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TIFU for falling for a guy on Tinder during Covid and got scammed out of life savings

TLDR: Met a guy on Tinder while lonely and depressed. We talked every day on the phone, but couldn't meet because of Covid. He invited me to join him on a Chinese investing app. I didn't question him because I was attached and blindly trusted him. Invested my entire life savings and took debt into the app to invest into "our future". I now can't withdraw that money and also found out I was catfished. Heart-broken, depressed, and will probably be homeless. The guy doesn't know this, and is still taking to me trying to get me to invest more.

I met a guy on Tinder, he seems really nice and smart. We quickly moved to talking every day on the phone. He would frequently send me pictures of himself or what he's doing. We also started talking about hobbies and one of our common ones was investing. He lured me with screenshots of this Usdt investing / betting app, and all the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made.
I wanted in since he said that he analyses the data, and only bets when he has good data. He was very dodgy when I kept asking him what the data he is using is - and only saying he will teach me later down the road. So the betting app (yes he marketed as investing USDT, but it's purely betting roulette) has multiple tiers with min balance requirements - 0,20k,50k,150k. Over time , I made 10-15% principle each time I traded with him, so eventually I invested over 150k into the apo because he convinced me that the larger players have more steady volume for analysis. I'm so dumb, and it was all through bitcoins to an app that has no information other than the customer service whatsapp that takes my questions and deposits. He even encouraged me by continually matching my deposits in order to 'help' me earn more. He was such a sweet talker, painting the future we could have together traveling and buying houses around the world.
A couple hiccups - I tried to outsmart the system and placed bets on 4 different options, and since they had positive odds at the 150k tier, would have been guaranteed profits. This caused me to get flagged for money laundering where I then I had to cough up 3% of my balance as a penalty fee within 24 hours or risk my account getting frozen forever. Fine, I thought it was unreasonable, but my fault. I scrambled, asked for favors, and borrowed money to pay the 17k ransom (yes the amount grew with my and his deposits combined). After that resolved, we were ready to make some big money in Dec - since my tinder date says Dec has historically great data for betting. He also showed me a promotion the app was running where we could wnter as a couple, and win prizes depending on how much we deposited. The only one we were eligible for was the 500k deposit one, and of course, we both just needed 1-200k more to finish the challenge and win "free" money. I never should have agreed to this either, but my tinder date's optimism won me over. Now we are stuck in another drama where my tinder date convinced me to participate in the couples challenge, where if we deposit 500k each, we get rewarded 125k. Too good to be true? Yes, but I was blinded. Little did I know as well, that if you don't complete the challenge by the end of 2020, apparently the penalty is losing 3% of the balance every day until you lose 60%.
I'm at such a lost in trying to borrow more funds, as my tinder date continues to pressure me and guilt trip me as he helps me contribute tens of thousands in as well. It's a scam, I'm pretty sure he can manipulate the numbers. The pivot point that woke me up, was when I was forced to ask friends to lend me money (and that they were also going to get loans to help me out). In order to not screw over friends I decided to do more due diligence again. Then I found it, I finally found some of the pictures he used in our WhatsApp conversations online from a chinese real life people photo bank. I haven't revealed that I know about the scam and am still in conversation, but I'm still trying to figure out how i can possible get my money back on this.
I've literally deposited my life savings as well as took out loans and debt to try to complete the deposit challenge. I'm going to be in debt and living paycheck to paycheck for awhile. This is a good lesson - I was emotionally blinded by a guy that would sweet talk with me every day, asking about me, and caring about me. I so efficiently found money to deposit into this scam app, without doing my normal due diligence because I was blinded by .. love? I feel like crap and am just hoping to resolve this well somehow...
Update: I really appreciate the support from redditors here, and I hope this provides a story that others can remember that getting catfished sucks. I've contacted police, IC3, FTC, and a couple of lawyers. The only advise is to see if police will investigate, but I was told chances are slim to none because the culprit is probably not in the country. I'm still chatting with my scammer, and am so far holding family troubles as an excuse to not have any more money to give. He's very persistent though, and still has that silver tongue. Honestly I'm not sure what kind of outcome I am hoping for by not simply blocking him at this point.
submitted by aspiring-minimalist to tifu [link] [comments]

Potential upcoming DEFI airdrops list

Disclaimer: None of these are guaranteed to have airdrops, most of this is based on rumor's and speculation. This is also not worth it when gas fees are high. Anytime I found myself going to uniswap or another platform I frequently use, I would look to use one of these instead to maximize exposure to potential airdrops. Below is simply the tasks I chose to do on each platform over the last few months. You can do what you please.
As always, DYOR, any of these platforms could be hacked while you are providing liquidity, resulting in a complete loss of funds.

Platform Task completed
BadgerDAO* $DIGG airdrop, provide liquidity and deposit your LP token to badger. Over 600m locked.
Zapper Used their swap and LP quick swaps.
DeBank Used their token swap.
Metamask Used the new token swap feature with the web wallet
Zerion Swapped tokens and supplied LP using phone app and web dashboard
dYdX Traded ETH-DAI Pair on their exchange. Deposited DAI for interest
Instadapp Provided liquidity on their dashboard.
Paraswap Swapped some DAI for ETH.
Opyn Bought an ETH call (Do research beforehand).
Mask Network Created a wallet and connected it to my Twitter account.
Polymarket Placed some bets.
Tokensets Bought some defi pulse index (DPI token) through their platform.
Defi Saver Deposited some ETH from Aave V2 and loaned 50%.
Matcha Swapped some DAI for ETH.
Argent wallet Swapped some DAI for ETH.
Opensea Traded NFT's on their marketplace.
Mooniswap Swapped Dai for Eth.
Mintr Minted some SUSD and played around with the Layer 2 SNX platform.
Polkaswap Used their testnet. Plan on voting for SORA in polkadot parachain auction.
SORA farm Provide liquidity and get rewarded with PSWAP when they launch.
OpenOcean Utilized their trading protocol
Indexed Finance Airdropping 20% of the supply to users of the platform as voted on by governance.
PeanutTrade Offering a bonus airdrop to presale participants that play their minigame.
Tornado Cash* Utilized their app top deposit eth.
Blockfolio Been using for years. Recently used their no swapping feature
xToken Utilized their unique staking platform
*Airdrop has already happened
**Have not used the protocol
This is all that I have used so far. Some are more likely than others to have a community airdrop. If you have any not listed and want to share. Feel free to comment.
submitted by DrAntagonism to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

Robinhood can be a gambling platform, but it's not and removing it or regulating it will exacerbate the divide between the wealthy and the rest of the U.S.

Hi everyone,
Lately I've been reading and watching on the news about Robinhood and I just wanted to give my two cents as somebody who actually researches Gambling disorder in the United States. My goal in this post is to hopefully encourage people on WSB to become politically active in preventing the regulations or removal of certain aspects that Robinhood allows on its investing platform. First, let me define some terms from the Gambling disorder field:
In this post I will address a few arguments at Robinhood. The first is regarding the "gambling" nature of investment that Robinhood purportedly encourages. The second is that the average investor needs to be "protected" because they lack the information and knowledge to participate on the app.
When I first downloaded Robinhood, I was skeptical at first and proceeded to uninstall and reinstall it multiple times before I deposited $350 to invest in stock. The app provided me a "scratch-off" with my first deposit that rewarded me with my first stock (some medical company). That was the only time that event occurred. If we look at my prior definition of gambling, technically that is not a form of gambling. I placed nothing of value on this random outcome. If the actual act of investing in stock is gambling this leads to an interesting analogy regarding trading platforms, not just Robinhood.
Stocks are the game (roulette, blackjack, craps), Robinhood and trading platforms are the dealers (giving information on the rules of the game and how much it costs to place a bet), and the liberal market is the casino.
In this analogy everybody is in the Casino, and if you don't play the game you stand to lose regardless as your money loses value to inflation. Even worse, if the casino folds the people that didn't cash out or were fully invested in the casino never collapsing (The Great Depression, the recession of 2008 the coronavirus recession) can stand to lose everything even if they didn't participate (regular person that was laid off) or were placing safe bets (ETF's Blue chip stocks etc).
The Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth, William Galvin, is addressing the wrong issue by suing Robinhood. What should be addressed is the reasons that people even participate in Robinhood or in any trading platform. The average individual doesn't understand the market and the United States does not address this ignorance by providing information on how to properly invest for retirement or provide a welfare structure that protects against poverty as individuals become unable to participate fully in the economy due to injury, developmental disability, age, discrimination or lack of access to the "free" market. To claim that people on Robinhood "gamble" for excitement or risk is reductive. People invest their money on Robinhood for the potential accumulate life changing "tendies" that will protect them from the eventuality that they will be unable to participate in the economy and the government will not insulate them from the fiscal impact an individual will (not if) have to deal with in regards rising medical cost for their healthcare and any other services they would require in order to lead a normal life. If William Galvin is actually concerned about the "gamefying" of investment, he should focus on regulating Wall Street and the Banking sector, because last time I checked investors on Robinhood invest with their own money, not the money of other people.
The argument that the average investor isn't informed also leads to more issues that I guarantee the government doesn't want to address or even ask because it would require an expansion of the welfare state and higher taxes on companies and individuals. If the average American is too dumb to invest using Robinhood that what is the solution? The U.S. government has always fought any sort of government guaranteed income or services to insulate an individual against against insolvency from the free market as can be seen by the desire to privatize almost all forms of government programs such as Social Security, Medicare, Food Stamps and Medicaid. This has already occurred with certain programs at the federal level such as HUD which doesn't do anything to help people get affordable housing and the drastic reduction in funding for colleges and universities especially after boomers were done getting their degrees for essentially free.
So lets examine what the average person has to understand in the American economy,
So the average American is suppose to navigate all of the aforementioned areas with little to no government assistance. But Robinhood should be regulated, makes sense. Let's not even talk about that most Americans read at about an 8th grade level and have a tough time understanding that a quarter pounder is less than a one third hamburger...
"Why the third pound hamburger failed: One of the most vivid arithmetic failings displayed by Americans occurred in the early 1980s, when the A&W restaurant chain released a new hamburger to rival the McDonald’s Quarter Pounder. With a third-pound of beef, the A&W burger had more meat than the Quarter Pounder; in taste tests, customers preferred A&W’s burger. And it was less expensive. A lavish A&W television and radio marketing campaign cited these benefits. Yet instead of leaping at the great value, customers snubbed it. Only when the company held customer focus groups did it become clear why. The Third Pounder presented the American public with a test in fractions. And we failed. Misunderstanding the value of one-third, customers believed they were being overcharged. Why, they asked the researchers, should they pay the same amount for a third of a pound of meat as they did for a quarter-pound of meat at McDonald’s. The “4” in “¼,” larger than the “3” in “⅓,” led them astray. --Elizabeth Green, NYT Magazine, on losing money by overestimating the American Public Intelligence."
The REAL QUESTION is what responsibility does the government have to insulate the average American from an economy that by its very nature is predatory, especially when the argument set forth by William Galvinson is that the public doesn't understand how to invest on Robinhood. Especially since the government has told the public from day one to take care of themselves as they get older through investing instead of expecting the government to provide assistance. By removing or regulating Robinhood, the fungibility of the average American's dollar will drop in value because they are prevented from another avenue of wealth accumulation, which research shows (at least for those in poverty) they turn to gambling as a means of wealth accumulation because even though the return on a gamble is less it is technically even since their dollar is also worth less.
I think I may have gone on a rant, sorry.
Please buy me some tendies William Galvin, because I like to be wined and dined before I GET FUCKED!
Robinhood isn't gambling. Robinhood just provides a service to investing on Wall Street, the actual gambling is our devotion to supply side economics which is the original, STONKS ONLY GO UP 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Also, if we are going to start regulating Robinhood because of the actions of a minority (WSB) then we should start regulating other industries that are WAY more predatory and impact a larger amount of the U.S. such as, payday loans, guns, pharma industry, surprise medical bills from emergency rooms, childcare, prison industry, bail industry etc. I bet you the cost to the U.S. economy from those industries is way more than anything Robinhood has done.
Positions: SAVE at 18.45 67 shares; and TQQQ 5 shares at 174.71
submitted by TankMainOW77 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Megthread: Post Zeta Discussion (AKA Zeta was the WORST!)

This post has been updated as of 10/31 @ 1pm.

So, I've never had to do one of these...but, post Zeta discussion goes here.
Update as of 10/29 @ 10am: Ugh, I had a huge update posted and my computer decided to accidentally back button and remove the update...anyways, we did it guys. We survived hurricane Zeta. In fact, we ate so many cosmic brownies that Zeta got scared and it went from being a hurricane to a Hurrycane. Ha!
But in all seriousness, consider the speed of the storm as a blessing as it got in and out quick enough that the damage might have been minimized. In fact, this storm may set some records. It's already the strongest storm that has ever directly passed over the City of New Orleans and it might be one of the fastest travelling storms on record.
On a personal note: I hope everyone is safe and sound. This storm was a lot more intense than everyone was expecting. Hopefully, the amount of damage you experienced was minimal and the most you have to do is some branch clean up.
Additionally, I hope that these hurricane threads have been useful/calming/enjoyable. I'm looking for feedback! Knock on termite infested wood that this is the last storm of the season. It certainly won't be the last storm ever, but come next season, hopefully I have enough materials to be prepared. The quickly thrown live thread was a bit of a disaster (and for the temporary time being, I was having fun? I don't know if that's the best word for it), but that was due in part to me uhh...being in the middle of a hurricane, losing power and cell signal. Sorry that it was a bit of a disappointment (but at least there was one - I tried!) Anyways, let me know if you have any feedback or ideas. Hopefully, I did my mod duties well. :D
Lastly, I do want to sincerely thank you all for the support with my "What is Damp May Never Dry!" shirts. Believe it or not, I woke up this morning to a TON of orders - which is awesome since a good chunk of the money is going to charity. As mentioned, I'll be making a donation at the end of the month and in November, so you have time to purchase (hopefully New Orleans won't need one of our own!) Although, I do have to say, I'm a bit miffed to find out that the shirts have already been stolen by one of those t-shirt spam bots...remember, if you're not buying it from, it's a counterfeit (I can't believe the audacity of the shirt bots).
I'm going to be updating this post with some more information shortly. I think I have a good idea of what this thread should contain. Like I said, I've never had to do one of these - but based on the comments so far, I think I can make a post.

What's the Power Situation?

The first question many people have is: When will I have my power restored? The answer to that question is: It entirely depends on the circumstances surrounding your specific outage. It could be hours, it could be days, it could be weeks. People freak out when they hear it could be weeks, but it's the truth.
Ultimately, until an crew is able to assess the damage and the problem specific to your neighborhood, they will not have a time frame for availability. With how much damage has occurred, you can expect your local power utility (likely Entergy) to not even give you a time frame. You should anticipate the worst and hope for the best.
As of 10/31 @ 8pm, Entergy has released estimated restoration times for each neighborhood. I cannot stress this enough: This time frame is a generalization and is not guaranteed.
For a more specific timeframe or your neighborhood's availability, Entergy provides a very complete and accurate power outage map that is available here. If you click "location" in the menu, you can select an icon and it will give you an estimated timeframe if it's available.

I need power - what can I do?

This is a complicated question to answer in general. Here are some quick tips:
  1. Get a hold of a generator. Sorry that this seems obvious, but this is your best bet to get power to your home. There is always a run on generators before and after storms, so this likely won't happen unless you're lucky. If you're super lucky and your neighbors have whole home generator, beg them to provide you an extension cord.
  2. Find out what friends have power. Another obvious point, but reach out to friends (even acquaintances) to ask if they have power. I guarantee you that people in general aren't bad. There isn't harm in just asking. Post storm we're a community in need and a lot of people are happy to help if they can.
  3. Talk to your neighbors that have power. Look, you probably hate them because of their obnoxiously large fence. However, as noted above, we're a community in need. If they have power, you can ask them if you can charge some battery banks (if you have them) or charge your devices. I'm pretty sure they'll be happy to help - they'll be more happy to help if you exchange a charge for a bottle of wine. Plus, you might become friends!
  4. Coffee Shops are a life line right now. Go to a local coffee shop that has power. A warm cup of coffee will probably perk you up. There's a whole host of coffee shops right now that have power and they'll be happy to serve you if they have power. Don't abuse this though. Clearly, don't show up with a minifridge.
  5. Follow other local businesses on social media. There are several local businesses willing to help you in this instance. Local bookstores for example. You can charge your phone while also trying to find a new book to read while you don't have power. What, you think Kindles will last 5 days? Go analog!
  6. Use your car to power some items. Believe it or not, you have a giant generator if you have a car. Is it inefficient? Yes. Does it work? Also yes.
  7. Go to the New Orleans Public Library! See the comment about bookstores above? Well, the New Orleans Public Libraries are encouraging people to come charge. Plus, you can get some books to read for free!
  8. Check out this Community Power Map. Imagine Waterworks is managing a community power map. Have a spot? Make sure to share it with them!

Are schools still closed?

Due to the extensive damage and power outages, several school districts have announced school closures. As done in the hurricane megathread, below are a list of the announced school closures. For a more complete and up to date list of school closures, please refer to this article from WDSU.
NOLA Public Schools (NOLA-PS) announced the cancellation of all distance learning and in-person classes for Friday, Oct. 30, due to ongoing power outages across New Orleans and to give our students, families, teachers and staff time to assess the aftermath of Hurricane Zeta.
This decision includes the closure of NOLA-PS central offices and the cancellation of food services for families on Friday as well.
Superintendent Dr. Henderson Lewis, Jr. and his team are working with schools to determine the conditions of all facilities and plan any necessary recovery efforts.
The NOLA-PS team will consider the progress of Entergy to restore power, the needs of our school community, and the availability of city services to guide the appropriate timeline for a concerted return to in-person and distance learning for students at all grade levels. Schools and families can expect an update Sunday, Nov. 1, regarding the plan for classes next week.
Due to area power outages caused by Hurricane Zeta, all Jefferson Parish public schools and administration buildings will be closed tomorrow, Friday, October 30. All school and district activities and events are cancelled.
All St. Tammany Parish Public Schools and offices will remain closed Friday, Oct. 30 due to storm damage and power outages in our community. They plan to reopen schools Monday if electricity is restored and it is safe to do so. The district is continuing to work in close coordination with emergency preparedness officials to make decisions about closures. Updates and information will be provided, if needed, through social media, robocall, and app notification.
With wide-spread power outages throughout our parish, St. Bernard Parish public schools will remain closed tomorrow, Friday, October 30. The school system will remain in close contact with Entergy and parish government officials over the weekend and will provide an update regarding schools reopening by Sunday afternoon.
Belle Chasse Academy will be closed on Friday.
Due to widespread power outages across the district, all schools and offices of the Lafourche Parish School Board will remain closed tomorrow, Friday, October 30, 2020. All virtual learning will be canceled as well.

I have an assignment/paper due!

See sections above and combine them. If your school is closed, chances are your papeassignment will get an extension. Just ask the professoteacher and explain the circumstances - there's a good chance they'll be understanding.

Yo, I have a fridge full of food. What am I supposed to do?!

Well, it depends on how long you're without power. You should follow the CDC recommended guidelines on Food Safety for Power Outages.
The tl;dr infographic is available here. Can't read it? If you haven't opened your fridge or freezer since the power went out: 4 Hours in the fridge; 24 hours in a half filled freezer and 48 hours in a full filled freezer. Those are your time frames per the CDC.
As a pro-tip: You'll want to throw out the foods quicker rather than later. The last thing you want is a fridge full of spoiled meat. You'll become a vegan (not that there's anything wrong with that!) after those pork chops have been spoiled for 3+ days in a non-chilled environment.
If for some reason you think you can risk it for the biscuit and defy the laws of thermodynamics and your food will still be cold after several days:
  1. Remove everything and throw it away.
  2. Wipe the fridge and freezer down with bleach.
  3. Leave the doors open for an extended period of time.
If the fridge still smells after that, use activated charcoal. Here is a helpful article on how to deep clean and remove smells from your fridge. I'm not joking, you will regret not throwing the food away sooner rather than later.

Ok, well now I need new food. What's open?

Check the comments below. Redditors seem to be posting available grocery stores. I will try to post some stores open here, but I can't guarantee the accuracy of the list. I would recommend reaching out directly via phone if you want to check for yourself.
  1. Rouses (Gentilly - Leon C. Simon)
  2. Langensteins (Uptown)
  3. Winn Dixie (Veterans)
  4. Costco
  5. Rouses (CBD)
  6. Breaux Mart (Magazine)
  7. Roberts (All locations)
  8. Lakeview Grocery

Is the water safe to drink?

Immediately following the storm, if you need to drink something, you should consider drinking from non-tap sources (bottled). However, unless if you have heard otherwise from your local government, the water is likely safe to drink. If you're concerned about the safety of water, you should always consider non-tap sources or boiling water from the tap. Below are official notifications that have been communicated (again, please look to local governments or local media outlets for more timely and accurate information).
As of 10/29 @ 12pm, here if your official notice from the SWBNO:
"Water purification operations were not interrupted and water pressure did not drop below 20psi. Therefore, your water is safe to drink."
The SWBNO is encouraging individuals to use less water leaving our homes.
St. Tammany is currently under a boil water advisory for 30 neighborhoods.

I have a bunch of leaves and tree branches. What do I do?

Zeta Specific Stuff:

Quick tips post storm:

Feel free to post more "tips" below. I'm exhausted from today and its a bit difficult to type a megathread on my phone. I'm happy to incorporate all the information you guys have or suggestions into this thread as soon as possible.
submitted by Darthfuzzy to NewOrleans [link] [comments]

Finally admitted it.

Over the past two years gambling has consumed me and my thoughts almost every day in some shape or variation. Endless guilt, shame, fear, highs, lows etc etc the list goes on.
Things really heated up for me in July 2020 when i made (back) 12k whilst gambling - a sum which i had previously lost and was now a little over break even. Before i could even secure that money in a bank account it was down to 8k (Gamblers cant stop -_-) however i locked that money in a 3-month term deposit in a push to prevent me from touching it while i sort out this gambling issue. At this point, i figured my problems were pretty much solved, i had most of my money back and didnt need to chase my losses anymore + i had time to work through my issues without the temptation.
Fast forward 2.5 months and im temporarily running short on cash - i still have 2 weeks before my term deposit is unlocked & i had already spent my regular paycheck. At this point, i make an absolutely aweful decision. I downloaded the finance app ZIP and used their interest free credit feature to cover costs until i got my 8k term deposit.
$500 in debt from ZIP by the time i get my term deposit unlocked - 8k is now 7.5k. Gambling problem was never solved so 2 weeks later 7.5k is now 6.5k, another 3 weeks go by and its now 5.5k. At this point im telling myself its no big deal as "5.5k is still decent savings for me right now, could be so much worse & i still have most of my money". I decided to upgrade my PC as i needed an excuse & something to show for my money (I 100% spent more than i would usually subconsiously knowing the money was either going to be spent on a pc or lost to gambling). At this point i have 3k cash & a virtually new PC. I thought i would be contempt with that but i was very wrong.

Small weekend bets i thought were negligible using that 3k cash quickly turned into pretty significant bets which were occuring every day as i was bored, stuck at home during the pandemic. within a couple of months the 3k was down to $800 and i felt sick at what i'd done. My family thought i had 10k+ saved and i had been avoiding any mention of money/savings possible. All i could think about was how fucked i was, how could i have lost all that cash despite my efforts to lock it away and how could i resolve this huge problem without anyone finding out.

I blew that $800 in an hour chasing my losses in a desperate attempt to get back something significant, leaving me with 0$ in my account and 2 weeks left until i was paid. Between november and the middle of december i put myself in $3.5k debt using Zip and similar apps - mostly chasing my losses and covering weekly expenses while i lied to everyone around me about my finances. When i hit $3.5k debt i had had enough. I self isolated from anything gambling related and lasted about 2 weeks. I paid off about 500$ and figured if i kept quiet i could sort this out once and for all and no one would have to find out.

Last week i lost $200. A small amount in comparison to what i'd usually bet, however it represented to me the fact that there was no way i could stop myself from gambling & solve this addiciton. I felt a low i hadnt felt before.

I convinced myself i had to do something different so on friday last week i sat down with my parents and said out loud for the first time in two years that all the money i had said i had was lost and i have been significantly struggling with gambling over the last 12+ months. I dont know why it took me this long to admit it, they were obviously dissapointed and concered - although mostly supportive -however the weight it lifed off my conscience was unimaginable.

I'm still in debt 2.8k but i have a job, i have a plan to pay it off and rebuild real (gambling free) savings, but more importantly i'm no longer hiding from everything in life that concerns money and i can talk to people around me when im feeling shitty. I really hope 2021 going forward is a lot brighter than last year. Any suggestions which might help furthur appreciated. Thanks.
submitted by willsbettoomuch to problemgambling [link] [comments]

Tinder Romance and Investment Scam

I met a guy on Tinder, he seems really nice and smart. We quickly moved to talking every day on the phone. He would frequently send me pictures of himself or what he's doing. We also started talking about hobbies and one of our common ones was investing. He lured me with screenshots of this Usdt investing / betting app, and all the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made.
I wanted in since he said that he analyses the data, and only bets when he has good data. He was very dodgy when I kept asking him what the data he is using is - and only saying he will teach me later down the road. So the betting app (yes he marketed as investing USDT, but it's purely betting roulette) has multiple tiers with min balance requirements - 0,20k,50k,150k. Over time , I made 10-15% principle each time I traded with him, so eventually I invested over 150k into the apo because he convinced me that the larger players have more steady volume for analysis. I'm so dumb, and it was all through bitcoins to an app that has no information other than the customer service whatsapp that takes my questions and deposits. He even encouraged me by continually matching my deposits in order to 'help' me earn more. He was such a sweet talker, painting the future we could have together traveling and buying houses around the world.
A couple hiccups - I tried to outsmart the system and placed bets on 4 different options, and since they had positive odds at the 150k tier, would have been guaranteed profits. This caused me to get flagged for money laundering where I then I had to cough up 3% of my balance as a penalty fee within 24 hours or risk my account getting frozen forever. Fine, I thought it was unreasonable, but my fault. I scrambled, asked for favors, and borrowed money to pay the 17k ransom (yes the amount grew with my and his deposits combined). After that resolved, we were ready to make some big money in Dec - since my tinder date says Dec has historically great data for betting. He also showed me a promotion the app was running where we could wnter as a couple, and win prizes depending on how much we deposited. The only one we were eligible for was the 500k deposit one, and of course, we both just needed 1-200k more to finish the challenge and win "free" money. I never should have agreed to this either, but my tinder date's optimism won me over. Now we are stuck in another drama where my tinder date convinced me to participate in the couples challenge, where if we deposit 500k each, we get rewarded 125k. Too good to be true? Yes, but I was blinded. Little did I know as well, that if you don't complete the challenge by the end of 2020, apparently the penalty is losing 3% of the balance every day until you lose 60%.
I'm at such a lost in trying to borrow more funds, as my tinder date continues to pressure me and guilt trip me as he helps me contribute tens of thousands in as well. It's a scam, I'm pretty sure he can manipulate the numbers. The pivot point that woke me up, was when I was forced to ask friends to lend me money (and that they were also going to get loans to help me out). In order to not screw over friends I decided to do more due diligence again. Then I found it, I finally found some of the pictures he used in our WhatsApp conversations online from a chinese real life people photo bank. I haven't revealed that I know about the scam and am still in conversation, but I'm still trying to figure out how i can possible get my money back on this.
I've literally deposited my life savings as well as took out loans and debt to try to complete the deposit challenge. I'm going to be in debt and living paycheck to paycheck for awhile. This is a good lesson - I was emotionally blinded by a guy that would sweet talk with me every day, asking about me, and caring about me. I so efficiently found money to deposit into this scam app, without doing my normal due diligence because I was blinded by .. love? I feel like crap and am just hoping to resolve this well somehow...
Edit: Really appreciate some of the responses here. I know that this is a scam in my head, but I was tricked emotionally and wanted so hard to believe that this was true (I found someone, we were going to work hard together to make money and live a great life). Frankly, if I didnt find his pictures online proving that he was a catfish, a part of me still wants it to be true and test it out...
For those that might have helpful ideas for tracking money : I've sent money to the scammer app in 2 ways. First was a small wire transfer to a bank in Puerto Rico. The second was just using bitcoin.
Things over tried: - submitted a report to the ICCC for cyber crime - submitted a report to FTC - called up some lawyers in China who's only helpful advice was to call the police
I have not actually talked to anyone about this. It's so embarrassing and hard to speak up about. I have not called local police, for example, thinking that it's a lot of embarassment for not much they can do.
Anything else I can do? What might work?
submitted by aspiring-minimalist to Scams [link] [comments]

No Brainer Bets

Double your money if a TD is scored! Seems like a no brainer. What’s the catch? I cannot find anything about this online. I’m frustratingly confused.
I just downloaded this app a couple weeks ago and I saw a promo or no brainer bet that said double your money if a TD is scored in the Packers vs Buccaneers game. So I deposited $50, won that bet, and now have $100. Then saw where I can do the same thing and bet $50 on the Chiefs vs Bills game and win back $100 if a TD is scored. So now I have $150. I understand $100 of that was won on a no brainer promo or whatever and that is like $100 in “credits”.
I thought that was just good deals for new users and I would not continue to get these ridiculously good deals. But I am still seeing them. What is the catch? Why wouldn’t you just keep betting and winning those no brainers until you have thousands of credits that were won for basically free and then bet in on like a money line and go all in on a regular bet and potentially win thousands of dollars of “real” money? If that makes sense. I just simply cannot understand why or how it’s possible to offer these no brainer bets. What is the catch?
submitted by Fruitywebbles69 to DraftKingsDiscussion [link] [comments]

[OFFER] OddsMonkey, TeamProfit, Kwiff, Betfair, Unibet, Bet600, BetBull, Mfortune, SportStack & MRQ(HIGH PAYOUTS FROM ME)

OddsMonkey - GET £20 from OddsMonkey & £8 from me for being an OddsMonkey premium member for 2 months and after I receive my reward.
TeamProfit - Get £3 from me for registering a TeamProfit account(IT'S FREE TO REGISTER), signing up a Betfair or Smarkets account, betting at least 1 bet and after I receive my reward.
Kwiff - GET £10 surprise bet from Kwiff & £1.25 from me after you place a minimum 10p bet on Kwiff and I receive my surprise bet.
Betfair - GET UP TO £100 FREE BETS from Betfair & £4 from me after you have settled Sportsbook or Exchange bets to a value over £10 in 60 days.
Unibet - GET A SPECIAL WELCOME OFFER from Unibet & £15 from me after you complete your wagering requirements.
Bet600 - GET A £5 FREE BET from Bet600 & 40% of my free bet winning after you sign up with my username and qualify for Bet600 Welcome Offer. You must qualify for Bet600 Welcome Offer in order to meet the referral qualifying criteria.
BetBull - Get £40 free bet from BetBull & £6.40 from me. Click on my shared invite link and sign up a BetBull account. You will get 1 £20 free bet locked. Deposit and wager £20 acca bet before my acca kicks off or is resolved. Let me know when you want to deposit and bet your acca so I can get my acca ready. You will find you shared bet in Bet Centre / My Bets section; if this bet wins you will get another £20 free Bet as a reward. After my free bet unlocks, I will pay you £6.40.
Mfortune - Get £10 from Mfortune and £2 from me after you complete 20x wagering requirement and I receive my bonus. No deposit required.
SportStack - FREE £5(10 FREE SHARES) from SportsStack for Android and IOS app & £0.50 from me after you sign up SportStack and stake a minimum of £10.
MRQ - Get 10 free spins of Champions of Valhalla, 7 days free bingo in 'Piece of Cake' room, where MRQ give away over £250 a week after you sign up and get verified, 72 hours access to 'Free for All' room, where you can play free bingo every 5 minutes from 9am to midnight once you make your first deposit and 10 free spins on 'Stampede' on your first deposit, as well as 10 free spins on 'Midas Golden Touch' for verifying your mobile number & £0.50 from me after you sign up and deposit and play £10 or more and after I receive my free spins.
Comment $bid if you are interested and I will send you my referral link/referral code.
submitted by Gestobersenpai to signupsforpay [link] [comments]

New Era of Online Crypto Casinos

I would say that I'm relatively new to Reddit and the one thing that surprised me is the number of people that still play on Bovada, Ignition, Betonline, MyBookie, etc. Don't get me wrong, great sites for sports betting and poker, but absolutely horrendous when it comes to slots and live casino games.
Hitting 1,000x on a slot on Bovada is like a once in a lifetime achievement and the live dealer provider is... awful.
Over the past month or so, I have seen this Reddit flooded with random users promoting a bunch of shitty no-name crypto casinos that have been around for like 3 days. So I figured it was my duty, as somebody who has no ownership interests in any of these online crypto casinos, to share my thoughts regarding the ones that I believe are trustworthy. All of which is based on first-hand experience and countless hours of research.
First off, for those who aren't familiar with crypto casinos, the one thing that you need to know, as an American, is that you'll need to access these sites via a VPN. Personally, I use ExpressVPN and connect to Canada (or various other regions depending on which slot provider is available). The nice thing about ExpressVPN is that you can download the app and play on your phone. All of the casinos listed below allow VPN usage. Apparently NordVPN is pretty good too, but I cannot vouch for them personally.
Second thing, KYC is not required. Honestly haven't looked into this too much, but I can tell you from first-hand experience that KYC is not required in order to register or withdraw funds. All you have to do is confirm your email address. Some people have said you get KYC'd if you try to withdraw more than $2k, but again, I can confirm that it's not true (specifically for the casinos listed below). Just make sure that you only deposit/withdraw via crypto and you'll be fine. If you think this is sketchy, then please, continue making your credit card deposits at Bovada to random shell companies based out of China.
Also, DO NOT USE COINBASE TO TRANSFER TO AND FROM THE CASINO. They banned me. It hurt. Don't make the same mistake. I recommend using BRD as an intermediary between Coinbase and the casino. Since being banned from Coinbase, I have been using to buy and sell crypto. Nothing but good things to say thus far.
Finally, I have wagered roughly $3.5MM in total across the sites below and have spent countless hours researching them, so I'd like to think that I somewhat know what I'm talking about. In no way am I an expert and in no way am I a high roller or a whale. Just a regular guy that enjoys gambling.
Now the common theme amongst the below casinos is that you have access to game providers such as Evolution (live games), Pragmatic, NetEnt, Thunderkick, Push, etc. that you'll never find on the casinos advertised as available to US players (such as Bovada). As I'm sure you know, Betsoft slots can get old after a while.
Just a few of my personal favorite games that I recommend you check out...
Live Games: Crazy Time, Monopoly, Evolution Blackjack and Evolution Speed Baccarat
Slots: Dead or Alive 2, Money Train 2, Lil' Devil, Sweet Bonanza and The Dog House

Site #1: (Best for casual gamblers)
What I like: Instant withdrawals, huge selection of slots and live games, generous rakeback system, instant bitcoin deposits (they will credit your account before receiving any confirmations-- this is really nice), every so often they'll run a 24 hour promotion where if you hit 100x on slot betting at least $1 you'll be "King Roo" (basically King of the Hill) and accumulate ~$20 per minute until you're dethroned
What I don't like: Rakeback system only allows you to collect every 24 hrs/1 week/1 month, no clarity surrounding VIP status (assuming you need to be a whale), there was one instance where I won $36k on a $40 bet playing Reactoonz and was told I can only withdraw $10k per day (this was 6 months ago and never had an issue withdrawing since), lack of sports betting
My largest withdrawal (at once): $9.9k
Deposit/Withdrawal Methods: BTC, ETH
Referral link to enable rakeback system without having to wager a shitload: (you can also use code "hkgambler13")

Site #2: (Best for medium-high rollers)
What I like: Instant withdrawals, huge selection of slots and live games, incredible VIP and rakeback system (weekly/monthly bonuses, rakeback can be claimed whenever, daily/monthly challenges to earn extra cash), active and friendly chat community, multiple crytpo deposit options where your account is credited in that currency (meaning your balance equivalent in USD will swing with the market-- could be seen as a con), enjoyable "Stake Original" games that have a higher RTP than 3rd party slots, averages ~2k users online at any given time
What I don't like: Can be overwhelming for first time players (Roobet is much more straight forward and easy to use)
My largest withdrawal: $13.2k
Deposit/Withdrawal Methods: BTC, ETH, LTC, DOGE, BCH, XRP (highly recommend-- cheap transfer fee, if any at all, and confirmed within seconds), TRX, EOS
Referral link to instantly enable 10% rakeback:

Site #3: (Best for gamers)
What I like: Instant withdrawals, huge selection of slots and live games, newly implemented rakeback system, constant "rains" in the chat (which is free money if you join in time), ability to instantly deposit and withdraw via Rust and TF2 items (could spend an hour talking about this-- generally caters to those who cannot get crypto or have to use a CC to buy crypto), averages ~1.5k users online at any given time
What I don't like: Prior to the newly implemented rakeback system rains and level-up chests were the only "rakeback", your balance is denominated in coins (1500 coins = $1 USD), browsing through their slot selection can be a pain in the ass
My largest withdrawal (at once): $7.4k
Deposit/Withdrawal Methods: BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC
Referral link to receive a free chest that could be worth up to ~$53: (you can also use code "chase")

Final parting words: PLEASE DO NOT GAMBLE WITH MONEY THAT YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE. Gambling is not a money making method and you will lose in the long run. The purpose of my post is to make those aware that other trustworthy online casinos are available for Americans that will (hopefully) make gambling online a bit more enjoyable!
submitted by GolfAndGamble to OnlineCryptoGambling [link] [comments]

[OFFER] OddsMonkey, TeamProfit, Kwiff, Betfair, Unibet, Bet600, BetBull, Mfortune, SportStack & MRQ(HIGH PAYOUTS FROM ME)

OddsMonkey - GET £20 from OddsMonkey & £8 from me for being an OddsMonkey premium member for 2 months and after I receive my reward.
TeamProfit - Get £3 from me for registering a TeamProfit account(IT'S FREE TO REGISTER), signing up a Betfair or Smarkets account, betting at least 1 bet and after I receive my reward.
Kwiff - GET £10 surprise bet from Kwiff & £1.25 from me after you place a minimum 10p bet on Kwiff and I receive my surprise bet.
Betfair - GET UP TO £100 FREE BETS from Betfair & £4 from me after you have settled Sportsbook or Exchange bets to a value over £10 in 60 days.
Unibet - GET A SPECIAL WELCOME OFFER from Unibet & £15 from me after you complete your wagering requirements.
Bet600 - GET A £5 FREE BET from Bet600 & 40% of my free bet winning after you sign up with my username and qualify for Bet600 Welcome Offer. You must qualify for Bet600 Welcome Offer in order to meet the referral qualifying criteria.
BetBull - Get £40 free bet from BetBull & £6.40 from me. Click on my shared invite link and sign up a BetBull account. You will get 1 £20 free bet locked. Deposit and wager £20 acca bet before my acca kicks off or is resolved. Let me know when you want to deposit and bet your acca so I can get my acca ready. You will find you shared bet in Bet Centre / My Bets section; if this bet wins you will get another £20 free Bet as a reward. After my free bet unlocks, I will pay you £6.40.
Mfortune - Get £10 from Mfortune and £2 from me after you complete 20x wagering requirement and I receive my bonus. No deposit required.
SportStack - FREE £5(10 FREE SHARES) from SportsStack for Android and IOS app & £0.50 from me after you sign up SportStack and stake a minimum of £10.
MRQ - Get 10 free spins of Champions of Valhalla, 7 days free bingo in 'Piece of Cake' room, where MRQ give away over £250 a week after you sign up and get verified, 72 hours access to 'Free for All' room, where you can play free bingo every 5 minutes from 9am to midnight once you make your first deposit and 10 free spins on 'Stampede' on your first deposit, as well as 10 free spins on 'Midas Golden Touch' for verifying your mobile number & £0.50 from me after you sign up and deposit and play £10 or more and after I receive my free spins.
Comment $bid if you are interested and I will send you my referral link/referral code.
submitted by Gestobersenpai to signupsforpay [link] [comments]

[OFFER] OddsMonkey, TeamProfit, Kwiff, Betfair, Unibet, Bet600, BetBull, Mfortune, SportStack & MRQ(HIGH PAYOUTS FROM ME)

OddsMonkey - GET £20 from OddsMonkey & £8 from me for being an OddsMonkey premium member for 2 months and after I receive my reward.
TeamProfit - Get £3 from me for registering a TeamProfit account(IT'S FREE TO REGISTER), signing up a Betfair or Smarkets account, betting at least 1 bet and after I receive my reward.
Kwiff - GET £10 surprise bet from Kwiff & £1.25 from me after you place a minimum 10p bet on Kwiff and I receive my surprise bet.
Betfair - GET UP TO £100 FREE BETS from Betfair & £4 from me after you have settled Sportsbook or Exchange bets to a value over £10 in 60 days.
Unibet - GET A SPECIAL WELCOME OFFER from Unibet & £15 from me after you complete your wagering requirements.
Bet600 - GET A £5 FREE BET from Bet600 & 40% of my free bet winning after you sign up with my username and qualify for Bet600 Welcome Offer. You must qualify for Bet600 Welcome Offer in order to meet the referral qualifying criteria.
BetBull - Get £40 free bet from BetBull & £6.40 from me. Click on my shared invite link and sign up a BetBull account. You will get 1 £20 free bet locked. Deposit and wager £20 acca bet before my acca kicks off or is resolved. Let me know when you want to deposit and bet your acca so I can get my acca ready. You will find you shared bet in Bet Centre / My Bets section; if this bet wins you will get another £20 free Bet as a reward. After my free bet unlocks, I will pay you £6.40.
Mfortune - Get £10 from Mfortune and £2 from me after you complete 20x wagering requirement and I receive my bonus. No deposit required.
SportStack - FREE £5(10 FREE SHARES) from SportsStack for Android and IOS app & £0.50 from me after you sign up SportStack and stake a minimum of £10.
MRQ - Get 10 free spins of Champions of Valhalla, 7 days free bingo in 'Piece of Cake' room, where MRQ give away over £250 a week after you sign up and get verified, 72 hours access to 'Free for All' room, where you can play free bingo every 5 minutes from 9am to midnight once you make your first deposit and 10 free spins on 'Stampede' on your first deposit, as well as 10 free spins on 'Midas Golden Touch' for verifying your mobile number & £0.50 from me after you sign up and deposit and play £10 or more and after I receive my free spins.
Comment $bid if you are interested and I will send you my referral link/referral code.
submitted by Gestobersenpai to signupsforpay [link] [comments]

[OFFER] OddsMonkey, TeamProfit, Kwiff, Betfair, Unibet, Bet600, BetBull, Mfortune, SportStack & MRQ(HIGH PAYOUTS FROM ME)

OddsMonkey - GET £20 from OddsMonkey & £8 from me for being an OddsMonkey premium member for 2 months and after I receive my reward.
TeamProfit - Get £3 from me for registering a TeamProfit account(IT'S FREE TO REGISTER), signing up a Betfair or Smarkets account, betting at least 1 bet and after I receive my reward.
Kwiff - GET £10 surprise bet from Kwiff & £1.25 from me after you place a minimum 10p bet on Kwiff and I receive my surprise bet.
Betfair - GET UP TO £100 FREE BETS from Betfair & £4 from me after you have settled Sportsbook or Exchange bets to a value over £10 in 60 days.
Unibet - GET A SPECIAL WELCOME OFFER from Unibet & £15 from me after you complete your wagering requirements.
Bet600 - GET A £5 FREE BET from Bet600 & 40% of my free bet winning after you sign up with my username and qualify for Bet600 Welcome Offer. You must qualify for Bet600 Welcome Offer in order to meet the referral qualifying criteria.
BetBull - Get £40 free bet from BetBull & £6.40 from me. Click on my shared invite link and sign up a BetBull account. You will get 1 £20 free bet locked. Deposit and wager £20 acca bet before my acca kicks off or is resolved. Let me know when you want to deposit and bet your acca so I can get my acca ready. You will find you shared bet in Bet Centre / My Bets section; if this bet wins you will get another £20 free Bet as a reward. After my free bet unlocks, I will pay you £6.40.
Mfortune - Get £10 from Mfortune and £2 from me after you complete 20x wagering requirement and I receive my bonus. No deposit required.
SportStack - FREE £5(10 FREE SHARES) from SportsStack for Android and IOS app & £0.50 from me after you sign up SportStack and stake a minimum of £10.
MRQ - Get 10 free spins of Champions of Valhalla, 7 days free bingo in 'Piece of Cake' room, where MRQ give away over £250 a week after you sign up and get verified, 72 hours access to 'Free for All' room, where you can play free bingo every 5 minutes from 9am to midnight once you make your first deposit and 10 free spins on 'Stampede' on your first deposit, as well as 10 free spins on 'Midas Golden Touch' for verifying your mobile number & £0.50 from me after you sign up and deposit and play £10 or more and after I receive my free spins.
Comment $bid if you are interested and I will send you my referral link/referral code.
submitted by Gestobersenpai to ReferralsForPay [link] [comments]

Yes, It *Is* Possible—50 Ways You Can Actually Make Money Online

“I wonder if I’ll be able to afford groceries the entire month,” you say as your direct deposit hits your account. If your 9-5 paycheck is feeling a little underwhelming, and you’re wondering, how to make money online, then you’ve come to the right place!
We’re rounding up the 50 best ways to make money online—from tutoring to transcribing to way more.
  1. Sell Old Clothes, Shoes, and Other Fashion Items You Never Use Anymore
Do you have old clothes and such hanging in your closet that you never wear? Apps like Poshmark and Tradesy make it easy to sell your stuff online. No, you won’t get them for the price you paid, but you’ll make more from them than if they were sitting in your closet doing nothing.
  1. Become a Consultant
If you know how to do something other people don’t, you might very well be able to work as a consultant on your own time and your own terms. Think things like bookkeeping, social media, copywriting, or doing taxes.
Related: Side Hustle Books
  1. Become a Transcriptionist
If you type at the speed of light, you might be able to pull in a decent side income as a transcriptionist. Do your due diligence and find a reputable site you can look for gigs on, but TranscribeMe! is one possible place to start.
  1. Buy and Resell Stuff Online
Picture it: You find a popular toy discounted at your local Target, that’s going for twice as much on Amazon. You sell it on Amazon and make some easy money. Voila—a side hustle. Oh, and BTW, this is called “retail arbitrage.” And when you find something online for super cheap that you then resell, it’s called “online arbitrage.” Google it. Learn it.
  1. Tutor
People hire tutors for everything, from math and English to singing and drawing. You can even do it on Skype! No need to meet in person. Depending on what you’re teaching and how much experience you have, you can set a pretty decent hourly rate.
  1. Invest Even With the Smallest Amount of Money
It’s not technically a side hustle, but it will make you money with minimal effort on your part! Apps like Stash and Acorns let you invest with hardly any cash at all.
Related: Oh My Posh! Haley Gibbs Has Made Over $65,000 Selling Thrift Store Clothes on Poshmark—Here’s Her Top Tips
  1. Start a Dropshipping Business
If you want to start an online side hustle, dropshipping is an excellent idea because it requires little money to get going. In fact, you don’t purchase any inventory until a customer buys the product from you.
  1. Create a Private Label Product
“Private label” means that you purchase a blank, unbranded product and slap your own logo on it. Much of what you see on Amazon is private label products. Note that you’ll need decent cash ready on hand to get a private label product up and running, and it can be pretty risky. But if you play your cards right, the payoff can be huge.
  1. Sell Apparel on Merch by Amazon
In its quest to take over the world, the marketplace giant created Merch by Amazon, which allows you to design things like T-shirts and sell them on Amazon as a print-on-demand service. Low-cost and low-maintenance, it’s a pretty straightforward online side hustle.
  1. Join Amazon Mechanical Turk
Another one of the marketplace’s many gifts to us is Amazon Mechanical Turk. On MTurk, you can get hired for “micro-tasks” by companies outsourcing some of their work to people just like you.
  1. Get Paid to Watch Ads
Look, the internet is going to force you to watch them anyway. You might as well get paid for it.
  1. Write an eBook
If you’re good with words and think you have something relevant to teach people, an eBook can be a simple way to share your thoughts and make money while you do so. And these days, it’s easier than ever to publish your work on platforms like Amazon.
Related: How A Side Hustle Can Add Passion—And a Big Payoff—To Your Career
  1. Start a YouTube Channel
Let’s be honest: You look amazing on camera. Put it to good use and grow a YouTube channel where you can eventually monetize ad space and sell stuff. Win!
“Share your expertise,” says international speaker Adnan Kukic. “We’re all good at something. Share your knowledge online through your own blog, YouTube, or another platform. Then, take your existing content, expand on it, and finetune it into an eBook or course and sell that. This way, you’ll already have an audience to sell to as well as authority on the subject.”
  1. Answer Questions
Are you an expert in a field like law, medicine, or tech? You could easily make extra money by answering people’s questions on a website like Just Answer.
  1. Run an Affiliate Website
Did you know that Amazon will give you a cut of every product of theirs that you sell?! Create an online shop where everything you sell is actually available for purchase on Amazon, and make money whenever someone buys from Amazon, through your site.
  1. Share Your Opinions on Products
Nothing is more fun than sharing your opinions, and User Interviews will actually pay you to do it. Side hustles don’t have to be hard.
  1. Offer Your Services on Fiverr
The cool thing about Fiverr is that you can do quick, short-term projects to make money sooner rather than later. Think of writing a blog or creating a logo.
  1. Use Your Phone’s Lock screen for Ads
Extra cash may be hiding in the lock screen of your phone. Using Slidejoy, you’ll watch ads every time you unlock your phone—and get paid for it.
  1. Sell Your Spam and Junk Mail
Nothing is more satisfying than deleting the ever-growing number of junk mail in your email inbox—but hold up. Instead, sell it to the SBKC for market research, and they’ll thank you with a Visa debit card.
  1. Start a Blog
I’m not going to pretend this is easy, but it can work especially if the topic you focus on is something really specific. Don’t forget to throw in some affiliate links and ads for good measure.
  1. Become an Influencer
Again, is this necessarily easy? Naw. But if you love taking gorgeous pictures surrounding something other people also love—like travel, fashion, or beauty—you might see serious dollar signs (and you get to have fun doing it).
  1. Take Online Surveys
It’s not going to make you rich, but it’s a way to get extra cash without ever having to leave the house. Save the Student! has a list that you can check out.
  1. Sell Handmade Goods on Etsy
If you’re into arts and crafts, you might find a new home—and a side income—on Etsy.
  1. Join an Online Focus Group
Get paid to share your opinions, test out new products, watch new TV shows, and more.
  1. Teach English Online
You already know how to speak it, so what’s the big deal?
  1. Take on Work as a Virtual Assistant
You don’t have to leave your home, you don’t have to put a bra on, and you make money at your computer. Boom. I call that a win. People hire virtual assistants to do everything from managing their email inbox to posting on their social media pages.
  1. Become a Podcast Host
You’ve got important things to say! Like a blog and YouTube channel, once you have a decent following, you can monetize a podcast.
  1. Sell Old Stuff Online From Your Childhood
You might actually be sitting on a goldmine and not even know it. Go through old items from your childhood, collectibles, and other things gathering dust around your house, and see what they’re going for online. eBay is a good place for stuff like this.
  1. Be a Mystery Shopper
Yes, you can actually do this online! Test out websites’ user experience, security, and other factors, and make cash while doing it.
  1. Create an Online Course
History and math aren’t the only courses people pay for. Make no mistake about it: You can indeed create and charge for courses on arts and crafts, playing the clarinet, woodworking, improving your golf swing, and just about anything else.
Related: Another Poshmark Success Story! Seller Nick Waskosky Shares His Thrift Store Hacks for Turning $10 into $400
  1. Play Games on Your Phone
Imagine making money while you’re playing games on the toilet. What a world!
  1. Flip Domain Names
Note: This takes training and education, and you shouldn’t assume you’ll make money overnight (although you can). That being said, flipping domains can be insanely lucrative.
  1. Create (or Buy) and Sell Websites
Some people create and build out websites with the sole goal of selling them for a profit as soon as they can. You can also do this with pre-existing websites.
  1. Test Out New Websites
This is similar to mystery shopping, although the objective might be slightly different. Companies will sometimes hire people to dig through their websites and purposely look for things that don’t work.
  1. Be an Online Customer Service Chat Agent
If you don’t mind getting berated (kidding! maybe…), plenty of companies are on the hunt for customer service agents to assist people via chat.
Parade Daily
Celebrity interviews, recipes and health tips delivered to your inbox.
  1. Become a Wholesale Online Seller
“Selling online can be a side income or it can replace your regular job,” says Aymeric Monello of The Wholesale Formula. “It can be whatever you want it to be.” Monello moved to this country from France less than 10 years ago not even knowing the language. In 2019, he sold his Amazon wholesale business for over $400k.
Do you have to grow your biz that big? Certainly not. Can you? Yes! Online side hustles, for the win.
  1. Offer Social Media Services
Social media agencies are popping up left and right, and for a good reason: You can make so much money, it’ll keep you up at night. Or, you can simply do light social media for a few brands here and there and just earn a little money on the side. Your call!
  1. Get Paid to Watch Videos
You can easily win points for watching videos online or on your phone, and then redeem those points for cash or other “prizes.”
  1. Review Software
Websites like Capterra will pay you to leave reviews of software, websites, and tools you’ve used. Seriously, could online side hustles get any easier? They’ve sent me so many $10 Amazon gift cards, it’s ridiculous (ridiculously awesome).
  1. Listen to Music
Yup, it’s true. Some websites will pay participants (in cash, Amazon gift cards, etc.) to rate and review music. Sometimes, this data is used by radio stations and such to better understand what people want to hear. Pretty sweet, yeah?
  1. Take on Freelance Writing Jobs
This writer has been at it for 10 years and still can’t believe she gets paid to do something so fun. But here we are. Learn how to be a freelance writer and you might find yourself with a really decent online side hustle on your hands.
  1. Earn Cash Back and Rewards for Shopping Online
Fine, yes, I included another not-really-an-online-side-hustle. Rakuten (formerly Ebates) gives you cash and rewards when you shop. You guys! It’s free money!
  1. Do a Google Search
I didn’t think this could be real, but yes, you can make money simply by looking for things in search engines, like Google and Bing. Check out Qmee for more.
  1. Sell Your Pictures
All kinds of people are searching for all kinds of photos, and they might just pay to use yours. Upload your pics to platforms like Adobe Stock or Getty Images (iStock) and see if you get any bites.
  1. Share Your Notes With Students
Man, I took the best notes in college. Opportunity: Missed. Yes, you can sell your notes to other students. Sounds shady, but it’s legit. Stuvia and Nexus Notes are worth a look.
  1. Try Peer-to-Peer Lending
This is exactly what it sounds like: people lending other people money, as opposed to those latter people needing to go to a bank. You still charge interest, obvi. Lending Club is a popular choice for this.
  1. Read
It can’t be. It’s just… too good to be true. Using a site like Online Book Club, you can read books online (or it looks like they’re sometimes mailed to you), and then you get paid to leave an honest review. You can bet your behind I just signed up.
  1. Manage Emails
Yes, this might be one of your tasks as a virtual assistant. However, it’s also a job in and of itself. Companies will hire people solely to manage their inboxes, respond to emails, and set up appointments via email.
  1. Start a Facebook Subscription Group
Charge people to join your Facebook group and give them exclusive access to the content they’re dying for.
  1. Go to Jury Duty
Jury duty sucks… unless you can do it without leaving the house. eJury will pay you to participate in mock juries or focus groups to help attorneys prepare for court. It won’t make you reach, but it is an effortless online side hustle.
Ready to get started? Here are 155 hustle quotes to help you stay motivated.
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Journal of a Psychopath: High School

I am a retired Private Investigator turned Real Crime Blogger. I have been receiving anonymous manuscripts in the mail detailing heinous acts of appalling psychopathy.
For reasons concerning my work and this situation, I don’t want to give you my true Identity. You can refer to me as Mr. S. I started out in my early years as a detective. Not to toot my own horn, but I was highly effective at my job, and before too long I started taking much higher paying jobs as a freelance Private Investigator. Over the years, I have solved several high profile cold murder cases.
Unfortunately, in a work related attack, I was seriously injured and retired from my job as a Private Investigator 5 years ago. Since then, I have started a well known Real Crime blog and podcast.
Recently, I started to receive anonymous handwritten manuscripts in the mail detailing heinous acts of dark psychopathy. No return address. On the outside of the first envelope there was the following note:
“As my glorious life nears its end, my only regret is that nobody knows my greatest works and accomplishments.”
Below is the first manuscript I received. This manuscript was titled, “High School.”
Be warned, I believe that what you are about to read is the Journal of a Psychopath.
High School
It was my third week at my new high school. I’m used to being the new guy, so it doesn’t bother me much. I’m an introvert anyway. I grew up in the Foster Care System and had never stayed in one place for too long.
I wasn’t known as a problem child, I just never bonded with any of my foster parents. They could tell, and my lack of attachment always bothered them. They could send me off and hope that their next foster child would give them the happiness they were looking for. The living conditions were usually substandard anyway.
Most foster parents need to be needed, so I never took it personally. I never felt like I needed anybody. It’s whatever. I was in my Junior year anyway, and in just under 2 years I’ll be liberated from the system and on my own. College will be all but free, as they practically beg us foster kids to go to college.
Nonetheless, I was three weeks into classes at my new school, and I had already made an enemy. Jake Pearson.
In this suburban High School, these idiots were just like the kids at every other school. A bunch of dudes trying way too hard to look cool and tough to the gaggles of girls who were trying way too hard to stand out by ironically doing the exact same thing that every other girl was doing. These hallways are filled with drama this, drama that, look at these 100 dollar shoes daddy bought me. People are so drab.
The day I arrived, I knew that Jake would be a problem. Jake was somehow the single most cliche high school jock I’d ever seen, including in the movies. He was tall, built, a lady’s man, and had rich parents. The most standout feature about Jake was his incessant need to act overly tough at all times. I was never sure if he was compensating for a tiny ego, or he just had a really large ego. Maybe the true answer was somewhere in both of those options. Either way, I hated this kid so bad that just the sound of his goddamn voice made me want to move to the next foster home.
I was minding my own business one fateful morning when some pathetic nerd had the misfortune of lightly bumping into Jake. Commotion stirred as students all around the hallway gathered to laugh at Jake's beratement of the scrawny nerd.
“Did you just push me, tiny?” He said way too loud, garnering the attention of the other idiots.
The terrified scrawny kid stammered garbled apologies “I’m sorry, I’m sorry It-it-it was an acci-.” Before he could finish his stutters Jake smacked the large stack of books and binders out of the kid’s hands, scattering books and loose papers everywhere. Laughter erupted from the crowd of idiots. Has this kid ever heard of a backpack?
I saw my opportunity, it was time to set things in motion. “I bet you get off by pushing little kids around, don’t you?” I spouted out, with a laugh. Silence fell so immediately that it was comical. As Jake turned around, I could see the blood vein popping out of his temple. This kid had some anger problems. I don’t think mommy ever told him no.
“Who the hell do you think you’re talking to, new kid?”
“Some idiot,” I responded without delay. Jake was really about to lose it now. He pushed me into the locker and put his face so close to my face that I could smell his spearmint gum and nauseating cologne. I had just insulted him in front of his peers, Jake’s primal instincts dictated that he had to ensure everyone saw him as the, “Alpha Male.”
Sure Jake was taller, bigger, and stronger than I, but what he didn’t know is that when it comes to fighting, I’m a ragtag, scrappy kid with fast hands. Also, I knew how to take a hit. When I was 8 my foster home taught me how to be tough the hard way. Jake might be a brute, but I knew how to fight smart and dirty.
I placed my left foot slightly behind his right heel and slammed my shoulder into his chest as I swiped his foot out from underneath him. The thud as he hit the floor brought shock to the growing crowd. To purposefully add insult to injury, I chimed in with some commentary. “Looks like your dad isn’t the only one who beats you anymore.”
The statement may or may not have been true, but either way, the goal was to get in his head. Fighting is as much mental as it is physical. He got up and came bumbling my way putting all of his weight behind a haymaker that I could have seen coming from two blocks away. I ducked as his fist flew over my head and landed right in a locker. This was too easy.
His back was now turned toward me, and his body twisted, providing a perfect angle to go on the offensive. I gave him a powerful knee to his side, aimed precisely to give a blow to the kidney. Body shots should always be aimed at major organs, that’s what causes the most pain. I was rewarded with a grunt of pain as he dropped to a knee doubled over his side.
I could have stopped there, but I hated this kid and needed him to hate me. With a quick and easy, but powerful right hook, I delivered the final blow. His nose made a crunch under my fist, and I loved it. Satisfied, I picked up my backpack and carried on my way. Leaving Jake laying on the ground with blood on his face, surrounded by a baffled audience.
I went ahead and walked straight to the administrative office, helping myself to a chair. The lady behind the desk had a nose that pointed upwards, displaying her nostrils to anyone and everyone. She reminded me of a pig.
“Can I help you?” Mrs. Pig asked, with a high pitched tone that stank of fake kindness.
“The Principal is going to want to see me soon,” I told her, with my legs crossed and hands behind my head.
“Oh, do you have an appointment?” She asked. I don’t understand why this lady feels the need to speak with such a high pitch. It reminded me of nails on a chalkboard
“No, I stumbled across a bullying incident and long story short I broke someone's nose.” The amusing look on her face was somewhere between confused and shocked.
“I’ll be right back.” Mrs. Pig said slowly as she got out of her chair. She disappeared into the back hallway and came out a couple of minutes later being trailed by a tall trim man wearing a worn grey suit that was almost as old fashioned as his ridiculous bushy grey mustache.
In remarkably good timing, the glorified hall monitor, who was officially called hallway security, came walking in holding the arm of Jake. To my pleasure, Jake was gingerly holding a large wad of blood-soaked paper towels over his nose. There were several drops on his beloved letterman’s jacket. I hope it stains.
Behind Jake and Mr. Hallway Monitor was the stuttering little kid who had nearly become Jake's chew toy that morning. I almost forgot about him. Stutters shot me a grateful look, but he still remained panicked and terrified. He reminded me of a wide-eyed Chihuahua who had been beaten too many times. He was pathetic.
The remaining process took several hours. First, the principal and Mr. Hall Monitor interviewed me while Jake was working on getting his profusely bleeding nose under control. Afterward, they interviewed Stutters, who backed up my story. Lastly, they interviewed Jake, who naturally claimed that I sucker-punched him.
After that, I was forced to call my Foster Parent, Dean, and now he sat beside me as the principal explained my suspension. Dean wasn’t having any of that though. Lucky for me, he’s a Lawyer. Not a big-time fancy corporate Lawyer, he was a public defender for the city. Still, his skills would prove useful.
His arrival marked the beginning of a long argument, in which Dean laid out the legality of self-defense and ranted about anti-bullying. The School Administration refused to show any documentation concerning previous complaints concerning Jake’s bullying, which likely meant that it did indeed exist and the school needed to cover up their inaction. After Dean threatened to file a lawsuit, and go public with it, the Principal actually backed down.
I was surprised, I’ve never had a foster parent go to bat for me. Maybe Dean could prove useful after all.
Of course, he didn’t really do it for me. Dean was nice enough, but I could see that he was only on board with the foster parent thing to appease his wife, Sarah. I’m assuming that they tried for years to have a child of their own, but for whatever medical reasons they were unable. Why or how they ended up with a teenage foster child was beyond me.
Sarah was the single most generous Foster Parent I’ve ever had, but she had a pathetic need to be loved and needed. I don’t share this need, but frankly, my current Foster situation is pretty good, and I like this part of the town they live in. It’s off toward the end of the suburban part of the city, and the woods were nearby. The woods provided me with plenty of quiet places to visit. For this reason, I would play into Sarah’s needs for as long as necessary. It was too easy to turn on the grateful orphan persona and allow Sarah to feel needed. In return, I’ll be provided with as cushy of a life as a foster kid can get.
Dean and I were now alone in the parking lot. As he reached to open his car door, he stopped and looked at me. “Listen Rich,” Oh god, here comes the emotional talk about how he understands that I’m going through a tough time yadda yadda. “I just wanted to let you know that, I’m impressed with what you did, standing up for a kid that was being bullied. So umm, let’s just not tell Sarah about this, okay?”
“Sounds good, Thanks, Dean.” He looked like he was about to give me an awkward hug, but thankfully he settled with a slightly less awkward fist bump. Apparently, he was touched by my bold display of anti-bullying, saving Stutters from the big meanie. Honestly, my actions had nothing to do with defending that spineless shrimp. I don’t give two shits about him. I did it because I hated Jake, and Stutters gave me a golden opportunity that I couldn’t waste.
The rest of the day was dismal and ordinary. Classes were easy for me. I didn’t do most of my homework but managed B’s and sometimes A’s simply by getting good scores on the tests. My motivation depended on the class. Math was easy but boring, my Reading teacher was a true moron who loved overanalyzing worthless poetry, but my Psychology class was actually interesting and useful.
At this point, I’d already read the entire Psych textbook and continued research on my own. It was helping me to understand more about myself. I had been reading about Personality Disorders, and I saw a lot of myself in the section about Psychopathy and Antisocial Behavior. At this point, I wondered if I myself was a Psychopath. It didn’t bother me one bit. It just made sense.
Psychopathy is characterized by many things, including an inability to feel empathy. This is where I felt uncertain. There was one person, only one, who I’ve ever truly felt empathy for, Addy. Addy was once my foster sister, but we had been separated when I was 8. I’m not sure if I have the inability to feel empathy for another, or if I simply learned not to after losing Addy.
As I was walking home, only a 25-minute walk, I turned down the back road right next to the woods. Houses were scarce on this road. Nice, quiet, and out of sight. About 10 minutes into my walk, I realized I was being followed by a maroon Mustang Convertible. The car pulled up, and out clambered Jake and 3 of his minions. A group of idiots who followed Jake, like little neglected dogs hoping to get a compliment and some positive attention.
I can fight, sure, but I’m not stupid either. I was outnumbered four to one, so I turned and ran for the wood line. I’ll admit, these kids were fast, I quickly realized that I wouldn’t be able outrun them for too long. So I said to Hell with it, I’m more about fight than flight anyway. I ducked behind some thick brush and grabbed a hefty but manageable log. If I’m going to go down, I’ll go down swinging.
The footsteps were arriving quickly, so I swung my log right as victim #1 came around the corner. The log connected so hard with his blocky head that it broke in half. Unfortunately, the log was useless now, but the damage had been done and victim #1 hit the ground hard.
I gave Victim #2 a hard front kick straight to the chest. He grunted as the air escaped his lungs and he landed on his back with his feet in the air. King Leonidas would be proud. I dodged the 3rd guy, a fat but strong kid who only knew how to bull rush. That’s when a hard rock connected with my temple.
I was on the ground now, and I didn’t recall the fall. I was getting kicked repeatedly. A blow to my gut knocked the wind out of me, but I grabbed his foot and pulled, putting all my weight into his knee. Whoever that knee belonged to shouted in pain. I probably just hyperextended his knee. The rock hit me again, this time in my nose. I was dazed now, but I could see Jake standing over me with a decent sized stone.
“Alright, let's stop this before it gets too out of hand.” Someone said. I think that was Victim #2.
“Shut the Hell up, Bryan.” Jake Snapped back. “I’m not done.” Another two kicks hit me hard in the ribs.
“Okay, seriously Jake, I think that’s enough.”
“Quit being a pussy!”
Another two kicks found their home in my stomach as I struggled to get air in my lungs.
“Kick him, Bryan,” Jake Ordered
“Come on man, he’s already almost unconscious. Objected Bryan.
“I Said KICK HIM!” Jake ordered again, looking threatening with the rock still in his hand.
“I bet you like being his little Bitch, don’t you, Bryan?” That sentence flew out my mouth before I could stop it. I always knew what to say if I wanted to hurt someone. That statement was the last push Bryan needed, and his shoe connected hard with my head. My vision was now covered with black dots.
Through my blurry vision, I saw Jake lean down. “You’re messing with the wrong person, Rich. You’d best find yourself a new foster home before I make your life so miserable you’ll want to kill yourself. Not that anybody would care.” He stood up, gave me one last kick, and then ordered his brainless minions to go back to the car.
I watched them leave, one kid heavily limping, Victim #1 just as dazed as I was. At least I did some damage. Despite the pain in my head and ribs, I laughed. Jake may have won the battle, but I knew that I would win the war. I knew I’d have the last laugh. Jake had no idea what I was capable of. My limits are beyond the sky. I always win.
Sometime later I made it home. As I walked through the door trying to act natural, it was immediately apparent how haggard I must have looked. Sarah gasped and rushed in to guide me to the couch, demanding to know what happened. There was no way to hide this now, I might as well tell her the truth. Dean would understand.
Sarah called Dean, who dutifully came straight home to support his distraught wife. Sarah was choking back tears and she explained to Dean how I had been jumped. She threatened to call the police and take me to the hospital, to which I objected. I did not need the police to get involved in my war with Jake.
“If the system finds out about this, they might make me move to a new home. I don’t want to move again.” I pled to Sarah, playing into her emotional state.
“I think he’s right, Sarah.” Dean chimed in, “Those boys can feel like they’re even now, so there is no need to take any unnecessary risks, you know how the system is.”
Dean had come in clutch again, this guy was proving himself more useful every moment. Sarah nodded in reluctant agreement. It was just too easy to get her to change her mind.
“But you’re not going to school tomorrow.” She demanded, “You’re going to stay home so I can take care of you and make sure you’re okay.
I reminded myself of how I need to play into Sarah’s need to be needed, so I agreed. For good measure, I gently touched her hand and told her thanks. She allowed a tear to escape after that move. Something was wrong with Sarah, I could see it in her eyes. At some point, she’s had a traumatic experience that hurt her deeply.
I woke up late Friday morning, to Sarah bringing in fresh breakfast. Eggs, bacon, and pancakes. My ribs twinged with pain as I sat up, and my head pounded too. Sarah was on top of that too though, offering me 800mg of ibuprofen to be downed with some orange juice and a cup of fresh coffee. This treatment was another display that I was not used to. Never had anybody brought me breakfast in bed.
After assuring Sarah that the breakfast was wonderful, I told her I was going to rest. After she left, I pulled out the computer that I had purchased with the money I stole from my last foster parents. I was pretty good with computers. They were useful and underrated tools that most teens just used to stir drama on social media and post stupid fake photos.
People are so oblivious to how exposed their personal information is. It took me less than two hours to know everything about Jake and Bryan that I needed to know. I had his address, his phone number, and learned the fact that the family was on a trip to their lake house for the weekend, about a 5-hour drive away. Probably his parents attempt to draw attention away from his school suspension. Rich people in the suburbs are all about image.
That night, after Sarah and Dean were long asleep, I quietly got ready. The house had a security system that monitored and logged every time a door or window opened or shut. They probably did it because they knew I was moving in. It wasn’t a problem though, I easily detached the device without breaking the magnetic seal. Actually, it was perfect. The security system logs would provide me with a good alibi, should things go wrong.
I exited the house through the window and stepped off on the pre-planned route that would mostly take me through the wooded area and out of sight. I enjoy the woods at night anyway, it’s so quiet and peaceful. It took me about 30 minutes to arrive at my destination. Jake’s house was huge and sat on a lot that must have been an acre or more. I searched through the property near the backdoor, expecting to find a spare key somewhere.
They weren’t dumb enough to keep the key under the doormat, but they didn’t hide it very well either. The rock looked convincing at first sight, but when I looked at it up close I could tell that it was a fake. I carefully lifted the rock and found a little compartment underneath containing a key. Just like that, I had gained access to the house.
Although the house was large and immaculate, it didn’t take me long to find the room I was looking for. Jake had a life-sized football poster of himself on his door. His room was huge, the size of a small apartment. I carefully searched for anything that would be of use. On his shelf designated for keepsakes, I found an old but expensive-looking sheathed knife. The knife had someone's initials engraved in it, signaling that it might be a family heirloom of sorts. I picked it up with my gloved hands and pocketed it.
Jake didn’t seem too worried about his parents snooping through his stuff, his computer wasn’t even password protected. Thanks to Jake’s carelessness, I now had access to all of his personal information, including social media and his chat messages that were backed up to the cloud. This was the gold mine, where I would get all the information that I needed. I sat down and went to work.
You can learn a lot about someone's life by going through their text messages and photos. I found out that Jake and his friends had a certain spot in the woods where they would meet up to drink alcohol and smoke weed. Thanks to the photos being geotagged, I now knew exactly where that spot was. Most importantly, I learned that Jake had pestered just about every girl in the school for nudes. If they rejected him, he then pressured and insulted the girls. When I came across his conversations with Bryan, I found my lucky break.
Jake has tested his luck with a girl Bryan was dating. When she refused his requests, Jake called her a whore. After Bryan had found out, he finally stood up for himself, and the messages show that they had quite an argument. They were not currently on talking terms, and Jake made it clear that he would not speak to Bryan, and would, “Ruin his popularity.” This was perfect, I now had a perfect plan.
I saw that Jake and his family would be home Sunday afternoon. Bryan’s status showed currently active, so I sent him a message through Jake's social media, asking him to meet me at the spot Sunday night at midnight. After Bryan replied with one letter, “K,” I deleted the messages so Jake would not see them on his end.
On my way out, I stole a hoodie, some pants, and an extra pair of gym shoes. I made sure to grab stuff from the back of the shelves, to ensure their absence would not be noticed. I took one last look around to feel secure that I left no noticeable trace. After locking the door and carefully putting the key back where I had found it, I went back home the same way I came, undetected.
Saturday and Sunday, I continued to allow Sarah to look after me. It made her feel good, and I needed her to think that I needed her, so I could continue living here. Finally, Sunday night arrived. I put on the clothes that I stole from Jake and headed on my way.
I waited in the shadows for Bryan to arrive, and about 12:05 AM I heard the footsteps approaching. “What do you want Jake,” Bryan started as he entered the small clearing, “We have school tomo...“
Before he could finish I hit him hard in the face with a rock, Jake’s signature move. Bryan fell to the ground, putting his hands on his face as if that would somehow dull the pain. I didn’t care, I kicked him in his head and his gut over and over. I watched with pleasure as he rolled around in agony, betrayed, and incapacitated.
“Ahhh…. What the Hell, Jake?”
“Oh, I’m not Jake,” I told him coldly
Bryan squinted up at the sound of my voice, shocked. He stammered a few disconnected words, trying to catch his breath through the pain. I kneeled beside him.
“Wha-wha- what do you want?” Bryan finally managed to muster between heavy breaths.
“Revenge.” Looking Bryan straight in the eye, I plunged Jake's knife straight into Bryan’s torso, stabbing right into the liver. I was rewarded with an agonizing groan from Bryan.
“And to get rid of Jake.”
Another stab, this time off to the side, making sure I got his kidney.
“It’s really not about you.”
Another stab, and another moan.
“You’re just on the wrong side of this war, and a convenient means to an end.”
Drawing in the delectable thrill of the moment, I thrust the knife deeper, and listened to Bryan’s agonizing moans and shortening breath. I stared into his eyes, so I could see the look on his face as he realized he was about to die.
“And you really, truly, shouldn’t have kicked me.”
I gave him another hard stab. This one I placed just under his left pectoral. The blade slid right between his Ribs, piercing his heart. I pulled out the knife as blood sputtered out the wound like a fountain. I sat back to admire my handiwork. Bryan’s breaths gurgled and rasped in the silent woods.
I realized the attack looked way too clean, everything was too precise. I needed this to look like a stupid brute had lost his temper. I gave a dozen or so more wildly placed stab wounds, ranging in depth. That looked better. In less than a minute, the groans and breathing stopped. Jake lay there, or his body did at least, covered in blood.
I dragged Bryan’s body and hid it in some thick brush, where I covered him in branches and leaves. I took my time, to make sure that it looked sloppy and hasty. I hid the knife about 100 feet away, knowing full well that the police would scour the area and find it.
I took off the Hoodie, sweatpants, and shoes, and deposited them in a park garbage bin that was just a yard off the wood line, about a half a mile away from the scene. I had worn long layers underneath Jake's clothes and made care to never touch his clothes with my skin. I even wore a swimming cap to make sure my hair didn’t get anywhere. The only evidence left that could tie me to the crime was the pair of latex gloves that I had worn to avoid getting fingerprints on the knife or blood under my fingernails.
I made it back home with the same stealth I had used the previous night. I quietly went into the bathroom, where I soaked the latex gloves in bleach, scrubbing until they were spotless. After flushing the toilet to make sure Dean and Sarah would believe I was just taking a bathroom break, I used a little more bleach to vigorously wash my hands, and then topped off the bottle with some water, so it wouldn’t seem that any had been used. Finally, it was bedtime and I was exhausted. Murder is hard work.
It seemed like only a couple of minutes later when my alarm went off. I hurried to the bathroom and took one more hard look to make sure the gloves and cleaning supplies were in their proper places. I then took a scorching hot shower. Scrubbing every part of my body with rigor, just in case. I then relaxed and used the rest of the time to reflect on the kill. Sarah insisted on taking me to school, seeing as I had been jumped last week.
In my reflection, I found it interesting that I felt enjoyment out of the kill this time, I didn’t recall the same satisfaction from my first kill. Maybe that’s because that was the day I lost Addy. I was 8 years old and finally understood what my alcoholic foster father was doing when he was going into my sister’s room and locked the door. Addy was only 6. One night when he was drunk, I put his revolver in his mouth and pulled the trigger. The police ruled it as a suicide. I hadn’t seen Addy since, because we were sent to new homes that day. She was the one and only person I ever remembered feeling love for.
School started the same, business as usual. By the second period, the gossip news network was buzzing with the news that Bryan’s parents had reported him missing. By lunch, it was common knowledge. The best part happened just as school was getting out.
I could see, and hear, the commotion from down the main hall. I walked over, peering over the crowd of idiots all trying to get a good video on their flip phones. Three police were forcing out a handcuffed and panicked Jake. He protested and resisted, but the police overpowered him and forced him into the car.
By the 6 o’clock local news, it was a headliner story. “BREAKING NEWS: Jacob Pearson, a local high school athlete, charged with the murder of classmate Bryan Jones.” I had a hard time holding back my satisfactory smile, but Dean and Sarah were in the room.
I already had Sarah Wrapped around my finger, but for good measure I told her that Jake was the kid that attacked me. I put on my best scared Orphan face during the newscast. “That could have been me who got killed,” I told her, forcing myself to sound scared. Her heart melted and I received instant sympathy as she pulled me into a tearful hug.
Dean, being a public defender, was in the know. He, also believing I was scared, offered me some comfort.
“It’ll be tough to defend this one.” He assured me, “Jake will be going away for a long time. I mean, the prosecutors have everything. The body, the weapon, fingerprints, even motive. It’s like someone handed the AG this case on a silver platter.”
Indeed I had.
It was the next day that Sarah and Dean sat me down and told me that they wanted to push forward with adopting me. I had gained their trust, and more importantly their sympathy. I’d now be able to live in this cushy home with pushover parents until college. Even then, they’d probably send me money and give me a place to stay in the summer. They were good-natured idiots, but useful idiots.
What a success my first month in my new home had been. I locked in my preferred living situation and got rid of the only problem with my new neighborhood, Jake. The best part is, Jake hung himself to death in jail before the trial had even started. The police called it good, certain that Jake was their man, and the case was closed. I still laugh when I think back to when Jake told me that he’d make ME want to kill myself.
Like I said, I always win.
That’s where the first manuscript ended. After reading this manuscript, I was unsure as to the validity of the story. I thought that someone may be trying to pull an elaborate hoax on me, maybe to score a spotlight on my website. Or perhaps, more sinisterly, it was an attempt to delegitimize my work and tarnish my credentials.
Nonetheless, I was intrigued enough to dust off my Private Investigator hat and do some research. What I found that this story is, at a minimum, based on real events. I found the news articles about Jacob Pearson, the promising High School Athlete that threw his life away by murdering a fellow student.
The question I now face is, Is this the true story from a Psychopath named Rich, or a simple fabrication based on real events?
What do you think?
Mr. S
The 2nd manuscript is available here: Journal of a Psychopath: University
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AMA with Verasity Founder, R J Mark

Read full story:
On the 4th of February, we hosted an AMA with Verasity Founder R J Mark. Thank you to everyone who joined, we answered a lot of community questions in depth (39 in total!). If you missed it, below is the complete transcript. Exciting information in this, make sure to read it all. 👀
Hello Verasians. I am Bhav, the marketing manager at Verasity and I’m joined by R J Mark, the founder of Verasity. Thank you for joining us for this AMA! :smile:
Mark: Hello everyone.
We will be answering all of the pertinent questions that the community have sent in throughout the week. Once these questions have been answered, I will open up the chat so you can ask further (non-repetitive please) questions, the chat will then close once more for Mark to answer. The transcript of this AMA will then be posted on our Medium.
Let’s get straight into it!
Q1) There will be no deadline on the swap so there is no rush and no fear of losing your tokens. They can be swapped at any time. Is that right?
Absolutely right. There is no deadline on the swap For more details read:
VRA Token & PoV update
Q2) Regarding the ERC777 Token Swap, you don’t need to withdraw to VeraWallet on the day of swap? Can I do it later?
Correct, take your time, there is no rush. You can do it at any time. There is no deadline or end date for the swap. We are making this as seamless and easy as possible for everyone.
Seamless and easy. That’s the way forward ✅Q3) Will we see more movements from the Foundation wallet. What is this about? The Swap?
That is correct. In anticipation of the swap company wallets’ tokens are being swapped via VeraWallet. See the article about this:
VRA Token & PoV update
New Foundation wallets will be created to replace the old ones.
Q4) Any plans to keep staking beyond the 31/12/2021 deadline?
We have not made a decision yet but liquidity mining is very much in play and could replace staking after Dec 2021. We will announce mid-year.
Q5) All the tournaments are free to join. How does that help the company to generate revenue? Is there a place or example where users/players are actually using the VRA token to get a product/service?
_Great question!_The tournaments are free to join since we are focusing on adoption and scaling the number of users we have globally. Bringing as many people to the platform is our priority right now. As we expand and offer user-generated prize pools we will take a commission on the total jackpots as a revenue stream. In addition, other revenue flows will become available to us as we build our user base and launch our video player this Q1.
We will monetize our esports content through our video player within Esports Fight Club by serving ads from our ad partners:
Advertiser Partnership Update
Esports Fight Club will require players to use VRA to purchase subscriptions via several payment systems: VeraWallet, PayPal and Credit Cards (although some tournaments are free for promotional purposes). Winners receive VRA for winning tournaments. Soon players will also be rewarded VRA for watching ads. Verasity profits from the purchase of game credits, subscriptions, tournament prize pools and ads. This is an entire ecosystem all within Verasity.
See our revenue forecast here:
Tokenomics , Forecast, News Update
Adoption and scale are key to the success of Esports Fight Club. We’ve made a lot of progress on the platform and are confident we will continue to see further growth in terms of users and a ton more exposure to the platform, and our token $VRA.Talking about adoption and scale… the next question will answer that!~Q6) What is the current Marketing Strategy? How do we differ from other tournament websites?
After creating mass-scale events around the world, we are focusing on adoption and community this year. Spending $10,000 on a big one-time prize pool to attract 1000 teams sounds good in theory. But, after careful planning, forecasting and testing, the results show that the best way is to spread the tournaments out so we reach a larger number of audiences. This consistency and large reach will attract much more than just 1000 teams over a period of time. The best place to do this is by sponsoring streamers and influencers, who each have thousands or even hundreds of thousands of fans.
For the past week, for example, we’ve been running a Valorant Community Tournament with Esports Fight Club’s first partnered streamer, Mika Daime. The turnout has been massive! Qualifier 1 was filled up with the max slots so quickly, that we had to create a Qualifier 2 just to fit all the teams in.
  1. Most streamers we aim to partner with can easily bring in 64 or 256 teams to a community tournament hosted by Esports Fight Club, for a fraction of the price
  2. With the same budget as a big tournament, of the $10,000 we would have spent on a single tournament, we can obtain approximately 540% more users by repurposing that budget for the influencer and streamer tournaments.
For a full list of upcoming features such as the Marketplace and VoD section read our full Marketing and Adoption post:
Marketing, Adoption, Tournaments 2021 (Updated)
It’s key for people to understand what we aim to do with the tournaments in terms of marketing. We read a lot of comments about the “low prize pool” when we announced the Mika Daime tournament, hopefully the answer Mark provided sheds light on that!Everything we do at Verasity is calculated. 😊Do check this out if you wanted a full read on our Marketing and Adoption post for 2021. 👍🏼If you think you’re good at some of the games we have available on Esports Fight Club, join in! The partnered streamers we have will be hosting a lot of community tournaments, such as Mika Daime!Q7) How often shall the revenue estimates (status update) be updated and is there any new estimation?
We will update the community every six months on revenue forecasts. There are no updates from our last announcement which can be found here
Tokenomics , Forecast, News Update
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter with notifications turned on, so you can get all the updates as they come through!
Q8) Have you changed your business model? Because at the beginning it was mainly about publishers.
Our fundamental model has not changed: Video publishers attract audiences to watch video content and ads. Users are rewarded for it, thereby increasing engagement and monetization.
This model has not changed. What has changed is the type of video publisher we are pursuing. Prior to COVID-19, we pursued traditional publishers. With COVID-19, we saw the opportunity to pursue gaming publishers and more specifically esports publishers. More importantly, we created our own tournament platform: This allows us to control our own environment, launch our own proprietary video player, own our video content, run ads on our player, and charge subscription fees as well as take tournament fees.
But actually publishers and content are publishers and content whether it’s gaming or news.
It’s great to see how Esports Fight Club will have it’s own video content up on the website so that users will be able to watch the content to earn $VRA by using our own video technology, then use the $VRA to join tournaments, or buy hardware from trusted partners 👀Exciting stuff!Q9) Where can I find info about the Founders token unlock schedule?
Tokenomics and Founders token unlock schedule can be found here:
Tokenomics , Forecast, News Update
Q10) Does VeraWallet speed handling withdraws scale up painlessly when user amounts boom? And shall there be enhancements to user experience if we for example have tens or hundreds of small reward withdraws daily?
We are adding automated withdrawals for small amounts to the roadmap but first have to complete the swap and add the security protocols. We won’t risk our users’ investments.
We simply don't want to risk our secure environment.
Q11) Are there any plans for compounding rewards for the VeraWallet staking?
No, absolutely not. The simple interest we are paying now is already high.
Q12) Bit confused about the VeraWallet staking rate after March. Can you clarify?
The staking reward rate is 0.1% per day (36.5% per annum) until 31 March 2021 when it becomes 0.07% daily (25.55% pa) until 31 December 2021.
Q13) When can I instant stake with BTC?
Good news, BTC is already available in VeraWallet for Instant Stake together with ETH, BNB and USDT.
Try Instant Buy and Stake out for yourself here:
VeraWallet - Official VRA Wallet
Instant Buy and Stake has been a really popular update to VeraWallet. Great to see the community loving it. 👍🏼Q14) With the recent developments on Cardano, and the ease in which ERC-20 tokens can migrate to this superior to Ehereum platform, are you considering following suit of great projects like Celsius to move VRA over to Cardano? I know we are still a bit hurt with Binance VRAB. I understand it is not an easy decision. Just interested in what you think about the future on Ethereum.
We gave this a lot of thought and investigation and as the community knows we have experience with token migrations :)
Please see our latest update on the VRA token swap to ERC777 and Proof of View:
VRA Token & PoV update
As to Cardano — the liquidity is really small compared to ETH alts. For example on Kucoin it’s volume is less than $2m per day. Even on OKEX it’s only $3m. 50% of Celsius’ volume is on Uniswap which is the majority of the liquidity and is not on any Tier 1 exchanges. Aside from the lack of features that we need for PoV, after our last experience, we are very reluctant to join with mainnets that are generally illiquid. Celsius’s solution is to provide the liquidity themselves through Uniswap which is limiting in our view. We believe sticking with Ethereum is the right way to go and the market seems to agree with this as well.
Q15) The new VOD platform, when is it going to be finished and in use?
We are working on it now and expect it to meet the roadmap target of Q1: see for the roadmap.
Can’t wait for it to be released! 🚀> Yes, this is a huge milestone for us and opens us up to so many possibilities.Q16) Is liquidity mining still in play? Will this replace the staking rewards after December 2021?
Good question. Yes, liquidity mining is very much in play and could replace staking after Dec 2021. We have not made that decision yet but will announce as soon as we do.
Q17) Are there new partners/publishers in the trend of gaming for the ad stack?
Yes, FB, Google and others. Please see:
Advertiser Partnership Update
In total 17, many specializing in gaming.
I don’t think today there are many ad networks that are not into gaming. It's such a huge audience sitting at home during Covid.
Q18) Micro tournaments: could you arrange tournaments yourself, like a national tournament for example?
The Esports Fight Club platform is fully self-managed, so yes, you could set up large tournaments and be the admin and sponsor. We would definitely like to see this happen by our community members. This quarter, our admins and developers are focused on A/B testing different tournaments with multiple communities to see if we are missing any critical features demanded by gamers. An article will be coming next week about micro and partnered tournaments. We will explain how these increase platform adoption which benefits both influencers and Esports Fight Club.
If anyone does host some tournaments, message me! I’d be happy to join a few… dust off my skills. I heard Rob (Our Finance Director) was a bit of Counterstrike wizard in his day… 😂Q19) Why are the tokens bought via the instant buy taken from a pool which dilutes the total supply? This is like raising new capital for $VRA at every buy instead of us token holders getting a price increase.
These are not purchased from a pool. If you mean that Foundation tokens have been transferred to VeraWallet, see the article:
Tokenomics , Forecast, News Update
In the Total VRA Supply, line 9, this VRA is already taken into account as part of both total supply and circulating supply. It does not increase either. I think this is really clear.
Q20) Asking about the “Instant buy and stake feature”. If someone buys $VRA using this system, there is no transaction on the blockchain. You say you buy directly on exchanges but no proof.
Buy backs of VRA do not happen instantly and we don’t announce buy backs in advance to avoid speculation. We don’t share our VeraWallet addresses as we have stated before. We are not going to provide speculators with tools to make a margin on each purchase.
Q21) Do we stay on the Ethereum network?
Yes, see the article:
VRA Token & PoV update
We are swapping our current ERC20 tokens to ERC777 which is essentially an upgrade to a more modern and fuller feature set Ethereum token.
For anyone just joining the chat, make sure you read the article above! Tons of important and exciting information.Q22) From the Foundation wallet tokens have been unlocked in the last 50 days and added to the circulating supply. How is our token deflationary?
If you mean that Foundation tokens have been transferred to VeraWallet, see the article:
Tokenomics , Forecast, News Update
Foundation tokens are not locked and the article clearly states they are unlocked. In the Total VRA Supply, line 9, this VRA is already taken into account as part of both total supply and circulating supply. It does not increase either. We specifically provide for ALL Foundation tokens, allocated and unallocated, as part of the current circulating supply so this is NOT adding to the circulating supply.
Q23) Asking about adoption figures. You claim to have had 8M people looking at your gaming videos (mostly fakes views as the counter earned millions in hours).
The adoption figures were not fake or exaggerated, it is important to understand that this number is a combination of different metrics, all of which ensure one thing: People viewed our live tournament page. This number includes:
Although it was difficult to collate all the viewer statistics we believe them to be accurate and fair.
To see the full statistics of Ultimate Warrior Showdown 1, read here:
Ultimate Warrior Showdown Tournament Round-Up and Adoption
Hope that clears up some FUD! 👍🏼Q24) Asking about partnerships. You say you have partnerships with
Stripe, Tencent Games, PayPal. The truth is any website can integrate these payment/connexion modules without partnership. You just need to read their website and implement it on your website.
Of course, you can add Stripe and PayPal to any website, but try adding them to a crypto-based website and see how far you get. There are no crypto products websites or related services (other than specific financial services) that are supported by Stripe and PayPal because they are not allowed. To obtain these payment services, you need to have special permission and follow a rigid protocol. And Stripe expressed interest in working with Esports Fight Club to reach out to video publishers with EFC to give us access to video publishers worldwide.
As to TencentGames, you need to get their specific permission for certain tournament events and follow their rules. We would be unable to use their logo and name in our marketing material without this. It’s not simply signing up for them. So yes we consider this a partnership because they plan on additional events with us which they now support.
Working with major brands including PUBGM, Tencent, Athena Gaming and Warmania gave us the clout to include major esport teams in our tournaments who will participate in future tournaments as well: FaZe Clan, Orange, T1, Elementrix, Nova, Onic and others. And now because of the history, Blizzard is prepared to provide licenses for all their major games.
We are also in discussion with peripheral manufacturers to support our marketplace launch later this year. As soon as agreements are reached, we will jointly announce sponsored product peripherals that will be rewarded in our tournaments.
Q25) Some things on your roadmap get pushed forward. Why did do you do this?
Our development team has been together doing projects for over ten years. This is normal in large scale development projects. For example, we decided after the large Esports Fight Club tournaments we put on that we needed to finalize and launch the Video sharing platform prior to some other features on the roadmap because without it we would not be able to take advantage of many opportunities including monetization opportunities of the exclusive VOD content that only we could re-publish and add ads to. This pushed certain product features into Q2. Another example is PoV. Initially we thought we would go with proprietary blockchain because there was no other solution that would allow us to support PoV. That changed with the release by Ethereum of ERC777. As a result PoV timeline targets changed so that it corresponds to the release of ERC777 as well as the ability to use it for the Video sharing platform. So in effect, the video-sharing platform came in _much earlier than expected_which pushed out other features/products to accommodate this change. Business decisions and external events impact on the roadmap and it would do Verasity and the community an injustice if we just blindly followed a roadmap that becomes slightly outdated every quarter and greatly outdated every year. It is this flexibility that allows Verasity to take advantage of new information and technologies in real-time. And to push out new products earlier in the roadmap such as the video-sharing platform.
Q26) Proof-of-View™️ so nice!
When will it be a Patented POV?
The average time for a patent to be granted is 3 years. We’ve just started our third year as a pending application so we hope it will be in 2021, however our patent lawyers have told us to expect further delays due to covid. Fortunately this won’t stop the release of Proof of View which can go ahead with ‘patent pending’ protection.
Update: The patent was granted a few minutes after the AMA ended!
Q27) Will there be an app for download on your phone soon? For Staking. Feeling a little insecure have it online on your website
Actually, our mweb and web applications are much more secure than a mobile app. Mobile apps are much easier to hack. Although we have not been hacked, some users have been hacked via their mobile phones but because we have a manual delay, we were able to stop the loss of tokens. The good news is that now with the swap to ERC777 we can disable any wallets that have stolen VRA and return the VRA to the original user. We do have mobile apps on the roadmap but won’t likely support staking because of the security issue and it is not a priority for us.
Q28) Not try to fud here, but would like to get an answer in AMA to suppress all fud in the future 😁
Financial status company. There have been coins sold for listing on an exchange (still to come?). Was this something that was not planned (like extra opportunity to get listed) or are funds becoming empty?
Current resources held by Verasity fund the project roadmap for the next 12 months. We forecast reaching profitability in 2021 which will finance the continuing runway thereafter. As you point out not all listing opportunities were included in the forecast and we stated that: “In the future, additional listings and expenses may require sales of VRA from the Foundation Reserve”. See the funding update here:
Tokenomics , Forecast, News Update
Q29) The VoD update is a little bit unclear for me. Maybe you can tell some more about it. To the looks of it, it is a mix between YouTube and twitch but with PoV to earn $VRA.
PoV on VODs is a key feature for us and for our large ad-stack network. While we are growing our partnerships with community tournaments and adding more games and influencers on EsportsFightClub: we want our reruns to be monetized, available at all times on our proprietary platform and browsing page. Think of it the way Twitch highlights previous streamer’s lives automatically but on a larger and customizable library for viewers to earn VRA and for Verasity to monetize via its ad stack.
And we own several terabytes of gaming and esports video content which will launch with the new video platform in Q1. This is actually massive, because on launch we will have a ton of video content to monetize!
Q30) You seem to have many products but I don’t understand how they work together?
Q31) What games does Esports Fight Club support now?
PUBG mobile, Free Fire, Counter-Strike GO, Valorant, PUBG and Ludo is about to be launched.
🚀🚀🚀 Great game selection, so far.Q32) Any near-future plans to expand your marketing?
At Verasity, we have a large marketing team that devotes itself behind the scenes to increase our awareness in the cryptocurrency community and reach as many people as possible.
Although we have community groups in more than 10 languages, our local group managers translate all the news, updates into their own languages and publish them in local forums and groups in real time. Thus, we significantly increase our chances of reaching communities that do not speak English. Verasity Spanish, Verasity Korea & Verasity India are already large groups and growing.
We will continue to use media sites, influencers, and all other advertising sources to spread our news in the future as in the past. Gamification marketing opportunities are very important to us as can be seen in LunarCrush.
In return for these efforts, we have gained a great community support that grew slowly but surely. Our marketing efforts will continue to scale. Our goal in this regard is to continue without stopping until every individual in the cryptocurrency community speaks about Verasity.
Our social media metrics have seen a consistent and phenomenal increase over the past year due to our marketing efforts, read here to find out more in detail:
Verasity Social and Adoption Metrics
For us the most important metrics to see how we are doing in socials is LunarCrush:
VRA - VERAsity Insights | LunarCRUSH
LunarCrush Altrank is the best stats measure of Alts social marketing success out of 2100 popular Alts. We tested many marketing ploys to rank highly. When something works, it’s clear in LunarCrush. Competitions like AltWars simply work. This is the meaning of crypto exposure when the Altrank increases in LunarCrush which measures all social volume, % change per 24 hours, and social score. Even with our volume which only ranks 550 out of 2100 Alts, our Social Volume pushes us in front of much bigger tokens such as OMG, DOT, LINK, CHSB and others. Clearly our marketing is working.
The community support has been phenomenal. It’s been great to see how supportive the Verasians have been. We wouldn’t be anywhere without you guys! So thank you from the team.Especially during the AltWars contest recently… we owned! 👍🏼 Power of the Verasians. 🤝Q33)Have you heard about gaming projects Exeedme and Crowns and how can you compare them to Verasity?
We did! Exeedme is an exciting project revolving around gamers personal skill and players betting against themselves (user-centric) that is just at its very inception. They are not competitors as our model (Community, content and tournament centered) has broader purpose and we dont and wont support betting because it will be rejected by many of our partners.
Crowns Token, from Seascape, is a DeFi economy blockchain made for developers building their own online games but who cannot/don’t want to focus on the technical transactional side. Although they are very promising for simple browser and other types of games, they are just not targeting the Esports market and offer, at best, support for upcoming indie-browser games studios.
We would not be able to partner with Exeedme because of betting restrictions but Crowns could be interesting if the games developed are popular with our viewers.
Q34) Are there any plans in the near future (next several months) to list on an exchange that allows full KYC trading for US citizens (e.g. Coinbase, Kraken, Gemini, Binance US, etc.)?
This is hard for us. The regulatory environment in the US is not friendly. Since we are not regulated in the US, the risk of listing on a US exchange and the SEC bringing a claim is quite high. At this time we are avoiding this. Lets see what happens with the new SEC Chair who is quite familiar with blockchain. Should he articulate straight forward rules that can be followed and which will not be changed every couple of months, we will consider it then.
Q35) What is:
1. Business structure
2. Marketing plan for next year
3. Customer acquisition costs
4. Execution plan on tech side to deliver
Business structure of Verasity:
Development team structure is flat with these functions:
Blockchain developers, Backend developers, highload & security developers, Full stack Developers, web/mobile frontend developers, mobile only devs, Testing & QA, Finance.
For more about the Verasity business model and forecast see:
Tokenomics , Forecast, News Update
Marketing plan for next year can be found here:
Marketing, Adoption, Tournaments 2021 (Updated)
Customer acquisition costs
We will provide CAC when we are profitable.
Execution plan
See the roadmap on
And finally. the last question on the list…🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁Q36) Do you have an update on exchanges? The one that was hinted end of last year and more to come?
Very important issue for us and the community. We fully appreciate the necessity for additional volume and liquidity. After the last exchange hack and issues with OKEX, we were thrown off balance but had expected to list on a new exchange by now. Mistakenly we announced prematurely and then ran into the necessity of completing the VRA token swap before we list on a new exchange. Obviously, we want to now avoid having to swap tokens on a new exchange. So right after the majority of the current exchanges we are listed on complete the swap (this month), we will continue with our listing plans. We are well on the way with 2 exchanges but don’t think it’s prudent to provide more information until they announce the listing themselves. The expectation is still for at least one exchange in Q1. Please bear with us on this. We will get there.
Been a great AMA so far. Cleared up a lot of questions and hopefully made you all as excited for the future as we are. Tons of great new updates to Esports Fight Club coming this year and a prosperous year for Verasity is definitely ahead.Thank you Mark!Will be now opening the chat for the Verasians to ask some additional questions.Will be closing the chat shortly after and we can get some more answers out. The gates are opening! 😁
Additional questions
Q37) When the Verasity Game Jackpot price will be held again? We are waiting for so long.
New jackpots are coming onto the platform but for upcoming games like Ludo which will be announced later this month.
Q38) Is it possible to create something like a create your own tournament where I can play a 1vs1(or 2v2 5vs5) against another player(s) in any game anytime (like in 30 minutes) and where I can set for example a winning price of 100k VRA. and both players have to send 50k before the game to a smart contract and afterward it automatically gets sent to the winner?
Esports Fight Club allows users to create their own tournaments choosing from the available games list. We are constantly working on expanding the list of available games and are open for suggestions. The players deposit VRA to the Esports Fight Club account and use these funds to send money to the prize pool. It's quite simple to set up and you can do it for any amount and any number of players and as admin, you have complete control of the size of the pot, how it is shared in % for winners when to start, etc. Its a fully self managed platform that works now. Just go in and set it up today!
Q39) Hi Mark, regarding the plans for in-game advertising and in-game rewards this year, could you describe your vision on this? Is Verasity currently discussing this topic with certain game companies, and how exactly would it work in practice once achieved? Any details you can share with us would be highly appreciated!
The way we view in-game ads is our ability to provide our logo or some other image that would be part of the game interface, such as the floor or walls. This already exists and is popular. We are in discussions now with game developers to add Verasity/VRA. This is a high powered marketing tool that will get our name into many gamers’ faces. These are native images in effect. For advertisers that want to use native images inside our broadcasts or VOD, they get stitched into the ad server in parallel to the stream and we get paid for the ad inventory. In-game rewards are still in development but the vision is for users to be able to click on an object in the game and get rewarded for doing so, not dissimilar to clicking on an add and getting a higher CPM.
Verasity provides proprietary technology uniquely rewarding gamers, viewers and publishers. Verasity is a crypto-based platform with the VRA token that aims to revolutionise the online advertising business. With its innovative Proof of View system, advertisers are able to guarantee their video ads are seen and not ignored thanks to smart contracts on the Ethereum chain, while viewers are able to earn VRA simply by watching the content they already consume. Verasity has a focus on gaming publishers and esports.
Verasity revenue streams include:
Game subscriptions, prize pool commissions and video ad revenues. Read about the tokenomics, forecast, buy back and burn here.
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📈 Find where VRA (ticker) is trading onCoinMarketCap
VRA can be staked for 36.5% annual interest at
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If you are a Game Developer or Video Publisher and want to grow your audience and revenue by 500% click thelinkto talk to the team
AMA with Verasity Founder, R J Mark was originally published in Verasity on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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