dick Cheney won the presidency in 2008, or maybe when Al Gore led the country to war against Saudi Arabia six years earlier, or maybe the beginning of it all went unnoticed by the general public when a Cuban boy drowned en route to Florida in 1999, his death not more than a footnote in the local news. It is impossible to say for sure. But what is certain is that, at some point, a clock began ticking in America, counting down unstoppably, inevitably, to the day when revolution would come to the republic once thought indivisible.
Between the time the clock began ticking and the time its alarm bells rang, there were numerous false alarms, smaller tremors that shook American society before the earthquake that finally split it in two. Here are the three largest of those tremors, the ones which very nearly brought that earthquake on the country prematurely. Here are the three revolutions that weren’t.

2011: The Great Transport Strike

The Great Transport Strike of 2011 was the single largest mobilization of labor in US history.
The roots of the strike go back to the financial crash of 2008, though of course it would not have been possible without the smaller-scale labor unrest that dotted the 2000s. In response to the crash, the newly elected Cheney spent his first year in office slashing regulations and welfare programs. With pressure from his administration, Congress lowered the top marginal tax rate and very nearly defunded social security (the bill failed to pass the House or Representatives), and with lobbyists from the finance sector commanding the Labor and Commerce departments, his cabinet reduced employer-provided healthcare standards. Most relevant to the Great Transport Strike was Cheney’s assault on the minimum wage. One of his first acts as president was to sign a bill into law which halted the third stage of a procedural minimum wage adjustment put into motion near the end of the Gore administration. Had it gone into effect, the third stage would have raised the minimum wage to $7.50, but the new legislation stalled it at $6.71. Another bill he signed in November of 2009 took things a step further by undoing the other two stages, cutting the minimum wage back down to $5.15 even as millions of Americans faced financial ruin or worse. There was much uproar over the second bill in particular, but it went unchallenged at the state level.
What began the chain of events that led to the Great Transport Strike was actually a relatively small affair. In June, UPS drivers in New Mexico went on strike to protest the lack of air conditioning in their vans when a driver in Albuquerque died of heat exhaustion on the 5th. The strike spread to southern California and then Mississippi the following week, involving around 20,000 people altogether—a large strike, but by no means a record-breaking one. At this stage, the Teamsters union leadership was on board with the demonstrations.
Around the same time, FedEx drivers in Michigan went on a single-day strike to drum up public support for a lawsuit they intended to levy against their employers for deducting the cost of replacing damaged goods from their wages, which they claimed constituted wage theft to the point that many of them were making well below minimum wage. The strike, which involved only a handful of small local unions, came and went with little attention from the major media outlets, and had things ended there, the Great Transport Strike likely never would have happened. But of course, they didn’t, and it did. Cheney directed his Department of Labor to refuse to prosecute the wage theft case, which immediately drew national attention to the conflict. Thousands of unorganized workers in Michigan went out on strike on the 12th of June, just as the UPS strike was taking off in California and Missouri. Forming a coordinating committee to organize the actions of roughly three thousand nonunion FedEx workers, which included warehouse staff as well as drivers, the strikers in Michigan set up lines of communication with the striking UPS drivers in the south despite discouragement from the Teamsters leadership.
Alarmed at the apparent cooperation between the two strikes, president Cheney issued an injunction against both strikes, arguing that by showing intent to coordinate their actions they were violating the solidarity strike clause of the Taft-Hartley Act. The Teamsters ordered the striking UPS workers to withdraw from communication with the FedEx strikers, but they ignored both this and the injunction, planning instead to sue to overturn the injunction order. With the strike now out of their hands, the Teamsters leadership withdrew and ordered its members to return to work. Many remained on the picket line, engaging in the first major wildcat strike since the 1940s.
Naturally, the IWW pounced on the opportunity to agitate. As soon as the second FedEx strike began, IWW organizers began firing on all cylinders trying to get workers in other states to go on strike. It worked—by the last week of June, more than 30,000 additional FedEx and UPS workers were on strike across the nation.
On June 28th, the 10th circuit court struck down Cheney’s first injunction order, but he immediately (less than an hour after the ruling was publicized) issued another, this time on the grounds that the UPS strike had become a wildcat strike, and the FedEx one had been one from the beginning. This one would be impossible to overturn, being essentially correct in its assertion and its interpretation of Taft-Hartley. Ignoring the injunction yet again, the strikers persisted, their ranks continuing to swell in the first week of July. With unemployment at an outrageous 12% at this point in time, there was no shortage of labor for FedEx and UPS to bring in as strikebreakers once they were certain they would face no backlash now that the strike was illegal. Violent clashes erupted between strikers and police as the latter attempted to disperse picket lines; occasionally the violence spilled over to the scabs when striking workers tried to block them from entering truck yards and warehouses.
It was only a matter of time before the kindling that was being heaped up encountered a spark. On July 16th, it happened. Police trying to clear out a mass of strikers in St. Louis so a procession of strikebreakers could get to work fired indiscriminately into the crowd, killing seven people, two of whom were scabs. The picket line erupted into a riot which was forcibly dispersed in a flurry of tear gas and rubber bullets. More than fifty people were arrested. In the aftermath of the shooting, tens of thousands of workers, many of whom had been brought in as strikebreakers, joined the strike to protest the brutal attempts to suppress it, bringing their total manpower up from about 80,000 to about 200,000 by the end of July. It was already one of the largest strikes in American history, and it was far from over.
On August 1st, usually considered the date the Great Transport Strike began, 70,000 or more workers in the railroad industry went on strike all at once. After a failed month-long struggle to get their respective unions to call one through official channels, this was yet another wildcat strike. With the railway companies unable to replace many of the workers on short notice due to the training their jobs required, the entire American rail system shut down almost overnight. The remaining workers had little work left to do with rail lines inoperable across the country, so before long the number of railroad workers alone who were participating in the strike neared 100,000.
By this point, the character of the strike had radically changed, and its demands changed with it. What began as a strike with narrow purposes--to recover stolen wages, to get AC units put in delivery trucks--morphed into a general uprising against the conditions imposed on the working class in the wake of the recession. Among the new list of demands were calls for higher wages, welfare reform, an end to right to work laws, and better unemployment benefits at the national level. The specifics varied from one picket line to the next, but the nominally powerful organizing committee kept it simple: a fifteen-dollar federal minimum wage, $400 federal unemployment stipends, and the repeal of Taft-Hartley, along with terms specific to the strike like a general amnesty for those involved and the original demands of the striking UPS and FedEx workers. Some of the more radical participants went further. The IWW pushed for a twenty-dollar minimum wage; CPUSA and the Workers World Party wanted the housing industry to be nationalized to put an end to the burgeoning homelessness crisis. Many local cadres of striking workers wished to see Cheney’s Secretary of Labor resign.
Violence continued to break out on an increasingly large scale. In Detroit, two to three hundred strikers stormed a FedEx warehouse, ransacked it, and burned it to the ground. Intense street fighting with the police persisted for the next three days as local authorities cracked down. In San Diego, The police fatally shot a speaker at an otherwise peaceful rally. An epidemic of attacks on police erupted throughout the city in retaliation, culminating in the siege, abandonment, and destruction of a local precinct. In Atlanta, rail workers occupied a train station for eight days, rendering the locomotives inoperable through sabotage and trading gunfire with the state troopers sent to clear them out. By August 14th, the national guard was mobilized in eleven states.
The strike reached its zenith near the end of August. From the fifth to the eighth, representatives from the strike’s central committee and the IWW met with the leadership of the nation’s biggest unions—the AFL-CIO and its constituent unions, the Teamsters, the USW, the UAW, and the UFCW chief among them—with the goal of convincing the most influential unions in the country to call a general strike. AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka offered a sympathetic ear, but when all was said and done the executive councils of every union present rejected the proposal out of hand. Upset by the outcome, Trumka resigned from his post the following day. With Trumka’s endorsement and the involvement of the IWW, a coalition of AFL-CIO and Teamsters locals split off from the herd to begin organizing a single-day general strike scheduled for the 26th.
When the 26th came, an estimated three million laborers across all sectors stopped working. Roughly 1.3 million people converged on Washington, DC for a march intended to be the centerpiece of the strike, making it by far the largest protest event in American history. Descending on the Lincoln memorial, the marchers heard speeches from a roster of radical voices including people like former vice-presidential candidate Cornel West, IWW organizer Salvador Gutierrez, and renegade AFL-CIO officer Jorge Carreón. That evening, as the behemoth of a match dissipated, impromptu rallies materialized in front of the White House, the Capitol building and the offices of the Department of Labor. These were considerably smaller than the daytime protest, but more frenzied. Bouts of arson elicited brutal crackdowns from the police and the national guard, who were already on edge from the near impossibility of containing a mass of more than a million people in a city of barely half that. Just after midnight, around 80,000 protestors marched west across the Potomac, overwhelming a mass of riot police gathered on the Arlington Memorial Bridge and pushing their way to the Pentagon, which they encircled. For about an hour they chanted “jobs not bombs!”, echoing the slogan of an earlier protest movement, and, more ominously, “burn it down!” At around two in the morning, the DC national guard cleared the area with extreme prejudice. Nine protestors were killed, an unknown number badly wounded.
The theatrics of the 26th kicked off a weekend of protest in DC. Several large demonstrations were held in solidarity with the strikers, accompanied by anti-war and anti-austerity rallies. The first major explicitly communist event was held on the afternoon of Saturday the 27th, when around three thousand members of the Workers World Party and the Freedom Road Socialist Organization marched from the headquarters of the World Bank to join a larger gathering in front of the White House, red banners in hand.
Despite some speculation that the general strike would carry over unprompted into the next work week, most of the three million who had left their jobs on Friday were back at them on Monday—except for the truckers. Nearly 600,000 truckers who hadn’t taken part in the original strike either remained off the job after Friday’s general strike or joined the picket line anew. Several thousand went on strike mid-haul, stopping their trucks in traffic and using them to block off highways. Inspired by this display, thousands of other drivers broke into company lots and commandeered their trucks, driving them to strategic locations on interstates and state highways to clog up the nation’s roadways like clots cutting off an organ’s bloodflow. Several of these mass truck robberies turned into chaotic melees, with workers plowing through police lines in stolen semis as they attempted to flee the scene. Most of this was loosely organized, coordinated over the radio among groups of several dozen drivers apiece making decisions on the fly.
This was the final straw. Within hours of the first mass truck robbery, Cheney declared a state of national emergency. The Department of Justice deployed federal law enforcement officers to assist state forces, with orders to have every picket line shut down and every street cleared before the end of the week, by any means necessary. The army and the marine corps were sent into the hardest-hit cities à la the Los Angeles riots of 1992. On the 31st, Cheney signed an executive order authorizing employers to fire any worker refusing to return to work by noon on September 2nd without regard for existing union contracts and labor regulations. He then signed a second one temporarily permitting the termination of workers for “workplace disobedience,” which the order broadly defined as including any attempt to organize outside of recognized union contracts, encouraging strikes, sit-downs, slow-downs, or boycotts through speech or action, or “defying workplace protocol with the intention of diminishing productivity or causing a work stoppage of any kind.” This second order was set to expire at the end of September, but Cheney remarked to the White House press corps that nothing was off the table when it came to restoring order.
The strike was already faltering by the time Cheney delivered a one-two punch with his executive orders. Just before the general strike on the 26th, UPS had agreed to install air conditioners in its delivery vans and incorporate hazard pay into its drivers’ wages in the meantime. The following day, FedEx, having already agreed to stop docking pay for damaged packages in mid-August, offered substantial raises in a final attempt to lure the Michigan strikers back to work. With funds running low, many of the workers taking part in the original two strikes (which, together, were the core of the entire movement) returned to work after the 26th, deciding they could only hold out for so long and it was better to go home with their original demands met than to stick it out in the face of starvation, eviction, and escalating state violence for a more abstract goal. Demoralized, battered, and hungry, many other workers followed suit. While the weekend of protest raged in DC, the strike was withering away elsewhere in the country. When Cheney made his ultimatum, the strike crumbled.
A few stubborn holdouts remained on strike well into September, including enough of the insurgent truck thieves to keep the interstate system completely shut down in some areas for more than a week. In this period alone, twenty-plus people were killed in armed standoffs between state troopers and truckers. By mid-September, however, the movement was dead.
The Great Transport Strike of 2011 left tremors in its wake which were felt long after the last striker abandoned the picket line. In late September, freshman senator Bernie Sanders wrote a bill to repeal the Taft-Hartley Act, citing Cheney’s use of the act to try to suppress a strike with legitimate grievances during his oral arguments. In the House of Representatives, Barbara Lee motioned to begin impeachment procedures against Cheney’s Secretary of Labor. Sanders’ bill was voted down by a bipartisan supermajority; Lee’s never made it to the floor. The strike was a huge talking point in the 2012 election, but the DNC’s refusal to muster any real resistance to Cheney’s crackdown neutered nominee Hillary Clinton’s ability to go on the offensive in that department. Still, the popular vote swung hard against Cheney, even though he managed to hold on to the electoral college by the skin of his teeth.
The big unions that refused to join in on the strike suffered internal crises in the months that followed. The renegades in the AFL-CIO who helped organize the general strike on the 26th struggled for power with the liberal leadership, which was more concerned with securing and protecting contracts than the kind of fluid militancy the IWW was preaching. Facing pressure from below, the new president resigned in November, triggering new leadership elections which the renegades promptly swept, re-installing Trumka as president in the process. In the years between the strike and the start of the war, the AFL-CIO would grow increasingly radical, and Trumka with it. The Teamsters were not so lucky. Their leadership refused to budge, and rather than waiting around for the next round of elections, their militant faction began defecting to the IWW en masse, causing the latter’s membership to skyrocket during the 2010s.
In the longer term, the events of the strike set in motion a trend of large-scale cooperation between different currents of the American left. The temporary alliance between the WWP and the FRSO during their August 27th march foreshadowed their role as founding members of the United American Reds three years later, and the demonstration of solidarity between militant unions and socialist parties throughout the strike was a precursor to the formation of the Fifth International in 2013.

2015: The Rent Riots

In the three years between the Great Transport Strike and the autumn of 2014, class tensions deteriorated even further. Unemployment never fell below eight percent, the minimum wage was stagnant at just over five dollars, and the homeless population remained at a fairly constant 700,000. Following the 2012 election, Congress was deadlocked between the two major parties, unable to agree on anything except the military budget. Polling showed that confidence in the American political system, already at record lows, plummeted during this period. But while the country was breaking down, the left was bulking up—the Fifth International was founded in early 2013, bringing together some of the most prominent radicals in the nation, and indeed the world, and its member organizations began experimenting with Liam Sutton’s concept of “preventative weaponization” later that year, putting up huge communal stockpiles of arms and ammunition in the hands of the most militant unions and parties in America. It was only a matter of time before this confluence of events proved disastrous for the establishment.
Political turmoil was at an all-time high in mid-to-late 2014. Responding to the Fifth International’s entrance to the scene, a microcosm of the Red Scare sprang up, and at the same time a partisan realignment was underway as many Republicans and the leftmost Democrats reversed their respective positions on gun control. Of course, all of this was happening during the midterm elections, which were turning out to be the most chaotic in recent memory.
As the deadline for the annual appropriations drew nearer, the left wing of the Democratic Party threatened to stage a coup within the party if their policy demands, among them a reduced military budget and expanded Medicare access, were not addressed in the new budget. The progressives had grown into a formidable force since the Blue Movement in 2010, so the prospect of them withholding their votes from Nancy Pelosi in the next Speaker election, or worse yet, breaking off from the Democratic caucus to vote as an autonomous faction of the party, was concerning enough to the party’s higher-ups to give them real leverage. The party yielded and let the progressives include provisions in the proposed bill which would reduce the $750 billion military budget by 20% and expand Medicare to cover those aged 50 and up.
Of course, these provisions were unacceptable to the Republicans, who immediately voted the bill down in the Senate. The one they sent back made no revisions to Cheney’s agenda. The Democrats attempted to get the progressives to work with the Republican bill as a starting point to introduce more limited versions of their demands—a 10% budget cut for the military, for example, or lowering the Medicare age to 55 instead of 50—but they wouldn’t have it. They argued that people were suffering at home and abroad, and the least they could do was put up a decent fight. So the House Democrats sent over another bill, essentially the same one but with minor changes to the infrastructure and education budgets, and it too was voted down by the Senate. With time running out, the conservative wing of the DNC abandoned the military cuts over the outcry of the most staunch progressives, sending over a weaker version of the bill without them. Miraculously, the bill made it through the Senate, but instead of accepting the compromise, Cheney vetoed it. He didn’t just want the military budget to remain high, he wanted it to be higher. The parties remained at an impasse, and on December 22nd, the government shut down. It would turn out to be the longest government shutdown in history, clocking in at seventy-nine days.
The new Congress took office on January 6th, handing a few House seats to the Democrats and a Senate seat to the Republicans. Neither party gained a substantial advantage, and the freshman congresspeople were no more willing to compromise than their veteran colleagues. When another token attempt to pass a bill failed, the two sides finally settled in for the longest game of political chicken ever played.
With funds frozen, the Department of Housing and Urban Development stopped renewing contracts with public housing landlords. Most had advance payments for January, but as the shutdown stretched into February, contracts started expiring, landlords were left with a choice: start charging their tenants full rent, or go broke. Naturally, most chose the former. Near the end of February, more than two thousand landlords had stopped receiving payments, and a large majority of them intended to charge rent at the beginning of March.
This presented a problem. The tenants in these public housing complexes were there because they couldn’t afford to pay full rent elsewhere. For obvious reasons, few, if any, would be able to cover rent when it came due.
Word of the looming wave of evictions spread around the country in the waning days of February. Mass protests were held in DC demanding an end to the government shutdown, none quite as large as the central march on the day of the August 2011 general strike, but several pulling in crowds of over ten thousand. Tenant unions organized rent strikes. Socialists stirred anti-landlord sentiments with rallies in and around public housing complexes, leading to the first arrests of the riots as organizers were jailed on trespassing charges.
The backlash on March 1st was visceral. Angry crowds gathered in front of the nation’s courthouses blocked the handful of landlords who had begun charging rent in February from filing eviction paperwork until the authorities forced them to retreat with salvos of tear gas. In Boston, the crowd at one courthouse returned with a vengeance after sundown and burned it to the ground. Dozens of instances of tenants occupying their buildings, refusing to pay rent or comply with evictions, popped up.
On the third day of unrest, police began violently enforcing evictions. With nothing to lose, some of the more dedicated tenants fought tooth and nail to keep control of their buildings, turning the occupations into sieges and then the sieges into bloodbaths when the police abandoned the last of their restraint. Horror stories of police brutality filled the nightly news. The Marcy Houses in Brooklyn, New York became the site of particularly vicious fighting as the tenants engaged in what amounted to building-to-building guerrilla warfare with the officers sent to evict them. The following night, thousands of evictees swarmed housing projects in a dozen major cities, overwhelmed law enforcement, and seized the properties from their landlords, forcing them to flee (or worse, in a few cases). The chaos spread from the housing complexes to the perceived root causes of the tenants’ housing insecurity. Looting sprees broke out in gentrified neighborhoods. An unfinished high-income apartment building was razed to the ground in Philadelphia, another in Seattle. Banks were up next: two dozen were ransacked on the fourth and fifth nights of March, three of them completely destroyed by arson. An improvised explosive device was detonated in the lobby of a bank on Wall Street, killing none but injuring fifteen. The degree of violence in the tenant occupations rose. In some clashes, deadly firefights broke out when the tenants got ahold of smuggled-in firearms.
In one of the few displays of political self-preservation instincts of his career, Cheney ordered a thirty-day moratorium on evictions on the sixth to stop the flames from being fanned any further. Three days later, the desperate House Democrats caved and passed the Republican bill unaltered. The Senate hurriedly passed it on to Cheney, who signed it that afternoon. HUD money was flowing again shortly, and the riots subsisted in the days that followed.
Like the Great Transport Strike, the Rent Riots of 2015 had far-reaching implications for the left and the country as a whole. Conservative media was ablaze with conspiracy theories that the Fifth International had provoked the riots, or that progressives in Congress had purposely caused the government shutdown knowing it would lead to unrest. In May, senators Mike Pompeo and Ted Cruz co-sponsored a bill which would make it illegal for American labor unions to join the Fifth International or engage in mass buyouts of firearms. In what is often described as the low point for Cheney’s reputation, Bernie Sanders was arrested on the steps of the capitol building after an impassioned six-hour filibuster of the deal, allegedly for advocating violence against the government when he said that “the poor must remain armed at all costs in today’s society” in the face of police brutality. Though he was released shortly thereafter, the incident turned him into a national icon, which put powerful momentum behind his presidential campaign when he declared his intent to run immediately after his release.
The rampant fearmongering about the Fifth International (some of which, to be fair, turned out to be quite accurate) contributed to the rancor of the 2016 election, and is partly responsible for the Secession Crisis of 2017 and the resulting civil war.

2016: The Bezos Riots

That the February Revolt happened so quick on the heels of the Bezos riots makes it debatable whether the latter even qualify as a “revolution that wasn’t” or if they were just the beginning of a revolution that was. Nevertheless, they had a distinct beginning and end, so it’s worth examining them separately.
The 2016 election, of course, was a disaster. More information about it can be found elsewhere, but what is of particular importance here is Jeff Bezos and his independent campaign. Bezos announced the start of his campaign in January of 2016, immediately creating a media sensation as people speculated what the richest man on Earth wanted the office of the presidency for. There was outrage on the left, of course. Many accused him of trying to buy the election, or of running with the intent of spoiling it for Democratic front runner Bernie Sanders if he clinched the nomination, as was projected at the time.
Sanders ran a successful insurgent campaign, heading into the convention in July with an outright majority of pledged delegates. But his popularity was not enough to ward off the machinations of an anxious establishment. All 716 of the party’s superdelegates cast their votes for the conservative Eric Holder, handing him the nomination despite the disapproval of the majority of the party’s base. Like the convention of 1968, rioting quickly broke out. This was but a preview of what was yet to come.
On October 6th, a lone gunman fatally shot Bezos at a rally in New York.
For some, it was a day to mourn, but for many others, it was one to celebrate. That night, throngs of people unashamedly took to the streets to cheer on Bezos’ death. Naturally, the police tried to disperse these impromptu street parties, but as the night wore on they grew more crazed and slipped out of the realm of what the authorities could contain. The biggest conflagration sprouted up in Times Square, where the ground floor of the NASDAQ building was vandalized, its windows bashed in and its lobby scorched by Molotov cocktails. A small group of the most frenzied revelers scaled the Times Tower and toppled several of its billboards, sending them crashing into the street below where the mob, moving as one, dragged them into a massive bonfire in the center of the square. The party-turned-riot finally petered out around four in the morning.
The upwellings of the sixth were the beginning of a longer period of unrest, most of it concentrated in the two weeks following the assassination. Though most of the unrest occurred in New York, there were flashpoints all across the country. An Amazon warehouse in Alabama reported that more than half of the staff failed to show up to work on the seventh, provoking rumors that a strike was underway, but no large-scale revolt of labor ever materialized. A mob in Los Angeles had to be kept at bay with rubber bullets when they marched on Beverly Hills chanting “kill the rich.” In the Bay Area, multiple reports alleged that roving bands of youths dressed in black bloc gear had begun terrorizing rich Silicon Valley neighborhoods, burglarizing their homes, setting fire to their cars, and tearing down the walls of their gated communities. In Chicago, police severely overreacted to a block party coincidentally being held on the night Bezos was shot, teargassing the partygoers in response to a mundane noise complaint. Over the following week, anti-police protests shook the city in tandem with the chaos happening around the country.
The unrest, quickly christened the “Bezos riots,” reached its peak on the night of the tenth, when another mob that had gathered in Times Square was forced to retreat under heavy fire from the NYPD. At loose ends, the mob turned its attention south and marched towards the financial district. It grew in size and fury as it moved south, lashing out against office buildings along the way until it reached Wall Street, where the police were kept on the outer edges of the crowd, giving the rioters near the center free reign over the financial capital of the world. Financiers working late that night were left at the mercy of the masses. The one building with any police protection when the rioters descended on it was the New York Stock Exchange, though the officers were quickly beaten back into the lobby. A number of unguarded buildings, including the Trump building at 40 Wall Street and the American headquarters of Deutsche Bank, saw their lower floors occupied for several hours. Some of the defining photographs of the prewar years were taken that night—a mob parading a prop guillotine down Wall Street, the south end of Manhattan aglow with fires as seen from the Statue of Liberty, and the graffiti-covered NYSE building the morning after, still sporting a banner hung across its facade by vandals the night before reading “PANDEMONIUM - PLACE OF ALL DEMONS”.
These images and others like them dominated the news cycle that week. The whole nation descended into a state of madness for a time. On the twelfth, the Fifth International called an emergency congress, which remains the only one of its kind to this day. Unlike the previous four congresses, this one was conducted entirely out of the public eye, something the press was keen to take note of. Some of the delegates present at the congress wanted International’s member organizations to seize the riots as an opportunity to begin an armed insurrection, holding up the highly spontaneous nature of the unrest as proof that the American people were ready for a revolution. Others feared that any attempt at a revolution would be far more likely to fail and result in a withering reactionary backlash than to actually overthrow the government. Then there were some, though they were an increasingly small minority in the International, who were against the idea of an armed revolution on principle. Ultimately, these latter factions won out, and the fifth congress resolved to merely issue a vague statement in support of the working class. Behind the scenes, however, Liam Sutton led a clandestine effort to organize the Fifth International’s many disparate gun clubs and munitions stockpiles into the skeleton of a revolutionary force. Between the end of the Bezos riots and the beginning of the February Revolt, he and his comrades would craft what would come to be known as the American Worker’s Army.
While Sutton set to work laying the groundwork for the revolution yet to come, the fetal revolution underway was coming to an end before it had a chance to truly begin. Curfews and national guard deployments in a handful of cities put an end to the nightly mayhem not long after the Fifth International held its secret congress, but the working class, still delirious with anger, was not ready to go quiet into that good night. On the 19th, a waiter serving Mark Zuckerberg at a restaurant in Palo Alto pulled out a handgun and shot him twice in the chest at point blank range. He miraculously survived, but the message to the wealthy was clear: there are people in this country who hate you enough to kill you, even at the expense of their own lives. Already uneasy from the killing of Bezos and the gleeful rampage against capitalism that had occurred in its wake, the attempted murder of Zuckerberg was the last straw for many of America’s wealthy elite. From late October through to the end of the year, twenty-seven of the top 100 richest people in the US moved abroad permanently, along with dozens of people lower on the list. This mass exodus of capitalists has since come to be known as the “Great Cash Migration.”
Four months after the Bezos riots, the specter of class conflict would return to haunt America one final time. And the rest is history.
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Turning Baby Wipes into DIY Disinfecting Wipes -- And Other Ingredients of Baby Wet Wipes

Turning Baby Wipes into DIY Disinfecting Wipes -- And Other Ingredients of Baby Wet Wipes
1-Introduction of baby wipes
1-1What are baby wipes? Baby wipes are one of many kinds of wet wipes. A wet wipe, generally known as a wet towel or a moist towelette, sanitizing wipe, disinfecting wipe, or an antibacterial wipe.
Traditional baby wipes formulas generally contain alcohol and flavors. Alcohol is an effective ingredient to disinfect the skin. On the one hand, the flavors can mask the odor of the formula raw materials, and on the other hand, they can also provide various fragrance effects for the product. This formula is widely used for a long time. However, studies have found that because the permeability of newborn skin is higher than that of adults, the barrier function of infant skin has not been fully developed. It is extremely allergic and weak in resistance. It is very different from the nature of adult skin: First, the skin of infants has high water content, the pH value is high (the skin does not retain moisture); secondly, it sweats more per unit area; furthermore, babies have low sebum to dry skin. Therefore, in addition to being non-toxic to the skin and eyes, baby wipes should also pay special attention to care and safety. Baby wipes have the characteristics and features of excellent protection, high safety, and low irritation.
And because of the reason of urine and feces, the baby's buttocks are cleaned very often, and alcohol solvents can easily penetrate into the skin. Alcohol and substances have potential harm to the skin. Accumulative use will eventually cause the skin to lose its elasticity, roughness, dryness, and other irritation. Therefore, with the continuous improvement of people's level of awareness, the formula of baby wipes has also improved, using distilled water, purified water, and adding a certain amount of skincare agents, gradually becoming free of alcohol, fragrance, rich in various nutrients, and non-irritating. The development of sexual bactericidal ingredients. In this way, the baby's natural skin will remain moisturized and healthy!
1-2 when were baby wipes invented? who invented baby wipes? There are two sayings as below: The first saying about baby wipes’ history
1-2-1 In 1944 invented by Procter & Gamble In 1944, Procter & Gamble (Procter & Gamble) first introduced "baby wipes".
1-2-2 1945 initially industrialized by Scott Paper As said by Scott Paper, 1945, Original Rando Webber (the first prototype of baby wipes production machine) was made (Circa 1945-1946). 1946 Scott Paper Company’s second prototype (today’s air-laid machine) built to use as a picker lap of shoddy or reclaimed tire cord to produce a random fiber web.
Till that time, the world’s first machine designed specifically for the infant formed fabrics industry— on display at the Smithsonian Institute.
1947 Consolidate Machine Tool ships the first commercial lap-fed 40-inch Rando Webber. (
1-2-3 Challenged by James River's After the mid-1980s After the mid-1980s, James River's revolutionary baby wipes structure appeared! Embossed Kroyer air-laid dry tissues with ethylene-vinyl acetate spray bonding. This product combines many characteristics of Scott products, but the product has better uniformity, higher bulkiness, and lower cost. For several years, this product has shared the baby wipes market with Rando products.
1-2-4 Breaking the monopoly by Kimberly Clark at the beginning of the 1990s In the early 1990s, Kimberly Clark Company used CoformTM technology (a technology more similar to hydro-jetted nonwoven fabrics, rather than air-laid pulp, or dry papermaking) in its baby wipes. When the curious baby wipes produced by the Coform method entered the market, the curious baby wipes that were as smooth as silk gradually replaced the Rando Webber method baby wipes that were once the market leader and were frequently copied. The Coform method can produce high-quality baby wipes with good strength and softness, moderate bulkiness, but high cost.
The substrate using spunlace technology has a three-dimensional and three-dimensional entangled structure in its fibers, which has more water absorption space than other technologies. Moreover, the base material is formed by fiber entanglement without the need to add chemical adhesives. Therefore, the base material has good flexibility and safety. Moreover, the special product structure and manufacturing process of the spunlace substrate gives the product a hollow structure, but it does not lose the fiber. When the fiber contacts the surface of the wiped object, the friction area increases, which brings comfort and efficiency clean. Due to the reduction in production costs and the increase in the variety of raw materials used, the application of hydro-jet nonwovens in baby wipes has become increasingly widespread. Procter & Gamble has used spunlace nonwovens in its baby wipes in Europe. Thanks to the joint efforts of Procter & Gamble and Kimberly Clark, many high-quality baby wipes use spunlace non-woven fabrics as the base material.
1-1 The second saying about baby wipes’ history 1-2-1 invented by Nice-Pak company The origin of baby wipes most likely came in the mid-1950s as more people were traveling and needed a way to clean up on the go. One of the first companies to produce these was a company called Nice-Pak. They made napkin sized paper cloth saturated with a scented skin cleanser. Rockline Industries of Sheboygan, Wisconsin (which has a large part of the private label wipe market in several segments) went on to be the first to innovate the first baby wipe refill pack and pop-up packs which have become common in the marketplace.
1-2-2 The first baby wipes marketed by Kimberly-Clark & Procter & Gamble
The first wet-wipe products specifically marketed as baby wipes, such as Kimberly-Clark's Huggies wipes and Procter & Gamble's Pampers wipes, appeared on the market in 1990. As the technology to produce wipes matured and became more affordable, smaller brands began to appear. By the 1990s, most superstores like Kmart and Wal-Mart had their own private label brand of wipes made by other manufacturers. After this period there was a boom in the industry and many local brands started manufacturing because of low entry barriers.
2- Material, ingredients of baby wipes 2-1 What are baby wipes made of? What are the ingredients in baby wipes? Baby wipes are made of spunlace nonwoven fabric sheets from the original pulp, cotton fabric, bamboo fabric, viscose fiber, polyester, etc.
Wet wipes fabric cloth designs: Plain, Mesh, Cartoon Prints, Dotted Embossed, EF, Rhombus Diamond.
Spunlace nonwoven fabric sheets pre-moistened by these ingredients: RO pure water /EDI purified water, Aloe Vera, vitamin E, herbal/botanical disinfectant agent emollient ingredients, glycerin, preservative. Another custom formula NOT containing parabens, sulfates, phthalates, synthetic dyes and fragrances, chlorine, formaldehyde, alcohol, SLS, SLES, MEA, DEA, and TEA. Baby wipes features vary depending on formulation and functions. Antibacterial wipes, weak acid pH (close too baby skin’s pH value), stronger decontamination ability, formaldehyde ability, hygienic, hydrophilic, vegan suitable, dermatologically tested to prevent contact dermatitis for sensitive skin, skin moisturizing, kill viruses & germs (candida Albicans, staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, etc.), antimicrobial, hypoallergenic, disinfectant, wipes rash-free, food-grade, no phenoxyethanol, formaldehyde-free, no stimulation.
Lint-free high quality spunlace nonwoven fabric functions are eco-friendly biodegradable, breathable, soft, strong, flushable (high percentage of viscose fiber), wipes rash-free, sensitive skin suitable, bleach-free, no fluorescent, can clean dirt and grime.
2-2 Are baby wipes antibacterial? Yes. The disinfectant agents in baby wipes are from botanical extract (natural baby wipes) or compound double chain quaternary ammonium salt. So, baby wipes are also antibacterial, but the function is not the same strength as alcohol sanitizing wipes.
How to dispose of baby wipes? Use baby wipes to clean your baby, you can also use the same wipe to pick up your babies’ spill or grease. Then throw it into the nearest trash bin. Clean any surface in the house or bathroom and to dispose of baby wipes, throw it in the trash bin. Whenever you use baby wipes, always use the trash bin to dispose of your baby wipes.
Are flushable wipes really flushable? What are the best flushable wipes? Can you flush Huggies baby wipes? Huggies Baby Wipes should not be flushed, as it only delivers softness and durability but is not designed to be flushed in the toilet.
However, the best flushable wipes brand like Cottonelle Flushable Wipes, Equate Flushable Wipes, Charmin Flushable Wipes, Kirkland Flushable Wipes are specifically engineered to flush and break down immediately after flushing.
How to dissolve baby wipes in the toilet / why can't you flush baby wipes / why can't you flush baby wipes / what baby wipes are flushable? How to unclog a toilet clogged with baby wipes?
It is best to dispose of baby wipes in the trash bin. Still, in any event, we use wet wipes often to clean up after fecal discharge. Choose an alternative baby wipes like flushable baby wipes. But suppose you have been flushing your non-biodegradable baby wipes in the toilet and causes toilet blockage or toilet clogged. In that case, use sulfuric acid cleaners to dissolve baby wipes in the pipeline or septic tank. Wear protective gloves and goggles while using the solution, and work in a well-ventilated area to avoid strong chemical fumes. Never mix beach-cleaners or any other chemical to sulfuric acid to prevent a dangerous chemical reaction.
How to use baby wipes properly to work best for your babies?
There are three kinds of baby wipes: general cleaning, mouth, and hands cleaning, bottom cleaning. General cleaning: it can be applied on baby skin, any surface, or toys that babies often touch and put in their mouths. Especially for your pets’ paws if families don’t isolate them with babies.
Mouth and hands cleaning: Every time when babies finish their meal, drink milk, sleep, parents should clean the babies’ lips and faces. Remember after cleaning, it’d better apply some moisture cream for the prevention of drying their skin. Bottom cleaning: the diaper area is the most sensitive skin on babies. It needs special care every time after changing the diaper.
Why many people use baby wipes? •Baby wipes use as multi-purpose wipes, toy cleaner instead of bleaching toys, it picks-up mess, spills, and clean surface dust. The dust sticks to the wipe and leaves a polished, fresh look. •Hygiene in wet wipes, when a relaxing wash is not an option, baby wipes can quickly freshen up uneasy dirt feeling. It is most useful when traveling or if you are in public use places. •Convenience. It is the easiest and the quickest way to keep yourself and your family healthy. It makes cleaning more comfortable and safer.
What can baby wipes clean? Baby disinfectant wipes for cleaning toys and stuffed animals. Baby disinfectant wipes for cleaning baby pacifier or teether. Baby disinfectant wipes for cleaning baby cradle, baby stroller, baby jumper, baby car seat, higher chair, playpen, etc. Any surface your baby touches. Baby disinfectant wipes for wound cleaning. Baby disinfectant wipes to freshen you during travel. Baby disinfectant wipes for removing makeup. Baby disinfectant wipes for cleaning remote controls and other electronic gadgets. Baby disinfectant wipes for cleaning mobile phones. Baby disinfectant wipes for cleaning bag and purses. Baby disinfectant wipes for removing dust from indoor plants. Baby disinfectant wipes for removing makeup or lipstick stains. Baby wipes can remove excess oil or lotion. Baby wipes can flatten hair fly-away. Baby disinfecting wipes can clean grocery products before putting them inside your fridge or keep them in the pantry.
How many babies wipes per day? We can calculate the baby wipes per day based on diaper usage. 1 wipe for pee change, and 2 to 4 wipes after each poop change. The table below will show daily diaper consumption and the corresponding baby wipes usage.
How long do baby wipes last unopened? Usually, the wipes packages have seals for leak-prevention and moisture maintenance. Before the unveiling, the shelf life can last for 2 to 3 years based on some brands but most baby wipes brands do not have an expiration date. Wet wipes do not truly expire but instead, the moisture lessens thus leads to losing its effectiveness or mold development in some cases.
After the package opening, if the packages are sealed well or buckled up, it can last for a few months. Since there is no strong preservative in baby wipes, the pre-moistened wipes with the main ingredient of purified water can’t be kept for a long time to prevent new bacterial generation.
How long is baby wipes good for? Baby wipes are good until it keeps its moisture, it is important to keep the lid or opening close after each use to seal in moisture. If the moisture in baby wipes isn’t be dried away, the ingredients in the wipes can still be effective for cleaning.
Baby wipes: how to make sanitizing wipes? Many people can’t buy enough sanitizing wipes or disinfectant wipes since it is in great demand, the shelves often stay empty.
So many people searched how to make baby wipes into sanitizing wipes? Baby wipes are dermatologically tested to maintain alcohol-free ingredients. According to, choose hand sanitizing wipes with at least 60% alcohol. There are two types of alcohol you can use, ethanol alcohol, which is alcohol that we drink, and isopropyl alcohol. To turn your baby wipes into DIY antibacterial wipes, sanitizing wipes, or homemade sanitizing wipes to kill viruses & germs, you can put 60% or 70% alcohol into the package. Add a few drops of essential oils to make it gentle on your hands. The average alcohol mixture depends on the package size (portable Pocket packets/tubs/Bottle/Canister). See below the list of ingredients and the right measurement:
*1 cup of alcohol *1 pack of baby wipes (alternative to baby wipes: spunlace nonwoven fabric dry wipes, thick paper towel, or dried out wipes) *10 drops of essential oil (lavender, aloe vera, tea tree oil, chamomile, etc.) *4 tablespoon Aloe vera gel (optional for extra moisturizing ingredient)
It is best to transfer your DIY sanitizing wipes into a sealed HDPE canister to maintain moisture. Research source:
Baby wipes: how to make disinfectant wipes? Baby wipes may be used as DIY disinfecting wipes or homemade disinfectant wipes by adding bleach, and water into the package. Let it sit for 10 to 15 mins so the wipes can absorb all the ingredients before use. Disinfectant wipes are more effective if you apply them to the surface and let it dry for 3 to 5 mins.
If you prefer to make your baby wipes to DIY Clorox disinfecting wipes, or homemade Clorox household wipes here are the ingredients and exact measurement:
*2 cups of water *2 ½ tablespoon of Clorox bleach *1 pack of baby wipes (alternative to baby wipes: spunlace nonwoven fabric dry wipes, thick paper towel, or dried out wipes)
DIY disinfecting wipes should be kept out of children’s reach to avoid inhaling and ingesting. Research source:
As a manufacturer of wet wipes, we suggest you should take care and take extra precautionary measures to turn baby wipes into antibacterial hand wipes. As you may not have accurate control on adding correct measurements on ingredients to assure the effectiveness of the wipes. In the All Clean Natural China production line, we have continuous research and analysis the perfectly measure the exact percentage and weight for each ingredient. Our products have been tested in the labs before each batch is moved into our supply building.
If you will use baby wipes as DIY antibacterial wipes, the major dilemma is: most baby wipes are pre-moistened, the spunlace non-woven fabric carries usually two times or more weight of liquid (for example our liquid weight in baby wipes is three times the dry wipes weight). If you add extra liquid into the wipes, the non-woven fabric will soak with too much liquid. You can either remove excess liquid from the container or add dry wipes or paper towels to sip excess liquid. After cleaning on surfaces or hands, leave the surface area longer to dry out to kill germs and bacteria.
How to make DIY Lysol wipes? DIY Lysol wipes have the same essential ingredients as the DIY disinfecting wipes, DIY Clorox wipes, or DIY Lysol wipes. For best results, use a dry paper towel or dry wipes.
3- Ingredients to prevent in baby wipes
3-1 Formaldehyde An anti-microbial chemical and potential health hazard. Types nitrosamines when combined with Ethanolamine, additionally referred to as MEA/DEA/TEA. Banned in the EU. Discovered in: Nail products, hair dye & straighteners, phony eyelash adhesives, shampoos. Banned in the EU. Exactly how to spot it: Formaldehyde, Quaternium-15, DMDM Hydantoin, Diazolidinyl Urea and also Imidazolidinyl Urea, DEA, MEA, TEA
3-2 Scent A catchall name a large range of as many as 4000 chemicals connected with allergic reactions, dermatitis, and also respiratory system problems. Professional observations show fragrance can impact the central nerve system, triggering behavioral modifications, irritation, depression as well as attention deficit disorder, Banned in the EU. Found in: Toenail products, hair color & straighteners, fake eyelash adhesives, shampoos. How to identify it: Fragrance, Parfum.
3-3 Mineral oil Originated from crude oil, coats the skin obstructing the pores, and also disrupts the skin's capability to remove contaminants. Contributes to acne and various other conditions. Research from UCLA web links high levels of exposure to mortality, lung cancer, and melanoma.
Discovered in: Child oil & cream, baby diaper breakout lotions, lipstick. Exactly how to find it: Mineral Oil, Mineral Jelly, Petrolatum, Oil Wax, Petroleum Jelly.
3-4 Parabens A catchall name for a wide range of preservatives and also anti-bacterial representatives. May interfere with hormone degrees, fertility complications in addition to developmental complications of an unborn child or little one. The possible boosted danger for sure cancers cells. Studies have located parabens in bust tumor tissue. Restricted in EU. Discovered in: Personal care products, hair items, cosmetics & skincare. Exactly how to identify it: Search for active ingredients finishing in "- paraben" or "- ester", which can likewise be listed as Benzoic Acid, Scent, Potassium Salt, Methyl, Propyl, Butyl, Ethyl.
3-5 Polyethylene glycol (PEG). An emulsifier and emollient used in many products, typically contaminated with 1,4-dioxane as well as ethylene oxide, both recognized carcinogens. Discovered in: Personal care, skincare, cosmetics, hair care products. Just how to find it: Polyethylene Glycol, PEG, 1,4-dioxane, Polyethylene.
3-6 Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) & Salt Laureth Sulfate (SLES). Cleaning agents, foaming agent,s and surfactant, present serious wellness threats. Can be swiftly absorbed right into the mind, heart, liver, and eyes. Related to cataracts in adults as well as hinders proper eye advancement in kids.
Found in: Frequently used in skincare, cosmetics, and hair products. Just how to spot it: Sodium Lauryl, Laureth Sulfate, SLS, SLES.
3-7 Phenoxyethanol Phenoxyethanol is often used as an alternative to parabens. It is a glycol ether which is aromatic alcohol and a solvent that acts as preservatives that kill bacteria, germs, fungus, or mold that may develop within the formulation during product shelf life. Phenoxyethanol is a chemical compound, which can be naturally derived or synthetically produced. It is not safe for infants for it has been associated with skin eczema and skin irritation. It is not recommended for people with a history of eczema, atopic dermatitis, and inflammatory skin conditions. It can be dangerous and toxic to the kidneys, bladder when ingested. With prolonged use may affect function in the nervous system.
Phenoxyethanol can be included in anhydrous products that don’t have any water, also included in aqueous products that contain water, emulsions, cleansers, shampoo, and conditioner, lipstick, pencil, powder products, and all other skin and cosmetic products.
What is the production procedure for baby wipes?
•Putting the nonwoven raw material spunlace on the machine Raw material such as quality cotton fabric, bamboo fabric or bamboo fiber, original pulp, viscose fiber, and polyester enters the feeding machine to open and lose fibers and remove impurities.
•Folding into the wipe Clean loose fibers are folded into a single fiber in preparation to enter the carding machine.
•Liquid feeding The high-pressure water jet is applied to fiber to form the “web.” The current technology in manufacturing spunlace can generate sufficient fiber dispersion to meet market demands in spunlace cloth.
•Cutting the wipe roll Jumbo spunlace roll is slit or cuts based on client requirement. Wet Wipes length & width is customized.
•Wipe stacking The wet wipes are overlapped and interleaved with one another (40, 50) to accommodate an improved stacking arrangement whereby each wipe can be readily singly separated from the wet wipe stack by the consumer.
•Online Detection Online detection for quality inspection advances the quality of spunlace nonwoven fabric. Accurate testing to entrap contamination with abrupt rejection. It can magnify even the slightest hairline impurity.
•Bagging The automatic packing machine can be adjusted or customized to various package sizes and designs with products brand label and logo.
•Sealing Automatic machine guarantees end seal control and end protection.
•Manual Checking Strict manual checking by engineers and operators following checklist and guidelines. Whole dimension, optical and functional inspection of material samples. Monitor quality control plan of inspected properties and alert engineering staff of significant variations.
•Packing Jumbo rolls are packed in PE film to ensure product quality and prevent contamination. Individually packed wet wipes are secured in boxes and containers, ready for overseas distribution.
Q&A 1. Where can I buy baby wipes online? If you are a starter to have sell baby wipes, we suggest you drop ship our brand products: All Clean Natural China. If you are a regular consumer, you can buy a single pack from our online store. Online stores provide baby wipes coupons like Amazon, Target, All Clean Natural, Re-stock, Certified Green Cleaning, Alibaba, etc.
2. What other areas of application do you use baby disinfecting wipes?
Baby disinfecting wipes use in nursery rooms, on a plane, hospital, office depot, interesting places during travel, home depot, etc.
3. What are your product packing sizes?
We can customize the size for individually wrapped packets (singles) or travel packs
-Small (portable packets, tubs, bottle, canister)
-Single mini size packets
-Large individually wrapped/package
-Extra large
4. What are the available wipe counts? The quantity for each kind is custom. Clients can also choose a specific quantity according to the table below:
Baby wipes Disinfectant wipes Sanitizing wipes Antibacterial wipes
• Bucket /CanisteTube/
Baby Wipes Hand Sanitizing Wipes Baby Disinfecting Wipes Multi-Purpose Wipes Household Disinfecting Wipes
5. How can we guarantee the quality? We offer pre-production samples before mass production. And final quality inspection is guaranteed before shipment. 6. What are the services offered? - Free sampling - White Labeling (OEM) - Contract Manufacturing - Short response time - Small batch wholesale - ODM (Original Design Machining) -Free digital marketing support -Free mascot and sales package design -Dropshipping support in North America
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String Theory

Proposal for solution to String Theory:
In theory, quantum tunneling and teleportation would suggest that photon particles, though they seem like consistent and steady particles, are subject to a momentary flux (a flicker) in energy in a vacuum; thus meaning they are not uniform or self-sustaining like relativity would suggest. This effect however, would be very rare and happen so quickly, that it would not even be detectable. (Space-time is manipulated so there is literally nothing to see or record in “real time.”) When this occurs, the wavelengths could be altered with seemingly no explanation.
This theory will attempt to provide an answer for the fluctuation phenomenon in quantum space by offering that these instances imply that Photons must need to consume in order to sustain themselves; and what this article will attempt to prove is that what the photons indeed consume is “space”.
In theory, photon particles do this in order to exist in addition to propelling themselves forward, and they emit time as a result (the photon consumes one space in order to continue to exist in our plane, then consumes the space in front of it to propel itself forward, and releases “time” as a waste product, (i.e. 2 space in equals 1 time out).
This is possible because space itself is not the “absence of,” but it is instead the “potential for”.
The scientific community tends to accept that space is the absence of everything, but in the cosmos space is actually quantified as the potential for anything, and therefore:
Space must be the physical manifestation of potential energy.
Also implying that time is actually a form of radiation.
In this vain when photons “consume” space, they quite literally take in potential energy (elementary “space energy”) and convert into kinetic energy through said “consumption” of that space (potential energy).
The “kinetic waste” produced from the consumption of the potential energy by photons is what is understood to be time (aka “elementary radiation”.)
Conclusion: Photons are the smallest energy converters, not the smallest energy quantifiers.
What’s sacrificed is time, what’s gained is space.
This revaluation is why one can’t see “space”. Light needs to consume the potential energy (space) first in order for the converted space to exist as time, and thus be free to appear as: visual matter, curvature, spatial distortion etc. When the photon emits more “kinetic waste”, aka (relative) time radiation, while it also consumes more “potential energy” aka (relative) space energy, the passage of time and space are relatively sped up stretching the wave (more space in less time; also implying time is denser than space), but when the photon emits less “time radiation” and consumes less “Space energy” then the passage of time (production level of kinetic waste) is relatively slowed down contracting the wave. (i.e. more time less, space.) These reactions result in the speeding and slowing of time, and the expansion and “holes” in space (aka “dark matter.”)
Dark matter in turn, is where photons have consumed all the potential energy in a sector leaving only dense time behind. The photons get stuck in this sector because time is too dense to allow space in (2 space= 1 time) meaning there is no available “fuel” for the photon move, or even to continue to exist on our plane.
Photons consume potential energy (space) most readily available in high gravity areas, causing the passage of time (ag emission of Kinetic waste), which causes the universe to expand continuing in an endless loop.
Universal Space: Time Ratios (Remembering 2 space is equivalent to 1 time)
As previously stated, time is so dense it leaves no room for space, so this means the photon cannot consume any space to pass through a condensed dense pocket of time in form of dark matter. These dense pockets of time (concentrated kinetic waste) push the universe outwards, like placing a heavy object in a body of water. The expansion of the universe in turn creates more space (potential energy) at the edges, so it’s like if the body of water in the example took all the air it came into contact with while being displaced, and converted that air into more water. Alternatively, it is the time radiation coming into contact with normal Physical matter and or “light matter” for too long which creates space within the universe. (Aka rapid aging/ decay).
This would imply that radioactive atoms possibly have a minuscule element of dark matter (trapped condensed time) within their nucleus that is consistently eroding them at an accelerated rate. I.e. radiation is caused by atoms that contain too much condensed “time” within them. The dark matter (pure time radiation) reacts with the physical matter of the atom to create “space energy” within the atom itself: Potential energy (space energy) that can then be consumed by photons that aren’t trapped within the dark matter “prison”. They do this at an (forward) accelerated rate the further they get away from the dark matter pocket due to the of heavy production of potential energy (Space) in the atom. The photons still closest to the dark matter are more likely to be affected by the time radiation.
Provided all of the previous information implied in this theory can be trusted, one could surmise that dark matter may have a fixed capacity: i.e. if the time residue that they are made is what turns physical matter into space, they indirectly doom themselves when they combine with physical matter, because they provide all the photon in and around a them to escape. (Light just needs to be introduced to space to accelerate, the dark matter combines with physical matter to create space.)
This would also imply that black holes also have a fixed capacity in some instances, in that the 1 space 1 time energy proportionality suggests that photons and matter can travers through them; but the 1 time for every 1 space means everything would literally slowed to a crawl. This is because the photons want to consume the space, while the physical matter gets turned into space by the dark matter. This arrangement sounds as though it would be ideal and uniform, except one must account for the fact that the photons which eat their way through are still emitting time while they traverse; so this factor combined with having half of the black hole already contain time radiation would make the process quite long, even relative to the rest of the cosmos (other than Dark matter and other Black holes)
Thus Black holes does not destroy anything, they take in contents and repurpose them based on the ratio. The ratio on intake directly determines what will become of the black hole eventually. The intake ratio is based on Space, to Time to Matter, to Light Matter. These factors determine whether the black hole becomes a star (2 space 1 time conversion), whether they just grow (1 space 1 time conversion) or whether they convert back to dark matter (0 space 2 time conversion), or whether they become new space in the form off light matter (4 space 0 time. In this vain it is as though Black Holes embody the most “even of odds”; a fair ratio in an otherwise “chaotic” universe.)
This train of theories would also suggest that the closer you get to the “center” of the universe, the less space would be available. Most likely this was caused by the Big Bang releasing photons that began to consume space (potential energy) at the point the explosion started. The photons would then work, eating their way outward in all direction eventually spreading out.
This also would explain why nothing can travel faster than light; photons are what consume space to allow the passage of time necessary for movement. The light in and around a body consumes the potential energy, (aka space) that it’s in, so it can continue to exist, then consumes the space in front of it to progress forward. Without light there is no progress. It would also be concluded that right behind the light is a trail of time waste that slows objects in the direct path of a photon down, even if the acceleration is too minuscule to be observed.
Another problem is that everything gives off a degree of light, naturally aging it (with time-radiation) until it is nothing (space). This reaction would be far more common than the production of Light Matter through a similar consumption method. ( Ie photons are indirectly turning most matter into “food” by passing time waste directly through it, aging it into “space” so that they can consume it.)
As for gravity, when a mass like an asteroid exists in space, it has its own gravity because the photons around it and going through it are consistently emitting dense time behind them that “decomposes” the matter, creating space, which is then consumed by photons, creating more weighted Time Radiation.
Theoretically if a lone photon where stopped in a single point for too long, it would eventually consume all the available space in that area and become a miniature Dark Matter Pocket, aka a hole in space, where the photon exists on a separate plane from our own. Other photons would inevitably reach this “hole” and when they cannot find any space to consume and in order to exist and propel themselves forward, they too become trapped and so on. (The expansion of dense Dark Matter Pockets.)
Since distance equals space over time, if you remove the space from the equation all that’s left is time. This is why Dark matter and black holes are so dense, time is denser than space (2 spaces are combined to make 1 time). The photons cannot be seen or interacted with because they have lost all or most their inner space which is the “physical” aspect of photon matter (remembering that they must consume space to exist on our plane.) They can no longer interact with our dimension directly, only through the gravity that the time inside them once still produces, which remains in our dimension.
If this were true then in contrast to Dark Matter, when photons accelerate past a “Light Matter Pocket”, the opposite effect should be observed: in that the same photon could hit a pocket of pure potential energy acceleration and lose all time. Light Matter is the product of a photons that was managed to consume pure space within itself, and hasn’t had a chance to convert any of it into time yet. For this reason, Light matter is theoretically the most temporary and least stable of all the universal conversions. (ie, it is inevitable that the space within them will son be converted into time). Light matter is the equivalent of 4 space 0 time per v of a, however this arrangement cannot last: eventually time production will continue within the photon resulting in a 2 space 2 time per volume of an are entity, also known as Physical matter.
When a photon flux’s in a vacuum it is influenced to releases excess extra amounts of time (kinetic waste), consume excess extra space (potential energy), or most likely a mix of both in, a very short period, thus altering its wavelength.
When time is dropped and space is gained at an extreme excess of normal, then the photon can reach a new energy level by being filled with only “space energy”. This new energy level doesn’t just stretch the wave, but flattens it completely. This eliminates so much of the time from the photon that all that all that’s left is space. (because the conversion of potential energy to “existence energy” and kinetic energy within the photon far exceeds its waste output of time) Distance= Space.
This means time (kinetic waste) is essentially stopped for the photon and what’s left is space: (pure potential energy and kinetic energy, no kinetic waste) a phenomenon also known as Teleportation!
When this happens the photon is free to traverse space without being effected by time, however it can only continue at the trajectory it was going initially: because time accounts for half of acceleration. It becomes invisible to everything around it because it’s movements do not happen in “real time”; it’s like the world is “paused” for the photon. The wave becomes a line, but the line and subsequently the particle exists in a different dimension, a pocket in the passage of time: 4th dimension a. (n=4a) In this scenario the “2 space 1 time” dynamic has been altered to,” all potential and kinetic energy, no kinetic waste” or simply “all space no time” (4 space 0 time). The photon would theoretically be consuming and burning so much space so quickly that in it leaves no moment free for time emission, so it brings the space with the photon until it can no longer fit anymore within itself (when it reaches 4) the space finally materializes outside of the photon as a condensed “Light Matter pocket.”
Theoretically, the opposite would also be true; so much time could build up in the photon not leaving enough room for space. (All time no space) Distance= time.
If this were to happen then the photon would no longer be able to be affected by physical matter because it loses all of its own “physical” presence. (Remembering that when photon normally consumes space, it uses half of that space to continue to exist on our plane). In this scenario the photon would only exists as moments in time with no physical presence, the photon itself becoming a pocket in physical space: 4th dimension b. (n=4b) Though it would be weighed down in this dimension by dense kinetic waste stored within it, meaning that the easier the photon is able to move (i.e. the more potential energy it consumes,) the less permeable it would become overall due to it filling back up with space. A trade off.
It is likely in some cases the photon will become trapped in the other dimension, because while sitting stagnated in place, it can consume all of the available space (potential energy) in the vicinity while trying to start up again. The photon would then lose the ability to both move, and to interact with the 3rd dimension and lower. However, without enough potential energy to continue to consume and progress all that left is time (kinetic waste). Thus the photon remains frozen in dense time. Extremely dense, never existing or tangible (within our plane, except for the time waste), but always there. It is only in the most extreme dark matter cases, however, light gets stuck for a significant stent, “frozen in time”. As stated this is what happens in pure concentrated dark matter, because this scenario turns the “2 space 1” time into “2 time 0 space.” (2 time because with the omission of space which is equivalent to 4 space: if this halted acceleration is taken into account, it is indeed possible that the photon may become an electron upon returning to our plane which is discussed in greater length later in the article)
In other cases, the photon would be permeable or semi-permeable until it consumed enough space again to become tangible. This is how fusion and tunneling work, when the permeable photons in or around an object consume enough space they become tangible again. Sometimes this happens at inopportune times fusing particles. (This is possible because pockets of space or time will affect multiple photons in similar way.)
These photon states are considered 4th dimensional because they exist not solely on the x, y, or z plane, but on new planes: xyz(a) and xyz(b). These dimensional planes are classified as new because they occupy a different dimensional plane than the x, y, and z planes, in that the omission of either space or time from the equation creates entirely new abnormal vectors:
4th dimension xyz(a): a constant abnormal vector that looks like two dots (possibly with a dotted straight line connecting them to signify the 4thD(a) frozen time movement)
4th dimension xyz(b) a constant abnormal vector that looks like a line but is actually a bunch of overlapping dots (possibly dots spread out with lines in between them to represent the multiple connected moments for 4D b)
Photons consume space and emit time so consistently and uniformly that at most instances the phenomenon cannot be observed, except during quantum tunneling and teleportation. (other than consistent distortions in space-time by objects, both macro and micro)
Photon flux would in theory would more than likely be linked directly to wavelength, in that the photons with shorter wavelengths (more energy) cover more space with less time (relatively), where longer waves (less energy) use more time and cover less space. (relatively). The more space (potential energy) within photon, the more overall energy, the more time (kinetic waste) inside photon the less total energy. (gain and lose key words). The more space a photon takes on in the with the least time the more energy. The balance of both time and space moving in and out of the photon determines the wave length (energy). Space is consumed by photons and time is residual waste.
Photons move by consuming space to propel themselves forward, leaving a trail of time behind. The quicker the space is consumed, the smaller the wavelength.
This theory may suggest that space in moments also exists clustered in pockets within a vacuum, (most easily and often seen as great masses with intense gravity, like Stars, or Light Matter: 2:1 and 4:0 respectively) and when the photon passes through this pocket it consumes extra space and releases an influx of time energy radiation, thus increasing overall photon energy as well as producing the phenomenon known as Gravity; even possibly to the extent of 4th Dimension a where the photon does not leave room for time within itself by consuming space to quickly.
This is why time passes slowly in areas of great gravity; waste production as a whole is directly proportional to consumption. (Time is the driving factor that creates gravity. Space itself is weightless, and large objects attract more space. when photons are attracted to and consume that extra space, they produce excess amounts of denser time waste, which accounts for the gravity.) As stated his would be seen most prevalently in Light Matter Pockets as well as in and around stars.
In contrast photons may be able to be forced to retain extra time (at a rate of more than they can burn) in or near similar pockets (most concentrated in dark matter) increasing wave size and decreasing energy. Ie in why in a black Dark matter are frozen in place with no space to consume in order to propel themselves forward or exist. All potential and kinetic energy is lost. And it could be implied that this is likely to the extent of 4th dimension b, which explains why light is not visible in a: it exists in a separate dimensional plane that we cannot observe, forever trapped in place waiting to consume space so it can move again. 0 space 2 time is the measurement because it takes 2 space in order to create 1 time, so the extra time in the Dark Matter Equation comes from 4 total space combining in the photon as time, as opposed to existing separately as in Light Matter.
New Energy Equations:
Energy exists in moments, not fluid time: base level energy has no acceleration. The photon must be introduced to the “space” (potential energy) first in order to create kinetic energy and ultimately time (kinetic waste) Alternatively without “space” to consume, the residual “time” left in the photon would leave it with nowhere to go (ie light isn’t always affected by time.) Thus there are multiple equations for equating pure energy in each specified moment and they are:
E1= potential energy of c
E2= kinetic energy of c
E3= kinetic waste of c (aka how long it took to get from point a to point b times c.)
Or in calculus:
E1= mgh(c)
E2= ½ mv2(c) Or simply (E=mc^2)
E3= (point b - point a)c
E=mc^2 is the equation for the energy it takes for a mass endowed with photon(s) to continue to exist on our plane. (The 3rd dimension)
Equation for energy of mass THROUGHOUT Space-time:
Add all of the E charges together to come up with the total charge: Energy of mass throughout space-time is equal to the total charge of the mass in space over time. (TC is total charge, KE is kinetic waste, ST is Space-time, m is mass):
E(ST)= TCaverage m(PE/KW)
A theory for why stars are in a constant state of nuclear fusion and fission is that the photons consistently consume the space at the stars’ core (the most concentration of condensed space) first and work their way out; creating both a dark matter pocket (2 time no space) as well as a Light Matter Pocket (4 space 0 time) in the center of the star. It is the photons that initially consume the space too quickly which begin the chain reaction: if they were to theoretically consume too much space they would have a chance to enter either 4D (b) or 4D (a) acceleration. In these instances, the photons would be given the option of phasing out of physical existence and reappearing (possibly fusing particles as in 4D b) or become invisible to those around them as they as they freeze time and leaving behind the extra condensed space as they return (as in 4D a).
A star is like a cow being consumed by photon “piranha” at super speed, and this is because the photons are attracted to the intense space energy within the star core, which in turn accelerates them when they consume it.
the Dark matter dimension; but if the mass of the black hole is even a little more than the variable of half the star, the black hole will win the tug of war.
Conditional statement for center of star defusing black hole: If half mass of a star is 2(q) times greater than that the black hole then the star “consumes” the hole. (q represents the variable of displaced time in the star.) statement is true if: ½ (m)star•2q < (m)black-hole
If this theory were true it would imply that suns do not implode or explode upon completing their “lifecycle,” it simply means that all or most of the photons within the star have been either transferred to either Dimension 4D(a) or 4D(b). In the quantum world this would be equated to the Star Itself “Teleporting.”
Following the most promising trail of possible solutions, it can be surmised that space energy does have “mass” but, the mass only exists at the moments when the space is consumed and within the photon (which also lacks mass to the untrained eye); however, the photons spout the time radiation within so quickly that the mass can only be calculated by the radioactive trail they leave behind, (the time itself). This phenomenon is aided by the fact that time does not exist in front of photons, only near the back and behind them (waste product). This means time is the mass that the photons left behind: photons consume space in order to exist in each moment, so the residue from their existence in that previous moment is time. The only measurement for the “mass” of Photon is the Time-radiation.
The density of time radiation would also imply that the photons would need to wait for the time waste they leave behind them to dissipate if they want to go backwards at the same trajectory.)
Electrons in theory get energy by consuming 1 time and emitting 1 space, one to exist and one to move. If they were to be denied too much time by either getting excited, or consuming a 2 space 1 time photon with too high an energy level (low wavelength) they could theoretically grow to “all space no time” (2 space 0 time) where they would enter 4D a and subsequently teleport, (though with less overall efficiency than a photon) theoretically returning with extra space than when they left, aka as a photon, 2 space 1 time. Then the “new photon” would accelerate so quickly (because it’s appearing out of nowhere, with a previous acceleration of zero) that its dense time residue would force a minuscule hole (in space) behind it, (aka a 2 time 0 space pocket) “dark matter”; an extremely dense void in space. This pocket will attempt to entrap and consume a nearby photon, so that photon can either become trapped significantly, or eat its way out; becoming a stable and sustainable 1 time 1 space entity, aka an electron. The new electron takes the place of the old one appearing as though nothing ever happened, which assisted by the “time manipulation” of 4D a light matter as well as the spatial manipulation the 4D b dark matter.
If too many new photons are accelerating too quickly, they will create too much dark matter behind them, which will consume multiple photons and convert some of them all into electrons, until all that’s left is many 1 space 1 time entities. These electrons being created in such close proximity are accelerated away from each other at an extreme rate, (with the ones created first accelerating the most, and the ones created last accelerating the least) causing many of them go through the process of becoming new photons, which then accelerate from zero creating more dark matter...the cycle continuing, but dissipating every time due to the constant deceleration of all the components involved after each cycle.
Electrons that get excited and passed in a conductor are actually teleporting out of valence shells and causing the process mentioned above, while those extra electrons that don’t accelerate away and become photons then take in residence that same available space, even occupying a vacated valence shell.
If one were to recognize the pattern in this theory, it would be that the numbers shown imply photons are stars and electrons are black holes. This is why electrons equate to -1 charge they are miniature black holes. In this vain theoretically if an electron were to be stopped from moving or vibrating completely, aka all time no space, it would become dark matter, implying the same is true for a black hole if it were to stop growing. This would also imply that stars do not simply implode at the end of their cycle, their photons enter another dimension (4Da) and leave behind dark matter (a 4D b pocket), which consumes light and space to become a black hole. Or alternatively the star can enter a light matter pocket and become invisible as it freezes time and transports across the universe (in same direction).
What this revaluation implies is that if a star large enough were to be transported to 4d a (aka implode) the dark matter produced would actually create multiple black holes, not just one, and they would each naturally shrink away from each other due to the repulsive forces between them; thus implying that black holes have spin. This phenomenon creates dense pockets of space in between the black holes where they cannot traverse, in turn creating the optimal conditions for new stars in between them.
These phenomena are possibly what equates the “physics world” to the “quantum physical world”, in that if the information provided within the article is to be believed then: stars can teleport and tunnel,
black holes can have spin, can “discharge” energy, ad have three possible final states, (Stats, dark matter, larger black holes
dark matter is simply the complete absence of space, and light matter is the production of matter by stars, electrons can teleport, electrons can become photons and vice versa (through interactions in two separate pocket dimension), and that there are two separate but proportionally related unreversed in 4D a and 4D b, each devoid of time and space respectively.
To man, time is not just waste or simply some malevolent force to be feared: a man consistently traverses through hazardous time radiation, and yet he still chooses to label the end product as “wisdom”, a woman sees a fleeting moment decay before her, and she still chooses to brand this as a “precious memory”, people see death and disease act upon them without remorse, yet they somehow find a way to spin this as “purpose”, call it “life”, and ultimately deem it “being”. The human being they call; it is, and then it was. A purpose. A value. Not just quantified by moments, but including the space, time, and effort it takes to create those moments. That which can come together to create: a greater wisdom, shared memories, and a total sense of being. The universe quantifies this as 2 space and a lot of hard work to create 1 time worth protecting.
To the creatures of earth: simply composed of ancient stars, particles, and microscopic celestial marvels. Those of which consistently come and go in a brilliant and sometimes literal flash. Always traversing the whole of reality, space, and multiple dimensions just to create a single memory for a seemingly insignificant being; and when they die those same miniscule cosmic entities shall thus return to their dimensions and spaces to be repurposed and revalued once more, forevermore...
don't you guys realize? The next time you see sky, it'll be over another dimension. The next time you make a mess, it'll be in some other galaxy. Our ancestors, they want the best stuff for us. But right now, they got to do what's right for them. Because it's their time! Their time, up there! But Down here, it's our time! It's our time down here! And that's all over with the second we decide to hop into Troy’s little “bucket” of loathing and self-pity.
I like to remember a wise creature once told me: “When your wings are weak, your spirit’s done, and you’ve flown as far as you can... YOU’RE HALF WAY THERE!” And I for one believe we are indeed half way to something incredible...
-Your Pal,
I.C. Weiner
If it helps, you shoot miniature black holes containing stars in them through your body that keep you alive; and every time you move or even think you change the “potential” of the universe, so remember to use your power wisely.
(Special dedication to Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking for their research being integral to much of the information discussed in this theory. Thanks also to the countless men and women of the scientific community who have discovered and continue to discover incredible occurrences within our cosmos which helped immensely in the furthering of my knowledge as well as human knowledge as a whole.)
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This includes hazardous substances, hazardous wastes, marine pollutants, and elevated temperature materials. Common examples of DOT hazardous material include: Explosives; Flammables; Compressed gases; Reactive materials; Oxidizers; Organic peroxides; Poisonous materials; Radioactive substances; Corrosives ; There are many requirements that must be followed to ensure that hazardous materials ... Hazardous materials in the workplace can cause severe health problems and/or physical injury to the worker. Employers have the responsibility to anticipate, recognize, evaluation and control hazards associated with hazardous materials in the workplace. Hazard abatement must be accomplished through a hierarchy of controls. Hazardous materials can unexpectedly be brought home to a workers ... The mission of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is to improve truck and bus safety on our nation's highways. That includes reducing the number of transportation incidents that involve hazardous materials and could potentially harm the public and the environment. Developing programs to accomplish these goals and increase the safety of hazardous material transportation is ... Common Hazardous Materials. When it comes to hazmat shipping and handling, safety is crucial. There are many precautions you can take to keep every hazmat employee safe. This reference list discusses common hazardous commodities considered to most hazardous based on high rate of exposure and the deaths, major injuries or hospitalizations they've been involved in. Hazardous materials (hazmat) are any material that has properties that may result in risk or injury to health and/or destruction of life or facilities. Many hazardous materials (hazmat) do not have a taste or an odor. Some can be detected because they cause physical reactions such as watering eyes or nausea. Some Hazardous Materials exist beneath the surface of the ground and have an oil or ... How US DOT Defines Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Wastes. DOT’s definition of a hazardous material at 49 CFR 171.8 explicitly mentions “hazardous wastes” as one type of material subject to the DOT’s Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR). Let’s take a look. Hazardous material means a substance or material that the Secretary of transportation has determined is capable of posing an ... DOT Definition of Hazardous Material: A hazardous material is defined as any substance or material could adversely affect the safety of the public, handlers or carriers during transportation. All DOT hazardous materials are listed in the DOT’s Hazardous Material Table. There are nine classes of hazardous materials: The Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is responsible for the safe and secure transportation of hazardous materials (hazmat). Hazmat is essential to the economy of the United States and the well-being of its people. Hazmat fuels our cars and trucks and heats and . cools our homes and ofices. Hazmat is used in farming and ... HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANUAL B-1 Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide University faculty, staff, and students with guidance in the safe and proper storage, handling and disposal of Hazardous Materials. While this document does not cover all regulatory requirements concerning the handling, storage and disposal of hazardous materials, it provides the basic information necessary for ... Summary: If you are shipping a potentially hazardous material, please read the following description. Background: UCSC conforms to strict government regulations when transporting hazardous materials. Shipments must arrive at their destination in good condition and present no hazard during shipment. Prior to shipping any hazardous material, please contact EH&S at (831) 459-2553.

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