How to pronounce quarantine

quarantine pronunciation in english

quarantine pronunciation in english - win

I want to improve my writing by telling my own story.

In a short *sit* I'm going to try to tell my story
My situation as a lot of people right now is not the best because of coronavirus and I almost homeless I not going to complain about it and show myself as a miserable person
as a matter of fact is quite the opposite I feel better than I ever in my entire life, and I'm not even being sarcastic but my life was so freaking horrible that I develop
an ability to be comfortable even in the worst of the situations, well almost all of the situations that's is more or less the center of my story.
Just like the majority of crappy tales this starts with someone as a child and this wouldn't be the exception. I grew up in one of the worst Venezuelans slums "tocuyito" one of the biggest prisons of the country is there; they are also rumors about cannibalism inside the prison and sometimes I get to see people killed in front of my old home so you can have a little idea what is like to live on the south americans slums.
Growing in the slum wasn't so bad... well it was awful actually, drugs, violence, se*ual abuse you name it. We had everything in the slum.
One of my first memories living there was that every evening my dad tried to teach me the multiplication tables. He made me memorize them and if for some reason I just forgot one of the results he beat me with a stick and pulled me from my ears till I cried. Those were some awful times. I was so scared of math that sometimes I pisses myself in school on math class, and in kindergarten I had the best teacher in the world Magda was her name if I remember correctly
She taught me how to make beautiful paintings for a kid and how to cut paper with scissors without cutting myself.
Someday she get sick and for half of the year we had this substitute teacher and this woman was just crazy,she force us to make some weird hand making shit and drawings and no one really can do it because it was so difficult for an infant I remember that she sat all kids that can’t perform those tasks in the “dumb chair” and after that she would beat you in front of everyone.
I was almost traumatized to go there and I was almost traumatized to go home with my dad waiting for me, it was a pretty uncomfortable situation. It was impossible to get rid of that teacher because in the 90s it was actually legal to beat kid at school in the Venezuelan education system.
But one day I got a Super Nintendo as a gift, from a religious organization for poor people on christmas or something like that I think it was like they gave stuff to miserable kids. With only Two cartridges I was in heaven Super Mario World and Donkey Kong , man these games stick in my mind, they help me to pass over a lot of stuff. My parents don't let me play the games because they said that this stuff made people crazy and could destroy your eyes, you know, classic boomer stuff. And the only thing that I could do was spend hours and hours looking at the art of the cartridge and imagining how it would be to play all the other games on the console and how it would be to go to Yohi’s in Dinosaur Island and live there forever.
Being weird or not being what is considered a "normal" person in a third world country is a hard thing to achieve if not an impossible thing sometimes. And I've been a pretty weird person all my life, Here's an example I don't know how to define my sexual orientation butI think I like persons of the oposite and same sex but at the same time I just don't feel as a man.does it make sense to you? because it still is even confusing for me and since I grew up in a conservative family I'd never been able to express how I really felt about my sexuality. I was curious about all the thinking that circle inside my mind and I ask: what are these thoughts about other men? Why am I so sick? no one should never know that, but it was an *overwhelming* feeling I just can't hide it so i decided to reveal myself and show what I really feel. I try to share that happiness with others so I go and visited one of my friends she helped me to express myself, I remember I put a lot silly makeup all over my face some color in my tabs and in some weird way I felt i was conquering the work i was so happy like in no other moment in my life at
that moment.I went home and showed my mom how happy I was, told her and explain about the sensation, my heart was rushing like it was about to explode o my God I was so happy
after my mom witness the scene he said: "You are really lucky that your father isn't here because if he was the one who saw that he could even kill you" and after that
She beat me so hard that I can even remember his nails in my face.
I just get tired of always being tagged as an awful person for being different all these kinds of situations and a lot more, made me a really shy person and I started to alienate myself from the world everyday, more alone and miserable like staying alive in death as some kind of zombie .
Is not hard to guess that I slowly start to transform in some kind of ghoul, just living in my parents house as a parasite scared of everything always rejecting to get out and see the light
I'm not really proud of it. I don't really blame my parents. I mean they just took me there as a parasite and fed me. I don't know why they kept me there.
You probably are going to hate me for that but I lived as a parasite and I never got the courage to get out of my home until I was 24 because both of my parents died, actually the only family I got alive is my grandma but I never got to know her. I had to start working doing whatever I can Luckily, some friend of my dad found me a job cleaning stuff, it wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst either, I was perfectly able to do it.
=putting an end=
One day in my 26 birthday I decided to end everything in a very painful way by burning myself I really don't know why or how I was able to do such a thing but when depression
takes you to the root of your soul you're not able to think properly and you can do things that could be really dangerous. I got myself covered with some flammable liquid and started the flame but I underestimated how hard my biological desire of staying alive and I decided to jump into the water tank of the house and turn off the fire. I think I still have the pictures of that, they help me to remember how different my life was at that moment. By luck they were pretty superficial burnings ,after a while one friend of mine made a visit and found me on the floor and he gave me assistance , the worst decision in my life to do something like that.
=leaving the country=
After that incident I can't live anymore in there so I sold my parents house for 800$ what is the average price for a house in the slums. While I was moving on with my life, the crisis in Venezuela was exploding and I maybe took the best
decision in my life TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY.
=living as a homeless person=
When I finally came to Perú I wasn't the best person for working at anything, without experience without any kind of paperwork I easily end up in the streets living as a homeless
person, and what can I say the streets are really unkind, I had to do awful and unspeakeble things like having sex with people for food or stealing things in supermarkets,
but someday I was in the floor sleeping like everyday and some old lady by the name of Gladys if i remember correctly speak to me about his church and how they helped a lot of people in the streets she helped me to get on trail and I got a pretty basic job delivering stuff and doing anything I can, after a couple of months I was
just walking on the sidewalk and I see an AD in the wall of one restaurant "we are looking for workers in service" it says, so i decided to make a cv an ask the manager, to my surprise he accepted me and I started to work as a waitehelper
=My work as a waiter=
I don't know how but I managed to get a work in a restaurant here in the capital without any kind of paperwork as a waiter for almost one and a half year and
It was absolutely scary, but after one or two months I was amazed when I got to know people from all over the world, France, Thailand, Ukraine, Poland, Japan.
it wasn't the best job in the market but hey at least it was a job MY FIRST REAL JOB, I felt like I was impersonating someone so secure of myself and so confident, suddenly
i didn't feel any fear inside of me anymore I was full of adrenaline I thought I can do anything I propose myself to do and well *since* I don't have any type of education
i thought that would be the best way to start develop my capacities, that's why I decided to learn English so I left my work in the restaurant and take a job as a clerk
In a little store to get time for learning English the payment was even worse but I was able to get time to study Python and English grammar and pronunciation.
=Medical condition=
I've been a really bad student all my life. My concentration was awful. Always tortured with incredibly painful headaches, that affects me in relation to my sleep and diet but since I found documentation about the name of the “condition” or type of headaches I discovered that they were called "headaches with auras” or something like that they really *ucked my cocentration on school when I was a kid however I went to the doctor for that and he told me that I had a serotonin deficiency and after a year of meditation and concentration exercises I have been able to overcome it and my life just changed again. I can focus on anything now and everything seems so different. I can read and educate myself without the horrible pain in my head, it's like living a totally different life.
=Everything changed=
I get enough money to buy a pc so everything seems really easy now. I find myself in a pretty good position in my perspective. I was dating my first girlfriend and much more than that It was absolutely amazing. I was learning new stuff. Now it wasn’t was extremely hard to get my mind focus to learn new things specially math when I was trying to learn i just remember my
dad screaming at me, pulling my ears and telling awful stuff but now I just can totally focus and stay away from everything outside my goal. It took me almost nine months to put myself on trial. The videos of the Dr jordan peterson help me a lot with that
=Learning English and coding=
I started to learn English at the end of last year (that's why my english is so crappy) and also started to learn to code. I choose Python-django(it is a beautiful language) and the basics of Html and Js, my goal is to learn data analysis some day. The math is a little hard but with practice it isn’t as hard as I thought . It is amazing how many things you can learn in the world of programming, especially in web scraping but I'm still pretty green in the field.
=After coronavirus=
After the pandemic everything start to become really difficult, specially for foreigners I wasn't able to had a job anymore and I started to get overwhelmed by debt because
I'm renting and I can't pay anymore since I don't have a job and i only have money enough to buy some food, I was trying to work in a data entry site but it isn't worth anymore because they are too many people in there, I'm trying to get a job with my English or coding skills but I guess I haven't reached a good level yet i try to go to interviews here but as soon as they hear my foreigner accent it is over..
=Live as a foreigner in quarantine=
It is not an easy thing trying to live as a foreigner in another country specially without paperwork, I was able to do some jobs but everyday things seem to be more difficult. Sometimes I feel that people just want to spit in my face when they listen to my accent. I try to take any job I can no matter how tough or filthy it could be but day by day is harder and harder I was even selling things on the streets like candys or someshit like that but is one of the worst thing that you can do especially because people is so mean sometimes, I don’t blame them but man it really feels bad when someone looks at you like some low life scum without any kind of worth.
= I actually found a job=
Maybe a lot of people are going to say something like "this guy's too lazy for just getting a job he should get one" And I actually get one since I've been looking for some like a madman it's a fun story I guess, it was the only job I found were you can work without documentation or previous prove experience. When i finally get to the place it results what was a call center for scamming people and I'm not going to lie and tell you that I'm the most correct and honorable person and I didn't take the job because I did, but when I was there at the cheap office I had to speak with the tipical *greasy hair* leader of the operation he told me that I had to talk with mostly elderly people on English speaking countries something about giftcards or some
shit like that and I felt really bad about it, but even not feeling good about it I was willing to try. sometimes the desire for survival is even stronger than your morals
and when i get the phone i find out that i just can't do it no matter how hard I tried it just *felt* so... wrong, there're so many old people that have been giving me help in this country and they just fired me xD.
I actually lost like a half of all the money I had paying transportation to go to this place, so I lost the last that I had, because it was located in the most extreme point of the city and after that
now I had nothing, not even for food.I was just so I don't know, confused? because I didn't know what was the worst, the attempt to be a scammer or the failed attempt to be a scammer.
After that I’ve tried to make some work as a freelancer, trying to teach spanish to people or making some silly things with coding or automating data bases but competition online it’s impossible for beginners on the internet and now i just don’t have more time to work on a profile.
=living alone=
I don't have anyone, no family, friends, pets or anything, I don't have any bounds that force me to anything so I'm free to choose any path I want and that freedom sometimes makes my mind wondering, it is becoming to create thoughts outside my conscious thoughts that I don’t even would thing on a normal situation, like how painful would be to take my own life? how many minutes of suffering before my head just crushed against the floor? It is just one second of suffering compared to getting back on the streets. The next week they are going to cut off the internet and electricity because I am till my freaking head of bills, the landlord doesn’t know anything about it but when he finds out maybe he’s going to kick me off, and I guess that i can’t blame him.
=**What to do?**=
I'm starting to thing that you know maybe it is just impossible to get out of the slum it always will stick in your mind, no matter what you do you always will be what you are,
maybe that is just the end of the story, so i decided that I should *ill myself it is the only outcome I see. I can't get a job, everything is in quarantine, I even tried to pick up garbage and recycle it, worked a little with it, but the government closed the recycling places because people said they were focused on contamination for coronavirus. At least I tried to do everything to get better, maybe after trying and trying is the only right thing to do, don’t you think so?, because everything seems just impossible for me. I don't want to end in the streets again. I don’t know, maybe it's time to give up, and finally putting an end to everything, maybe non educated people like me just can’t compete in the world these days and if that is a reality, well I guess I can't really do anything against that.. What I have done may be a little for you, but for me those were big achievements and an amazing trip. I got to see things that I'd never imagined I would be able to see when I was in the slum.
I just know that no matter what happens in the future, I'm in peace with whatever happens to me., I'm happy with all the things I learned so far.
So the big question is. what would you do in my position? What do you think is the right path to choose? and what do you think about my writing? take in count that I barely speak English.

Nihilism is the death of duty, the reborn of soul, is the step the changes us forever in the abysmal of nothingness.
submitted by Comprehensive-Ad2539 to stories [link] [comments]

How I improved my Chinese in 2020

I've been a passive member of this community since around April last year when I had just finished my Advanced Chinese 1 course at my university. I loved reading the advice everyone gave and finding useful material beyond the textbook (for reference my course ended around the last chapters of Integrated Chinese, Level 2 Part 1). Now, I wanted to take the time and summarize what I have found effective to give back to this great subreddit.
I have finished all the required classes for my Chinese minor and thought it was time to leap past university courses. I was lucky enough to find a great tutor in my city. We met through Zoom since early May 3 times a week, 1.5 hours per session. I selected the material I wanted to work with. Usually, I would preview the material and review vocab for about 2 - 3 hours for each session. Here's what I chose and studied in order:
  1. The Monkey's Paw, 猴抓 - W.W Jacobs
  2. Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Curly Haired Company, 卷发公司的案子 - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  3. Journey to the Center of the Earth, 地心游记 - Jules Verne
  4. Great Expectations P.1 and P.2, 美好的前途 - Charles Dickens
In my free time, I found motivation by:
Now you probably think I must have had a lot of free time to do this. I did. Studying Mandarin was the only thing keeping me mentally sane during quarantine. It definitely made me a lot more aware of how time-intensive the process can be. I am a native Spanish speaker and learning English was tough, but Mandarin is a whole other beast.
Overall, I estimate that I spent about 14 hours a week of active studying (in class or reviewing) and about 6 hours a week of passive learning. I don't really like measuring myself by HSK, but I think I could confidently pass level 4 now. In terms of improvement, back in June I had a hard time with Intermediate lessons in Chinesepod, but now I am studying Upper Intermediate lessons with ease.
Drawbacks: I feel like I could have done more to improve my speaking. To be honest, only having one person to speak with regularly gets boring at times and I just let her lead the conversation when I am tired. I could not tell you how many times we bumped into a chapter about 男女平等 or 环境保护, so we just skipped our conversation at all because it became repetitive. Right now I feel like my listening and reading levels are so much higher than my speaking abilities.
I will be returning to my university and my part-time job, so I will have limited time once classes start. For now, my goal is to meet with my tutor once a week to discuss three Chinesepod lessons, and continue to watch Chinese media on YT. I believe this should be manageable. I also plan to go to either China or Taiwan for 2 months in an intensive program in May to solidify my speaking skills, perhaps CLI or Keats (if it is even possible). I would appreciate any recommendation for one-to-one language schools in Taiwan if anyone knows of any.
I hope someone finds this helpful! 加油!
TL;DR. I had a ton of time to study Chinese in 2020. Above is the material that kept me interested and going.
submitted by fenara to ChineseLanguage [link] [comments]

[Offering: Brazilian Portuguese] x [Seeking: English or French]

Hi, guys ! / OLÁ 👋🏾
My name is Pipa aka Paulo from Brazil, 27 years old, like everyone who is here I am passionate about languages ​​and I learned a little Spanish alone reading and talking through that past site called Livemocha and then on Busuu, but I'm far from fluent in fact I forgot a lot, I also took a French course and I really loved it, when I was about 15 years old, then when I was around 20 I dated for two years with a Frenchman, but still I didn't remember anything just the LOL numbers, luckily for me he speaks Portuguese perfectly. (and finally we don’t date anymore and we don’t even have contact anymore) / In this quarantine I decided to try to learn French again on my own but this time I found it very difficult, especially writing, but I am very good with pronunciation and it’s not something that scares me , I finally gave up temporarily. But after this long introduction I come here to say that I think I can teach PORTUGUESE to anyone who has the will to learn, I don't know how I will be able to teach and if I know how to teach more I can try, it will be something interesting I believe. The only problem is that I don't know how to speak English and it will be difficult to have some communication, maybe you who are interested in learning Portuguese can answer me. / anything contact me via Messages with the subject "LEARN PORTUGUESE / PORTUGUÊS"
Abraços e beijos da Pipa !
submitted by pipadefaucigny to language_exchange [link] [comments]

One Year of Studying!

The first of this month was my one-year anniversary of studying Korean. I am very proud of the progress I have made during the past year and I wanted to share a bit about my journey with the languagelearning community. This post is going to be long and will not include any magic tips and tricks, as those don't exist, but it will include an open and honest representation of my journey and my skill levels. TL;DR at end.
Firstly, I will copy the one-year post I made on Korean here so that you don't need to leave this page; you can find the original post through my profile.
일년! One Year! (Writing)
안녕하세요! 저는 LoveofLearningKorean이에요. 그리고, 오늘은 한국어 공부한 지는 일년이 되었어요! 그래서 저는 한국어를 배우는 것에 대해글 써보고 싶어요. 제가 아직 초보자라는 걸 알아주세요.
Hello! I am LoveofLearningKorean. And, today is my one-year anniversary of studying Korean! So, I would like to write about learning Korean. Please keep in mind I am still a beginner.
제가 왜 한국어를 배우기 시작했나 면 방탄소년단을 좋아해요! 그래서 한국어를 알면 좋겠다고 생각했어요. 왜냐하면 한국어를 들으며 이미 많은시간을 보냈기 때문이에요. 그래서 방탄소년단의 콘텐츠를 이해할 수 있었어요.
I started to learn Korean because I like BTS! So, I thought it would be good to know Korean because I have already spent a lot of time listening to it. That way I could understand BTS content.
한국어를 어떻게 배우고 있나요? TTMIK는 제가 가장 좋아하는 자원이네요. 이야기, 책, 유튜브 채널, 그리고 웹사이트는 모두 도움이 많이 됩니다! 또한, 저는 한국어를 듣는 데 많은 시간을 보냅니다. 한국드라마를 너무 좋아해서 백 개 정도의 드라마를 봤어요. 그리고 물론 방탄소년단의 콘텐츠를 들으면서 보내는 모든 시간들이죠. 지금은 방탄소년단에 대한 책까지 한국어로 읽고 있어요. 한국어로 몰입할 수 있는 재미있는 방법을 찾는 것이 중요하다고 생각해요.
How have I been learning Korean? TTMIK is my favorite resource. IYAGI, books, YouTube channel, and the website are all so helpful! Additionally, I spend a lot of time listening to Korean. I really like Korean dramas so I have seen around one hundred. And of course, all the time I spend listening to BTS content. Now, I am even reading a book about BTS in Korean. I think it is important to find fun ways to immerse yourself in Korean.
자주 듣는 몇 가지 질문에 대답하겠습니다. I will answer some frequently asked questions.
  1. 하루에 얼마나 많은 시간을 공부합니까? 다 다르지만. 저는 매일 적어도 한 시간은 공부하려고 노력합니다.
a. How much time do you study a day? It varies, but I try to study at least an hour a day.
  1. 글쓰기를 어떻게 연습하세요? 저는 모먼트를 게시하는 HelloTalk을 자주 사용하는 것을 좋아해요.
a. How do you practice writing? I like to post moments on HelloTalk.
  1. 초급입니까, 중급입니까, 고급입니까? 저는 아직도 초보자라고 생각해요.
a. Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced? I think I am still a beginner.
  1. 공부하고 싶지 않은 날이 있었나요? 물론 있죠. 하지만 어쨌든 공부해요.
a. Do you have days you don’t feel like studying? Of course. But I study anyway.
  1. 한국어 공부중 가장 좋아하는 것은 무엇입니까? 한글.
a. What is your favorite thing about Korean? Hangeul.
  1. 목표는 무엇입니까? 주된 목표는 방탄소년단의 콘텐츠를 이해하는 것입니다. 다른 목표는: 제가 영어를 사용하는 것과같은 방법으로 한국어를 사용할 수 있는 것이에요. (네, 이것은 오랜 시간이 걸릴 것이에요. 아마도 평생 걸릴 것인데요).
a. What are your goals? Main goal is to understand BTS content. Other goals: be able to use Korean in the same ways I use English (yes, this will take a long time. Perhaps a lifetime).
  1. 가장 좋아하는 앱은 무엇입니까? HelloTalk입니다.
a. What is your favorite app? HelloTalk.
  1. 얼마나 많은 단어를 알고 있나요? 저는 이런 질문이 싫어요. 누가 진짜 이런걸 알아요? ㅋㅋ 대충 3000개 정도 될거에요.
a. How many words do you know? I hate this question. Because who actually knows that? LOL. A very rough estimate would be 3000.
  1. 한국어로 대화할 수 있나요? 글은 충분히 잘 할 이해할 수 있지만 말 할기는 잘 못해요…연습이 부족해서…
a. Can you have a conversation in Korean? I can write well enough, but I can’t speak well…because of lack of practice…
마지막으로 너의 발전을 자랑스럽게 여기세요. 케이팝, 한식, 또는 한국드라마가 때문에 한국어를 배우나요? 모두 타당한 이유죠.
Lastly, be proud of your progress. Learning Korean because of Kpop, Korean food, or Kdramas? All perfectly valid reasons.
감사합니다! Thank you!
So, that gives you some insight into my year and where I am at as well as my writing abilities. Keep in mind I am still a learner, I did get some feedback from native Koreans that they were impressed by my Korean on that post but that does not mean it is anywhere near perfect! Regardless, I am personally proud of it. I started to write a daily journal back on April 10th, and my journal has slowly progressed from a few sentences with many mistakes to paragraphs with a few mistakes. Committing to writing a journal every day has really helped my writing. I have a few native speakers that help review my journal entries that I met through HelloTalk.
Next, on that post someone asked about my daily checklist that I had mentioned in a comment. My daily checklist is exactly that; the minimum checklist that I have to check off every day. It is a fluid checklist based on my short-term goals and how much time I have to dedicate. At the very least, I always get in an hour of studying a day. However, I am still in quarantine so my current daily checklist takes around 3 hours to complete. After I complete the checklist I often continue to study on whatever I would like to focus on that day. But on occasion I do not feel like studying more and that is fine! As long as I have completed my checklist I am on track and give myself permission to spend the rest of the day watching Kdramas if I want.
My Daily Checklist
[September 2nd Korean](
The pictures attached are of my journal, notes, resources, and study space from yesterday after I completed my daily checklist.
At minimum I get in a few hours of passive listening practice every day; active listening practice varies but it is included in my daily checklist. The IYAGI mentioned previously is a Korean language podcast by Talk To Me In Korean (TTMIK) that I use to help with my practice. At this point, the beginner podcast is a good review, and the intermediate podcast is just the right difficulty for me.
I don't focus on content without subtitles right now but recently when BTS did a live stream right before DYNAMITE dropped, I was able to follow along live. That made me feel really good, to be able to follow along to the conversation which let's be honest got chaotic at times because it's BTS lol. I definitely did not have perfect comprehension but I was able to understand each topic and their thoughts in a general way. Hard to describe. But it felt amazing that I could watch it and follow along live, without subtitles as those would be added later. Very proud moment for myself since it's my main goal.
Speaking is my weakest skill, simply because I have not practiced it enough. So, I can't say that I can speak with someone else without thinking. When communicating via written chat there are a lot of questions that I respond to easily without thinking. Because I have spent a lot of time chatting on hellotalk but only a fraction of the time speaking. My skills clearly reflect the time difference. Speaking has not been my primary focus, since my main motivation/goal is understanding BTS content. However, now I will start to incorporate speaking practice into my routine. I do attempt to talk to myself, but I think I will try to at least have weekly conversations with native speakers going forward.
I am currently reading "[Who? Kpop] BTS" book which is completely in Korean and at an intermediate level. It is great compressible input for me and I read it extensively, meaning I do not stop to look up any unknown words. But I understand enough that I can usually get it through context, in addition the book is mostly in comic format so there are visuals clues that are helpful. Before I started this book I first developed my reading skills with books designed to help beginners start reading, such as "Easy Korean Reading for Beginners" and "Real-Life Korean Conversations for Beginners", both by TTMIK.
I had been using Quizlet and an SRS flashcard app on my phone but in the last month I finally started using Anki. Anki is amazing (as many of the learners on this forum know well!). I imported my Quizlets into Anki so now I use both. Anki has the great SRS system and Quizlet has different types of tests/games that can be fun ways to reinforce. Most of my vocabulary came from books aimed at introducing vocabulary, a lot of time in context. Ie. a short story is presented and then a vocabulary list provided for key words in that story.
I do study grammar directly, again through TTMIK, but I also make sure I pay attention to native Korean material so that I can get an idea of grammar in context. Reading in particular is very helpful for this.
My Favorite Korean Quote
I would like to share my favorite Korean quote because it has really helped me keep a positive mindset in my studies. 멈추지 말고 계속 해나가기만 한다면 늦어도 상관없다. [It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.]
On September 1st I reached my one-year anniversary of studying Korean. Korean has become a part of my every day life and I am proud of the progress I have made. I consider myself an upper beginner now and am happy to be where I am after a year. I am still learning how to learn a language, and my daily checklist adjusts to my short term goals. The skills I focused on were listening and reading since my main goal is understanding BTS content, and thus those are my strongest skills. Now, I am going to try to balance out my study across the different skills because a secondary goal I have is to be able to use Korean in the same ways I use English. This past year was the first of many in my Korean studies but I will continue to keep in mind my favorite Korean quote: 멈추지 말고 계속 해나가기만 한다면 늦어도 상관없다. [It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.]
submitted by LoveofLearningKorean to languagelearning [link] [comments]

Offering: English, Seeking: French

Hey guys, it's my first time posting here. As many others are trying to learn a language during the quarantine, I'd like to learn French!
A little bit about me: I'm a 20 yr old male living in the USA, and English is my native language. I've been doing Duolingo for about 2 months now, I listen to a lot of French music and videos for some immersion, and I've even bought a French review workbook to study the grammar and sentence building. I've just started using flashcards of the top 500 words as well.
I'd like someone patient enough to teach me French as it is used in everyday life and not in textbooks, to teach me pronunciation as well. How to go about it, I'm not sure. Texting would work fine at first, though. So if anyone's interested in helping me out, I'll help out with English in return. I'd love a French friend! Please comment or message me (:
submitted by elegante_nero to language_exchange [link] [comments]

telling my mom

i've posted this on a couple of reddits but i thought i would post it here as well haha:
i'm 17 years old. 5 months ago in quarantine i was using a lofi youtube playlist to study, and it had a chat. i followed some people i like talking to on the chat on instagram (a public account i have with no personal information), and with one of them i had a conversation over dms one night. he is 16, he lives in Chile (i live in the US), and he wanted to learn English. he was using a translator during our whole conversation. i have had internet friends before in middle school. i talked to them very much, but i never told my parents who they were. i had other friends at the time and it never was a problem.
over the next few weeks, he would text me a "hey" or a "wassup" and we'd have a conversation. we would send audios and i would help him with pronunciation. after a few weeks, we called each other on discord. it was just a voice call, and it was very awkward because he barely had any practice having a conversation in English but i still found it fun. i realized after a few weeks that he was going to be somewhat of a permanent friend, at least until quarantine ended. we texted every night and even with the language and geographical difference, i never felt so close to someone. i felt understood, and we had similiar tastes and opinions. we sent each other songs and made playlists on spotify to listen to. i liked everything about him. we started calling about once or twice a week, and i would always wait till my parents were asleep and go in my closet with all of the lights turned off. we also used netflix party to watch movies together. and we started to video call as well. his english has improved drastically and he only occasionally uses the translator. we can call and video call and have good conversations, and slowly all of the awkwardness and hesitation has went away. now we are very close and he's become much more than a casual friend.
his family know about me. and they don't have a problem with him talking to me. it would be impossible for me to keep it from my family completely since we talk so much, so i told my mom that he goes to my school, and we're just friends. but, understandably, she has become concerned about who he is, having never seen him or heard of him before, and she has told me this a few times in different ways. i want to tell her everything, but i am very scared of how she will react. but i don't want to wait very much longer, because the longer she finds out i have kept this from her the worser her reaction will be. plus it is a lot of stress to keep something like this to myself.
my mom told me today she has no problem with me talking to boys as long as she knows them. but, she is also very conservative and i am not sure she would be very accepting of me talking to someone online. when i told her i was talking to people from different countries on the chat of the youtube video, she said to stop doing that because people can track your ip address. and i don't know what our relationship will look like after i tell my mom. but i really do wish to meet him once i am in college, and i would like her support when i do.
i guess what i'm asking is, i don't really know how i should began saying all of this. should i explain what happened chronologically so she will understand everything from my perspective? or be more straightforward and tell her the guy i am talking to is from Chile and not from my school? and is there anything i can say to her that would make her less anxious or worried? he said he is willing to talk to her on a video call. should i call him first and explain it to her with him on the call?
thank you in advance for taking time out of your day to read all of this
submitted by riyag27 to wemetonline [link] [comments]

Offering.: PORTUGUESE / Seeking: English/French

Hi, guys ! / OLÁ 👋🏾
My name is Pipa aka Paulo from Brazil, 27 years old, like everyone who is here I am passionate about languages ​​and I learned a little Spanish alone reading and talking through that past site called Livemocha and then on Busuu, but I'm far from fluent in fact I forgot a lot, I also took a French course and I really loved it, when I was about 15 years old, then when I was around 20 I dated for two years with a Frenchman, but still I didn't remember anything just the LOL numbers, luckily for me he speaks Portuguese perfectly. (and finally we don’t date anymore and we don’t even have contact anymore) / In this quarantine I decided to try to learn French again on my own but this time I found it very difficult, especially writing, but I am very good with pronunciation and it’s not something that scares me , I finally gave up temporarily. But after this long introduction I come here to say that I think I can teach PORTUGUESE to anyone who has the will to learn, I don't know how I will be able to teach and if I know how to teach more I can try, it will be something interesting I believe. The only problem is that I don't know how to speak English and it will be difficult to have some communication, maybe you who are interested in learning Portuguese can answer me. / anything contact me via Messages with the subject "LEARN PORTUGUESE / PORTUGUÊS"
Abraços e beijos da Pipa !
submitted by pipadefaucigny to language_exchange [link] [comments]

17M I need help studying french.

Me and my friend wanted to learn French together, but then quarantine hit and now I have to do it alone online. And I'm really struggling, I do my assignments fine but I cant even attempt tests because theres so much practice stuff that I should be doing but I'm not. I'm hoping to find someone fluent in both french and English i need alot of help with pronunciation and a little help with more basic stuff.
And this isn't no duolingo or Rosetta stone type of thing I have an actual teacher who Mark's my assignments so I can't take my time and retry things as many times as I want I only get 1 attempt, and I'm starting to get behind so I like really need help. Even just help motivating and maybe like planning out what I need to go back and relearn. I'd Also like it if this could go a little longer term, it feels useless because after this semester I won't be learning french anymore so theres no way I'd learn enough for any of it to matter.
Anyways, any help anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by legendarybarryjr to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

An exercise to help on improvised descriptions

When I go for a walk or a bike ride, I tend to describe things around me as I go.
I do this from time to time, it helps me to improvise descriptions if need to in-game, to push my vocabulary so it doesn’t end up with lazy words/phrases and, since English is not my native language, to not have kind of a broken speech with weird pronunciations (not all my players are from my country).
As a bonus I live in a town that is near the sea, has a river, corn fields, historic monuments and some stylish houses, so the scenery changes with the seasons. Describing people is less frequent now since the quarantine started, but when I do I sometimes not only describe their appearance, I wonder what they'll do or where they're going "This old lady walking her dog, they maybe share a hatred for cats and plot against them". Also works on buildings "A river mill forgotten by time, with vines holding its falling stones, looking like it hides secrets at first glance".
Bringing a recorder helps. At the end I tend to remember every word and then compare with the recording. I should do it more often since I don’t get word by word most of the time.
submitted by El_Braun to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

Some stats on how the silent e rule is so inconsistent!

Long and short a, e, i, o, u
Doubled consonants are supposed to show when the letters a, e, i, o, u in words of more than one syllable have a short sound, as in matter, hemmed, hidden, dotty, tubby, rather than long, as in mate, theme, hide, dote, tube. When followed by just one consonant, or several consonants and a vowel, a, e, i, o, u are meant to be 'closed' , with a short sound, as in: am, ample; ten, tender; pin, pinked; pond ponder; bun bunker.
When followed by a single consonant and a vowel, they are ‘open’ and meant to be long; male, halo; peter, period; fine, final; sole, solo; tube, tubular'.
If a stressed short vowel before a single consonant and another vowel is to be short, or is to stay short, it should be followed by a doubled consonant: allergy, petty, Finnish, dolly, butter.
Schoolchildren spend much time learning to apply this rule when adding suffixes to short words: cut + er → cutter, prefer + ed → preferred; but: cute + er→ cuter, enter +ed → entered.
Sadly, at least 1,700 words of more than one syllable disobey the ‘closed /short' - 'open / long’ vowel system in 5 ways: 1. At least 567 common words fail to double the consonant after a short, stressed vowel, e.g. 'habit, very, similar, body, study'. 2. 219 words have needlessly doubled consonants after unstressed vowels, e.g. 'account, terrific, immense, occur, hurrah', undermining their regular use, as in: accurate, terror, simmer, occupy, hurry. 3. Nearly 200 words end with a surplus –e: (give, promise – cf.spiv drive; surprise tennis). 4. Around 200 words have irregular spellings for a, e, i, o and u (plait, bread, pretty, cough, touch), sometimes with missing doubled consonants as well (many, women, sausage, money). 5. At least 665 words do not use the long vowel method, of 'male, mere, mile, mole, mule': 87 for long a (late - wait, straight, eight), 373 long e (eke – seek, speak, shriek) - [e-e is used just in 86 words], 79 long i (while - style, whilst, island, height), 100 long o (mole – bowl, roll, soul), 26 long u (use - youth, juice, feud, lewd, beauty, Tuesday). All common words affected by the five irregularities are shown below in the following order: 1) Omitted consonant doubling; 2) Needless consonant doubling; 3) Surplus -e endings; 4) Exceptions to a, e, i, o, u; 5) Exceptions to a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e and 459 unpredictable spellings for the /ee/ sound. The exceptions dilute the English 'long/short' system so much that hundreds of spellings simply have to be learned word by word, instead of being spelt systematically, like 'pal, pale, pallid'. They were made irregular mainly with careless changes to the original English spelling system and are now most responsible for making learning to write English exceptionally difficult and time-consuming. Most of them cause reading difficulties as well, not just spelling ones: e.g. hide, hidden – hideous; arrow - arrive (cf. arise); save - have; ouch - touch. --------------------------------------------------------------
1) Words of more than one syllable without doubled consonants after their short, stressed vowel (which undermine the 500+ words with doubling, e.g. cabbage, chicken, adder...). (Only one-syllable words lengthened with suffixes have systematic consonant doubling: e.g. beg – begged, beggar, begging; fat – fatten, fatty).
Cabaret, cabin, cabinet, distribute, elaborate(X2), fabulous, habit, inhabit, liberal, liberty, nebula, probable, prohibit, rebel(noun), robin, tribute.
Articulate, binoculars, crocodile, decade, decorate, document, executive, faculty, placard, recognise, record(n), ridiculous, second(n), secondary, secular, vacuum, vicar. Accurate, broccoli, hiccough, hiccup, occupy, piccolo, soccer, succulent, tobacco. Echo, mechanism. Chequered, lacquer, liquor, liquorice.
Academy, adequate, body, credit, deciduous, edible, edit, educate, federal, graduate(X2), hideous, idiot, madam, medal, medical, moderate(X2), modern, modest, pedal, pedigree, produce(n), product, radical, radish, ridicule, shadow, study, video, widow.
Café, certificate, magnificent, Pacific, profit, reference, refuge, refuse (n), significant, specific,
agony, brigand, dragon, flagon, frigate, hexagonal, jaguar, negative, regular, sugar, vigorous, wagon,
Ability, abolish, analysis, apologise, astrology, balance, bilious, calendar, celebrate, celery, chalet, civilian, colony, column, delegate(X2), deliberate(X2), delicacy, deluge, demolish, develop, element, elephant, eligible, expel, facilities, felon, galaxy, helicopter, holiday, invalid(adj), italic, knowledge, lapel, lily, melody, melon, metropolitan, military, morality, motel, olive, palace, palate, pelican, policy, polish, politics, polythene, probability, qualify, quality, reality, relative, relevant, relic, salad, salary, salmon, salon, skeleton, solemn, solid, solitary, talent, talon, telescope, theology, tolerate, valentine, valiant, valid, value, ventriloquist, vitality, volume, voluntary.
Abominable, academic, amateur, atomic, barometer, calamity, camera, camouflage, cemetery, chemical, chemistry, comedy, comet, comic, criminal, damage, democrat, dominate, domino, dynamic, economic, eliminate, emerald, emigrate, epidemic, family, famished, feminine, glamour, image, kilometre, laminate(x2), lemon, limit, memorise, memory, plumber, preliminary, premier, premise, primitive, prominent, promise, remedy, semi, similar, simile, thermometer, timid, vomit.
Aluminium, animal, anonymous, anorak, astonish, astronomy, banish, banister, benefit, canopy, cinema, clinical, conifer, continue, degenerate(x2), economy, electronic, enemy, energy, finish, granary, honest, honour, January, lieutenant, linear, manage, manor, manual, manuscript, menace, menu, mineral, minimal, minimum, minister, minute(n), monarch, monastery, monitor, monument, opinion, organic, panic, penalty, penetrate, planet, punish, senate, sinister, spaniel, spinach, strenuous, supersonic, tenor, tonic, vanish, venison, vinegar.
Capita, capital, capitol, copy, deputy, dilapidated, epic, episode, leper, opera, operate, popular, proper, property, rapid, separate(x2), tapestry, tepid, topic, tropics.
America, Arab, arable, arid, asparagus, authority, baron, beret, caramel, caravan, caricature, carol, ceremony, chariot, charity, cherish, clarity, comparative, comparison, conspiracy, coral, derelict, empirical, experiment, florist, foreign, forest, garage(UK), herald, heritage, heroin/, heroine, heron, historic, horoscope, inherent, inherited, majority, merit, minority, miracle, moral, necessarily, numerical, orange, origin, parasol, parish, peril, periscope, perish, popularity, primarily, priority, quarantine, sheriff, sincerity, spirit, sterilise, therapist, transparent, very.
Acid, adolescent, anticipated, capacity, decimal, discipline, electricity, explicit, fascinate, glacier(UK), municipal, oscillate, pacifist, participate, precipice, prosecute, publicity, recipe, simplicity, solicitor, specify, specimen, velocity; glisten, listen; convalescent, crescent.
Gratitude, aquatic, athletic, atom, baton, botany, British, catalogue, catapult, category, citizen, city, compatible, competitive, critic, critical, dedicate, diplomatic, lateral, latitude, literal, literary, magnetic, mathematics, metal, monotonous, obliterate, pathetic, petal, pity, platinum, platypus, poetic, political, satin, saturate, Saturday, Saturn, static, strategy, tetanus, veteran, yeti.
Avenue, average, cavalry, cavern, cavity, civic, civil, clever, controversy, crevice, deliver, devil, driven, eleven, equivalent, ever, evidence, given, gravity, havoc, hover, javelin, lavender, navigate, never, novice, poverty, privilege, proverb, providence, quiver, ravenous, reverend, river, rivet, savage, scavenge, seven, shiver.
Hazard, lizard, lozenge, wizard, wizened; deposit, closet, desert, designate(x2), desolate(x2), hesitate, miserable, positive, presence, present, president, prison, resident, risen, visible, visit; scissors.
56 words have irregularly spelt short vowels and missing doubled consonants:
Any, berry/bury, burial, endeavour, heaven, heavy, heifer, jealous, jeopardy, leopard, many, meadow, peasant, pheasant, pleasant, ready (already), steady, threaten, weapon, zealous,
busy, chrysalis, cylinder, cynical, lyric, physical, physics, synagogue, synonym, syrup, typical, tyranny, women,
colour, courage, cousin, covenant, cover, covet, covey, dozen, govern, honey, monetary, money, nourish, onion, oven, shovel, slovenly, somersault, stomach, thorough. Sausage. Courier.
2) Words with needlessly doubled consonants (i.e. not after a stressed short vowel; the stressed syllable is underlined). - Compare: abridge, acute, adrenalin, afar, alone...
Accompany, accomplish, accord, accordance, accordion, account, accrue, accumulate, accuse, accustom.
Address(uk). Affair, affect, affection, affectionate, affluent, afford, chauffeur, differential, diffusion, effect, efficient, effluent, effusive, giraffe, graffiti, offence, offend, offensive, official, officious, paraffin, sheriff, sufficient. Aggravate, aggressive, suggest.
Alliance, allotment, allow, allowance, allowed/aloud, ballistic, balloon, caterpillar, collage, collapse, collect, collection, collide, constellation, controlled, excellent, hello, illegal, illegible, illiterate, illuminate, illusion, illustration, installation, intellectual, jewellery, llama, marvellous, parallel, pastille, roller, satellite, swollen, tonsillitis, traveller(UK), virtually, wholly, woollen.
Accommodation, ammunition, command, commemorate, commence, commercial, commission, commit, commodities, commotion, communication, communion, community, commuter, immaculate, immediate, immense, immersion, immortal, immune, programme, programmer, recommend.
Anniversary, announce, annoy, annul, connect, Finn/fin, inn, mayonnaise, personnel, questionnaire, tyranny.
Appal, apparatus, apparent, appendix, applaud, applause, appliance, apply, appoint, appreciate, apprehensive, apprentice, approach, appropriate(x2), approve, approximate(x2), hippopotamus, opportunity, oppose, sapphire, supply, support, suppose.
Arrange, array, arrest, arrive, barricade, correct, correlation, correspond, curriculum, erratic, hurrah, interrupt, irregular, irrigation, occurrence, serrated, surrender, surreptitious, surround, terrific, torrential, verruca.
Assail, assassin, assassinate, assault, assemble, assert, assessment, assessor, assign, assist, assistant, associate(x2), assort, assume, cassette, dessert, embassy, essential, lasso, moose/mousse, necessarily, necessary, possess, possessive, possibility.
Attach, attack, attain, attempt, attend, attention, attorney, attract, attributed, battalion, cigarette, mattress, omelette, palette, silhouette.
3) Words with surplus –e endings which obscure the vowel-lengthening function of –e in words like 'define, bone, care, endure, advise, inflate, ignite, drive, save, survive'.
Destine, determine, discipline, doctrine, examine, engine, famine, feminine, genuine, heroine, imagine, iodine, intestine, jasmine, masculine, medicine, urine,
gone, shone. Are, (cf. care, endure, mature). Conjure, exposure, failure, figure, fissure, injure, measure, pleasure, pressure, procedure, treasure. Adventure, agriculture, architecture, capture, caricature, creature, culture, departure, expenditure, feature, fracture, furniture, future, gesture, lecture, legislature, literature, manufacture, miniature, mixture, nature, picture, puncture, scripture, signature, structure, temperature, torture, venture, vulture. Purchase, premise, promise, purpose. (cf. atlas, devise, propose). Accurate, adequate, affectionate, candidate, chocolate, climate, considerate, corporate, delicate, desperate, extortionate, fortunate, frigate, illiterate, immaculate, immediate, intermediate, intricate, laureate, legitimate, obstinate, palate, passionate, pirate, private, proportionate, senate, Composite, Definite, exquisite, favourite, granite, infinite, opposite. In 25 words the –ate endings are used for two different words (to deliberate a deliberate act). Advocate, alternate, appropriate, approximate, articulate, associate, certificate, co-ordinate, degenerate, delegate, deliberate, designate, desolate, dictate, duplicate, elaborate, estimate, graduate, intimate, laminate, moderate, separate, subordinate, syndicate, triplicate (cf. inflate, dilate, obliterate). Give, forgive, have, live (cf. drive, save, alive), abrasive, abusive, adhesive, aggressive, apprehensive, comprehensive, compulsive, conclusive, creative, cursive, decisive, defensive, depressive, derisive, detective, dismissive, divisive, effusive, elusive, evasive, excessive, exclusive, expensive, explosive, expressive, extensive, fugitive, impressive, impulsive, incisive, inclusive, initiative, intensive, invasive, massive, motive, narrative, objective, obtrusive, offensive, oppressive, passive, pensive, permissive, perspective, persuasive, possessive, productive, progressive, prospective, radioactive, repulsive, respective, responsive, selective, sensitive, subjective, submissive, subversive, successive.
4) Words with irregular spellings for short /a/, /e/, /i/, /o/ and - (Letters in red are redundant.)
A - (bad, cat, rang, chav) - plaid, plait, meringue, have.
E - (bed, bend) – but : Bread/bred, breadth, breast, breath, dead, deaf, dealt, death, dread, dreamt, head, health, lead(x2), leant, leapt, meant, read(x2), ream, spread, sweat, thread, threat, wealth. Breakfast, cleanliness, cleanse, endeavour, feather, heather, heaven, heavy, instead, leather, measure, stealthy, treacherous, treadmill, treasure, weather. Friend, every, said, says, Wednesday.
Some lack doubled consonants as well (c.f. jelly, teddy, penny): Berry/bury. Any, many. Jeopardy, leopard. Heifer. Jealous, meadow, peasant, pheasant, pleasant, ready, (already), steady, weapon, zealous.
Different in US and UK: Leisure, lieutenant [leesure/lesure, lutennant/leftennant].
I – (in, it, sit ) - except: Build, built, busy, English, pretty, sieve, vineyard, women. Abyss, crypt, crystal, cyclical, cygnet, cymbals, cyst, eucalyptus, gym, hymn, hypnotise, lynch, lynx, mystery, myth, Olympics, rhythm, syllable, symbol, symmetry, sympathy, symptom, synchronise, syndicate, syndrome, synthesis, system. Without doubled consonants as well (unlike ‘syllable’ and ‘symmetry’): Chrysalis, cylinder, cynical, lyric, physics, synagogue, synonym, syrup, typical, tyranny.
O – (on hot spot) – irregular mainly just after w and qu: Swallow, swamp, swan, swap, waft, wand, wander, want/wont, wanton, warrant, warren, warrior, was, wash, wasp, watch, watt, wattle, what. Quality, quadrangle, quantity, quarantine, quarry, squabble, squad, squander, squash, squat. + Cough, trough; laurel, sausage.
U – (up, under) - Next to m, n , v and w, the short sound is often spelt o or o-e.
(* quite often without doubled consonants too, e.g. money– cf. funny).
Among, Monday, money, monger, mongrel, monk, monkey, month, mother, smother. Comfort, company, compass, pommel/pummel, stomach. Come, some/sum. Front, son, ton/tonne , tongue, sponge. Done, none/nun, nothing. Honey, onion. Above, cover, covet, covey, covenant, dove, glove, govern, love, oven, shove, shovel, slovenly.
Won/ one, wonder, worry. Once. Country, nourish, young. Enough. Not next to m, n or v: Double, couple, trouble. Rough, slough(x2), tough. Brother, colour, courage, cousin, dozen, does, hiccough/hiccup, other, Southern, thorough*, touch. Blood, flood.
5) Words with irregular spellings for a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, followed by e-e (because e-e is no longer the main spelling for the /ee/ sound, as it used to be until the 15th century).
A-e (late, tale) Ale/ail, bale/bail, male/mail, pale/pail, sale/sail, tale/tail, whale/wail, assail, cocktail, detail, fail, hail, jail, nail, prevail, rail, retail, snail, trail, Main/mane, pain/pane, plain/plane, rain/reins(reindeer)/reign, vain/vein, Abstain, brain, chain... (in 31 words) Skein; deign, feign; campaign; champagne. Crane, lane, sane, membrane. Made/maid, aid, braid, laid, paid, raid, afraid. Brake/break, stake/steak. Aim, claim, exclaim, maim, proclaim. Place/plaice. Haste, paste, taste, waste/waist; Daisy, praise, raise, raisin. Traitor, waiter. Ate/eight, bate/bait, grate/great, straight/straits, wait/weight. Fête, freight. Faith. Halfpenny, neighbour. Able, cable, cradle, fable, gable, ladle, sabre, stable, table – (cf. label).
I-e - (ice) - except: I /eye/aye/ay, bite/bight(bay), knight/night, lite/light, mite/might, rite/right/write,
slight/sleight(trick), sight/site/cite. Alight, blight, bright, delight, fight, flight, fright, frighten, lightning, mighty, tight. Height; indict. Behind, bind, blind, find, grind, hind, kind, mind, ninth, pint, rind, wind (x2); Bible (cf. libel), bridle, disciple, idle, rifle, stifle, trifle. Child, mild (cf. children, mildew), wild, whilst; island; climb. Eider-down, Fahrenheit, kaleidoscope. Either, neither (UK pronunciation). Choir. Resign, sign. Tire/tyre, asylum, cycle, cypress, dyke, dynamic, dynamite, dynamo, hyacinth, hydrangea, hydrogen, hyena, hygrometer, hypothesis, nylon, paralyse, psychology, pylon, python, rhyme, scythe, style, thyroid, type, tyrant.
O - e, -o - (open, so) – quite regular in more recently imported words: Alcove, associated, chrome... video, volcano, zero. Except: Bungalow. Cocoa. Oboe. Pharaoh. Depot.
In older English words, the o-e/-o sound is spelt very unpredictably:
Approach, boast, boat, broach/brooch, cloak, coach, coal, coast, coat, coax, cockroach, croak, float, foal, foam, gloat, goal, goat, groan, load, loaf, loan, loathe, moan, oaf, oak, oath, oats, poach, road, roam, roast, shoal, soak, soap, stoat, throat, toad, toast.
Bold, cold, fold, gold, hold, old, scold, sold, solder, soldier, told. Folk, yoke/yolk. Holster.
Bolt, colt, dolt, jolt, revolt. Mould, moult, sole/soul, shoulder, smoulder.
Knoll, pole/poll, role/ roll, scroll, stroll, toll, troll, swollen, holy/ wholly. Control, enrol, patrol.
Host, most, post, postal, poster. Both, gross, noble, only, sloth. Goes. Mauve. Blown, bowl, grown, growth, known, mown, own, shown, sown/sewn, thrown, rowan. Blow, bow(x2), crow, flow, glow, grow, know, low, mow, row(x2), show, slow, snow, sow(x2), stow, throw, tow. Arrow, barrow, bellow, below, billow, burrow, elbow, fellow, follow, gallows, hollow, marrow, narrow, pillow, shadow, shallow, swallow, sorrow, sparrow, tomorrow, wallow, widow, willow, window, yellow.
Doe, floe, foe, hoe, roe, sloe, toe, woe. Oh/owe. So/sew. Dough, though. Ago, also, fro, go, hello, no. Alone, arose, bone, bony, broke, choke, chose, chosen, close, clothes, clover, code, cone, cope, cove, dole, dome, dose, doze, drone, drove, froze, frozen, grocer, grope, hole, holy, home, hope, hose, joke, lone, mole, nose, open, over, poke, pony, pope, primrose, rode, rope, rose, scope, slope, smoke, spoke, stoke, stole, stolen, stone, strode, stroke, tadpole, throne, tone, whole, woke, wove, wrote, yodel.
U - e, -ue – (use, tuba; cue, due) – In the stem of words, few exceptions: you/ewe/yew, Eucalyptus, ewer, youth. Feud, feudal, neutral, pneumatic, pseudo, rheumatism. Lewd, newt, pewter, sewage, jewel, steward. Juice, nuisance, suicide, suitable, suitcase. Beauty. Nuclear. Tuesday.
In endings unpredictable: Cue/queue, due/dew, sue. Argue, avenue, barbecue, continue, imbue, issue, pursue, rescue, revenue, statue, subdue, tissue, value, devalue, venue, virtue. Chew, few, Jew, knew, new, pew, spew, stew, askew, curfew, curlew, mildew, nephew. View, interview, review. Emu, menu.
E - e / ea / ee ... – (deed, lead, concede, siege, conceive, police, people, key, ski ...) The spellings of the /ee/ sound were made unpredictable mainly in the 15th C, when court scribes were obliged to switch from French to English. They changed most e-e spellings (like Chaucer's 'seke, speke, shreke, beleve') to the many different ones we still use now. Johnson's dictionary of 1755 made them even worse by giving 48 words 2 spellings: Bee/be, beech/beach, been/bean, beet/beat, breech/breach, cheep/cheap, creek/creak, deedear, discreet/discrete, eerie/eyrie, eve/eaves, feet/feat, flee/flea, freeze/frieze, jeans/genes, Greece/grease, heel/heal, heahere, key/quay, leech/leach, leek/leak, meet/meat, need/knead, pee/pea, peace/piece, peek/peak, peel/peal, peepier, reed/readx2[reed/red], reek/wreak, reel/real, sealing/ceiling, seamen/semen, see/sea, seem/seam, seen/scene, serial/cereal, sheeshear, sheikh/chic, steel/steal, sweet/suite, tee/tea, teem/team, wee/we, week/weak, wheel/weal. In UK also: geezegeyser, leavelever.
Open e : Adhesive, arena, cafeteria, cedar, chameleon, Chinese, comedian, compete, complete, concrete, convene, convenient, decent, demon, equal, era, even, evil, experience, exterior, extreme, female, fever, frequent, genie, genius, hero, hyena, imperial, inferior, ingredient, intermediate, legal, legion, lenient, material, medium, mere, meteor, meter, millipede, mysterious, obedient, period, peter, polythene, precede, previous, query, recent, recess, region, relay, scheme, sequence, sequin, series, serious, serum, species, sphere, stampede, strategic, superior, supreme, swede, tedious, theme, theory, these, torpedo, trapeze, vehicle, Venus, zero. He, me, she. Beef, beer, beetle, between, bleed, bleep, breed, breeze, career, cheek, cheer, cheese, cheetah, creep, deed, deep, eel, exceed, feeble, feed, feel, fleece, fleet, geese, greed, green, greet, indeed, jeep, jeer, keel, keen, keep, kneel, meek, needle, peep, pioneer, preen, proceed, proceedings, proceeds, queen, queer, reef, screech, screen, seed, seek, seep, seesaw, sheep, sheet, sleek, sleep, sleet, sleeve, smithereens, sneer, sneeze, speech, speed, squeeze, steep, steeple, steer, street, succeed, sweep, sweet, teeth, teetotal, thirteen, tweed, tweezers, weed, weep, wheedle, wheeze, wildebeest. Appeal, beacon, bead, beak, beam, beard, beast, beaver, beneath, bleach, bleak, bleat, breathe, cease, cheat, clean, clear, colleague, conceal, congeal, cream, crease, creature, deal, dean, decrease, defeat, disease, dream, dreary, each, eager, eagle, ear, ease, east, Easter, eat, fear, feast, feature, freak, gear, gleam, glean, heap, heat, heath, heathen, heave, increase, leadx2, leaf, league, lean, leap, lease, leash, least, leave, meagre, meal, mean, measles, near, neat, ordeal, peach, peat, plead, please, pleat, preach, queasy, reach, really, reap, rear, reason, release, repeat, retreat, reveal, scream, seal, sear, season, seat, sheaf, sheath, smear, sneak, speak, spear, squeak, squeal, squeamish, steam, streak, stream, teach, teak, tearx2, tease, theatre, treacle, treason, treat, treaty, veal, wean, weary, weasel, weave, wheat, wreath, year, yeast, zeal. Open i: Albino, antique, aubergine, bikini, clementine, fatigue, guillotine, machine, magazine, margarine, marine, mosquito, plasticine, police, prestige, ravine, regime, routine, sardine, suite, tambourine, tangerine, trampoline, unique, vaseline, pizza.
Achieve, belief, believe, brief , chief, diesel, field, fiend, fierce, grief, grieve, hygienic, medieval, niece, pierce, priest, relief, relieve, shield, shriek, siege, thief, thieve, tier, wield, yield. Caffeine, codeine, protein, seize, weir, weird, conceive /coneit, deceive /deceit, receive /receipt. Assorted variants: People; cathedral, secret; pizza, ski, souvenir; debris.
Learning to read and write English could be made much easier by merely correcting some of the above irregularities which make it exceptionally difficult and time-consuming.
Posted 1st July 2010 by Masha Bell (
submitted by gray-matterz to EnglishLinguistics [link] [comments]

Custom Word List of Commonly Mispelled (yes, that was on purpose) Words!

It is I, back with another custom word list, inspired by the many misspellings I make while playing skribbl! Feel free to add or subtract as you please. Some of these are taken from grammar websites, some are just misspellings of my own, hehe. Have fun!
P.S. I'm sorry if I misspelled anything on this list.
P.P.S. This is in American English. British people, don't @ me, make your own list if you're not happy about it :(((
Word list:
aardvark, apparel, accommodate, adultery, aggressive, affidavit, acceptable, accelerate, accomplish, accumulate, acknowledge, acquaintance, aficionado, axle, accordion, apology, anointment, accidentally, assess, acquit, allele, a lot, achieve, acquire, across, address, advertise, advice, amateur, atheist, among, apparent, argument, athlete, awful, balance, basically, becoming, barbed wire, barbiturate, beginning, barbecue, beautiful, buttress, broccoli, bookkeeping, balloon, before, beginning, believe, bellwether, benefit, breathe, brilliant, business, careful, camouflage, cantaloupe, candidate, chaos, carburetor, calendar, changeable, collectible, coliseum, commemorate, congratulations, cache, cousin, cacophony, coolly, colonel, column, coma, comma, committed, capital, conscience, conscious, consensus, category, chauvinist, cartilage, ceiling, cemetery, certain, chief, citizen, canceled, consequences, coming, competition, convenience, criticize, daiquiri, defendant, defiant, desiccate, diminutive, dilemma, desperate, deterrence, development, diorama, dying, dumbbell, drunkenness, decide, definite, deposit, describe, desperate, develop, difference, decision, dilemma, disappear, disappoint, discipline, does, during, easily, eight, ecstasy, especially, either, embarrass, environment, equipment, exaggerate, except, exercise, existence, expect, exhilarate, exceed, experience, experiment, explanation, electoral, espresso, familiar, favorite, focaccia, fricassee, fascinating, fiery, finally, foreign, forty, fluorescent, fourth, flotation, fulfill, flabbergast, forward, friend, fundamental, gauge, grateful, generally, government, guttural, gross, grammar, giraffe, greenery, guarantee, goggles, guidance, harassment, hierarchy, handkerchief, hypocrisy, horrific, happiness, heroes, humorous, hygiene, identity, imaginary, imitation, immediately, incidentally, independent, intelligent, interesting, interfere, inoculate, incommunicado, intelligence, indispensable, interpretation, interruption, invitation, irrelevant, irritable, ingenious, irascible, ingenue, island, jewelry, jealous, judgment, kernel, knowledge, labeled, llama, lightning, lollipop, liquefy, laboratory, leisure, length, lesson, liaison, library, license, loneliness, losing, lying, laying, maintenance, maneuver, mnemonic, medieval, memento, marshmallow, misogyny, missile, mauve, mayonnaise, moot, millennium, mischievous, misspell, marriage, mathematics, medicine, miniature, minute, mysterious, naturally, necessary, neighbor, neither, nauseous, nocturnal, noticeable, occasion, occurred, official, often, omission, operate, optimism, original, onomatopoeia, ought, paid, parallel, pastime, personnel, playwright, pronunciation, parliament, parentheses, peninsula, processor, principal, publicly, particularly, peculiar, perceive, perform, permanent, physical, piece, pigeon, pistachio, preferable, plagiarize, propagation, pollution, Presbyterian, prescription, persevere, personally, persuade, picture, piece, planning, pleasant, political, possessive, possible, practical, prefer, prejudice, presence, privilege, pneumonia, probably, professional, promise, professor, proof, psychology, quantity, quarter, questionnaire, quarantine, quiet, queue, quite, realize, receive, recognize, receipt, raspberry, resume, refrigerator, remembrance, renowned, recess, ridiculous, referral, reference, recommend, religious, repetition, restaurant, rhythm, ridiculous, sacrifice, schedule, salary, savvy, sincerely, sandal, seize, sandwich, suffragette, septuagenarian, sheriff, siege, silicone, special, sergeant, supersede, safety, subtle, scissors, separate, shining, sleepless, similar, sincerely, soldier, speech, spaghetti, stopping, strength, studying, succeed, successful, surely, surprise, tariff, triathlon, tongue, tomorrow, taffeta, tattoo, tomorrow, temperature, temporary, they, their, threshold, tyranny, through, toward, tries, truly, twelfth, until, unusual, using, ukulele, upholstery, underrated, usually, vicious, veteran, vacuum, village, withhold, weird, welcome, whether, weather, whet, writing, welfare, yacht, Caribbean, Colosseum, Dalmatian, Fahrenheit, Pharaoh, Alzheimer's disease, Antarctica, Arctic, February, Philippines, Mediterranean Sea, Morocco, Columbia, Colombia, Connecticut, Google, Johannesburg, River Thames, Versailles, Stonehenge, Marseille, Macchu Picchu, Leicester, Cincinnati, Ottawa, Wednesday, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Albuquerque, Tennessee, Mississippi, Worcestershire, Kathmandu, Marrakech, Croatia, Scotland, Reykjavik
submitted by guns_n_gardenias to skribbl [link] [comments]

[Table] My name is Paolo Cattaneo. 5 years ago I quit my job, sold everything I had and embarked in a trip around the world on a motorcycle. Rode for almost 185000 km. Still going! Here to answer question about self sustained living on the road and long distance solo travelling. AmA! (pt 3 FINAL)

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Questions Answers
What a wonderful story! I was wondering how much km you travel a day/ hours you are on your way? You really should start a YT channel with your adventures man, a guy on a motor driving through the world, and the lessons you learned, are definitely worth it! Hello! I don't ride everyday. I did estimated an average of 200km per day though. More or less.
I will see what I can do with this yt thing. Thanks for the advice! 😊👍
Do you have plans on when this will end and if you intend on returning to work do you worry about the perception on this time by employers? I guess, I also want to ask if you have concerns about whether you think you could adapt to fulltime work again or you'd struggle mentally now? Not sure if i can go back to a 9-5 life but I really don't care right now about future employment opportunities. I believe that the world is filled with lots of people with certificates and degrees and professional expertise...but there are not so many with unique life experiences. I hope employers will look at the individual more than the hours i spent behind a desk, when the time will come.
So are you going to end up in an even crappier job after abandoning all of your responsibilities like this? Haha who knows! What I know is that whatever job you is still a job. More money means more responsibilities but at the end of the day, a job is a job. It's the meaning that changes your life. It's the why you do what you do, that drives you. Not necessarily the job you perform. We all end up in the same I will do whatever job makes me happy when the time comes.
Hey op... If you're still answering questions I'm curious as to...What do you do to entertain yourself when you're tenting every night? I can imagine there's much internet connection in the middle of nowhere in Canada. Read a lot of books or something? Not answering questions anymore, but this is an excellent one, that deserves a reply. Well, if you are camping in the wild, definitely there would probably be no internet access. I usually write my thoughts and daily events on a notepad. It s hard to find time to do that, so when you are alone in your little tent waiting for the night to come, getting your thoughts out on a paper usually helps the catharsis. I am not much of a reader...but sometimes a good movie (i may have some stuff saved previously on hard drives or netflix offline) could kill the extra hour you get before falling asleep. I mean, usually it's just such a pity to ruin the silence with music and most of the times i fall asleep as soon as I lay horizontally. Other times, the writing thing helps soothe the adrenaline of the day and calm you enough to fall asleep too. Sometimes organizing takes a bit of time or taking care of the bike can take some time as well.
This was one of my favorite AMAs. Thank you for doing this. Where did you stay in Greece and while in quarantine did you At least get to leave at all or were you confined to your apartment? Spent 3 months in Crete! Amazing island! Government started to ease up the lockdown only after the first month. We did only had 7 cases in the whole island so i got a great deal with my choice of location! I managed to explore the whole island by the end of it.
the below is a reply to the above
That place is amazing. It’s one of my favorite islands in Greece. If you ever have a chance check out Milos and Naxos. Yes! I almost went to Milos! And Naxos looked like a true paradise. You guys are blessed with natural beauty!
Wow I’m really impressed and inspired! I am currently planning a solo trail trip across the US, (and hopefully further) it’s been my dream for forever! Can you just break down for me a couple things? Ok, like what are some absolutely essential items you carry that most people wouldn’t think of? Besides the basics like fire starter, tent/tarp, thermal clothing etc. Next, how would you respond to a crisis or threat on the road that normally wouldn’t occur in a conventional lifestyle? Like authorities fuccin with you or wild animals attacking or something? One concern I have is that people may look down upon me for my lifestyle choice and use that as an excuse to treat me badly. I mean, some people already kinda do and I haven’t even left yet. (Even if everybody did I would still go cause HAHAHA fucc it) Anyway, another question-What is the best part of your travel lifestyle so far? I imagine it’s a lot of fun, (although still intensely difficult) and that tramps have found a lot of interesting ways to spend their free time. EDIT: AHH sorry one more I forgot! What are your favorite spots around the world but especially the US that you think are worth seeing? (any other tips/pointers/things to remember that you can think of are welcome too) THANKS Ok, lots of good questions! There is no essential item to be carried that is the "magic stuff" that nobody has. Maybe Common Sense...yes. carry that with you and you ll be fine always. ;) In terms of tools, cable ties and duct tape...and I would say super glue. Everything else mate, you ll adapt or find your way around it. About crisis, like protests, riots, police messing with you...well sometimes you gotta just leave! Haha. I rode through some riots in Bolivia and I kind of snuck smoothly as possible. I always use my helmet cam, as a deterrent for police. If they are trying to get some money out of you, the "I am recording you" effect sometimes could make them change their mind. Also, I would make plastified copies of your driver license and bike docs, just in case you find some dodgy road blocks on your way. In case they withheld your stuff, you can just leave without having them keeping you hostage with your papers.
Most of the times you'll be fine though. Those are rare occasions anyway. And so wild animal encounters. When I went to Alaska, a friend gave me a bear spray. Never use it. Just keep your food away from your tent. Again, common sense works better than any weapons.
My favourite spot in the US was Sequoia NP. But I really loved the high deserts of Nevada and also New Mexico. So much good stuff to see in the US!
The best part of this lifestyle is the fact that you are free to do whatever you want everyday... And this is also a huge advantage that comes only travelling alone. All those "haters" will disappear as soon as you are gone from their sight. Your life is yours and you can do whatever you want with it. Only people that have some personal issue will try to diminish what you are trying to achieve. Others will just project their fears to you. In any case, you gotta go your own way and be focused on what you are trying to achieve.
Was it expensive shipping your bike? Also any trouble getting into other countries crossing the border? The shipping from Australia to South america was quite dear. I remember paying $2400 AUD. Not sure if it's expensive or not...but they did take care of almost everything. From Canada to Ireland instead i flew with Air Canada Cargo which had a special $1500 USD for the bike and myself. A bargain!! No troubles at the borders
How does it feel living life just visiting countries. No 9-5 whatsoever, no bills, no worries at all, just you and your motorcycle? People say that Sex or food is the best feeling in the world. I think that Riding your motorcycle freely around the world, tops it all.
I cannot imagine myself traveling without internet access. Do you have worldwide roaming? Do you get a SIM in every country? It's unthinkable nowadays to NOT have internet access. With local and cheap Sim card you can get data everywhere really and most countries in SA have sometimes free wifi around town and in gas stations. You'll be just fine.
the below is a reply to the above
Thanks for your reply! So I assume that with limited/spotty data, you were relying mostly on offline maps and navigation. Any tip on what's best for this kind of traveling and exploration? there are some useful travel app like, gmaps and iOverlander. have a look at it. lots of good info.
I also have a 2013 KTM 1190 Adventure, but the R version. I also love my bike and stoked to hear how reliable it’s been for you! What repairs have you had to do along the way? What repairs!! Haha bike has been exceptional. I only had to repair seals and moving parts (chain, sprokets, etc). Water pump seals have to be replaced around 85k km and i had a oil temp sensor failure at 140k km. Most people don't get that far with their miles...but if you do, make sure to check your water pump seals. Most parts are available in capital cities in any country. Others, you just have to have those shipped to you or plan in advance (for tyres for instance). Pretty doable overall.
What does a legitimate Italian pizza look and taste like compared to western pizza? Italian pizza is better because of mozzarella and tomato sauce that they use when making it. Top quality stuff. Aside from that, pizza is good wherever. It depends also on how you like your pizza.
I hope to have the courage to also do something like this. What are some valuable things you’ve learned about solo travel? Things you wished you knew starting off. We tend to overthink a lot of stuff that eventually never happen. We always have fears that stop us...but in reality, all those bad thought are simply possibilities that may actually never really happen. So, more and worry less is certainly something I learned the hard way
Do you ever have any regrets? Lately I have been good in that sense. But maybe one day I ll wake up and have some...for not chosing the standard path of the average guy with wife and kids.
Maybe a bit of a selfish question but do people in N. America have trouble pronouncing your name? My Italian-American husband and I named our 5 month old Paolo. We live in Brooklyn so most people around us don't have an issue but I am not sure what it will be like if we ever move somewhere else or when he starts school. Also it's a beautiful name and I'm going to make sure to show our son your photos when he is old enough to understand travel and places and different people. :-D BEST QUESTION EVER! ahha
your son is going to have a tough time in an english speaking country! haha Jokes aside, the sound "Pao" doesn't really exists in english speaking people's most of the time I get called Paulo...or Pablo. Which is fine to me. But the correct pronunciation is Pà-olo with emphasis on the first syllable. I switched to Paul many times...
But aside from USA, Canada, UK, Australia and South Africa, your son will be just fine!
Also make sure he knows the the origins of the meaning of his name. Paolo was one of the closest friends of Jesus. His real name was Sauro, which means "the greatest", but then, after befriending Jesus, he changed his name in Paolo, which comes from the latin word Paulus, that means "small, tiny". I am not religious, but Indeed this story tells a bit of the significance of being humble.
U/paolo_0 what about sex and romantic relationships- friendships too. Do you maintain any relationships? If so, how do you maintain them? The romantic factor is almost inevitable when travelling so extensively. Eventually every traveller has a romantic affair with somebody that he/she met on the way. Weather is a local or another traveller, it is our natural tendency to mate, so...yeah. Kind of a tricky one! I personally tend to avoid to get into serious situations because my lifestyle is simply not compatible with conventional standards of monogamous relationships. The curse of the traveller is that you always have to it is counterproductive to get close to somebody and then drag that feeling for months, with you on the road. In my opinion it shifts the paradigm of travelling towards a specific and more visceral feeling of reuniting with a person that most likely is not going to be on your planned route.
Anyway, said this, i did have a long distance relationship before starting this trip and it sucked! Haha Hence I tend to avoid to make the same mistakes twice. But can never plan when to fall in love. Sometimes it just happens and you gotta roll with it. It hurts and it may even change your plans. Eventually one has to choose between the new person and the continuity of your solo trip.
what country did surprise you the most (good or bad) with their roads? did you come to Portugal? what did you dislike the most I loved Scotland! I had a great deal of luck with the that may have played a role. I did come to Portugal and it actually surprised me a lot!! Absolutely loved it! No wonder all retirees from europe want to move there! Algarve was spectacular. Loved Porto too.
Hello! First off, this is incredible, and a dream of mine. Unfortunately i'm an american with a crap load of college debt! I read your other answers and I just had a couple questions! 1. You mentioned your first night camping in a campground, and how it wasn't the best setting. As time went on did you just start setting up on the side of the road? or were there any other challenges finding camping spots when there wasn't a campsite hostile friends couch etc? 2. How safe did you feel when you were mostly alone camping in between citys/towns? Thank you so much for doing this AMA, hopefully one day I can do this! Hey! I am aware of how the US system sucks you in a world of debts but... I hope you will one day break free from it.
After my first night camping, I switched to couchsurfing and hostels right away. I was terrified of camping! ahha Then, one day I found a spot that was too beautiful to leave. I was by myself and It was quite remote. The balmy temperatures, the starry night and the beautiful sunrise over the ocean made me reconsider camping. After few more attempts I found out that camping in the wild was waaay better than sleeping in a crappy hostel or at some stranger's home. More privacy, quieter and cheaper too! Luckily for me, I had lost my camping virginity in Australia, one of the best and safest countries for camping in the world in my opinion. You are by yourself most of the times. Half of my trip around Australia I slept on the side of the road or in the bushes. I became an expert in starting small fires and cooking with no utensils. I realized that the "danger" in terms of safety for me and my motorcycle was directly related to the amount of people around me. So, the more desolated the area, the safest. Cities are clearly the opposite. Thanks for your questions.
I've been following your IG for about a year now I think, and I'm totally jealous. You've answered a few questions of mine on there, but I've got one for this AMA. Has KTM reached out to you for any kind of buyback type of deal for the bike, or any "free" stuff? Are they even aware? Do they care? I mean you're doing great advertising for them. I think I read something not too long ago where a man had a million-mile Honda Goldwing that Hinda wanted to buy back from him for research or something. Nope. KTM hasn't got in touch with me about bike endorsement. Saying this, tbe guys at KTM canada helped me a lot in servicing the bike while I was in Montreal.
KTM and Honda, or BMW have thousands of loyal customers that used their machines for long time. But they are not really obliged to reach out and saying "Thanks, here s a new bike". It would be a loss for them to give you free stuff.
What would you say is the key to happiness? I believe that to realise that we are insignificant and that nothing is meant to come our way, is the paradigm that we need to have to improve our sense of happiness. I found out that our constant sense of being unaccomplished comes from the high expectations that society places in our mind. We need to get always bigger, better, more stuff...but in reality it's an ephemeral race against ourselves. When you realise that we are just a little grain of dust, floating in the universe and that we matter little or nothing at all in this universe, everything coming your way becomes a gift. I found out that having less makes me happier and less worried.
I am not sure if this is the KEY to happiness for everybody, but I believe that keeping your feet on the ground, helps a great deal.
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but what kind of bank account do you have? Is it one that can be used internationally? And have you had any problems with converting your money to the currency of whatever country you’re in? Also what kind of a drone and phone do you have? Do you use your phone for most of your IG pics or your drone? I have citybank account and debit card that can be used internationally. I mostly withdraw money from ATMs and use paypal for online transactions.
Never had problems in converting into local currency.
I have a DJI Mavic Air and a Samsung Galaxy S9. I mostly use my phone for my photography, but these days, it is plenty in terms of resolution and image quality, if you share your content on social media. Occasionally I had some photos taken with a DSLR.
I have been following you on Instagram before. We have had very short conversations few times. Remember the dog which was chained all the times for more than a decade in the island in Greece? Any news from it? Do you plan on starting a patreon account so you can earn money on the way? And how hard is it now in the pandemic? Hey there!! Unfortunately that dog is still chained there. I spoke with several dog rescue centers and they couldn't do much about it. Ignorance is not curable Unfortunately.
I am not sure. Should i start a patreon account?? Asking people for money? Mmm Not quite there yet.
In planning for the trip, do you think about and have a backup plan for medical emergency or if you are jailed in some remote location? For example, money to bribe you out of a situation at a border or caught speeding. Accident and hospital stay. Also, was language a major barrier during the trip? Wow. Nope. Did not think about those things...haha but maybe I should have had! I do have a travel insurance that cover accidental hospitalization. Language wasn't a major deal breaker for me since i speak spanish and portuguese. Otherwise english is pretty common nowadays
Do you get lonely? Sometimes. When I do, I use reddit. ;) Jokes aside, I actually appreciate the time when I am truly alone. Finding those moments is a rarity, these days.
I also quit my job and sold everything. For me, it was to leave Canada and move to Tahiti. Isn't it liberating and freeing to give everything up to start over? Its not easy to give up everything for a calculated risk. For some it turns out poorly, but for others, its the best decision they have ever made. I've never seen anybody giving it a shot and turning out with something less. You always learn something about yourself...and it's always a great thing to clean up and start fresh!
Kudos to you, mate! You got sick waves there! ;)
Care to share your favorite recipe? Thai papaya salad. Shred green papaya, 1 carrot, 6 green beans. Prepare dressing with fish sauce, teaspoon of sugar, garlic (a lot), chili (a lot), and maybe 3-4 lime juices. Add few dried small shrimps and few sliced cherry tomatoes if you want, to garnish. Add a handful of peanuts.
How do you carry/retrieve money? I know in the US and such you can just go to an ATM or a bank, but in South America was it easy to withdraw your money? Did you have to pay much in fees? And I don't know if it is appropriate to ask if you carry a lot of cash with you haha It is the same everywhere in the world. there are bank circuits like MAESTRO or CIRRUS or VISA or MASTERCARD which are available worldwide. You can get money out of ATMs sometimes without fees if banks are affiliated.
Do you battle with a sense of purposlessness or dislocation? I clearly felt a sense of lack of purpose when I was living my normal life. A job sometimes absorbs you but doesn't really give you a reason to live. After my travels I can say that I found a new meaning to my life. I don't think I have to procreate...of find a partner. I think solitude and this kind of life suits me and gives me purpose, better than the one I had before to be honest.
Hey man I REALLY love what you do and I'm thinking of doing the same. I live in Greece and the idea of travelling around the world like this gives me goosebumps. Can you share some hot tips that you wish you knew before you started? Hey mate!! I love Greece! You guys have it good over there for riding! I wish I knew how little you really need to travel around. The secret is exactly to carry as little as possible. The lighter the better.
I've always wanted to do something like this, however it would be on foot. Do you think it would be significantly harder to do so, should I think about taking a car or bike with me? One of my inspiration is this japanese guy that I almost met in Ushuaia. Incredible story. He walked...from alaska to ushuaia. 6 years. Unbelievable adventure and definitely made mine look like too easy! Haha Look him up on facebook! Masahito Yoshida
By your own experience, do you think it would be safe enough to do this as a solo young woman? As I met several other solo travellers, including women, which share with me their personal experiences, I can say that it is indeed safe to travel alone as a woman.
What of your original motorcycle is left? Considering you would have undoubtedly had to have replaced bits Bike is still in original shape and form. Replaced the windshield and some inner plastics. But most of it is still the same. Never touched the engine
How much did you pay for your motorcycle? I bought it in December 2014. It was second hand. Had only 700 km on it though. Paid $19k Australian. You do the math in your currency. I saved for 8 months and sold my old bike to be able to buy it.
What about love? Do you sometimes feel like you would like to have someone with you on your trip? Nah. I am good. I thought about rescuing a stray dog or cat a couple of times...
Did you ever read Jupiter's Travels, or meet Ted Simon? Nope. But I heard it's a great book. He's one of the first guys that went around the world in modern times...
Why such a high performance motorcycle? I just bought my dream bike. the trip came afterwards...and I just used the bike I had.
What do you want written on your tombstone? I want to be cremated and thrown into the ocean. No engraving required. ;)
I plan to go on a motorcycle adventure in South America in the near future and I have to ask: were you afraid at any point? I live in Brazil, which is a very dangerous country, I ride mostly in my own city but sometimes I find myself very afraid, and there are places that I don't dare to go. I often wonder how would I deal with these problems being thousands of miles away from home. Yes mate. Brazil was probably the spookiest country I rode through in latin america. But danger is mostly concentrated in big cities, as you know... South america is pretty safe and generally speaking people will be more willing to help you than harm you. Do not worry too much. I was concerned about my safety too before my departure but then i realized that tv and news just gave me the wrong idea.
Haven’t seen this asked.... Do you carry a weapon? Have you ever been in a dangerous situation with thugs? I do not carry weapons. I am against weapons in general, but being from Europe this is kind of the way we grow up here. I assume you are from the USA... But no, there is no need to protect yourself till the point you have to risk your life to do it. If somebody wants to take my stuff and has a gun, I will happily give my stuff to him/her. It's just stuff. I wouldn't shoot anybody anyway.
the below is a reply to the above
I am from the USA! We clearly have a stereotype if me simply asking about a weapon gives it away lol 😅 Im happy you haven’t been put in a situation with the wrong people. Thanks for taking the time to do this AMA. Your life is quite fascinating and I admire your ability to break from the norm and take such an adventure that this beautiful world has to offer :) I hope you didn't take my comment in a negative way. I love USA and I've travelled throughout the country, other than living in it for few years. I met incredibly inspiring people and i ve also learned so much from your way of living. I do understand the reason behind carrying a weapon. It makes sense there. USA is a massive country and there is a sense of need of protecting yourself in many ways. In most of USA people grow up with weapons because...of hunting! It's part of the culture and I respect it. Considering also that you are allowed to carry a weapon and shoot for self defense in many states... But around the world we just assume nobody has a yeah, it works either way.
PuggerHugger123: Are you still using your Australian license plate? Im assuming you might get issues at borders or weird looks from people in different countries. I live in europe and our license plates have a letter representing our country (as you have probably seen). I have also seen some non-EU license plates from eastern europe, but thats it... mccannisms: I was wondering this too - I was told to not bring my bike from Canada to Aus permanently as part of the roadworthy involves checking the frame by drilling into it and would possibly completely damage said frame. How does insuring a bike for international travel work? Ok, I still have my NSW license plate on. People don't care. At the border they just check if the name on your bike papers is the same on your driver license/passport. If so, you are good to go. You can import ANY vehicle in Australia I believe as far as you owned the vehicle at least for one year. Then there is the inspection and everything, but if there is a similar vehicle already in the country, it doesn't need to be tested for "roadworthiness". As per insurance, you have to get one for every country you enter. Except EU where you get the "Green card" which is valid for all Eu countries.
A guy I used to work with Peter Corboy did this back in the 2000's. You know him? Sorry, I do not know him.
Hey mate, really nice to read your story and the comments! I’ll be doing a similar thing in a few years, I was worried about going out on a brand new bike (Yamaha Tenere 700) absolutely love this bike but after hearing your story about going on a big ass brand new KTM you give me hope! I was worried about it possibly being stolen somewhere.. apart from parking it inside wherever possible do you have any other tips? Do you use disk lock/use a bike cover? And also.. do you not think your bike is a bit too big? Are you able to pick it up ok and does it ever limit some of the off road routes you may want to take? Really inspirational story mate.. it’s all I dream about, I’ve backpacked to like 65 countries and within the past few years realised overland motorcycle adventure is where the fun really is.. the freedom! Hey mate, congrats on your bike selection. I've heard great stuff about the T7. About the "bike getting stolen"'s not really a thing. Just be careful in big cities and if if you leave it parked with your belongings on it for too long. I mean...seriously just common sense. the 1190 is big and heavy but I managed. When fully loaded it floats around 300kg so yeah...not a walk in the park... but most of the times I was fine. Just sand riding gets hard. In case, make sure you always park inside the property where you stay at night and remove all your belongings from it, even if you decide to go for hard panniers (which I don't recommend). Unfortunately, if somebody wants to steal your bike there's very little/nothing you can do about it. But again, most of the times you'll be fine.
I guess this is more of a question in general rather than specifically related to your journey on the motorcycle. But how did you manage leaving behind family and friends to pursue your own lifestyle? Im a bit envious of the whole experience, but I also can't imagine living more than 100 miles away let alone living in multiple different countries and traveling the world. Was it difficult to do? Or did your family and friends support or need you in any way that wouldn't be doable with you travelling, or was it simply "this is what I want" and you go do it without much of a care? It is hard to leave your family and lifelong friends behind to pursue a dream...but it is the price to pay for these kind of experiences.
Sometimes it s hard to be by yourself and to realize that you are alone, far away from people who love you and support you no matter what...but it is also a forging experience to be so exposed. It builds character and it allows you to become more independent, which is a key point for any kind of relationship in your life.
It is difficult and scary and all of the above. But it is a necessary process for personal growth and development.
Your family and friends will understand you...and support your choices if they truly love you.
Hey Paolo, great story and a wonderful thing to do! I also love riding trough different countries, and my big dream is it, to ride from Monaco di Baviera to SEA. So here‘s my question: how do you get all the permits for entering countries? Visa etc? Ever had any passport/visa issues? Especially with corona lockdowns? Ever entered somewhere over the green border? Do you have any kind of bike/health insurance? Have a good ride. Stay save! If you happen to be in Monaco, let me know for dinner and a bed:) Cheers mate!! If you plan on riding to SEA from here, you will need a Carnet de Passage for your vehicle. Get in touch with the automobile club of your country for more info...but it is not cheap. Visawise, as german, you won't have any issues entering countries. Simply google "visa allowances german citizens" and wikipedia will tell you what to do and how to prepare for your trip. Never had any issues at the border so far. Only in USA maybe. Haha They didn't like the fact that I wanted to tour their country for more than 3 months. I have a worldwide travel insurance with worldnomads which covers me in case of hospitalization. Bike insurance have to be issue in every country you ride in. But i think in germany there may be a worldwide insurance for motorcycles too. You need to check there. Now with covid all travels are restricted. May have to wait a bit for your adventure.
How does your family feel about feeding and housing you with the money they work for while you go ride your bike? Did you think about them when you threw your financial stability away? Would you go back to work if they threw you out on the street? Did you know that in the eyes of an employer you lose your degree when you dont use it for 4 years? And, they also won't hire you for lesser positions because you are over qualified. Thanks for your lovely question. I support myself for my travels and my family can take care of itself. I tried to send money back, but they seem to be fine without me. I do not need to be financially stable to be happy. I believe my family is ok to simply let me sleep in my backyard with my tent, in case they don't want me in their house anymore. Otherwise yeah. I may look for a job to pay rent...or a workaway experience. I do not want to work for an employer that diminishes my expertise because i decided to live my life instead of sitting in front of a computer for 4 years. I also do not have to go back to the same industry I was working before. Do i need a computer engineering degree to be a brick layer? I wont be so sure about the overqualified thing. I got hired as truck washer with my degree in engineering.
Hey man, what you are doing is cool. One small question, how about your life insurance? Since you are travelling to different countries, how do you manage it? Also, if you get a chance, go to India mate, it's one of the best things ever You can get travel insurance with worldwide coverage. Worldnomads is one of the companies that provide this kind of service.
Not knowing your lifestyle b4 this adventure, What specifically did you notice you had to adjust immediately? Protein and water obviously but what did you find you were going to really need to keep going? I actually noticed that i didn't need so much food to keep going. Water yes...but food intake could be minimized. When you don't have your 9-5 routine anymore, you can simply eat whenever you want...without fixed hours. In the long run you ll simply adapt to new food intake quantities which are usually less than a regular working man.
How do you go about servicing your bike? I change the oil in my bike every 6 months regardless of kms, sometimes its only does about 2000kms in between those services. I service my bike every 7000km. sometimes even 10000km. but my bike holds 4kg of oil in the engine so it is quite a lot. like a small size car.
Ciao Paulo; Do you think there are too many people in the world, especially with this Coronavirus breakout and all these riots taking place? Thanks, Richard There are a lot of people on this planet. Yes. Maybe it s not a matter of overpopulation but a matter of changing the way we create resources to sustain people and our world. We certainly need to "step our game up".
Which countries in the world have you visited thus far, at least a general idea, and which are you planning to visit? Good luck on your journey! A map of my travels is visible on my profile here or on my insta.
"No mechanical or electrical issues in the whole trip." Seriously? That's amazing! Not a single mechanical issue? Zero mechanical issues. I fried my engine oil temp gauge around 140k km...but that was an easy fix. Found it used online for 40 bucks and that was about it.
How safe do you feel on your adventure? Would love to do something similar but sounds difficult as a solo woman... Please look on the internet. There are so many inspiring women out there travelling solo! Don't let misinformation deter you for chasing such a beautiful dream!
What were some of your favorite places? I'm currently on the panamerican highway with a van. Well done, mate! Cheers mate!! Well well.. baja california is a dream! Ecuador and peru are also fantastic to be done in a van. Just make sure you get to go to Chiloe and Carretera Austral in Chile. Have fun !!
Hello Paolo did you plan to write a book about your experience? I would be first in line to buy it... Reddit would probably be the first place I would advertise it to! Haha Not in my plans at the moment. Thanks for the encouragement though!
Have you ever been really scared that you've driven into a place where you could get robbed or worse? Rode through a couple of favelas in mistake. And yes, eventually the thought of getting stopped and "questioned" crossed my mind. But fortunately nothing happened.
What is your favorite food you ate while traveling and what's the best place you have been? I am a sucker for a good Chevice (raw seafood). Although it seems that the best chevice is Peruvian, I loved mexican one. I mean, I probably had the best one in Baja. Absolutely mind blowing.
Meat based stuff instead I have to say that Hornado in Ecuador can't be beat. Mouth watering stuff. And I am not a big fan of meat.
Have you had any negative experiences through your journey? (Violence, theft, etc) Negative experiences were maybe 1% of the whole thing. Just lessons to be learned and move on, really. Nothing really too bad.
Did you get your tools back? The one's that were stolen a while back in Vancouver? Nope. Had to buy new ones. Ouch
Did you record places you went? Photos, videos, journals, anything like that? Yes. It's all on instagram. And youtube. check it out!
Wich Latin american countries did you visit? And wich was your favorite one? Wich Latin american countries did you visit? And wich was your favorite one?
How did you manage to travel that far on a motorcycle without crashing? I did crash! Mostly while riding offroad or on sand. Got footage of that too! Haha
Australian resident? Then you'll know what "pretentious wanker" means? Fair dinkum!
do you wear “riding gear” with pads, etc. when on the motorcycle? Yes I do. But it's not absolutely necessary to do so. I rode around Australia with jeans and tshirt. Not safe, but yeah... The problem with not wearing protection is the "trip stopper" factor. Let's say you get into an accident. If nothing happens it's all good. But if you are wearing sneakers and not boots, you are most likely to hurt yourself. And that could stop your trip for a month or more. So, yeah. Not necessary, but definitely recommended
You put 180,000km on that KTM and had no mechanical issues?!?!? I know right?!?! Incredible!
Have you ever been to Estonia, are you planning on it, if not? I have few friends there actually. But now my biggest enemy is covid to be honest. I would love to visit!
Were you in Newfoundland, Canada June 2019 u/paolo_0 ? Nope! I wish though!
What do you miss the most about “normal” life? having a workout routine. I always relied on my physical condition to endure stress and fatigue...but with constant travelling I kind of lacked of physical exercise. I missed that for sure.
How painfull is your ass after a day driving? I believe I have calluses now... Ouch
How do you deal with being lonely sometimes? I chat with people. :) Sounds like a silly answer but...
You weren't around Zion in 2016 by chance? Nope.
Do you have any children? I do not. Never married
Are you on instagram?
How is your back? I am looking for a new one on ebay... ;)
submitted by 500scnds to tabled [link] [comments]

My story of getting from low A1 to B1 Spanish in a month

Hey guys, I wanted to share my experience of improving quickly from total beginner to intermediate in this short period of time, in the hopes that it might help others who are trying to find the quickest ways to improve in a second language. As you can see from my flair, I am also intermediate in German, but I would say that despite having lived there for 18 months, I actually managed to learn more Spanish in the last 6 weeks despite living in Australia. Of course, there is a big difference in that I'm currently unemployed and so have totally devoted myself to Spanish study (6+ hours a day since April 1) but in Germany I was also working 8 hours a day in a warehouse where people only spoke German, so I was pretty immersed there too.
I am now at the level where I can read decently. I finished The Alchemist and The Little Prince, and am reading Harry Potter, a novel called Una Historia de Ayer, and The Open Veins of Latin America (although this is too hard for me ATM, I do find use from it, which I'll explain later). I read the news in Spanish every day. Despite the fact that I've barely been speaking to anyone in Spanish, today I had a one-hour conversation with a tutor from iTalki about the coronavirus situation in Australia and Columbia, our travel plans, some consulting work I'm doing, our careers, raising a guide dog puppy, etc, and I also wrote this explanation of my experience in Spanish, so I think it's fair to say that I'm at a pretty genuine B1 level after less than six weeks.
Underpinning my approach is the idea that you can't speak anything you can't write or understand spoken, and you can't write or understand spoken anything you can't read, so my focus has been on improving my reading ability as much as possible, and letting listening, writing and speaking ability follow naturally from that. I think a lot of people focus on speaking and listening (e.g. watching series/films in their target language) early on, but I think this is a big mistake if your goal is to improve to a B2 or C1 level relatively quickly, as it's much harder to absorb vocabulary when you can't easily re-read passages or might mis-hear certain words (especially in content aimed at natives which may use slang and speak very fast). You will also make mistakes in speaking that are pointless for a native to correct. I am not advocating for ignoring listening and speaking, but I suggest massively de-prioritising it in favour of reading.
I started my learning using Language Transfer Complete Spanish podcast, which explains the basics of pronunciation, grammar, and moves quickly to carry the listener through to some advanced B1 grammar through its 15-20 hours of content. This podcast gives a good skeleton of the language, with the most useful verbs and grammatical structures, skipping over some specific stuff that would be considered "basic" but won't really help you understand the language much better. LT have quite a few languages on there, but hopefully there are similar resources in other TLs.
Once there is a basic grammatical understanding, we need to add some vocab. Anki is a great tool for building vocab, but I really don't recommend downloading premade decks. Vocabulary only makes sense in context, and is much easier to learn in context, so I would use written texts to acquire vocab and Anki to reinforce the memorisation of the words. For this, I recommend using bilingual texts, until you can start to read normal books or news articles in your language. I would also strongly recommend using a Kindle if you can, as it lets you instantly look up words you don't know, not to mention that you can download samples of books (or whole books) instantly.
I got Anki about 10 days into April, and it's been great: I've used it to learn and memorise over 3000 cards (1500+ words and their reverse translations).
I mentioned earlier that a goal of mine is to read Las Venas Abiertas de América Latina, which I imagine I'd need to be at least a decent B2 to read without translating too much. I'm going to travel to Latin America as soon as quarantine is over, and history interests me, so this is the perfect goal text for me. Right now, it's too difficult - the writer is also a poet, and he uses very colourful language, at least in the introduction. But dipping into a single page of this book every few days means I can see struggle through some advanced use of the language, find some vocab that is relevant to my interests of politics and Latin America, and find some phrases where I understand the meaning of most of the words but the meaning is slighty different, for example "el engranaje universal del capitalismo". I didn't know what "engranaje" meant, but the other words are quite obvious to any English speaker. "Engranaje" means "gear". It's not a comfortable direct translation, but we understand the meaning, so we can make a mental note of one way that word is used in Spanish, and pick up the word "gear" in a pretty memorable way. I also made it into an Anki card.
I also mentioned reading news articles. I highly recommend reading articles or blogs on topics that interest you, but ideally have a native check they they are well-written. I made the mistake of reading some opinion pieces from a Colombian newspaper and making Anki cards of some words/phrases I found surprising, only to be told by a tutor on iTalki that the articles weren't very well written. I also made a similar mistake of reading half the stories from a book called Cuentos de la Selva / Stories from the Jungle, which was written in 1919. It's apparently a pretty classic bit of Latin American literature, and it's aimed at kids, but of course being 100 years old it uses some outdated language, and I wasted a bit of time trying to learn some weird vocab related to animals of the South American jungle from 100 years ago (e.g. the verb that described what some fish were doing as they were "leaning out" onto the riverbank applauding the dancing snakes...)
In the first 4 weeks I made a LOT of progress and got really comfortable reading things that I actually found interesting (The Alchemist, news articles) and listening to a podcast called the Intermediate Spanish Podcast which talks about topics that interest me, with a native speaker speaking clearly and avoiding super complicated language. I could also listen to the news in Spanish with decent comprehension.
About a week ago I added a site called "kwiziq" into the mix, which is only available in Spanish and French - this is basically an online grammar textbook, or Duolingo on steroids. I did their placement test, which placed me at B2, but I actually made a few errors on the A2 content, so it had me studying A2 lessons at first. At first, my ego was hurt, and I wanted the challenge and prestige of doing the B1/B2 grammar, but then I started to realise that there were big gaps in my understanding of bits of the basic grammar. I swallowed my pride and focused my studies on this, and I seem to have a full grasp of everything in their A2 curriculum, making good progress through B1 (a lot of which I already learned weeks ago in the Complete Spanish podcast).
I recommend trying to write before you try to speak, too: Text friends who speak your TL, or even just write short basic essays on topics that interest you. e.g. I wrote a quick 250 word text about Australian funnel web spiders for my Mexican friend. You might also want to try something like journal entries. Ideally, someone would check them for you, but I think the process of producing the language is probably more important than necessarily perfecting the text/grammar at that moment.
Now that I'm at the stage where I can consume interesting content in my target language, I can be a bit more passive about how I learn. I don't need to create Anki cards for every new word I want to learn, as I will no doubt come across it again in the content I'm consuming. More importantly, studying is now not nearly as much of a chore. The next goal is to get to the level of being able to consume content that's intended for intelligent, adult native speakers, e.g. Las Venas Abiertas, or the novels of Gabriel García Márques, Isabelle Allende, and Carlos Ruiz Zafón.
Hopefully this story/advice is helpful - I would imagine that the less similar your language to English, the less helpful my advice will be. But hopefully it's helpful nonetheless. Happy learning! And let me know if anyone has any questions...
submitted by BreezerD to languagelearning [link] [comments]

A Small Review About My Stay In London.

Hello loves <3 I'm writing a review about my overall impression of London. I went there twice, two years and I stayed for approximately two weeks. Quarantine inspired me to do this. I was supposed to write a review about every country I have been to but I forgot to post this one... but fear not here it comes. :D ( I hope I'm posting this on the right sub).
  1. FOOD: The food was either a big hit or miss there was no middle ground. Most of the foods that I ate in restaurants-pubs were of low quality and I really couldn't eat them. (Luckily my brother who isn't very picky about his own food ate whatever I left ). On the positive side, there was a big variety of foreign cuisines which I greatly enjoyed and generally, I found most of the food prices reasonable as well - a big plus for a foodie like me. Unfortunately, I can't comment on your beers -which I know most of you take great pride in- cause I don't drink but my sister who does, has only good things to say. I'm also a big fan of your small packaged junk foods like chips and chocolates -I could use some of these back home.
  2. HISTORY: You have a pretty controversial history with both good and dark moments and although our countries relationships haven't always been the best I'm very interested in your history which I find very impressive and unique.
  3. LANGUAGE: I grew up listening to English songs so the language never seemed foreign to me. Unfortunately, I can't remember how it first sounded to me I only remember that I was annoyed sometimes because it seemed as if people were intentionally dragging the words which is exactly what they did since English has each own stress system which is very different from my native language hence why I couldn't understand why they were doing that. it just seemed weird to me. Other than that, I love the language!! It has opened huge sources of information and enables me to communicate with so many people from so many different countries that I couldn't otherwise do. The only downsides that I can think of are the pronunciation and the phrasal verbs both of which are insane! Also for some reason, while I can understand English when I'm hearing it in movies and stuff I was often unable to do so when I was in London. I have no idea why but it seemed to me like people were speaking very quietly almost as if they were mumbling.
Okay, that's it :)
PS: I would like to hear your own impressions about the different countries you have been to!!
submitted by Laxesi to CasualUK [link] [comments]

In Love with an Algerian

Just to give a bit of context:
I have recently come out of what will likely be the greatest relationship of my life. She was and of course still is strong, smart, considerate and stunning. Mostly importantly, she is a good person and the kind of person you could only dream of as a soulmate.
We broke up several months ago due to my deceitful behaviour; I brought in a lot of baggage into our relationship. Things I had repressed and lied to myself about for years. What’s worse is that I ran into my ex in a foreign city, with whom I had a long, tough and manipulative relationship, and swept up with alcohol I cheated. It was something I am deeply ashamed of and kept to myself, disgusted by who I had become. I am still working on myself daily and the issues that led to me making the choices I did. Seeing this extreme low as an opportunity to better understand my psyche and underlying issues I had buried for too long.
She found out and as you can imagine, she rightfully no longer wants to speak to me. As hard as it is, I have accepted that she no longer wants anything to do with me and I can’t blame her. She gave me everything I could have every dreamt of and yet I was too selfish and ungrateful to know at the time. I was scared to open up about all my issues and be seen for what I truly was. But that's enough heartache and context for one Reddit post.
Now the reason for my post:
For almost six months I have been attempting to learn Derja. It all started with my love for the words warda and hayati and that quickly snowballed into my desire to write a love poem in Derja, something that took time and dedication for a special person. Each time I tried to speak or write in the language it made me feel closer to her and that gave me immense comfort in a very low moment of my life. It’s weird how language, similarly to music, can bring you instantly to a place of treasured emotions and memories. I also fantasised about a day where I would be able to see her again and I could surprise her with my Derja. Seeing as that will likely never happen this has not deterred me from continuing my love for the culture and language. It would be amazing to visit some of the many historic sites or cities of Algeria someday. Making the most out of the quarantine as well as my admiration of Derja, I wanted to check if there were any good English resources online to continue my studies. I can primarily find basic phrases and words for Moroccan Derja; is there anywhere I can specifically find Algerian Derja? Or should I focus on just Moroccan Arabic as a starting point, since it seems to be the most visible online? Additionally, is there a place where I can find good spoken tutorials? As the pronunciation sometimes confuses me.
Also, I miss her amazing Algerian cooking so much... I don’t think I’ve ever tried food with so much spice or flavour and wanted to see if I could recreate some of them, especially burak. Is there a good website online I can find some tasty traditional recipes for Algerian cooking?
Any advice would be hugely appreciated.
submitted by Modern-Hannibal to algeria [link] [comments]

About the usage of Glagolitic in the Witcher games

Disclaimer: I tried to crosspost this from witcher, but Reddit said that the URL was invalid.
Since I'm quarantined I have a lot of extra time, and I for a time I wanted to delve into how Glagolitic is used in the Witcher games, and this post by redditor DoctorHaid (I don't tag hehim because I already did in the other post) triggered me today to do it. Here's what I got.
First of all, here's the original Glagolitic script. It seems that the script is used in two ways: one that is phonetical and another as a transliteration. By this I mean that:
For the transliteration the same redditor DoctorHaid provided this alphabet. Thanks! It certainly matches many usages of Glagolithic, but unfortunately not all.
The Witcher 2 seems to be the most consistent with the usage of the script. Many posters are all in Polish:
In Witcher 3, on the other hand, I have found oddities, and sometimes I suspect that they changed the alphabet!
There are a lot of more signs and posters in The Witcher 3, and I haven't checked them all, but finally I can confirm that Glagolitic has had two uses in the Witcher games: to write in proper Polish (using phonetic values) and to transliterate English (or other languages) sentences.
Sweet mother of mercy, what a quarantine can do!
submitted by NachoFailconi to wiedzmin [link] [comments]

Created A Memory Card Game to Study My Japanese Vocab

My classes just started back up again, and in order to learn the new chapter kanji list and make things a little more fun, I created a memory game using flashcards. On one card, I wrote the kanji. On the other, I wrote the hiragana pronunciations, and on the last card, I wrote the English translation. I placed a few sets of cards down at a time face-up, set a timer for ten seconds to study the cards, and then flipped them over. I set a one minute timer for myself to match the cards correctly and often finished with some time left over. Considering that this was not a computer game, I did my best to not cheat and be a fair player.
I felt pretty proud of myself for coming up with this idea (don't know if anyone else has done this before) and for it working out so well, so I thought I'd share it with you guys. Anyone else come up with creative studying techniques during the quarantine?
submitted by animehobbit4 to LearnJapanese [link] [comments]

Bilingual mode not triggering

My husband and I are primary English speakers, but have spoken Spanish on and off since high school, and are OK at conversational Spanish. Yesterday, one of our Alexas informed us that they had a bilingual mode where it should automatically pick up which language you are using. We thought this would be an excellent way to practice our Spanish (especially with quarantine and not traveling), so we set our devices to English/Espanol (United States).
She absolutely will not pick up on the Spanish. My pronunciation is good, and we even tried having my desktop computer "speak spanish" commands just in case I was crazy about my pronunciation. I eventually got her to set an alarm in Spanish, but I could not get her to set a timer. Every time I have tried to speak to her today in Spanish, she gets confused or "doesn't know that".
What am I doing wrong? Is there some kind of trigger word that switches her from one language to the other? I tried starting a question with "Hola, Alexa", but that did not work.
submitted by UnicornHorn to alexa [link] [comments]

What are Chinese people talking about online? - 2/4/20

Context: As a long time Chinese redditor, I have been feeling more unwelcome than ever these past few months. China is a place where real people live and continue to live. To add a bit of humanity to the people I want to translate the top 25 threads on Zhihu (kind of like a Chinese reddit). I’m simply translating what is there from Chinese to English. I will try to provide context the best I can and try to avoid any biases. If you want me to go into details regarding any specific thread, please tell me in the comments.
1) What is the status of the new coronavirus nationally? [Pinned to top]
2) What’s your opinion on the author of “My Hero Academi'' naming the new villain in the comic after the nick-name given to the victims of human experimentation by Unit 731 in World War 2?
3) How difficult is it actually to build the Leishenshang and Huoshenshang hospitals in such a short time?
4) As of 2/3/20 nationally there are 20438 cases of the coronavirus and 425 deaths. What is the situation on the front lines?
5) Is the song “野狼Disco” plagiarized?
6) Any tips on where I can buy face masks?
7) What will happen if you text a girl “Good morning” and “Good night” for 100 days straight?
8) How do you know which of your QQ friends are following you?
9) People who got a tattoo for their Ex, or got their Ex’s name tattooed. Do you regret it?
10) What’s your opinion on “Naked Run Kid” - who piloted a plane at 5, wrote a biography at 6, and graduated college at 11? Do you agree with this “Eagle Style Parenting”?
12) Who’s the most uncultured man you’ve ever met?
12) What’s your opinion on the container hospitals built in three Wuhan districts? Why were those three districts picked?
13) How much does Li Jiahang love “iPartment”
14) Remdesivir is rapidly moving towards phase III testing in China, how long till it will be ready?
15) In a twist, the Musician behind “野狼Disco” says there is no plagiarism, what’s your opinion?
16) How do you rate director Chen Sicheng?
17) What's one thing you learned in “Honor of Kings” that made the game feel easy and improved your rank?
18) Which actors/actresses are remembered for playing two contrasting parts?
19) Why can’t the restaurant industry make all lattes milk?
20) How do you handle an angry girlfriend?
21) What is the most disgusting 5 man line up in “Honor of Kings”?
22) How long were you in a long-distance relationship? Did you end up staying together?
23) What gifts have you received from a “straight man”?
24) Is Pinduoduo really as terrible as the reviews online?
25) All Hangzhou districts and offices are observing closed-off management, what’s the situation like?
submitted by TerrieristTom to China [link] [comments]

quarantine pronunciation in english video

How to Pronounce TOMATO in British and American English ... How To Pronounce Quarantine - YouTube How to pronounce PRONUNCIATION in British English - YouTube How to pronounce MEASURE in British English - YouTube How to pronounce AMATEUR in British English - YouTube

Definition von quarantine. enforced isolation of patients suffering from a contagious disease in order to prevent the spread of disease; isolation to prevent the spread of infectious disease; place into enforced isolation, as for medical reasons; Synonyme von quarantine. Aussprache von isolate isolate [en] Aussprache von partition partition [en] This is the British English pronunciation of quarantine. View American English pronunciation of quarantine. View main entry Pronunciations of related words +-quarantine noun. Previous and next +-quantum of damages. quantum theory. quarantine. quarantine. quark. quarrel. quarrel. Share this entry . Quizzes. Vocabulary quiz: trending words of 2020. Take the quiz now . Social. Twitter. Facebook ... noun. /ˈkwɒrəntiːn/. /ˈkwɔːrəntiːn/. [uncountable] jump to other results. a period of time when an animal or a person that has or may have a disease is kept away from others in order to prevent the disease from spreading. in quarantine The dog was kept in quarantine for six months. quarantine regulations. quarantine pronunciation. How to say quarantine. Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. Learn more. Schauen Sie auf Youtube nach Tutorials wie man 'quarantine' ausspricht. Top English pronunciation queries: 1-100 , 101-200 , 201-300 , 301-400 , 401-500 , 500+ YouGlish for: Here are 4 tips that should help you perfect your pronunciation of 'quarantine': Break 'quarantine' down into sounds: [KWORR] + [UHN] + [TEEN] - say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. Record yourself saying 'quarantine' in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen. You'll be able to mark your mistakes quite easily. Here are 4 tips that should help you perfect your pronunciation of 'quarantine': Break 'quarantine' down into sounds: [KWORR] + [UHN] + [TEEN] - say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. Record yourself saying 'quarantine' in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen. You'll be able to mark your mistakes quite easily. quarantine Aussprache. Wie man quarantine ausspricht. Audioaussprache auf Englisch anhören. Erfahren Sie mehr. How to say quarantine in English? Pronunciation of quarantine with 4 audio pronunciations, 6 synonyms, 3 meanings, 15 translations, 26 sentences and more for quarantine. quarantine - translation to Irish Gaelic and Irish Gaelic audio pronunciation of translations: See more in New English-Irish Dictionary from Foras na Gaeilge

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How to Pronounce TOMATO in British and American English ...

Welcome to ForB's English lesson video! This time Gabriella and Richard are going to explain how to pronounce "tomato" in British and American English. For o... This video shows you how to pronounce MEASURE in British English. Speaker has an accent from the English Midlands. This video shows you how to pronounce AMATEUR in British English. Speaker has an accent from Greenock, Scotland. This video shows you how to pronounce PRONUNCIATION in British English. Speaker has a Received Pronunciation accent. Learn how to say Quarantine with EmmaSaying free pronunciation tutorials.

quarantine pronunciation in english

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